All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love made thee. Love sustains thee and Love ovates thee.

    You are made of the Love out of Itself. Your “job” is to express what you are made of. Express Love, again and again, and again, and your job is done.

    “I am made by Love and of Love and I exist in Love. Love sustains me and thanks me each time I am an expression of what It is. I express Love.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the human behavior of another perplexes or disappointments you, remember how many of your own earthly errors I have freely forgiven you, and find Me within yourself, and forgive that other one.

    That is the path to feel Whole and Heavenly.

    That Which Holds you and Loves you and Loves all

  • Ah, Be Loved, Beloved. Sink down into your Inner Awareness and let yourself feel supported and Loved. Let yourself feel It until you feel like you are as full of Love as an old water skin that has been held under the tap for a long, long time.

    For what is the thought of a body but as like a water skin, with a few other particles here and there?

    You, the Real You, is not that. It is Consciousness, but visiting a body for a brief time and space.

    Hold your Consciousness in Love, under the Flow of Love, until you are completely filled. Any time you do not do that, you are cheating yourself. Any day that you do not begin that way only leaves you vulnerable to bubbles of distress. Leave no room for distress. Fill yourself with LOVE, Beloved, and it will satisfy and protect and keep the very shape of you firm and fine and in control of Love, always. “I am filled with Love.”

    We are in the Control of Love, and we love it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ever and always, Child, how you think of those around you WILL change their behavior, if you are led by the Loving Voice of God within.

    As when you put together a delightful salad, made of all good ingredients, so that of course the salad is all good, just so is the essence of man/woman made of all good ingredients by God. The Spirit of each is Good, and if you can focus on that, the dust that settles on the Spirit and reveals the True Shape will also show that Goodness.

    We know that not many look for only the Good. But would you not choose to be one? The narrow way did not suddenly become wide, Beloved, but it is still worth choosing? Will you not?

    There is room for Us beside you on the narrow way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have patience and mercy with those who have never experienced, because they have never asked for It, the wondrous uplift of the Presence of the Divine. If they would try to engage you in intellectual arguments about the existence of Oneness, as they fearfully try to protect their sense of bodily separateness, just be silent and loving. Ask the One Source for the strength and perception to See their Wholeness, and pray that they soon choose to experience It themselves.

    But graciously recognize that they can choose their own timing and readiness, and make sure you protect your own Knowing of Love, remaining uninfected by their doubt. All have, in due time, been reawakened into the embracing Love that always cherished them.

    Trust that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allowing others to work out their own way of awakening from the human dream values, which have them enmeshed in a false sense of what brings happiness, is a skill that takes practice. But, as ever, you have a wonderful Teacher within, in the form of the voice of truth, which can guide you about when to speak and when to stay silent. It can nudge you about when to respond with an action or a gift, and about when to stand back and do nothing.

    But in all cases, remember, Love, that as untutored or misguided or hypnotized by the worldly as the other person seems to be, do not think of that error filled thinking as the person himself or herself, any more than you would wonder why a two year old did not yet know the multiplication table. Think of the other as only a marvelous extension of the Life Force, and relate to him or her only with compassion and love.

    All Grace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, try to PLAY with the exercise of giving up your own imaginings and expectations and demands, and just ask God to show you His/Her perfectly imagined day.

    “We are all alive and well and whole and happy, here in the Mind of God, the writer of today’s play.”

    Do not storm and fret and worry in your human mind about doing this correctly, just PLAY with the idea that God writes today, perfectly, goodly, happily.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no interest in God’s Heart in seeing you, or anyone, in torment or sorrow.

    The Joy that is endlessly willing to flow out to your mind and body costume is the very Creator of all Spiritual reality. And it wants you to receive that certain hopefulness. It wants you to feel Whole in every way, knowing your true identity.

    Words, words, words, we give you here, but you KNOW that what always truly helps and guides you is the acceptance of the ever-Presence of God. Sit down, be still, and welcome, welcome, welcome Its embrace.

    And feel that Great Warmth come, and say to It, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

    It Blesses you because It WANTS to. It just needs your constant accepting state of mind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gratitude and compliments and appreciation are the water and food and cleansers of the seeds and sprouts of Goodness.

    Sincere giving of these to even the tiniest evidence of Good that you see in those around you, AND in yourself, will help the Good Will of the gracious Source to shine clearly.

    Each time a thought enters your mind that is judgement or criticism, quickly think of a Good thing about yourself, or those around you, or the situation. We know it is not the instinctual human fear-defense sort of way, but We assure you that LOOKING for bright bits of Goodness in yourself and those around you will expand your experience of Grace and Joy and Good. Inviting in the appreciation, and sincerely feeling It, truly is like bringing a watering can to a room full of drooping plants, and giving them refreshment.

    Be the refresher, the giver, in every room you enter, Child. AND be the refresher in the room of your own mind, noticing and being glad of each of your Good Qualities and actions. Even if it is as small as sincerely appreciating how kind someone is to an animal, or how patient he or she is when waiting in a line, that bright thought allows in the Great Goodness that fuels all. You are truly helping the Good Plan when you do this.

    LET IT IN,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be your own prophet. Be your own profit.

    You are made of, and live in, the substance of the Goodness and Life of God, the first and only Causality. There is absolutely nothing stopping you except your own disbelief or doubt of that. Let that doubt go, turn your back on any mental whispers of denial, and See revealed the sweet, sweet life of Harmony that God would gladly reveal to thee.

    As Ever,


  • Ah, Child,

    Why do people write and write and write,
    and speak and speak and speak?
    It is to confess, and be forgiven,
    It is to blame, and to forgive.
    It is to finally seek and learn God,
    And to Know, and let go, and be One.
    Then, O’ then, Beloved,
    It is to share, and be shared, in Joy.
    Go above the mortal realm in your mind,
    And relax your heart in the Divine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is so much glory when you let go of trying to plan details, and just trust, trust, trust in the One Cause to create what you wish. Wish for the outcome, Beloved.

    Wish for contentment. Wish for Joy. Wish for a sense of freedom and well-being.

    Wish for these things with deep gratitude and sincerity, for yourself and for all, and keep listening and obeying and expecting from the Causal Force that you know to be All Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When confusion seems to cloud the mind, remember to take dominion over that feeling as well, before trying to sort out anything else. Claim the Truth that confusion is no part of God-Source, so therefore confusion cannot be a true part of what the Source shines forth as you. As you allow that false sense to dissipate, the priorities of what Good things to do and say will become clearer.

    Then, as the priorities become clear, remember to use just very simple Knowings of the heart to See them with new eyes, “I have the Good Mind of God at my disposal”, “ I rest in the Plan of Good”, “I and the Source are One Joy, One Love”, etc. Keeping it all as simple as possible, one thing at a time, will keep confusion from coming back, as long as you LET GO of each thing, as you methodically turn it over to God. Let God sort out the details.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Darling, you carry the Gladness of God within your heart, everywhere you go and no matter what you are doing. All you need to do is accept it. It is freely given. All you need to do is set aside focusing on the worldly emotions, and let the emotion of God’s Gladness accompany you in everything you do.

    He/She has told you this. Have you forgotten? Does not all flow more smoothly if you let yourself be carried through it all on the wave of God’s Gladness? Allow it, Beloved. Allow it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your worth and goodness are what God made you and knows you to be.

    If a human personality is criticizing and condemning you, ask God directly if your thought and behavior needs any correction, and respond appropriately. And, ask God to show you the other person as they truly are, as made by God, for the costumes of fear and anger that lead to cruel behavior are truly not of God.

    Ask to experience the shining Being you are as Spirit of God’s Making, and ask to discern the other as a wondrous Being of God’s Making.

    When you can see and know yourself and everyone as the Pure expressions of Loving God, you will realize you are living in Heaven now.

    We see your Good Loveliness, dear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the days when you feel you do not have enough time for all the worldly tasks, we assure you that from a Divine Point of View, you are TOO aware of time. The stresses you create for yourself by thinking all things are important, or by letting human opinions dictate what other attainments must be pursued, are part of the time illusion.

    God is beyond time, and yet has joined you within the dram of time in order to help you sort out and calm and claim your True Self of Love.

    So, ask for Help from Generous, Unlimited Love, and slow it all down, and make sure that Love is the reason for and behind and with everything you do.

    We are here to help you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is always possible to Love more.

    If you are walking the earth journey, or running or dancing or leaping or singing the earth journey, it is always possible to Love more. For there are those who are not yet dancing and joyful, and you can help them by Loving more and being an example of Loving more, and this also helps you, for it helps All move forward into revelation of full Harmony.

    And certainly if you are resenting, or experiencing that which feels and seems not like Love, then it is possible to Love more.

    Just Love more, Beloved. Love more.

    As We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is Love. Let Love be your God.

    If you but remember these two simple things, and serve them and let them serve you, in your heart and mind, then your mind remembers that it is one with Divine Mind.

    Let It guide your thoughts and actions and decisions, and breathe the constant breath of relief, that you are guided, by your own choice, by what is True.

    There is great rest and joy in such relief,


  • Ah, Beloved One,

    The Joy of solitude is that you find out you are never alone.

    I Am with you.

    Spend time humanly alone, and welcome the awareness of My Presence, and you will truly find that you are never alone. I Am with you. Wherever you are, whenever you are, I Am with you.

    Spend some time alone today, so that you can deeply feel the Truth of this.

    You are never alone. I Am with you.

    And Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your effort is to put your FULL confidence, heart and mind, into the Omnipotence of the Divine and Its accomplishment of Goodness. If you truly feel that Harmony already exists as the very Principle of the Universe, as you send forth your prayers, then you will see Harmony appear in the outer, just as quickly as It can be.

    Love sometimes reveals the Whole Harmony immediately, and sometimes, in mercy, shows It forth bit by bit, as one would slowly rehydrate a parched plant. Believe us, dear love, each individual is given glimpses of Heaven just as soon as they are ready, until they can serenely accept the Whole Brightness of being.

    So pray on, dear love, pray on,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as the mists lift from the hills beyond your window, to reveal again the peaks you knew were there all the time, so can the mists of thought lift from your own vision of the future.

    Even when there is a dream or fantasy that you have cherished for a long time, give up, at least for today, picturing or asking for exactly how that will happen, and just entertain playful thoughts of what else you might do. God can easily and swiftly give you other ideas, if you but set aside the ideas that obsess you. Give It a chance, Beloved. Give It your playful and willing attention, today.

    Joyfully, playfully,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The inner Voice can be trusted. Listen to It, Be Calmed by It, before you read news headlines.

    God knows what you should do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new journey now into the center of your Heart, where you remember again the power of gratitude.

    For it IS a power. It is a very Mighty Power. Claiming, and pondering and owning your feeling of gratitude for all your earthly blessings, and for the blessings that others have, is a Force that can break your feelings of self-pity and illness and fear and unease. Furthermore, pondering and feeling grateful for the invisible blessings such as the very existence of Love, and the power of forgiveness, and the heroism of friends and strangers, and the courage of parents and teachers, etc. etc., is more powerful still.

    Be grateful today. Turn gratitude into Gratitude. Raise your consciousness by being so filled with Gratitude that you are completely immersed in the Divine Power of the Healing Force that Creates, upholds, and exists, exists, exists, and Know yourself Healed.

    Always grateful to you as a part of the Whole,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We are always, always with you, for you are with Us in the Mind of the All, the One, that which many call God.

    The question is, will you give Us time and attention? Will you respect and appreciate that We have Love and Good Counsel, and Comfort to offer you?

    We do not force these things on you. You can exist within your small human awarenesses, or you can choose to be aware, by accepting from Us, the Thoughts of the One that are in your heart, that you are part of an amazing greater Whole. That is what free will is about—living in your own small dream, for good or for ill, or choosing to join in the Wondrous and Gracious listening and awakening to the timeless Whole.

    Do you have time to be still and receive Love Divine?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you want to hear clearly, make sure you hear yourself speak only Love today.

    If you want to think clearly and True, think only thoughts of Love today.

    We Help you when you let us. Be willing to accept Help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never deny the giving of Grace to another. Remember, It has been given to you freely, and if It moves your heart to be passed on to another, do so. If Grace has moved your heart to be generous or devoted, even at your own inconvenience, be sure that It has also arranged for you to be re-supplied with what you have given away.

    Whether you are giving a kind word, or a new coat, trust in the Infinite Source to keep it all flowing, flowing, flowing.

    Listen, and Inner Spirit will tell you when to give and when to hold back,


  • Ah, Dear Ones,

    Constant prayer does not mean constant repetitions of unfelt words. It does not mean endless murmuring, under your breath, of your needs.

    Constant prayer means continual communion with the Divine Knowing in your heart. It means to be attuned to the small still Voice at all times, to have the heart open and willing to do Its bidding, to go where It says go, to say as It says say, to act when It says act.

    Be as the endless listener, Beloveds, and you will be much closer to the mark than all those who have given a thousand repetitions of a Hail Holy, but have never spent a quiet moment listening for the reply, that says, quietly and tenderly, “This way, this way, and you are on the path to home, and to Gladness, and to All.”

    Listen, O”, Beloveds, listen and listen and listen again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The healed healer can do wonders.

    On any day that you have forgotten that, step back into the prayer closet, the centering space, the meditative quiet and communion with the Source of All Calm Love, and recharge and renew yourself.

    Then , when you can truly be a cheerful giver of Love, go forth.

    Although it is fine to give of time and money and goods, the real meaning of “God loves a cheerful giver” is that God Loves all who let God’s Love shine through them in purity and totality.

    And, of course, God Loves all, even those who are cloudy for the day and not letting It shine through. And, time and money and goods are also expressions of the energy of Love. But the purest way to give is pure Love Itself, and knowing that giving It will bring forth all the other elements of Its manifestation, as necessary and good and generous.

    Enter that golden space in quiet, and come not forth until you are filled with Love,

    We are filled with Love for you, Beloved.


  • Ah, Child,

    “Open my eyes, dear One Mind, and let me see, my life that is a reflection of Thee.

    You are Harmony and Gladness, you are expansive Joy and Peace,

    Open my eyes, dear One, and let me see, the “me” that You intend me to be.”

    Let today be the day when you feel it, Love, and be it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your awareness is only of the world, and your sight is of the eyes that seem to see physical things, you have no idea how grateful you will be to the others in your “play”, when your awareness is fully in the truth of your existence as Spirit again, in Oneness with all others.

    Believe us, you will be utterly grateful to them all, for the roles they played in your re-awakening. The friends, the enemies, the casual acquaintances, and lovers, and family of earth, the far-off politicians, and famous and unknown faces, all will be seen to be One with you in Spirit, having graciously played the roles in your course of earth.

    Move into that gratitude now, and you will begin to get a glimmer of what Oneness truly is, and your lovely, and loving, part in It. For you, too, are playing roles for others, and as you choose to take only a loving role, your perception of your play changes, too, and all becomes more loving and more revelatory, until the Truth of your being as a part of the Divine is revealed.

    We see you now, and Bless you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you reached out and called out a greeting to a long-time friend who recently passed, you heard the whisper back. “All are One. Have not even a shadow of disapproval against any.”

    She said this, Beloved, to lovingly remind you that within Soul, any “other” is just another part of the self Soul that is also you. Her desire, to see you never held back from alignment by any judgement, was so strong that her whisper came through. Yes, continue to pray for the continual evidence of the reduction and end of sin and suffering. Continue to pray for the freedom from illusion for all.

    But leave all Balancing and correction up to the Power of One Loving Mind. Keep your own individual part of that Oneness pure and loving. Pure and loving is the way to See more and understand more, and move forward.

    For those that are bound in their flesh thoughts, or who back drop, pray.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone presented you with a restaurant bill, and asked you what the total was, would you just toss it onto the table, and say, “well, the principles of mathematics will solve this”?

    No, you must take your knowledge of mathematics, and USE it to add up the tab.

    Just so, Beloved, you must USE your knowledge of God, your understanding of God, to solve your worldly tabs. What are the tools you use to demonstrate your knowledge and apply the principles of God? You count your blessings, you reverse all negatives into Good in your thoughts, you free the compassion from your heart and let it flow, you trust that you, and all, deserve Good, you love God and you love your neighbor as yourself.

    You must DO these things, not just sit back and know that the principles exist. BE the active enactment of God, and you will see the results, the totals, come about.

    We surround you with constant Love, that is our action,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When new ideas come into your mind, when you are endeavoring to hear your Holy instructions, receive them quietly. If some of them seem very unusual, or frighten you at first, just hold them softly, as you would a young animal, and look at them. Let the Love of God fill your heart and look at them.

    If they are of God, they will endure. It is fine to ask again and again, for many days, if you need to, to see if you hear the same thought again and again, given softly and persistently. The Voice of God does not demand or screech for immediacy. It is soft and calm and sure. When you can be soft and calm and sure also, then let It fill your heart and mind with what is True. God is in no hurry.

    As ever, with you throughout the illusion of time,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Humility is the essence of the willingness to better know the One Mind that made the essence of you. Without emptying yourself of the spiritual assumptions you have made in the past, and without setting aside the imprisoning lies of the mortal senses, there is no way for you to truly know God/Goddess Whose Thought you up, Whose Thought Child you are.

    Set aside the thought that you are a body, with the body’s wants and needs. Just be an open emptiness of heart, and willingness to listen, and experience, and be still and begin to learn more and more of That Of Which You Are Made.

    We tell you true, Beloved, that these days are pivotal. Become very grounded in knowing that you are made Of Love Supreme, and you will be able to draw on that when all things around you are swirling into new positions for the remaining tasks of your earthly existence,

    Remain in Love. Stay tuned to needing to forgive, and to overlook, with Utter Kindness, the unreal. Be at Peace, and let no thing of mortal dream waylay you from your appointed tasks, as whispered to you by the Divine soft Voice you know so well.

    Appreciatively, and in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Miracles are made out of Love and Innocence. When you allow yourself to believe that these are attributes that the Great Cause of all sees in you, then you can enter into, relax into, that state of Consciousness that allows for a reflection of Heaven in the earthly experience.

    Here you are, Beloved. Right now and right here, the Loving Cause wants you to receive the ideas and opportunities and wholeness of health and supply that would seem like miracles to human logic, or ordinary “physical” laws. Be willing to accept that the Cause Loves you and sees you as innocent, and therefore deserving of what you need to be the perfect role that you are meant to play.

    We love watching Peace come over you and fill your heart,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Always, our advice is to take it slow and focus on the NOW, but there are some days when you should slow down even more and truly keep all your thoughts and actions on being aligned with Divine Mind.

    When was the last time you truly took a Sabbath day? When was the last time you truly took a day unplugged from the world and its facts and whims and predictions and pronouncements?

    Take it today, Beloved. Take it today, and BE HELD in the arms of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    While it is certainly Holy Spirit’s main task to remind you constantly of your identity as a Good Child of God, and to help you remember how best to love and forgive and be a perfect image of God Qualities, that small still Voice is glad to assist you in all the small human ways as well. Befriending and supporting you in living happily is part of having you peacefully be an instrument for God.

    And for you, learning to know and trust the Loving and Guiding Voice of Spirit on the small day to day things will help you trust when it comes to bigger questions. So, whether you are listening to the inner Advisor when picking out a grapefruit, or choosing a travel destination, or committing to a partner, or deciding when to answer a calling, or asking for the courage to forgive a human error, just be very, very glad you have that inner Advocate.

    And you always will have.

    We walk with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Counting your Blessings before you pray will help neutralize your grievances and doubts, and enable you to truly believe in the Harmony and Loving Order of God that you are asking to See.

    Count those Blessings, seen and unseen, touchable and amorphous, and relax into gratitude for the Wonder of the Infinite All that provides all Blessings. It naturally wants to fulfill the needs and good that are Best for you. Ask to feel, and see demonstrated, that Love.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If in doubt, stay silent. If Words or actions are indeed truthfully and righteously impelled by God, that Inner Voice will softly remind you again and again until the thing is done. If you are wondering whether a certain urge is only the false urging of the mortal ego self, wait. Wait, and be silent. Wait on the Will of God.

    God’s Voice is consistent. and full of Deep Peace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Truth is right there/here with you. It is not far away, waiting to be begged for. It is gently, ever, right with you, waiting to be opened to.

    Think on this, and do not try to hold yourself separate and apart from what you cannot be separated from, for you exist WITHIN It, and of It and for It. It did not give you good ideas and then abandon you to deal with them all on your own. It remains ever with you, ready with solutions and more ideas, and encouraging, supporting Love.

    It is a freeing dependence,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have confidence in your prayers, and have utmost confidence in God.

    When you pray to God to help you see, to show you the Divine version of this or that person, or situation, confidently expect to see the Goodness show. Wait for it, watch for it.

    Rid your thoughts of criticism and condemnation and ask, ask, ask, to see God’s Good Stories of Life, here and now.

    Expect Good, and See Good. God is here.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will find yourself weary, at times, of some of the tasks and explorations of interest in the worldly ways. Then, as always, it is so very good to turn quietly to the Living Spirit of the Divine, accessed through your heart’s ear, and ask, “What gifts of Spirit from You do I need to develop more, or take up for the first time?”

    And listen carefully, and ponder how the gifts of patience, or creativity, or wisdom, or comprehension of Beauty, or ability to teach, or ability to listen, or ability to learn, or explore, could be more expanded within the tasks and career or daily being that you do now. Or open yourself to the little wordless or whispered thoughts from God that turn you to new goals and new skills applied, or to new horizons of dwelling.

    And remember that although God may gently urge you to take up a whole new endeavor of art or music or repair, or to work with new groups fighting to eradicate sorrow, God may also urge you to simply “be kinder every day”. And if you strive to be kinder each day than you were the day before, is that not the work of a lifetime?

    Stay interested in being a good representative of Good,


  • Ah. Beloved,

    What advice you would give to another, take first for yourself.

    Be very careful to examine your own motives and behaviors, and do your own self-cleansing in Pure Spirit, so that it is Pure Joy you can give forth.

    Pure Joy is how God reaches and helps you. Give that gift of Joy to others.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you sometimes feel like you are angry at God, or that God needs to be forgiven, then you do not have the full understanding that God IS truly ALL GOOD.

    Be still, and quiet and see that it is your own misunderstanding and errors in thinking, and the subsequent illusions, that need to be forgiven. Forgive yourself, Beloved O’ Beloved, and know that Goodness is totally ready to fill the spots in your thoughts that seemed to see darkness or fear or anger of any kind.

    Be not afraid. Love is completely Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy that awaits you when you turn to the Inner Communing with the Loving Source that it makes no sense to deprive yourself of it by dwelling on any earthly uneasiness. It is not denial of challenging situations to look away from them and turn to the wonderful Law of Harmony—it is movement towards a solution. It is movement towards a reservoir of strength and a place where neutralizing force can be obtained.

    No one would fault a fireman who took time to unreel his firehouse and hook it up to a fire hydrant. It gives him what he needs for solving a problem, for doing what he can to combat loss and prevent further harm. So if your own mind or the human minds of others chide you for seeming to look away from a challenge, and instead spending quiet focus on the One Mind Energy that is filled with Inspiration and Wisdom, remember that you are strengthening your ability to help solve problems by doing so. Remember that you are also opening your heart and intention to witness One Mind being the Unseen Force that operates to restore Harmony in ways no human thought can imagine.

    Stay strong in your faith in the Goodness of Spirit, and turn to It again and again and again, whenever discord tries to unfocus your Love. And turn to It again and again and again when you want to be grateful for the daily joys, and want to celebrate them with the Maker.

    So with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being angry or irritated with someone is just to punish yourself with the sad vibration of anger. Train your mind and heart to instead, the moment you feel annoyance, bless the other and bless yourself by turning quickly and quietly and completely to God Spirit, and asking Spirit to heal you of your anger and errors and heal the other of his anger and errors.

    For God, if allowed to, constantly is willing to Bless and heal all.

    Release yourself from grief and fear and anger by call for Blessing for all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more time you spend looking at all, earthly and Heavenly, from the Grand View of Love, the more you will understand how you simply cannot intellectually see all reason and purpose and sublimity within each moment. That is why you must choose actions and words in each moment guided only by Love.

    As you begin to see glimmers of how the pathways of your mortal life have brought you to choices of learning and love, as you see, even as you make a choice, that choosing forgiveness is always Good, then your trust in being guided by Love will grow and grow. Trust Love, trust Goodness, and let your logical analysis of events come second to that. Look with the eye of the Divine eagle, holding steadfast above it all. Join your sight to Spiritual Sight of your Heart, and know that is your true Sight as well.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great freedom in surrendering to Oneness.

    There is the freedom of no longer fretting about intellectually figuring everything out. There is the delicious trust of knowing that your unity with the Greater Whole will whisper to you the ideas and the actions that are the Greater Good.

    There is the emancipation that comes of knowing that by releasing your small human will and human powers, you gain the power of the Oneness of Being. That joining gives you the company and the strength and the comfort and the wisdom that supply what you need in the various circumstances and scenes of life. Be not afraid to ask, and receive and act. Be not shy about having the confidence that you will find what you desire, or better, for you are desiring in partnership with the Will that Governs the Best for all.

    We want to see your sweet enjoyment of the Truth,

    All is Spirit, dear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Work ethic today? Or fun ethic?

    Darling one, choosing to take quiet Joy in every action and sight and whisper of God today is an honoring of the Glory of God that flows in all human veins. Take the Spiritual substance of the Love of God and have some Spiritual Fun today.

    It IS a Joy to be a child of God surrendering to the Kind and Creative Governance of God.

    Join Us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as a child will sometimes tell a lie more easily to his mother, whom he knows will love him anyway, than to a new friend, so will the adult human lie to its own Divine Self. The mother does continue to love, and to forgive, but she also expects the child to mature, and stop the lies, if she makes known her expectations of truth.

    So also with the Divine, Beloved. The One Spirit, of whom you are a dancing image, knows when your human thoughts are lies. It Loves and forgives, but It does expect you to grow and mature into a fully aligned-with-the-Divine individualization of Spirit.

    All around you are examples of holiness, and within you is the voice of the Divine Teacher Extraordinaire. Follow, them, O’ Beloved, and allow the world thoughts that you entertain to fall away, as you grow, and are honed to the perfect image.

    Each being is already the perfect image in the Mind of the Divine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you become fully aligned with God that is Pure Spirit, the antics of those who have forgotten that they are only and completely Rays of Spirit will have no power to upset you or annoy you. Their understanding of themselves as just the bodies and roles they are playing will have no power over your Peace, for you will see past all that and see only that you, and all of them, are only Pure Spirit as the Source is Pure Spirit.

    Therefore, work on aligning yourself each day, and each moment, and be free to feel Peace.

    We extend our Joy and awareness to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Dark and Light cannot mix, Dear, any more than you can see your hand in front of your face when there is no illumination.

    Turn to the Inner Light and Voice by shutting your eyes and ears to the physical senses, and then seek the quiet listening to hear the Truth of any “Cure” for the dream world of earth. As a writer turns within to hear the muse speak of the next step of a story, so must you turn to the Original Writer to hear what really happens in the Great Play.

    Practice this with a humble heart, sing the joy of being surprised and delighted,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Continue knowing that “I am riding the wave of Loving Omnipotence into all Goodness. I am allowing It to carry me and aim me True, not fighting It or trying to swim against It, but relaxing into Its embrace.”

    And, Beloved, repeat that with the word “we” instead of “I”. Pray for yourself AND for everyone you know to give that willingness to let the Divine Love carry them to the perfect spots within the Ocean of time.

    Willingness is crucial, and each part of Soul chooses his or her own time of turning to the Divine, but your prayers for them can help intercede to make them aware that the choice is available. How many years went by before YOU even knew that the choice for Love was there? Have mercy, as Spirit has mercy, and ask silently for the Divine to reveal Itself to each and every heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest in God, and wait.

    Rest in the Consciousness that you are beloved, and part of That Which Really Is, and in which you live and move and have your being. Rest in the deep Love of Spirit, and be content to see your life unfold, as you Love, and as you do as you are told, by Divine Voice within.

    As the way becomes clear, in each day, dear love, you will know how Joyous it is, to rest back into the phrases and Presence of God, and let all, all, all that is Real be revealed.

    Each life, each set of perceptions, is revealed to each part of Spirit that seems to be separate and individual life, but whose lives all merge and add together to be truly One. As each “private” revelation comes into being and sight, then all becomes clear, and is realized to have been always as near as the heart, and together in One.

    Rest in, yea even bask in, the sweet, sweet Love of the maker of your soul, and let there be that deep calm Joy, and the contentment that comes with being part of the expansion of Love. Be at Peace today, in waiting, Beloved, as when you wait for a cherished film or play or book to begin.

    As ever and always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new entry into your heart, with having assimilated more of the truth that the Maker and Holder of all Life is there always, to assist in making the earth dream a better one, that you do not need memorized phrases and prayers to turn to. If those memorized words and pictures help you remember, in moments of doubt or fear, that there is a Delighted and Delightful Force waiting to assist when you give permission, that is good. Use them.

    But also let your faith in the Truth of an ever-present, ever-helpful Divine All, become wordless. Let the silent song of the heart be enough. Let a simple, quiet smile be enough. Let a sureness that goes beyond words or explanations or gestures be like an effervescence of Light that is with you always, and that holds to you the Best of what is meant to be, and that others can see, and that helps raise them, too, to a place of feeling assured and loved and rested in the very Beingness of God-Love.

    Your earth self will never know the extent of how it has helped,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no doubt in your mind that the Divine Mind would always willingly replace any thoughts of sorrow or failure or doubt in your mind with the Thoughts of Joy and Truth and Assuredness that are Its Thoughts of you.

    “I am willingly giving up all my own mortal thoughts, dear God, and asking for your Thoughts to shine through me and on me and as me.”

    O’ Yes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you suspect that you are being drawn into old sad memories, or senseless discouragement about a current project, do not hesitate to call for help. Call for a higher consciousness than your own human mind to awaken you from that moment of non-fulfillment. On whatever level you understand higher consciousness, whether it be a friend wiser than yourself at that moment, or a teacher or religious leader, or angel, or guru, or Inner Spirit, or savior—call to the Loving Mind through whomever you can think of that feels more connected to the Joy of Being than you are yourself, at that moment.

    ALL HEALING COMES FROM THE DIVINE MAKER. But mercy is the water that carries It, and Mercy understands that, depending on your background and doctrine, education, and current swirl of beliefs, you may not be ready to call directly to God/Allness for your private revelation and awakening. It will cascade down whatever stairway of readiness you are on, and Help, Help, Help.

    Call, believe you are worth Help, and accept It with gratitude and relief.

    And, Beloved, do not fear to call for Help for those you love in earthly form. It will come to them also, and you will feel that Warmth melting away the cold mist of illusion, and healing you both from within. Relationships are built in Heaven, not on earth. Mend them from there, let them be mended from within, and they are mended indeed.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may think that you will never be able to forgive someone for something, or never be able to see a single redeeming feature in someone whom you feel is hurting so many others, but you can, We know, picture simply taking a day off from those feelings that hurt and rattle you so much. Resolve to take a day without fretting and thinking about those individuals. Ask for our Help to put them out of mind, and spend a day using your own Best Divine Qualities bringing Joy to yourself, and Joy to others.

    DO this, and see the uplifting that Joy creates, raising your spirits, and the spirits and happiness of many. Try it today. Try it another day, and another day.

    And then, perhaps you will take more days off from being angry, and you will find that the Joy you create gives you the power to forgive more easily, and to love more permanently, and to see glimmers of Good in all.

    We see your Good so clearly,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Those of you who have found this site and use it to help you seek and understand your place within the Divine, We are grateful when it is of comfort or inspiration.

    But Beloveds, do not use it as a substitute for honing your own discernment of God’s Voice speaking to you, and the wonderful feeling of being Held in God’s Love. Use this site as a diving board to the inner meditation and communion, or use other sites and scriptures. But never neglect your own quiet listening and loving time with God.

    Remember that although all individuals together make up the Oneness of Soul, and God, each unique idea of God’s (you, as spiritual entity), has a unique curriculum and plan for your special part in the Whole. Listen, obey, and be grateful for the sweet Perfect Guidance that is given unto YOU.

    We will help you hear clearly, and see aright,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a child confronted by a great pile of small parts, all mixed together, from which he is supposed to build his toy car, or a house for his figures, or a piece of art, confusion in your thoughts can seem overwhelming. So, like the child who asks help from the parent to sort out all the strange pieces, when you feel your thoughts in a jumble, it would serve you well to ask for Help from your Divine Parent.

    The thoughts in your mind must be sorted into the ones that are good and true and relevant. The broken thoughts and ones that are just leftover pieces of some old construction must be set aside. Without going through them one by one and agonizing or doubting, ask the Divine Inner Voice to speak to you with Its gentle Lovingness and let the pertinent and true and wonderful Guidance come to the surface of the Mind you share with God.

    Let go of past paradigms and jumbles. Welcome the new thoughts and new life of today. A new fresh start will still hold all that is good that you now possess, but it will also hold a clear path on which to walk forward to know Goodness, to serve Goodness, to BE Goodness.

    Each day is thus. And Goodness Itself, knowing Itself and how it made you, already knows you are the Light and Energy that does know how to dance this Joy in every phase of earthly life. Ask for the Good Thoughts and intents and impulses of the day, and dance forth.

    ANGELS, dancing with the Spirit of you

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once again, we urge you to express gratitude for each of those around you, for whatever small or great way they have enriched your life of this moment right now, right where you are.

    It is inestimatable in its effect on your own embracing of the greater love and peace that you hope for, for yourself, and for those you love and those you encounter.

    Always stay aware of this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The wonderful goodly worth of every single shining essence that is a part of the Soul of God is something that you can count on. All you really need to remember is the Omnipotence of God’s Governance and call to It, and continue your faith in It, and be silent when needed and act and speak when needed. The Governance does the real work.

    Your hard work, which gets easier and easier, is to discipline yourself to keep turning away from the paltry surface human evidence, and trusting to the Truth of Love, even when there is no visible evidence of It.

    WE are in the world with you, but also not of it. Trust that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give Joy to someone else and your Joy will be magnified.

    Give comfort to someone else, and you will feel comforted. Give forgiveness to someone else and you will feel forgiven. Recognize that another did not realize what they were doing when they misbehaved, and you will better recognize when you are tempted.

    Give Unconditional Love, so far above human love, to another, and you will feel Unconditionally Loved. It is an intimate dialogue with the Spirit of God, and worth it. In fact, it is worth All.

    We minister to you right now, feel it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no dust or disorder in the Joyous communion that every heart can have, and does have, even if unconsciously, with the Whole of Love.

    Therefore, let not the chores and tidying of the days distract you from that direct listening with, and receiving of, the Divine. Rather, let that clean Wash of Love fill you, and then carry you through the day and all its duties. Get that Truth, that priority, clear in your heart and focus.

    It will change your days, and your outlook, for the Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The sounds and words each individual makes are entirely appropriate, and perfect to his or her talent, IF one pays complete attention to the Conductor.

    There is plenty of Divine Love to go around. Make this your only Thought today. Make it the Truth upon which you rely.

    So tenderly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no animosity in you, for it only erects a fence between you and the healings you wish to see.

    It is hard to se through a fence, Beloved. Fences are built out of anger and fear and sorrow and self pity and by keeping the mind on pain, and on all bodily wants and needs. Set aside those things, and forgive and forget, and ask for Divine Help in forgiving, and then you can see clearly the miracles of the Truth of Good Life, that you hope to see.

    Help others forgive. For as they forgive, and open to receive, then the revelation of their True perfection and Wholeness in Divine Mind is clear to all.

    And Love them. Love them even when dust yet clings to their brows. Love them.

    As We Love You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God enjoys looking upon your Wholeness.

    Whatever your particular talent, and purpose and enrichment of Life is, it is a part of the Completeness of Being.

    Be your part. Be your beloved, divine part, and know that it is intact, whole and appreciated and approved of, in the realm of awareness that is God’s truth. When the misperceptions of the worldly would tell you otherwise, quiet yourself, center yourself, and remember, “God enjoys looking upon my Wholeness, that has never changed and never will, like a masterpiece painting , made of undying materials, that is always hanging in the gallery of God. If I have accidentally turned to the hazy glass wall of the gallery, and seen only a shadowy image of what and who I am, I must turn my back on the shadow, and turn my sight again to the true picture of my Wholeness, to the Truth that “God loves looking upon my Wholeness, and has said, “It is Good.”

    We see your Wholeness even when you do not,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so easy to become confused about what you truly desire and how to act and react in the worldly, and to feel thirsty for peace of mind, until you deeply feel the Peace that underlies All.

    And so We say over and over, offering It to you like an endless Hostess with her tray of food and drink, Here is the Peace of God, —eat of It, drink of It, be satisfied. Practice giving yourself the gift of that sustenance, before you face the world in each moment or in each day. Fortify yourself with it. Learn to trust in It always being there for you. Prove to yourself how quickly It can give you ideas or comfort you or heal you or send you to the right place and time and person to help or be helped by.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am so glad God Loves me.”

    Remembering this, and letting gratitude for that Love open the heart and spirit of you, opens you to receive all that you need for the day. For your WILLINGNESS to let Love supply you with all your needs: for inspiration, for supply, for companionship, for strength, for confidence and perseverance, and more—that WILLINGNESS is key to letting the Power of Love flow smoothly through you.

    The kindness of God’s gentle guidance does not force you to be and enact the Love you are really made of. But It is ever-willing to give you ALL, the moment your WILLINGNESS allows It to. Set aside your human ego and be grateful for Love.

    Be grateful for Love. Be willing to Love and to let Love flow through you. It is the Unconditional Love that recognizes the Divine that We are speaking of, not approval of inappropriate human behavior. Let your own Best Self come forward, and encourage the Best of all. Be WILLING to do that.

    We willingly serve you constantly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It may seem fanciful to imagine how anyone standing in front of you would look dressed in the costume of an angel, but if it helps you see the Divine in him or her, do it.

    Of course, the Thoughts that the One Mind sends out, the “Angelic” helpers of the Infinite One, do not really take the forms as depicted in storybooks. Sometimes an Angel sent by God is just an Idea that pops into your mind, or a word that comes your way. Sometimes it is a person or animal or object that shows up just when you need it. But if picturing wings and halos from your own imagination can help soften your understanding and consciousness of another person, or of yourself, then playfully do so.

    Whatever helps you forgive, have compassion, and understand, and appreciate another is Good, Good, Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember the Simplicity of the Love that Created and Holds you.

    It just simply Loves you and wants you to remember that. It just Loves you and wants you to understand It will Hold you forever, in the Sustaining and Tender Essence of Its Infinite Being. If you let go of the thought of being separate from It, thinking you are a vulnerable body set adrift in a sea of chance, and affirm instead the Thought of being One with Love, within Love Itself, that simple Thought will help you feel the Power of that connection.

    Turn to Love. You will find It never turned away from you.

    Feel the Divine Feeling of Love between the words here, and let It carry you to a Higher experience of Life.

    Simply Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You cannot see, with the five senses, ultraviolet light, yet you don protections against it. You cannot see gravity, yet you unconsciously use it daily.

    You cannot see the Force of God, but It is yours to use, if you but give It permission or thanks. It just needs that agreement to receive, and It will do Its Gracious Work.

    What do you have to lose?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If it helps the human heart to understand its own thinking and fears and desires, there is no harm in making long prayers, clarifying to the human self what is really the human concern. But, darling, with God, “less is more” can just as easily be the Truth of prayer. You can confidently turn to God with wordless prayer, for God reads the desires of the heart, and Omnipotently and with Omniscience, knows the Whole of what is your Best.

    To trust God is to have faith and trust that God is All-in-All, and that God does want your happiness, the deep happiness of aligning with the Divine Good.

    To simply turn to God with a glad breath, acknowledging that you Love the Principle of Love, and to simply wait for the indrawn breath that signals the Full Presence of God’s Law focused on your concern, is enough. Turn to God, breathe Love to God, and let God breathe and bring more Love back to you.

    It is the working of Eternity,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Self pity does not attract the Strength of God.

    Draw on the Divine Qualities if Good by affirming your rights as a wondrous offspring of the Infinite Source. It is your free inheritance.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, tell your dreams, “I welcome you.”

    Tell the dreams you do not even know you have, “I welcome you”, by saying to God, “Dear God, I welcome the dreams YOU have for me.”

    We guarantee you that the best Grace God envisions for you is better than what limited human imagination envisions for itself.

    Today, welcome the dreams that the Divine has for you, as part of Itself.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is always best to fill your thoughts and heart with the fullness of the Divine Love for you, before you begin your day. Before drinking the juice, before the warm beverage, fill your heart with the warm, warm Love of That Which Holds you, and which wants you to know you are Lovingly held.

    Jumping up and dashing off to fulfill worldly deadlines and tasks will not go as smoothly if you do not take those few moments to acknowledge and be fed by the Love that Holds you.

    Then, throughout the day, return to It. Be Held and fed again and again, as you pause for brief times to remember, “I am Held and Supported by Love Itself.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Humbly, humbly, realize that it is the Creator’s knowledge of your perfect attitude and perception that you must turn to, to be able to live with a perfect attitude, and to achieve clear perception of the Truth around you. The Loving force that made you of Love knows you and Sees you clearly.

    So, like an art restorer who must look to images of the original if a piece of art has been smudged with soot, or rolled and wrinkled, you must look to Love’s image of you to wash away any thoughts and beliefs that are covering your wonderful Goodness of form and function and talents.

    Lovingly, if you turn to ask the Creator, you will hear “THIS Goodness is what I KNOW you to be, Whole and Lovable and Loving.”

    We See it too,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    This is a day about truly knowing the Oneness of Being. You are not living a life now that is cut off from the Divine real you. You are able to access your Divine Self, part of the Loving Source, right now, right here. As It directs and Loves and cleanses your thoughts of your Self from within, the outer illusions fall away and more and more of the Beautiful Truth of Creation is revealed to your senses.

    Heaven is not what you see after physical death, it is what you can know, and begin to see more and more of, right now. Life is Spirit and Life is Harmony. Fill your thoughts with that, and flood yourself with Love.

    Slot a Loving thought into your mind any moment you get sad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take time, constantly, on your journey, to journey within, and give thanks for dwelling in the Inmost Mind of Love and Truth.

    The more often you journey within, to that Peaceful Kingdom , the more your outer kingdom will reflect It.

    It is not hard, but it does take discipline. It is worth it, Beloved,

    Always holding you up,

    With Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to face all your own fear thoughts with Love. Love, given you freely by the Source that constantly creates You, as Spirit image of itself, is more than enough to overcome all fears and the seeming results they make. Use that Love. Know that an Infinite amount of It is always available to you. Use It, use It, use It to overcome all fears, and to draw upon all True Knowledge, and you will find the world you experience changed.



  • This is how it feels when I pray for you.

    September 2004

  • Ah, Best Beloved,

    The tiers of understanding must be respected. Forgive those that resent the Light behind your eyes and that It seems to bring you “lucky breaks”, remembering when you yourself thought that those who trusted, in the Good desire of God for your happiness, seemed like fools to you.

    Forgive, and Love. Forgive and Love. At first it seems tedious, but then it becomes a habit, and then, even appreciated and enjoyed, like an old comfortable sweater. Cozy into it, and it WILL help cozy others into the Best of themselves.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To Whom are your grateful?

    Is it human ego to human ego that you express your thanks, with bright but empty smiles? Or do you see past that, and let there be the fullness of Thanks that recognizes the Source of all Good?

    Are your gifts to one another the gaily wrapped worship of objects or competition, or are they accompanied by sincere Appreciation and Love?

    O”, Beloveds, feel not guilty if you have fallen for the sweet but bitter promises of a happiness that comes from only things, but let your Glow of appreciation grow. Grow to be thankful for all the useful and beautiful objects, and then far, far beyond them, to the unending Glow of Appreciation that is the Divine Eye of your heart, appreciating you for being a reflection of the Goodness of God.

    You, too, will begin to see with the Divine Eye, and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To align oneself with Divine Joy, in every seeming circumstance, IS to allow the Goodness of the Creative Source to flow.

    But, to make the error of taking credit for that Goodness, for that Joy, is to be drawn into the error of the ego’s false pride. All Goodness comes from Mother/Father/Creative Source God, and to think otherwise is to have turned away from the Source, and open oneself to losing that Joy.

    Endlessly honor the Source, Beloved, even while enjoying the Joy. Yes, the Love that is First Cause, Source, shines only goodness, because It is only goodness. Be Its reflection, in joyful honor, but do not think to take credit for It, any more than the mirror in the tailor’s shop can take credit for sewing the perfect suit that it reflects.

    Credit for cleaning the mirror goes to the tailor’s assistant,

    Love and honor that as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have we not always had a word for you, or an embrace of Spirit soft with comfort?

    Remember all the times that has happened, and trust it will happen again today, and all days when you feel even the slightest need of Soul adjustment to feel, once again, aligned with the Source, the Loving Source and circumference of all.

    Let today be a quiet day of Trust in the Truth of Good,

    Be still, and ask for us, for we are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, trust in God and do good while you wait on the Will of God, as the psalm says, but listen to God to understand what doing Good is.

    As you give and as you serve, discerning what will actually Bless another person or the earth is important. If you gift what is unwanted, or too complex for the person to understand, or inappropriate for any other number of reasons, you are not doing Good. Be guided by the small Inner Divine Voice even when choosing small gifts or giving labor or gestures or words, for the One Mind knows what will truly Bless one and Bless all.

    Give Good that is ready to be appreciated,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Patience is a virtue you have asked to be improved in many times. Therefore, hold to that desire when you are seemingly “endlessly waiting” for the moral behavior of a loved one to be improved in your sight. Keep praying to God’s Light to shine, and do remember that it is your thoughts of the other that need to be healed, and that the visibility of the other’s Good, God-like Qualities will be easier for you to believe in and see, if you sincerely practice seeing each small good thing about him or her. Even if all that you can cling to at first is a small politeness to strangers that the person exhibits, or the willingness to loan lunch money to a friend, or the loyalty to a deadline, think on those and cherish them as evidence that you are gazing on another Child of God.

    Practicing seeing the Christ, Illuminated Consciousness, in all around you is the work of a lifetime, Beloved, for most individuals. Cultivate your patience, and get to work. We ARE helping you. Just feel us under your shoulders and in your thoughts.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do make the effort today to set aside everything the human self thinks it knows. Set aside what your human ego is ashamed of and what it is pompous about. Set aside in your thoughts what you think gives you pain and what you think gives you pleasure. Approach today as though you were all at once in a new place that you know nothing about, and be as an untutored child who finds delight in the very color of the light and the fabric of the grass.

    Absorb today the joy of smiling and discovering, with a willingness of understanding that you COULD accept a point of view that is built on finding the happiness and love that you were engineered to know. Be as a little child indeed, humbly and playfully answers God as It asks you, “Where and how do you feel the Spirit of Joy here? Do you See My Glory?”

    And tell God about everything that shines of and feels of that Brightness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So easily do you accept the beauty of the sunrise, and the joy of hearing birds sing in the spring.

    Can you not as easily accept the gift of God’s unreserved Love for you? Why let your thoughts stray into doubt or sorrow or any sense of dissatisfaction? Even the paltry power of human will can set those aside for a moment, and remember, “God Loves Me, God Loves Me, God Loves Me.”

    It is the Truth that will set you free from your own misgivings and nightmares,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truth replaces error. If your thoughts are filled with error, if you have missed the mark in believing the illusion of what your senses have set before you, speak the Truth loudly and with conviction. Speak the Truth, and hold fast to believing It, for Divine Spirit will not lie to you.

    Speaking forth the Truth of Divine Revelation in your own heart is perfect, if you have developed and practiced discernment, but if you have not, or if an acute human emotion or pain has hampered you, turn to written Word and speak It aloud. As we have said many times, Truth abounds in written and visual form around you, in scripture, in old folk tales, in poetry and song and icons. Turn to the ones that God has led you to, and speak them, be them, think them. Allow them to replace the human thoughts of error that would keep you bound in sorrow or in pain.

    We speak Praise continually, and It makes us fly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a good day to think about the wonderful gifts that Creation has given to you. The unfolding of a new flower, the smell of the fresh sea, the smooth movement of blood through the body. Consider the talents and abilities that your unique self has, and be so glad for your artistic eye or your way with words or your nimbleness or your strong arm and agile toes. And think about how swiftly Compassion fills the well of your heart when you witness a giving and generously heroic act, or hear tell of a friendship that endures for a lifetime and beyond. Give thanks that your heart can be softened by Love, when the ways of the visible world would try to make it feel like cold and hardened wax.

    Think on these Good things, Beloved. Think on these things, and feel them, and be soft and gentle with yourself, and all, today, remembering “God-Love Loves me. Love loves me.”

    Softly, softly, receive it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the words seem empty, return to that which cannot be put into words.

    Today, return to the simplicity of Love.

    “I am Beloved of God/Goddess. I am Beloved. I am Beloved.”

    Let that Love wash over you and hold you. Let that Love wash away any sense of confusion or uncertainty or fatigue. Just rest in Love, be held in Love.

    Today, in Love, dear love, be free. Give yourself that gift. Ask for It, let it rise like a Tide in your heart, and accept what It feels for you and wants to give you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I am here with you. I will be with you on all the journey.

    Today, think not only about how much I Love you and you Love me, but that Unconditional Love has already enacted the Plan to heal all, and Unconditional Love is Omnipotent. It has already healed all of their mis-beliefs.

    From within your perspective of linear time, that does not seem true. So step outside of your time thoughts for some moments today, and let your heart beat with my Heart, and see and feel that Unconditional Love is real, and feel how All is Well and healed and Whole and of Good, Good purpose.

    Loving you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Unseen Force of the Source, and all of Its manifestations, WANT to support you. They already support you in ways unseen to you, but they want your permission to reveal your natural heritage of Harmony to you in ways you can see, as well. They simply wait for you to ask. They simply wait for you to ask to see your individual Divine Harmony revealed, that They might know your willingness to receive that which is your exact and perfect role in the play, with all of its costumes and inheritance and accoutrements.

    Know yourself Blesses, for you are Blessed, Beloved. Declare “I am Blessed” and then look around you and praise those Blessings. Some are visible. Some are invisible. Praise them all, Beloved. Praise them all without ceasing.

    We See them. Look with us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are only one step removed from anyone else you see.

    And that step is God. That connection is Divine Source.

    If you use your own earth’s sun as the metaphor, each one of you is a ray of light emanating from that central Divine Source, and seeming to dance and shimmer and live. This metaphor can be used in many ways, but today We want you to ponder that your one-step connection to anyone else is through the Divine Source—the ray of Light that you are, emanating as an expression of the Great Light that is God Love, shines next to others, but shines forth singularly.

    To connect to those around you in a truly significant way, let your awareness, your Consciousness, travel back to the Source, and ask the Source to send the messages of hope, of awakening, of reassurance, of wisdom and enlightenment, and forgiveness and appreciation to that one. The One Source of All is the relay, is the connector, is the True way of communing Soul.

    The Soul of Source might whisper to you to also lend an earthly hand, or say a word of thanks aloud, or to offer assistance of information or wisdom or goods or love, but the Source Itself is what awakens the other and shifts the focus of the Light and Life that IS the ray of them. Let It do Its work. You can ask to be enabled to see rightly the awakened other, but it is the Source that re-focuses their Spirit, changes the Light of their life.

    Be willing to See it, with your own Spiritual Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Express Love, always. Express Love, and the body, its temporary vehicle, falls into place.

    God Loves you as Love, and to Love. Be that Love and take your mind off the body.

    Be that Love, and that is truly to be one with God, and in the Oneness of being, your complete understanding begins. The Body of Light includes all, and exists and functions with perfect Harmony always. God causes Harmony and God is the only Cause there is. Be the Cause of Love.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry, there is no worry, if you simply do your part by trusting God, and doing as God bids each day. The Pure Divine Thoughts that arise in your mind as you focus on hearing God-Spirit’s Voice, will lead you on a path that wastes no time and has no stones to make you stumble or fall.

    Love, listen, and trust,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When we urge you to spend an entire day focusing on God, on Unconditional Love, it is not a deprivation we are suggesting, it is a gift to yourself.

    To set aside all the routine chores and the electronic connections and the earthly distractions and entertainments for a day, and immersing yourself in being utterly buoyed and supported by God’s kind regard of you, is an upliftment like no other.

    Give yourself this gift today? Or plan ahead for the next day or the next, cancel all outer appointments, and simply be with God, and Love God, and let God be with you , and Love you, and both be very happy in that.

    Give some focus time each day, give the entire day sometimes, to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid that you are not fulfilling all that the Divine Source has planned for you to do as your part in the earthly Play. The Divine is not bound by your little errors or forgetfulness, any more than it is bound by the “physical laws” of earth. They are as nothing, and the sooner you relax into the Governance of that One Power that takes no cognizance of the rules that humans have made up, the sooner you will be able to let go of fretting about whether you have done the right thing at the right moment, or in the right way, etc., etc., etc. Just let go into Love.

    Just let go into Love, Beloved. “I love Love, I am Love, and I am Beloved.”

    “And so is everyone around me…”. Today, in Silence, know this to be true.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How Glad is the Source when you pray for others! When you ask to see them blessed with their rightful blessings, and to be enabled to see them as God Sees them.

    All of the blessings that you ask for others also bounce back to you, Beloved. It is a circular system, of cheering and enlightening the entire illusion of earth existence, before all is seen to be pure and lovely Spirit again.

    So Bless, Bless, Bless, and never count the cost. There is only gain to your soul, and all souls that are Soul, and never loss.

    In Deep Love,