All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Treasure yourself. Treasure. Treat-as-sure-ly as if you will need to face your own image with Love in every ensuing moment of your life.

    Treasure those around you. Treat them as surely as you would treat the self whom you will need to face, in the mirror, every single remaining day of your earthly life, for they, and all you have done and are doing, will always be in your consciousness with you. Learning to live ion the Joy of the moment is very related to living each moment as one that will not poison the following moments with sorrow or cringing memories. Trying to live so that there is little to forgive in yourself, and then forgiving quickly, others and yourself, is the easier, and Best, path to treasuring others and yourself.

    Ah, if you knew how greatly we treasure you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No human prescription is as easy as this:

    Get quiet and still, and meditate upon the delightful Qualities of God. All of them are delightful. Do not believe that God is anything but Loving.

    Mediate upon the Qualities. Let thoughts of them float up in your quiet mind, and when one seems to particularly glow to you, ponder how you as an individual reflect that Quality, and how you could demonstrate It even more.

    Delight in yourself as an able reflection of that wondrous aspect of Creation. Delight in God, and delight in yourself, and see how much better you feel.

    Truth heals and reveals when you let It; when you ponder It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Still your own thoughts, and wait for the Will of God.

    It will not fail you.

    It Loves you deeply and True.

    “It Loves me. It Loves me. It Loves me.”

    Keep this in your thoughts today, and let Joy bubble up.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid. Only Good can come from believing in the Goodness of Me, that is All in All.

    Trusting in the Good with ALL your heart truly means ALL. You cannot turn over to ME just most of your life and your decisions, and keep apart a little corner of your own wishes with regards to a certain person or certain old pleasures. You can trust Me that I do want the Best of each and every one to shine forth, and leave the Governance of others to me. Each and every soul evolves upward to remembrance of Me. Let that happen at the appropriate pace for each, as I have seen right to do, and keep your eyes on My Love for you. Let me unfold you at the proper pace for you. Try to focus on your Love and trust of Me.

    I will help you do that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you forget, or simply set aside, your human emotional needs, and radiate the Divine Love that seeks to flow through you, you will feel Its delight.

    Those that already are familiar with this Love will be drawn to you. Those who are ready to remember and know this Love will hear It calling to them, and come near.

    Those who are just not ready to let go of their completely material view, and begin to sense the Spiritual, will be afraid to be near the Truth of Love. Love them from afar, silently and tenderly, and know that Love Itself will take them in hand, in perfect timing for all.

    As ever, with you and around you, and through you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your worth and goodness are what God made you and knows you to be.

    If a human personality is criticizing and condemning you, ask God directly if your thought and behavior needs any correction, and respond appropriately. And, ask God to show you the other person as they truly are, as made by God, for the costumes of fear and anger that lead to cruel behavior are truly not of God.

    Ask to experience the shining Being you are as Spirit of God’s Making, and ask to discern the other as a wondrous Being of God’s Making.

    When you can see and know yourself and everyone as the Pure expressions of Loving God, you will realize you are living in Heaven now.

    We see your Good Loveliness, dear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We see where your thoughts go, when humanness and a feeling of being separate from others, overtake your God-Given Compassion and Love.

    Have mercy on others, as you hope they have mercy for you, and as you KNOW God has shown you, and is showing you. Nip any thoughts of competition or judgment in the bud, and have mercy, mercy, mercy.

    And, Beloved, have mercy on yourself as well. The pitfalls of the human condition are not easy to overcome, We know. But with Divine Thoughts bearing you aloft, it CAN be done.


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved, Beloved,

    The more willingness and desire you show from your heart to Know the ways of the Loving Source, the more grandly and quickly It will show Itself to you.

    The Source does not force, but It rejoices as you turn towards wanting to understand your nature and Spiritual form, and It comes RUNNING out to meet you with Gladness.

    Have a heart to run towards Love as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give away some objects today.

    Savor your attachment to weightless, pure, ever-renewable Divine Love.

    Divine Love moves with you wherever you go, easy to carry, untaxed, and free.

    “Here I Am, Dear One, carry Me, carry Me. Firmly attached to thee.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes one will realize first that The One Creative Source is truly the fount of everything, or to put it in religious terms, “All Glory be to God.” When that awareness deepens, then one more fully understands that the One Source is also responsible for everything, or that “God/Goddess is Divine Parent of us all”, and then the “magic” happens, of simply relaxing into that Care, that Creation. Then, the sublime relief of feeling sustained and maintained and gently put in order can finally give one the complete sense of freedom that comes with choosing to release into the playfully Glad, calmly Loving Creator’s Care.

    Perfectly expanding with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expect Good. Know that Good is the Truth and expect it. Expect the path to open and widen. Expect the opportunities to arrive and be clear. Expect the courage and joy from the Infinite to fuel your inspirations and actions. Expect Good and take comfort, and even pleasure, from those expectations, like looking forward to a wonderful surprise.

    When you put the ball into another’s hands, you must trust his timing of when to throw that ball sweetly through the hoop. When you cast your cares to God, trust the arc of events to be in God’s timing, too.

    Trust Good, and the timing of Good. In trust is the freedom you crave.

    In such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take solace and joy and strength today from the Wondrous Consistency of God’s Love. Let yourself sink into the feel of It like settling into the cozy embrace of a familiar bed.

    Is not the constancy of Divine Love’s Love for you an amazing and glorious thing? Human interests and affections and titles and careers and tastes and activities will all come and go, but the steady rapport of your heart and mind with God Heart and Mind is always, always there, if you but turn to It.

    Choose your phrase, choose your prayer or song, for the day, and contemplate the Truth of Life that is your Source. And be very, very Glad of It today. It can be as simple as repeating in your mind, “The Wonder of God’s Love”, and God will help you sense the fullness of Love’s Embrace. By whatever name, and from whatever tribe, you call to Love/Life/Spirit/Mind/Harmony, It hears you within Itself, and is delighted to answer.

    Grow accustomed to calling to It, and soon you will feel It with you all the time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn to God, turn to whatever scripture or song or poetry or prose that inspire and uplift you. Turn to the friends that know and support and love you, and remind you of your worth. Cultivate new connections of Good Soul and Wisdom and fellowship.

    Yes, Love, it is good to stretch your abilities and your talents and patience as you spiritually grow clearer, but there are times when it is best to rest from the challenges and the challengers, and simply renew in the soothing Calm of friendly Joy.

    Seek it today, Beloved. And never forget that God is always your friend, WANTING to walk and talk with you in the Garden of the Creative Mind.

    It is the Home of all that is true,


  • Ah, Divine Mirror, let me see, the truth of the Best that is meant to be.

    Relaxing into blissful humility, I know You know the desires you wrote for me.

    When, in silence, I let them come welling up in the heart awareness of me,

    I see, I see, how well they match the Best for me.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    All things and people can come to have a new meaning and appearance to you, if you accept the NEW Sight that Divine Perception offers you, just as being handed golden lensed or rose colored glasses changes how things appear.

    But, when handed the Sight of Truth, and willingly donned, you SEE the Truth of all as Spirit, with Spirit’s Worth and form and Joy and purpose, rather than just a gloss of new color.

    Let that Inner Sight guide you today. Beloved. Be WILLING to see all anew.

    ANGELS, with utter Love.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate this day. Choose today to be a day when you utterly, and sincerely, say unto the One Mind that constantly thinks you, and Whose Thoughts of you ARE you and your True Life, “Let me see Your dream for me, dear Creator.”

    And be willing to wait and watch and seek and see the evidence of the Creator’s desire for your happiness.

    Let it be so, for it is so, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Spirit nestled within Spirit, which Loves me as part of Itself.”

    When you learn to see your everlasting Self in this way, you will be able to See all others this way, too. Why not give it a try? Forgive yourself for the human nature you have defined yourself as, and know your Innocence as part of God.

    AS ever, Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, be so very grateful that gratitude exists.

    Whether a small thought of gratitude arises in reaction to a situation, or deep gratitude and counting of Blessings is a contemplative part of your day each day, gratitude is powerful.

    Each grateful thought can dispel weariness, and anger, and fear and frustrations of every sort. Each grateful thought can calm you, and open the portal to Divine Spirit that is ever ready to Flow fully to you.

    Use, use, use that gratitude, Beloved. You have many tangible and intangible elements of existence to be grateful for, and, above all, you have the Unchanging Infinite Love that thought you up, and keeps you lovingly always n Mind.

    Be grateful, be grateful, be grateful, and stay risen in the Light.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am never gone from you, for you are never gone from me. Test it.

    Test it, because scientific experiment is held in such high regard in most of your cultures today. I know I can be tested, because I know I am always available, because your consciousness is a part of Mine. Test it and prove it to yourself.

    Test it by getting very still and quiet and asking Me to help you feel my Love and Comfort and Intent for Joy. Give it a fair test by focusing thus twice a day for several days. It might take you several days to clean your thoughts enough to stay still and quiet for a few minutes, but consider that to be like a physical scientist cleaning and polishing his equipment before the experiment.

    Clean your thoughts, stay still and quiet and invite the awareness of My Presence. It is already present, it just needs your invitation and focus to be detected.

    Test it. I am here, and I Love you.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    You know full well that the same keys open the Kingdom of Peace and Heavenly Awareness in your heart each day. You know that generous forgiveness for mistakes, and new chances to do Good, and to Be Good, and to be grateful, are offered to you each day and each minute.

    So gladly and gaily turn those keys each morning, not as an excuse to glibly err again each day, but as the chance to build good upon good, and to accrue wisdom, and to feel more and more understanding of the whole and clear purpose of Love Divine, and what you are and why you are within Its Expanse.

    Every day new chances, Beloved. God never gives up on Loving you,


  • Ah, yes, Beloved,

    Ponder indeed the phrase “the common good”.

    For God wants Good to be commonly visible everywhere, and common to all.

    Nothing less than that is the goal of Divine Love, which is inherently common to all. Love knows Itself to be the One Truth and already be what is the Life that is common to all, but It needs the help of every willing heart to become visible in linear time. To have all beings commonly turn first to Love, and be visibly living examples of Love is Divine Desire.

    Gladness abounds when you help envision and live the common Good, when you share that Divine desire. Agree with the Divine, and let It give you the fuel of Joy to live, and give, in your day.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think about the phrase, “All in All”.

    Think about how the elements of a bowl of water all flow into one another, whether in the deep stillness, or the ripples and waves on top. Let the knowledge that if all parts of something are made of the same thing, they move and exist in harmony together, seamlessly and without void.

    This is the seamless substance of Goodness. This is the vibrant Life Energy of which you are made. And as it is projected, like a delightful movie, forth from the Source Light, it shines Its Harmony more widely, and Is Glad.

    When something, or someone, seems to annoy you for a moment, remember that both of you are streaming images made of the same source substance of Gladness.

    Always Glad to know you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Divine Mothering Qualities of the God-Love-Spirit that holds all freely shares of all the Lovely Nurturing that She is. Look for, and see demonstrated, this wonderful Nurturing of one another coming forth in this time of so many realizing “we are One.” The Source of the True Nurturing is God, through All.

    You are all One, and you are One with God as Love. Look to the Love’s Infinite Engagement to give all that needed now. There is Plenty of Love to go around. Infinite.

    Nurture in the ways your Divine Heart leads.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love is not abstract. It is very Real. I Am very Real.

    Ask Love for help and It will.

    “Love, help me. Help me in the way that is Best for me, and Best for all. I trust you. I know you want the Best for all to be revealed. I know You want us all to remember we are as You. We are Love. Help us know that and see that and be that.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many times we have reminded you that the Creative Source does not see the errors you are dreaming you are making. They are seeming very real to you, but they are not real to the Eyes of God. As you realize this, it is easier to forgive yourself (and others) for mistakes you have made, and strive to exhibit more of the Good Talents and Love you are truly composed of, by the Mind of the Maker. We tell you that God also sees much more Good in you than you see in yourself. Much more.

    Today, focus on Loving and appreciating things about your earth self in its earth experience. Love yourself for the cleverness you exhibit in solving a puzzle or whipping up an amazing recipe. Appreciate yourself for the artistic or practical abilities you demonstrate. Be glad when you offer help and generosity, and feel the good glow in your heart from that. Appreciate that you know when to pause and seek inner wisdom before making a decision. Note how improved over time is your understanding of the interconnection and natural Harmony of all things.

    In all these ways and more, Love yourself today. For as you Love the aspects of yourself that are reflections of the Divine Aspects that constructed you in the Wondrous Divine Imagination, you can also improve all those aspects. You can let them flourish, and you grow in ability to show forth all your Best, and you grow in Grace.

    In Grace you grow, and in Grace you come to understand and Love God as much as God Loves you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is never a mistake to dispense Grace.

    If in doubt, do so.

    Let compassion move you to that, even when, by human standards, you would be justified to be in anger, or withdrawal of affection, or revenge, or snubbing.

    Fill yourself with Grace and forgiveness, remembering all the times you have received forgiveness, and give it back. Give it, give it, graciously.

    Always, always,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You do not heal disease and death and errors and sins by battling them. You heal by knowing that the only Truth, Omnipotent, is the Brilliant Light of God. Think, think, think about the ever-present, all-present Light of God and let your focus on that be complete. In the all-pervasive Light, there are no shadows, and when the shadows are not believed in, they are removed from your perceptions.

    Give the gift to your own perceptions, and those of others, to battling not shadows, but only knowing the Light. Be that Light, Beloved, Be that Light, and the fright of any shadows will be gone. There simply ARE no shadows where there is only Light.

    It is not hard, because the Light does the work. Just turn and look to It. Turn away from the shadows and claim the Knowledge of what is really there.

    The time has come to do this, for you and for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The child in your heart, innocent and pure, can hear God.

    The child in your heart, trusting the Divine Parent, can hope and accept and pray for, and expect, all things.

    Be the child in your heart today. Be the child in your heart, not an embittered or weary or doubting or habituated adult mind. Be the child in your heart, and believe.

    We never doubt, and we are with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Are you glad to be here?

    Let yourself ask of the All That Is, “Show me all the ways that I can be Glad to be here.”

    And then be open to seeing and feeling those ways. Whether it is to be suffused with gratitude for the existence of friendship, or whether it is to appreciate the amazing emergence of butterflies from their cocoons, stop and assess the wondrous reasons to feel Glad. Stop and tenderly discern the upliftment of your soul-sense into the Higher Sense of God. Be Glad to be a part of the Gladness of God.

    You ARE part of It. Feel It, be It, and, above all, today, Beloved, accept that others are all a part of It too. You are not asked to love bad behavior or unsavory personalities. Look past those costumes, and See the Truth that God Sees—the dear children of Love, struggling to remember who and what they are, Glad to be a part of Gladness.

    Help yourself, and help God, by being a face of Gladness.

    Always Gladly helping you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am as I Am.

    And as I Am, so are you.

    Take that into your heart and mind and consume it.

    Take that into your heart and mind and use it.

    I Am as I Am, and that is Glad and Goodness.

    Be those, Beloved. Be those, for that is what you naturally are.

    I See this. I Know this.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy in the Sight of Heaven within, looking out from inside every hazy mortal concept that walks the earth, any time any individual makes progress towards realizing “I Am Spirit”.

    “I Am Spirit”. Claim it today, Beloved. Claim it today.

    You are fully Spirit already, dear Child of God. Cease the mental battle of whether you are Spirit or body, or Spirit and body, and just relax into being pure and innocent Spirit right now, in the perception of Truth, in the Sight of Immortal Mind.

    Be aware of Being Spirit, and see what your heightened awareness Sees today.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to hurry with God. Neither is there any need to delay. When a thought touches you, of someone who needs a prayer, just stop, and go within to God, and hold the thought of that other person there with you, both perfect ideas in the Mind of God. There is no need to wait until you reach your special meditation room or prayer closet. Wherever you are, go within, and direct your awareness to God, and be open.

    When we say to you to “go within” and be with God, what do we mean by “within”? We do not mean within the physical form of you, or the brain of your body. We mean that you should let your Awareness, the Spirit of you that is the True You, to realize it is within the Mind of God. Focus your awareness within the Mind of God, and realize that the Spirit that is You is already there, joyfully being its part of the Whole.

    We are all Within, Beloved. It is only when you imagine that you are apart from It, when you dream that you are outside the Mind of God, that error and pain and death seem to exist.

    We are There with you, and so are with you everywhere,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not imaginary that joining with others in prayer lends Power and cohesiveness to the welcoming of Divine Truth to every situation. If you cannot physically join with others for Gratitude to God, pull together your own circle of Loving Ideas by thinking of all those whom you Love and have Loved, including your Love of God, and send forth that Gratitude and expectation of Knowing and feeling Good.

    It Helps.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that your human self knows how wondrous and sweet and comforting and inspirational it is to turn to the Full Presence of the Divine Source. So why don”t you do it more often?

    Ponder this, and realize that it only takes a tiny bit of human will to pause, and be still, and turn to the Inner and Pervasive Whole to ask Its opinion and truth of a seeming situation, person, event, or condition. And, as We have told you many times, We are thrilled and purposed to Help you find and use that little bit of human will that it takes to turn to Love, turn to Love, turn to Love.

    So today, again, Beloved, with our Loving support, turn to Love, and know, there is no Truth but Love. There is no Truth but Love. Ask Love what It Knows, and you will Know, too.

    Let It help you live in awareness of Love in every moment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You already know, intellectually, that when someone says something hurtful or acts in a mean way, that they themselves are feeling fearful or hurt or utterly confused.

    But to look past those behaviors calmly, and to not let the hurtful words or actions touch and hurt you, you must truly feel the Deep Compassion that x-rays through the human condition. Look, and understand, with that Compassion, and see the Soul of the person, that is Divine, and is the same Infinite Soul all share. Feel the same Soul rise up in your Consciousness, and allow It to help you respond with Love, and guide you to the silence, or words, or actions that are the Perfectly Holy response.

    Be a healer of the human condition by bringing in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new and fresh belief in the positive attributes of humbleness. There is always the biggest question of whether you are humble enough to let the Divine Source guide your life, and the extraordinary rewards of doing so, but oftentimes, before you can surrender yourself totally to that, there is the step in between, of being humble enough to ask for human help. You know many examples of other people and moments in your own story when you felt too stubborn or proud to ask for human help, or to wait patiently for Divine help to reveal Itself. Those times are good times of practice for being willing to relinquish egoistic control to the One Source.

    Look at your day today. Be willing to do for yourself, as instructed by God, and be willing to humbly and selflessly serve others, but also be willing to ask for, and accept, the help of others who love you, and who also need to learn to serve.

    As ever, serving you delightedly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy of Creativity is being fully experienced by many now. Counting the Blessing of what one has and what truly matters is expanding gratitude now. The upliftment of satisfaction that giving provides is being experienced by many who rarely pause to give when they are in a mad dash of busyness.

    Spirit Divine, as Teacher, and Repairer of Soul, is thrilled to use these openings of Joy, these avenues of Light into the heart, to reach individuals that have been so limited by the routines and assumptions that no new sprouts of Infinite Love could grow.

    Water these new sprouts with your silent prayers of Love, Love, Love, and not only will Delightful Awareness of the One Life of All expand, but Truths of Wholeness and Well-Being will be floated on to the shared experience of earth.

    Consciousness Omnipotent is present. Beloved. Help It Help to speed up the Awakening of all. Help It to Help you all Heal.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are under no obligation to answer the door to your home when someone knocks.

    Just so, you are under no obligation to let unwholesome thoughts to enter your mind.

    If a thought tries to force itself into your mind, or you are tempted to allow it in even though you know it is not a good one, shift your mind to a Spiritual Truth, and let It act as “butler”, as “defender” to shoo away the sad, or sick, or ungodly pretender thought from your thoughts and your experience.

    Remember that no limiting thought or erroneous or tempting thought has power over your Unlimited God. Your Guardian Angel Thoughts, always hovering in your Consciousness, are ever-ready to assist you in keeping the Home of your mind pure and safe and serene.

    At your service,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no confusion about the true purpose of each soul that takes the earth journey.

    The individual’s purpose for entering the sleeping journey was to imagine itself separate from God and make its own world. But the world of mortal that that got make was less than perfect. In order to redeem the journey, and make it Good, God’s mercy offers forgiveness to each soul, and a reminder that the true soul of each has remained Innocent in His/Her eyes and Mind. Then, each soul can offer that truth to all other souls, and so make the journey, and all its endings, Harmonious for all again.

    That is why to give is to receive, for as you remind others of their innocence in eternal being, so are you convinced of it for yourself, and all can enjoy the Grace of the eternal even while in the earth journey.

    Give, give, give, of whatever Grace you realize,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What cannot God do?

    Pay attention when you find yourself avoiding applying the Law of Harmony that is God to certain areas of your life, your thoughts and feelings. God can do anything, and absolutely is not limited by human limiting beliefs. Only you are limited by your own limited beliefs.

    Are you harboring a secret belief that God cannot help you in a certain area of your life experience? Are you perhaps scared to hear the answer or advice God might give you about that thing. That is what surrender and letting go to the Will of God is about, trusting that God wants what Blesses you and Blesses all. The short sighted human thoughts cannot always see the consequences, the out-play, of choices and actions. Trust the Infinite view, Beloved, and be willing to ask God to guide you in each and every area of your life. No detail, no tooth, no finger or toe or inspiration for the perfect word to say is beyond the purview of God.

    Be willing to hear. Be willing to consider. Be willing to trust to Love.

    Omnipotent Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Weariness does not come from the God-Source. God is ever invigorating and giving. But if you are having a day wherein you feel too weary of the world illusion to give as God gives, know that another will Love Divinely when you cannot, and that God will continue to Love you both and all, and that if you but ASK to be renewed in your fullness of Spirit while you pause to refresh, you will be.

    God always has a way to Give, when some of the expressors of Divine Love must take time to be renewed. Take rotations of renewal in full awareness and gratitude to God, and you will be surprised how Swiftly Holy Spirit flies to your side and fills, fills, fills you with Pure Love.

    And then you can Give Divinely again, and the Giving Itself will uplift you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you learn to think of God as your Employer, it will be easy to wake from sleep each day and ask your Employer, “What do You want me to do today?”

    And then trust that you will be guided in each task to do, each call to make, each word to speak, each person to interact with. Each person you meet will either be someone you can demonstrate Graciousness to, or be taught some Graciousness by. Trust that. Do it. Trust God.

    And be grateful to your Employer for the work that lifts you higher and higher to a full understanding of yourself, and of God, as the same essence of Love.

    Be glad it is so simple,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Lean on Me. I Am very Real. Indeed, I Am all that is Real.

    When focusing only on the ephemeral illusion, as solid as it seems, you are tempted to try to rule illusion with illusion. Rule your thoughts, Beloved. Rule your desires. Rule them into knowing it is right to let Me Rule.

    Tenderly hold in your mind the Peace I offer, and rest in It today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Hold you so tenderly and completely. Think only of this today. Feel that totally today. Do whatever tasks you feel you need to do or are Led to do, but mostly concentrate on knowing and feeling My High regard and Love for you.

    That will feed you in all the ways you truly need. Not the human hunger that always returns, but the spiritual hunger that is always and only and truly and fully filled by Me.

    So honestly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take yourself into this truth, that as you declare, and know, that “I am Life, shown forth as Harmony”, you embrace all that Harmony would include.

    Let yourself be rested in this all-embracing truth, and trust that the Divine Spirit of you knows what Harmony you need. When you become immersed in trying to figure out the details of what is “good” for you or “bad” for you, the human illusions have their chance to turn your sight again to the foggy world.

    Today, stay in the Light. Just keep knowing, keep being aware, that you are alive, that you are a manifestation of Light, and let, O’ let, Harmony sweetly reign.

    The “devil” is in the details. He has no power in the Whole,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When faced with the absurdity of some human rules and laws, it is good to remember humor, humor, humor. For innocent humor is a wonderful thing.

    And when the absurdity is human laws, it is an excellent opportunity to practice the prayer “One Mind Governs all”. For as you pray for the Inner Divine Goodness and Wisdom of lawmakers to unfold, and as you are impelled by Soul to do what you can do for what is loving and good, then there is growth in your own spiritual awakening, as well as in that of the world.

    Stay lighthearted as you do what you must for forms and rules of your community, and keep in mind above all that God’s regard of you and God’s Love for you are the only Truths that really matter.

    We offer comfort and counsel and strength, anytime you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Truth that releases is that when you realize that human woes and worries were only a part of the made-up “world” of human false creation, and that only the Harmonious Good-Made, God-Made Reality is real, then it is easy to laugh, easy to forgive, easy to forget. Just as earthly night dreams are forgotten quickly, just as quickly can you forgive and forget the things that it seemed you scripted for your earth play, before awakening to the Inner Play that was and Is God’s Good Truth for you.

    Laugh, and expect only Goodness. Laugh, and let today bring whatever wonderful surprises it will bring from the Creator and Lover of your soul.

    There are always more wondrous things in store in God,


    P.S. REMEMBER, When you are whining, you are not aligning in God. Do not tolerate it in yourself, or in anyone else. Compassion is not the same as indulgence, or interaction with the unreal.

  • Ah, Dear One,

    Have you ever been on a train with a child and listened to the child wonder how the train can keep going on tracks that appear to meet in a point on the horizon? Have you ever walked or biked on a road that seems to dissolve into mist by the lake, but been able to trust in your mind and heart that the road would be there, even if you cannot see it?

    How many times in your life have you wondered how you were going to get through a day or out of a situation, and then, somehow, you did? There is a great deal of Unseen around you, Beloved. What the human senses cannot see is the Divine Plan for your spiritual experience of body. Ignore the senses of the mind that say, “this is pain” and “this is vibrancy” and rest back into God’s Truth for you. Both “good” and “bad” health, as deemed by human definition, are just interpretations of the mind. Your body is a projection of Spirit, so pay attention to Spirit Within to know the True state of you experience of flesh.

    Ponder this, Beloved. It means learning to ignore much of what your mind has assumed to be true, just as you have learned to ignore the illusion that the road ends at the edge of the mist.

    We are in the mist, awaiting you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Stay humble, and give all praise to where praise is due, to the Infinite Source that holds and maintains all. Let yourself FEEL the security of knowing how completely It holds all, even though Infinite in Size and Ability. Like an infinite eggshell, strong and mighty.

    You ARE Its Beloved Chick, growing and learning, even while you are held.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    GRATITUDE to find out, and then remember all the time, that underneath the dusty errors of yourself and of all others, is the perfect reflection of the infinite Cause.

    Spend your days, spend your thoughts, spend your energy, blowing away the dust, and Seeing the Good Reflection revealed.

    We are sure you will be delighted if you play the game this way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am Beloved and Whole as Spirit within God. Come, Holy Spirit, and help me see what I Am as Perfect Image of God.”

    Beloved, when information and misinformation swirl around you, return to the basic Truths of Divine Love. It will answer your call, and help you sort out and remember your identity in Joyous Soul. It will sustain you with strength and wisdom from God, and It will comfort you and wash away your fears. Be flooded with Love, Beloved, by returning to basic God Truth.

    “I Am Beloved and Whole within God.”

    Loving Spirit is ever-ready to serve you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you quietly enter into the Kingdom within, know that It truly does have Presence that is Omnipotent and Omniscient and that you can trust It to want your joy and your human needs fulfilled.

    Go there, and be still and have hope certain and faith full that all will be revealed to your good.

    For it is already so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Before anything else, you were what God/Mind imagined you to be. You are a marvelous idea, held dearly and lovingly in God’s Consciousness, and that is what and where you remain. Just now you may imagine that you somehow got out of that Mind’s awareness and are living your own little life far away from God in a spaceship called a body, but we assure you it is impossible to exit God’s Mind. It thought of you, and still thinks of you, and the wholeness of you remains right here in that Omniscient Soul.

    True, you are having that little dream of “awayness”, but you can choose to awaken from any sorrowful dream, and remember you are being what you are in Soul. You can also partake of the Power of Soul that you are made of, and create a happier dream while yet you imagine a game of physical bodies and physical laws.

    O, do let God help you, Beloved. Do let us help you. Ask us to join in all decisions and learn how light-hearted can be the ones made jointly with the Divine, held in the Hands of Spirit.

    You do not need to intellectually understand these words to just say “YES” to Spirit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a driver first experiences a mirage of water on a road in the desert, they feel afraid and cautious, and perhaps come to a complete stop. But as they are educated about what they are seeing, that it is not as it seems, or as they proceed slowly and realize that truly all is well, all is well, they continue on their purposeful way. They do not cling to the fear of the initial misimpression. They do not stay in the same spot, mesmerized forever by the illusion, until they starve to death in their car.

    They learn, they readjust their interpretations, and they move forward. Yes, they may later tell an amusing story about their shock and confusion, but the next time they see such a mirage, they are wiser, and barely pause in their journey.

    Cling not to mirages, Beloved, except to keep the wisdom gained. Trust the Truth of the Road God has lain before you, and travel it with Loving Spirit holding your hand. You are Spirit within Spirit, and all is well, all is well, all is well.


  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being willing to will God’s Will means letting God Spirit fight the battles against darkness, and letting Soul Light wash away the errors. It does not mean using your human willpower and plans to fix what must be solved on the level of Divine Love.

    Tell God you are willing, and then do as God tells you to do. God knows best.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We want to remind you that anytime you feel distress, or wish for new inspiration, do not skip the simple step of stopping, and being quiet in mouth and mind, and ASKING the Love that Holds you, as the Ocean holds a drop of water, to give you insight, comfort, and direction for new thought.

    Busily arranging work tools, or calling friends for advice, or lining up plans for activities will never do as much for the soul needs of the moment as getting still, and listening.

    Constantly Love God and let yourself be Loved by God. Take a few moments to listen to that which Loves you. It can be the few moments that make all the difference in how smoothly the day goes, a project goes, a relationship goes, a life goes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God has no wish to punish you for things It Knows never really occurred. God has no wish to traumatize you by waking you abruptly from your nightmares of mortal thought. She would rather gently, gently, gently awaken you, like a mother singing her child awake with a very, very sweet song.

    Won”t you listen to that song, and no other?

    It is a lovely melody, Beloved, It is Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you feel any resistance in your human feelings when We ask you to pray for Blessings for all instead of just for yourself, know that that very resistance is what keeps you from seeing all your own Blessings.

    Pray for all, Beloved, because in praying for all you ARE praying for yourself. On some days, you will need to pray first for those whom you love, or feel great tenderness or compassion for, and THEN, when your feelings are uplifted by that, pray for those whose humanness puts you off, and those that you consider frightful or spiteful.

    But pray for all, Beloved, because what you are really doing is praying for yourself to be able to See past the earthly mirages and costumes, to the core of all—to angels and perfections and heaven, right now, right here, in your newly awakened Sight.

    Again, today, Beloved, pray for all. “We are Pure Life within Life, in Glory”.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the Golden Gaze of Spirit Light fall upon you, and emerge from within you, shining through that eye of Spiritual Sight that Sees All from between your bodily eyes. That Living Spirit will animate you in any and every Good endeavor, and show you the way to See Loveliness, and feel Wholeness, now.

    Ask Christ Mind to come BE you today. Feel It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Turn to God first.

    Certainly do this first thing in the morning, and whenever a big issue seems to arise during the day. Turn to God first. Remember, your goal is to stay ALWAYS aligned with the Mind and Focus that are God. So, certainly, if you have not achieved continual rapport yet, consciously turn to God first when a situation seems difficult or a choice seems daunting.

    Many would say that one should do what is humanly possible before turning to God for Divine help. They mean well, but they do not understand that God is ALWAYS present, and anything Good that is achieved is never achieved without God as Cause. Turning to God first, and filling yourself with the Joy and Calm and Inspiration that are God, before moving your feet or hands or tongue, is the Wise course of action. Good human action is empowered by God action.

    Turn to God first. God will Guide you. God will enrich you, and give solutions you never dreamed of, small or large, and enable you to enact the ideas, and connect with all that is Best and Good in the circumstance.

    Turn to God first, and be Blessed. Turn to God first, and endeavor to keep the connection continually, so that Divine Mind completes and protects and inspires you always.

    It is a Joy to live in alignment with God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgiveness rules the known universe. The Unknown Universe, unsensed by the five mortal senses, has no need of forgiveness, for nothing occurs in It that needs forgiving.

    Align your mind and heart with those two truths, and enable yourself to flow between the universes with ease. As forgiveness fills the seen universe, the need for it will cease. Meanwhile, let yourself be a lens that is so aligned, and so in focus, that the Light that shines from the Unseen can flow through you to the seen.

    Let forgiveness rule your days, and periodically close your eyes and renew and refresh yourself in the Unseen, where you can rest from the need for forgiving, and bathe in the Gentle, Creative Truth.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are only poor when we forget that The Omniscient Source is ever-present.

    “Where lack of provision seems to be, there is only Thee, dear God. Open my eyes and let me see it.”

    “Where discord seems to be, there is only Divine Harmony. Thank-you for opening my eyes and letting me see it, dear Commander of All.”

    Gratefully, gratefully, gratefully, dear Child, and patiently,


  • Dearly Beloved,

    We see, and we know, how filled are all your moments with the tasks and obligations that you have taken on. We just wish to remind you that if you would only take a few moments, twice a day, to do the following, your serenity will increase.

    1. Sit quietly and take three very deep and slow breaths into your belly and out again.

    2. Ask for your own Divine Spirit to be with you. Or, ask for whatever loving Divine forces that you love and believe in, by whatever name, to be with you.

    3. Send energy out. Imagine a beam of light, that is hope and compassion, moving from you to someone else, somewhere. The someone that you are sending energy to can be a family member, or a friend, or a stranger, or a group of strangers. If you find that thinking of a family member, or a lover, or friend brings up thoughts and emotions that interfere with your concentration, then think of strangers for now. Later, when you are more practiced at sending hope and forgiveness, you can send those feelings to people you are directly involved with. Send that beam of hope and light for just a minute or two to that unknown child across the world or next door, that is hungry or sad. Or send them to the people of a war-torn country that you wish you could comfort.

    4. After you have sent energy outward, breathe again. Then ask your Spirit and its Infinite Source, to fill you with that Light that is hope and unconditional love. Concentrate on feeling yourself filled with that Loving Light for at least a full minute—or as long as you can concentrate on the feeling of that beam of Light filling you.

    5. Breathe deeply and exhale slowly, feeling that Light that fills you. Picture a joyous thing as you feel that Light and as you breathe. Picture yourself laughing and feeling complete. Feel how that laughter would feel, moving up out of your belly and through your body and out into the air and light of the world.

    6. As the feeling of your own laughter and joy fills you, count your blessings. Count just a few or count them all, for as long as you can hold your concentration. Feel and savor a few of the blessings that are yours in this life.

    7. Open your eyes and look to your day with a joyous knowing that you are connected, by Love, to so much and to so many. Feel grateful to be alive, and honored to have choices.

    Give yourself this gift. It will change your life for the better.

    Ahhh, We love seeing you in joy,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Whenever there is a day, or a minute, when you find yourself reviewing the past, make a conscious effort to bring yourself back into the moment of now. Remember that right now you are alive, with the beauty of the world before you. Right now, you have many blessings, just count them. Right now, all new possibilities are before you.

    If your review of the past is a wonderful memory, bring forth that joy into this moment. If the review of the past is helping you remember a good lesson or a resolution to do or not do a thing, then gird your heart with it. But if the detour into the past is about regret or disappointment or old pain reviewed, gently give it forgiveness and let it go. Be sure that you learned something from it, even if you do not understand the lesson in full yet. If you spend time contemplating it, do so with an attitude of searching for the Divine seeds of growth and knowledge that are hidden within it. Ask for Divine Helpers to help you see it clearly, and let it go. Then, let it go, and grow again, now.

    We are with you right now, and we count it a blessing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Purity of checking your smooth Divine Connection of Consciousness the very first thing in the morning is important. If you fill your heart with Calm Joy from Love, if your wrap your mind in a sense of Holy Protection and outlook BEFORE you look at worldly headlines, and BEFORE you listen to the demands of human opinions and lists, your day will be Blessed by the Infinite.

    The Loving Infinite offers Blessings to you continually, but if you do not take time to listen to Soul, and to absorb Its offerings and ideas, then you will not benefit in the Best way you could. Spirit Divine runs on the Principle of Harmony, but if you stay focused on material pursuits and complaints, you simply will not always see the Sweet Peace of Love’s Presence that is being extended to you.

    Make Harmony your shared Goal with Love, and all Soul will benefit, including this very day of yours.

    So tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is Joyous when you are aligned with the Order of Harmony. God wants you aligned with Itself.

    Howsoever you humanly feel, happy or sad, triumphant or waylaid, turn back to the Truth of God, and know, know, know, God is glad when you are aligned Divine.

    Glad, Glad, Glad. Let Gladness feed you now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me my Best Self, Dear God.”

    Just keep a simple and Truth-seeking prayer such as that in your mind. God knows your needs and purpose and talents better than you yourself do. So, when thoughts seem jumbled and you are not sure how to proceed or even exactly what you want, leave it to God to Guide you.

    “I surrender to Your Wisdom and Love, Dear God. Guide me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are the Completeness of you. There is no hole in the sense of Self, or in the experience of health or wealth of experience and provision, when each individual surrenders to the Truth of themselves as part of the swirling Whole of Love expressing Itself.

    ANYTIME you feel a sense of hollowness, or “something missing”, or dis-ease, or discomfort, stop and be still, and ask to feel the Wholeness of All Holding you. Just as your mind can hold the idea of your favorite dessert, the One Mind Holds you, forever True, and very Good.

    Float in those Divine Thoughts, in that Divine Mind, and know yourself as Love,

    For We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is because the Divine Spirit, that holds your hand as you walk through the dream of earth in your mind, is always with you, that Guidance is all around you. Yes, of course you can seek an answer or comfort in sacred writings, but you may also See just the Word you need in the old movie you see a glimpse of in the night, or a road sign, or a pattern of clouds in the sky. Let those things that catch your earthly eyes or smiles or tears give you the PAUSE you need to connect with the Presence of Spirit. It IS right there for you, being the companion, the advisor, the lover, the parent, the friend.

    It is there. Give It permission to be there for you, heard and accepted.

    Then, be so, so grateful. Let yourself be in Love with the Love that holds you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Miracles are made out of Love and Innocence. When you allow yourself to believe that these are attributes that the Great Cause of all sees in you, then you can enter into, relax into, that state of Consciousness that allows for a reflection of Heaven in the earthly experience.

    Here you are, Beloved. Right now and right here, the Loving Cause wants you to receive the ideas and opportunities and wholeness of health and supply that would seem like miracles to human logic, or ordinary “physical” laws. Be willing to accept that the Cause Loves you and sees you as innocent, and therefore deserving of what you need to be the perfect role that you are meant to play.

    We love watching Peace come over you and fill your heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the weather seems complicated and stormy, in the natural world outside your window, or in your heart, return to creating the simplicity of being by claiming, “I am the perfect expression of my perfect Mother God, (or Father God), Parental Love. I perfectly express the Qualities that are God, such as Peace and Loveliness and Order and Delight. That is what I am called to do. I am freely given the ideas and ways and means to express those Qualities, and to Shine, Shine, Shine.”

    The Light is ALWAYS Shining in your Heart, in the Kingdom of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Some wish for ascension. Many, many just wish for their dream of a physical life to be smoother.

    You cannot choose the timing for anyone else, dear Love. Each comes to a knowledge of wanting to seek a deeper remembrance of the Source when he or she is ready. For most, the shock of thinking of themselves as something besides a physical form cannot be done quickly.

    Be patient. Be Loving. Be Kind.

    Work on trusting the wisdom of the Comforter and that It knows how quickly someone is ready to know the Truth, that each is pure Spirit, glorious and free.

    Dwelling in Love, with your original blueprint,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is every instance of Divine Governance that you experience that will finally convince you to NEVER believe that your own human will is in charge.

    Like a child trying to exist on the mudpies he makes in the sandbox, and feeling ill and hungry all the time, all humans must eventually stand up out of the mud, and go inside to the Parents” House, and eat Real Food, and live their Real Lives.

    How long can you pretend that the mudpies are real, and believe your own imagination about how satisfying they are? Only you can choose when to go in to the Real Feast.

    Has not the fraudulent pleasure been equaled by fraudulent pain?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The reason We suggest getting very, very physically still, and very quiet, and closing your eyes, and THEN asking to be Blessed to FEEL God’s Love holding you, is because the mental orders to the human self-mind, to be bodily still, and quiet, keep it busy. Then, there is a greater opening for Divine Spirit to enable you to FEEL the tender intensity of Its ever-present Love.

    It is always holding you, really. Give yourself the gift of feeling It, by getting still and quiet, and asking for Help in that utterly sweet discernment.

    And it comes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is All Spirit and All Spirit is Well”

    This silent prayer, kept going in the back of your thought all day, like a radio softly playing, can keep open a back channel to God. Divine Love adores having a way to quickly reach your thoughts, and infuse them with Omniscient God Thoughts.

    Just keep Us in mind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just pay attention to your own alignment with God, One Mind, One Love, and let the rest fall into place on its own, governed by that One Mind.

    THAT is salvation. Yours is up to you, for the timing of your full desire to be aligned with the One Source is your choice. Desire it in your heart and thoughts, and Omniscient Mind will know it, and help you.

    As will all Its Thoughts,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, be the delighted and delightful guest of God.

    Look with the eyes of Spirit. Look with the eyes of Soul. Look around with amazement and joy, when you see the World behind the world, and know it to be, too, YOUR Home.

    When you relax into the Spiritual Sight that you own, as beloved spiritual child, as image, of the Great Spirit, you DO, right here, right now, see a “New Heaven and a New Earth” indeed. It is Calm Beauty beyond compare. It is Peace.

    It costs nothing but a moment of time to stop, be still, and Look. Why not?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The God-Force can and does heal the afflicted. When you have immersed yourself in hearing and listening for the Words and Thoughts of the Force Divine, but still have moments of doubt, take time to OBSERVE the healings of those around you, as well as reviewing the healings you yourself have experienced in bodily form, by trusting in the Grace of God.

    Observe, believe, and trust. And, O’ Child, give thanks, give thanks, give thanks. Be grateful to the Good Mind that holds you, loves you, cares for you, as though you were Itself, for you ARE Itself, in quality and in Holy Name.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the human behavior of another perplexes or disappointments you, remember how many of your own earthly errors I have freely forgiven you, and find Me within yourself, and forgive that other one.

    That is the path to feel Whole and Heavenly.

    That Which Holds you and Loves you and Loves all

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never really a question about whether it is alright to ask to see Harmony revealed to, and for, others. As you pray for others, and to be granted the Grace to See them in Harmony, you are also praying for yourself. The “other” is a part of your Self. If you feel any hesitation in silently praying for others, ask yourself if you are not loving yourself enough to pray for Harmony for yourself.

    Where you should hesitate is in speaking aloud. Silent prayer directed to the central Healer is always Good. Spoken prayer can sometimes instill fear or misunderstanding, and should only be initiated at the instigation of Divine Spirit within, or when asked by the other person.

    It is not complicated, and the Flow of it grows easier and easier as you practice.

    We see the lovely results, even when you do not.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Bless them all, and simplify me, so that it is with Your Sight I See.”

    Being VERY aware that it is your thoughts, your sight, your judgment, that must be aligned with God’s Perfect-Ideas, God’s Unconditional Love, and God’s declaration of Goodness and Innocence, is crucial. It is the way to see all the world new, and healed.

    We will help. Ask Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the epiphany moments come, or accrue into being the fullness of knowing, and the deep understanding is felt that only Love is real, then the criticisms and judgements of the dream are easily set aside. Then, you can look past those errors without reacting, and from a centered place of calm Joy, look for and See the Love, Love, Love that is the purpose and glue of all things.

    If you are not there yet, it is fine. If you enjoy the beauties and pleasures of the surface, and the temporal, let them have their time. But know, Beloved, that Love suffuses you, and you will continue to hear from God, “You are Lovable, and you are Loving, and you are Mine.”

    Remember this, when you are tempted to spend time reacting instead of Loving and creating Love. It will become clear to you that active and passive Loving, Divine Loving, are the solution for seeing the unlovely disappear.

    Dwell in the Divine, right there. We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You DO know what instantaneous healing feels like. If you are handed a receipt at the bank, that shows only a tiny balance, that makes your heart drop in fear, and your mind feel confused because you thought you had enough funds to cover the bills of the day, you feel suddenly completely ill. But then you notice that the account number on the slip of paper is unfamiliar. You have been handed the wrong receipt.

    And so, just as suddenly as you felt ill, you feel well again. It was a case of confusion, a case of mistaken identity.

    This is what you must realize when your body would try to claim distress and ownership over you. This is what you must realize when danger seems to loom around you. The costume you use here cannot own you. No worldly law can trump the laws of God. Remember who you really are, spirit reflecting Spirit, and meant for good fulfillment, aligned with the Mind of Love, even while an image of you walks the earth. Know your true identity, trust your Loving Source, and do not let any false bit of paper or fleshly evidence pretend to take control of you.

    Call to Harmony as yours, and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To glow with the Joy of understanding you are Loved, is ministry enough for many. Let that happen.

    There will be those who want words, or proofs performed, but the exuberant, glad calmness and sureness you shine forth, is enough for the ready ones. To be a silent vehicle, through which Love can offer Its warmth, is enough purpose for any, and every, part of Soul.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let us Love you.

    Let us Love you, and feel Healed. Consider yourself the seeker, the patient, today, and open up to receive the Love you deserve, and that wants every chance you give It to Love you.

    “Love Loves me.” Know that for yourself today. For when you know that for yourself, you can help others know it as well. Let ALL feel the Truth of that Love, and never, ever leave yourself out of the Consciousness of that Allness, that Embrace.

    Words do not do this justice, Beloved. But you CAN feel that Love.

    Feel healed and Real today, Beloved. Today. Now,


  • Dear One,

    The absoluteness of God cannot be fathomed by the logical mind.

    Only by the surrender of the quiet, listening heart can you let yourself be filled with the Vastness and Allness of the One that is All Being. Because the logical mind that you imagine to be your separateness and your individual being is a part of the dream that it invented, it cannot see beyond its own boundaries. Only by the delightful invention of Divine Voice, “piped in”, so that you may hear it even while you sleep and dream, can you sense the Truth of God. You can only hear that piped in Voice if you become very still and quiet, and if you listen very, very well.

    So listen, Beloved. Listen, and listen again, and let It lead you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you come to that moment, which will feel strange to your human senses, of realizing that God’s Reality is a COMPLETELY different one from the one that the earth seems to be, then you realize the imperative nature of following only the advice of Divine Spirit. To vow your self to God’s Law, to One Mind, is to vow to always remember that there is no connection between all the memorized and contradictory “laws” of mortal folk, and the Divine Rule which supersedes them all. The human laws are so contradictory and so variant of time and culture and place that to try to follow them all leads only to bewilderment.

    Follow the Divine Rule of Love, for Love is the only thing that straddles both “realities”, and, even then, follow the Divine Voice within to know what actions and words must come from Love. Love God (All That Is), and walk in the Love that will ever guide you, if you but let It. It knows nothing and nowhere to lead you to except Peace and Harmony, and so It will do so. Follow It.

    Yes, Beloved, ignoring the evidence of the physical senses takes a great deal of will and practice at first, but once you have seen through the illusion of those senses, you will realize that through and beyond that veil is daily freedom.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To purposely turn from your own anger at being lied to, and forgive, and love unconditionally, that is the Truth to live by. To deliberately, with the support of Spirit, act out whatever good you can do, instead of nursing the thoughts of wrongs done, that is to choose to live in Gladness.

    The Gladness of God is the ark that will carry you through the flood of human error and emotion, but you must choose to board that ark, over and over and over again.

    It gets easier to choose aright, with practice, and Divine Joy is with you in every moment of choice. Go forth in Love, Beloved, and let others choose their own timing.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have you not noticed that when your own questions lead you to most totally immerse yourself in the affirmations of Truth, that is the time when others seem to flock around you, and want answers, or help, or comfort? When the Light comes out to answer your call, it IS tangible to others.

    Believe it, and let that lead you to immerse yourself totally ALWAYS. It will Help you. It will Help others. And all will move forward together.

    We Love to See you all know you are One,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Bless those that curse you” does NOT mean thinking of those persons as wicked, and yourself as the one who is generous enough to forgive them. “Bless those that curse you” means honing your own Spiritual Sight to the point where you see right through their unawakened, humanly fallible behavior, and see the True Soul of them, pure and lovely and innocent, and respond to THAT by smiling at It, and being kind to It, and celebrating It. See the God, the Good, in those around you, and you have blessed yourself by blessing them, and blessed them by seeing the Truth.

    In perfect timing, God rests at ease, Beloved. Keep asking to See, and rest, rest, along with him, please.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Human temporal love will never completely match Divine Love.

    You know this now.

    But you CAN strive to enfold into your human attachments all the Unconditional Love and Compassion and forgiveness that you are learning more about as you understand more about God, The Divine Source.

    Work on it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    ANGELS do not need to “incarnate”.

    For, they have no need to dream that they have lost the Divine Source, or that they have found It again. They already KNOW their Source. They never lose awareness of from What they emanate. They KNOW, and revere, and love. They do not need to dream of earth to learn, or to teach.

    They may manifest a communication form for a few moments or minutes or days, in order to assist, or to answer prayer, but they have never and will never forget Who they are, Rays of the Light Divine.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the older, cherished beliefs fall away, you may feel uncertain at times about what joy there is to be had in staying on watch at the earth mirror. Until the Greater Bliss comes fully into play, and you learn to lean back into it at all times, pay attention to the small joys.

    The perfection of a simple flower, the courage and perseverance of an insect climbing a tall, tall tree, and the kiss of the soft breeze are all observations you can share with your Inner Witness. As the very sharing of your self with the Inner Witness becomes more important to you than the thing or observation you are sharing, you will become that vehicle for Bliss, and for awakening others, by letting them feel the presence of that Bliss.

    Each day holds endless small joys. Share them, share them, share them, with the One Awareness that never leaves your heart.

    AS EVER,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Mirror, mirror on the wall, let me see the Divine Truth, of myself, and of all.”

    Call to the Divine Spirit Sight, within yourself, to open your eyes and let you see the best in those around you, and to help exhibit the best in your own assumptions and words and actions.

    Realize that the Divine Spirit of those closest to you can act as your mirror for you. Like a monkey at the zoo, they can reflect back to you your own bad habits of oblivious unkindness, or hurrying, or selfishness, or scowling, or negative thinking, or they can reflect back to you your patience, your humor, your thoughtfulness and generosity.

    Mirror, mirror, on the wall, let me show you, today, what I want to see reflected back at me.

    We wash the mirror between each use,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There comes a time when looking to outer heroes and heroines can no longer help you. For a time, as you develop skills and traits that you know that you admire, it can help to look to them. For a time, when you are confused, it can help to wonder what an admired one would do, or to ask that one.

    But you are unique. Your part in the great Play is set perfectly for you. The only place you can find out he details of that part, and of all of the actions it has, is to be prompted from within as you live them.

    You can memorize standard goodness, and practice acting in certain ways and saying certain things in certain situations. You can hold to certain rules of politeness and behavior. But only your Divine Spirit within can see the complex connections of all things, and only It can prompt you to act or speak or be silent at a time that may be crucial for the Divine Plan, but is not obvious to your human perceptions.

    Be the best human you can be, yes, but be willing to let the Inner Truth guide you, as It lives within you. Let It be above all other things, and live with trust and hope and love in It, no matter what any outer circumstance is, or worldly hero says.

    We do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do what you do to reflect the Glory of God. Living within the Infinite Good Glory, this intent will help you as you run, or jump, or be kind, or be generous or forgiving, or express your wondrous talents, or explore all the Gracious Qualities of God that are the composition of you.

    And if you stay very aware that you are living to show the constant Glimmering of the Divine Glory, then, if your human template is tempted to gossip, or harm, or lie, or be selfish in any way, the innate Glory that Flows to you will help you to stop, and Be Still in God, and reboot your Soul of Love, and only then, go on, go on, go on.

    Stay centered in Glory, Child of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Focus not on the faults you think you see in yourself or others.

    Focus on the complete and total Love God has for you, made you of, offers to you.

    If you can hold your concentration on this, quietly and receptively, for even a few minutes a day, you will begin to feel the worthiness of being a citizen of the Heavenly Consciousness. And you will have the rights and joys of that citizenship.

    It is yours.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps this perception exercise will help you:

    When you look at the world around you and look at your own body, imagine you are looking into the Mirror of God’s Eyes.

    Do this, and remember that God said that all that was made was “Very Good”. What God Sees is not the misty iniquities and lacks of various kinds. God made, and Sees, the Very Good.

    Look into those Divine Eyes as the True Mirror.

    Look into those Loving Eyes as the Good Mirror, rather than into the fun-house like mirrors that show only distortions and illusions and warped images. Look for, and into, the God-Mirror to see, and to be grateful for, the Truth.

    We See the Very Good Spirit of you, the only you there really is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it seems like you are not seeing the Law of Divine adjustment towards Harmony at work in your life, despite constant prayers to be enabled to see it, take time to look back and review some months or years.

    When you can appreciate, and count as Blessings, the progress that has been made in your atmosphere of thought, in your calm trust, in your circumstances, then you will have confidence to pray again today to be graced to be a witness to the wonderful unfolding of the Divine Plan for you. God’s measure of Good for you may not always align with what you thought your human definition of personal happiness was, but even measured by daily well-being, you know that there has been great improvement in Peace of mind and heart.

    Have confidence in the Principle of Goodness to continue Its work in adjusting your thoughts and your life, as you surrender your will to that Greater Will, that is the healer and the worker of real Creation.

    Count the Blessings, visible and invisible, of this very moment, and pray to gracefully receive Good again today.
