All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    God compensates those who believe and rely on His/Her Reality. God gives ever more Love to those who Love. God armors with Peace those who place His Law above all else.

    God truly becomes All to those who come to understand that God is all there is.

    You are very near, Child, to setting aside childish human sensibilities. And then each day can be lived in new wonder, with trust in what unfolds, instead of any fretting. Do not stop now.

    Do not stop now. The veil is thin, and can be parted, and you can See clearly. You can be held in the Wings of strong Peace.

    Be still in your heart, but do not stop.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    So many humanly think that extraordinary and everyday Good couldn”t happen for them, because they secretly or overtly think they don”t deserve it, or because they don”t comprehend that the Divine Source is Unlimited.

    But Dear Loving God doesn”t accept the limits you imagine It has, and the Infinite Good It offers you is freely given. God does not refuse to help you because of some error or mistaken choice or small sin you imagine is part of you.

    Accept the Good Gifts God offers, and use the Joy they give as fuel for more Good.

    There is Plenty,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thus, each day, begins Good again, “Dearest Maker, constant and giving, I know You need us all as expressions of what You Are. Help me express You perfectly today. Show me the way, and help me see You expressed in all around me. Thank-you. I am willing to See.”

    Try it again today, Beloved. With practice, you WILL See more and more Good each day. And We delight with you when you do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so important to ponder the fact that it is a Universe of Energy, a Universe of Thought and Spirit. YOU are a spiritual being. Your form is a spiritual form.

    To think of the body as a heavy material thing that must be prey to material forces is to forget your dominion over it, and to feel trapped or vulnerable. Think of yourself as a spiritual body, light and free and renewing in every moment, within the Energy Mind that lovingly holds all. Laugh with God and be delighted with the orderly, flexible, wondrous YOU.

    We see you new in each moment.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you “stand porter at the door of thought”, each moment of each day, be aware of when your thoughts have time-related words in them. The belief in linear time, the belief in the illusion that time could limit the Omnipotence of the Source, is a belief to let go of.

    Just now, when you were praying to be able to see the perfect Divine potential of everyone around you, and of yourself, you were thinking of “future” demonstrations of a possibility. The use of the word “potential” had you thinking of possibility, not about what is ALREADY true in God’s Mind. But we say to you, as has been said by so many, RIGHT NOW you are all the perfect reflections of the multiple Aspects of the Divine. Right now you are your Best High Selves. Right Now is the only instant of time that exists, perpetually, in God. In God, you are all already your perfect Spiritual Selves, not the false sense of mere physical selves.

    Acknowledge that, Beloved. Acknowledge that Good can manifest in your thought, and therefore before your eyes, right now, not as only a future thing. Right now, see all the sons and daughters of God right around you, and as you, with the Truth of your Spiritual Sight. Right now, O’ Beloved, FEEL God’s Joy as the flowing, manifesting, reflecting Aspect of yourself.

    We see your Best right now,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You would not walk into a pet store, seeking to find an ice cream sundae.

    No more can you look to the physical realm that is seemingly all around you to find lasting satisfaction and honor and faithful Bliss and Love. Look to the Soul of Spirit, Beloved. Realize all is Spirit Divine and know Its Love is your Love, Its Wholeness and Supply are your Wholeness and Supply, Its Intelligence and Calm Harmony and Truth are yours, freely given as you turn inward instead of outward.

    As you repeatedly find those fulfillments from your Inner Abiding and Connection, you will more frequently find them in what seems to be your outer existence in the worldly. Turn in, turn in, turn in, and find that lasting Joy. It will lead you to, and show you, any outer Joys you need. Just change your expectations of where and how Joy is found.

    “God’s Calm is my Calm, God’s Love is my Love, and I am complete and content.”

    It is time, Beloved. It is time..



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is but one certainty. You cannot be separated from the Love of God.

    God Loves you no matter what you are imagining you are doing, or have done. God Loves you even though you do not believe your true existence is entirely within It. God Loves you even when you misunderstand what God Is, or are angry or hateful towards God.

    God Loves you, and that will not change. Ponder that, Beloved.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understand how grateful the Source-Mind, in which you dwell as an idea, is for each and every one of Its ideas. Whether that idea is a series of colors and light and stars and formations, or whether that idea is a being, like your own soul self, to walk in the color and light and appreciate it, God appreciates Its ideas.

    Today (and ALL days), appreciate and be grateful for how smoothly ideas come to you when you relax and let them. Whether it is the arrangement of a group of colors and flowers, or the movement of musical notes for a sweet, sweet song, or the item to substitute in a recipe when you are out of one ingredient, be grateful for ideas.

    Be grateful for ideas of how to love someone who is acting unlovable. Be grateful for ways to improve your own behavior when you are feeling annoyed or hurt. Be grateful for the ever-present Love of God that swirls each of Its ideas to a perfect place and time to optimize their opportunities to feel Joy. Be grateful. Be grateful, be grateful.

    And gratitude opens the door to more ideas,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no fool in God’s Mind.

    There is only human foolishness of time-bound thought that overlays the shining loveliness and goodness of the image of you, the idea of you, that God makes.

    So never call yourself or others fool. Address your rebuke to the false silly human thoughts, shake them away, and concentrate on knowing the Good Qualities Divine you reflect, and must learn to See in others.

    We know it takes practice, Love. Why not start right now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The miracles, or what seem like miracles to human eyes, but are actually a natural part of God’s order, are yours, because they are natural to you. YOU are a natural part of God.

    Accept this, Beloved, and be free.

    “I am a natural part of all that GOD IS.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God know when you need to just be Held quietly in the Loving Presence, and when you need a word of advice, or correction of understanding, or an inspired idea. Let God decide, for God knows best what you need. Just turn to God, ask for God’s Help, and absorb what is given.

    When the shared human condition would try to lure you into dismay or doubt, or entice you with delight and distraction, turn again to that Surrounding Soul, and accept what It knows you need. It will help solve what needs solution, and help moderate and give wisdom to the delights, and throughout, hold and heal you, hold and teach you, hold and lift you unto Itself.

    It is the day you need it to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Follow the trails of your heart back to your roots of love, and you will find Me there. I am always with you, for you are a part of Me, you are within Me.

    Trying to deny that, and living for a separate self that is in contest with other selves, other beings and things, is as laughable as it would be if the cells of your arm bones were saying they are not a part of you.

    Think about this, Beloved. Though you dream that you are separate from Me, I constantly offer you My awareness, My support, and My Love. I will not force you to take of it, but it is constantly offered, as a mother would offer a glass of cool water to her thirsty child.

    Offering always, and delighted to see your thirst quenched,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, Be Gratitude.

    Be Gratitude for all that you already are, perfect and good and whole Spiritual idea within Spirit, joyous and free.

    Be Glad. Be Gratitude. Be.

    And think not yourself anything else,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to wait to be a Child of God. You ARE one now, and always. The enticing and gruesome illusions that would make you think you must strive, strive, strive to become a wondrous Child of God are simply not true. You do not have to earn being an idea of God’s—that was gifted to you automatically when God first thought of you. All you need to do is remember it and acknowledge it as your true and only identity.

    Just remember it. Be it. Let go of thinking you are this “other self” far away from Love and Its comfort and counsel and likeness. The only you is a Child of God. You are in It, surrounded by It and Its plenteous and other wondrous ideas, including all companions and joys and right livelihood, and opportunities to shine as a reflection of the central Creative Source.

    Claim this Identity of Truth, and be it today, now, Beloved. It will help you finish remembering who you really are. And as you do, you will be surprised that you ever thought otherwise, like an elephant awakening from a dream that she was a tiger, and so, so glad to know otherwise with the dawn.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are never far from you. Your companion Spirit, having been welcomed into your heart and your experience of life, is as close to you as your breathing.

    But still, for Us to be heard and help, you must turn your attention and your quiet listening to Us. Can you form the habit of doing this? We know you can, for We will help you. Just be willing. Just be willing, for the Greater Will is longing to help you, now and forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you read past that first phrase now without really noticing it?

    We LOVE you. You are Beloved. God-Source Loves you Unconditionally and that Love is unstoppable. Yes, you can delay receiving it by turning your attention to the whims of the world, or by refusing to believe it, but It still waits to fill you and remake you and take you fully into Its Heart again.

    God Loves me. God Loves us.

    If you spent all day today thinking about that, it would be a day very well spent.

    Loving with His/Her Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to open your thought process to the re-training of God-Thought except to do it. Once your willingness, your sweet agreement, is offered to the One Mind’s Love, It will lead you in Its ways, including the appropriate people to meet or words to ponder, as well as your Divine Inner locutions. Listen, learn, obey.

    Yes, many groups of people also have human rules they wish you to follow, and you may find many of these helpful, especially if you are seeking fellowship for the worldly hours, but let the Calm Love that guides you from within, and never harms, be the Truth of your days and steps.

    Can you give It consecrated time each day, and many, many moments throughout the day? If so, It WILL lead you and love you and sustain you and teach you, over and over into the Highest Thoughts of All.

    Sooner or later, all choose,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the worldly carnival of various pursuits and careers, duties and pleasures, it is easy to be perplexed about which ones are right for you as an individual human. And, it is easy to feel confused, as you explore and grow in your Spiritual awareness, about which worldly activities are perfect for your phase of Consciousness.

    We say, keep it simple. No matter what you are doing, or where you are doing it, God’s desire is for you to demonstrate and give the Divine Love that you are made of by the Mind of God. Whether you are serving sandwiches, or planting trees, or inventing new ways of sending information, or washing many little feet, your “job” in God’s Mind is to be Loving Spirit.

    Ponder each day what God is as Love, as Spirit, as Harmonious Truth, as Peaceful Joy, and know it is your purpose to reflect those. The worldly tasks will vary, but that Serene mirroring never will.


  • Ah, Child,

    “Open my eyes, dear One Mind, and let me see, my life that is a reflection of Thee.

    You are Harmony and Gladness, you are expansive Joy and Peace,

    Open my eyes, dear One, and let me see, the “me” that You intend me to be.”

    Let today be the day when you feel it, Love, and be it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Presence, the Comforter, IS able to help you relinquish thoughts of your human past, and focus on the glory and happiness available to you NOW.

    Do just ask, and count the blessings of the very moment, seen and Unseen, humanly tangible, and humanly delightful but intangible. And do not forget to count the emotion of gratitude as a blessing itself. For if you could not feel gratitude, how long could love ever last?

    Divine Love is with you always. Help yourself love with gratitude,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Wordless, God Loves you. Patient, the Voice of God waits within your own golden heart to speak to you in this earthly realm of words, and will use words when you need them. But It does not need words to know you.

    Pray with words when you need them, but know that That Which Is All already knows your needs and your thoughts, and just seeks to Love and Support you. Pray without words sometimes, relaxing into the Simple Peace of God, or praying with sounds that make no sense to human logic, but that call forth the wordless longing of your heart.

    No matter whether you use words or silence, or sounds of sounds, God hears you when you call forth with Love. And answers, with Love, “I am right here with you, and always will be.” The answer may be in words or it may be in new ideas that come forth in your mind, or it may be just a feeling of being infused with such Love that all the World you see suddenly looks vibrant and alive and colorful in a way it did not look before.

    We see the vibrant, alive You, and it is all we see,

    Put you attention there, too, we beg you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here We are, always in your Heart of Soul, ready to quietly speak to you and constantly Loving you.

    Please take time to listen to us. Please pause throughout the day, and not give way to fad or impulse from stimuli that would lead you astray. Obey only God.

    Obey only God. You have Divine Commandments that cover most human circumstances, and when they are your primer, many decisions are easy. But when there is any doubt, over over-quick pleasure that would tempt you, pause and listen to God, and obey God.

    There IS always time enough to listen to God, for God is faster than the speed of light, and faster than human thought. Never be embarrassed to take time to listen to God, and then to obey God’s advice.

    It will serve you better than every human opinion around you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you know that you serve the Holy and True, and that the real existence of everyone is in that Oneness, then stay very aware of that all the time. Put that absolutely first always. In every thing that you say and think and do, ask whether it is in alignment and accordance with Good.

    It is the Good way to live, and prosper, and be in peace of mind and heart.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gently, gently, gently, ever so gently, place the future in the Hands of God.

    Letting yourself remember this in every hour will help you stay calm in ALL needed decisions. Be at peace, be at rest in God, and let each movement forward through time be known to have been already witnessed by God. He/She will guide your steps, if you but stop and listen many, many times throughout the day.

    If there is no coin to tithe in a certain moment, as you are bid to tithe and then relax into the Will of God, tithe YOUR will. Letting go of your human interference is the most necessary step in letting God’s Will be seen, as It has already been done.

    When It was done, It was declared Good. You, a dancing spirit of Spirit, are Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How easy it is to forget, in the whirlwind of human duties and struggles, that there is an endless well of Love and Forgiveness and sustenance that you can draw upon. You might call it God. You might call it the Infinite. You might call it your best alternate reality or the Universe, or quantum energy, or other labels, depending upon what level of understanding you have reached.

    But no matter what you call it, there it is. The important thing is to stop, even in the midst of the whirlwind of human sense, and call upon it and let it help you. Welcome it, drink of it, feed of it, renew yourself in it, be inspired, be calmed, be loved.

    Names are meaningless when you can just relax into your perfect part in the grand design.

    We love to help guide you to remember,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not have to buy Me. You do not have to sell Me.

    I am simply yours, gifted by the Grace of God. I dwell right in your heart of awareness, and that is why I can come so quickly when you call to Me, and are willing to let Me guide you.

    There I Am, quietly waiting for you to be willing to let us seek your best earthly dream together, fully aware that your best dream is also the best for all those in your dream.

    Call to Me often today, Beloved, and let us dream together, in a closeness that is closer than any human relationship, and freely given to you by the Divine Creation within which you dwell.

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that what you are asking for, when you ask for Divine Assistance, or for guidance, or for “healing”, is for what already exists to simply be revealed. The Perfect Whole and Its unfolding in the realm of time already exist—it is just the clarification and visibility of It to the mortal consciousness that need to be focused on.

    Think of this metaphor—that you are sitting in a car surrounded by dewy windows. The lovely day is already there, waiting to be driven through. The road you will drive on already exists, ready to be rolled along. You just need the windows cleaned off and your sight raised to the clear part, to be able to move smoothly forth.

    “I am the substance of smooth sight, and the truth of orderly movement along the most lovely path in the world.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no wall between you and the Source of All.

    Keep that simple truth in your mind and heart today, practicing thinking of yourself as a ray of Light shining from a Great Light, instead of as a frail and mortal thing with a very brief existence. You are Light of Light. Do let it shine.

    “No wall between me and All. The Goodness of the Source is also ours and mine. The Goodness of the Source is not bound by one life line.”

    It is an Infinite thing you are an amazing and individual part of. That does not end with your little dance upon the earth.

    You will see.


  • Ah, Beloved Expression of God,

    Be that. Be the lovely and loving expression of God, right where you are, in whatever you are doing. Not tomorrow, not in some other place or by other name or after you have attained a certain thing or status humanly, but now, today, be an expression of Good, of God.

    Good is the Principle of your Being. You can express It because you are It. Get out of the way of your own Best, Good Self, and Be It right now, in your every day.

    This is so important now, for you, and all the world,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not invite someone to a party at your house, you are not surprised if they do not come.

    Why, then, are you surprised if the Goodness of God/Goddess does not come to an event, or through a person, if you did not invite Him/Her?

    Invite the Divine, for Goodness sake! Invite, and expect, and believe, and let not your tongue or your heart decry it, and the Divine does come, for It has been waiting for your will to welcome Its” Will for a long, long time.

    We love helping to open the door for the party,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is with great Hope that We watch each one come to their individual understanding of Spirit, of which they are each already a part, as though a piece of a picture puzzle wondered why it has only some dots and squiggles on it, until it saw the whole painting of which it is a part.

    Understand, Beloved, our Hope is not about whether total Oneness and Harmony will be achieved. They already ARE. All is One in the only Reality that the Source ever made. But in the darker parts of the dream, unnecessary suffering and sorrow occur. Our Hope is that the time of the seeming pain can be shortened, so that each part of the Whole sooner sees its happy dream, and its perfection in the One Thought of Being.

    That Oneness of being IS already accomplished where there is no time, and the retreat into that timeless closet of thought is possible for everyone all the time. Rest in the closet of Loving Thought, deep in your heart, even as you bravely find courage to face each day of time, and to even laugh at the favorite jokes and the antics of animals and the delights of the summer fireflies.

    There in that quiet closet of thought, We always are. Ready to hold you, Love you, feed you with the water of Spirit in all Its wondrous ways.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you pray for others, and with others, pray with the goal and motive of hearing the other one say, “I am healed”, rather than hearing him or her say later “I need you again.” Pray from your certainty of heart that God exists already, in all His/Her Goodness, behind every disguising face, and in every time and place.

    Do not pray from a place of the sharing of wounds and of weeping together over earthly appearances. Pray together from a celebration of the Infinite Goodness of the Divine, and of a calling forth of your own Spiritual Sight, that you may discern the Brightness of God that is already there.

    Yes, there are times to “keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking”, as scripture says, because God will only reveal as much as you can handle at one time, but trusting in God’s timing and wisdom is a part of the faith that gives Joy, and moves mountains.

    We see all the real “yous”, and we tell you, you are all made of the substance of



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only Divine Energy can free anyone from their patterns of negative thought or error-filled or hurtful behavior.

    Therefore, Beloved, let go of the frustration of not being able to humanly help a friend who is filled with complaints and unhappiness. Turn to the Divine, and humbly ask for Divine assistance for him or her, maintain your own standards and goals of living within the Divine, and wait for the Divine to work in you and in those around you. Gently, kindly, continue to love, but honor the Divine’s ways and timing for others, just as you must do for your own soul work.

    Your job is your own spiritual growth. Being drawn away into trying to “fix” someone else with only human ways will only end you both in the same quicksand.

    Turn to the face of Goodness, again and again and again, and give freely of your own allotted Grace, and then let God/Goddess work.

    We help make sure the prayers reach their Place,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Compassion flows more easily if you remember the times when you have been humanly tempted, sorely tempted, to give in to anger or vengeful actions or words. Think of the times even now when only strong prayer keeps your will strong and able to not react to hurtful behaviors or verbal responses or negative correspondence.

    “There but for the Grace of God go I.”

    Forgiveness flows more easily from your heart when you ponder what you still hope to be forgiven for. Forgiveness expands when you contemplate what your Spiritual role models went through on the earthly plane, and yet were still able to forgive. Forgive the errors others make in the dream, and know you can be forgiven and grow, as well. Teach Truth with your actions and example, and leave the correction of error in the Hands of Spirit, Who knows exactly how to help each soul atone.

    “There but for the Grace of God go I.” Grace is abundant here and now, and infinite in Its reach. You can count on It. Count on It.

    Softly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is so much to be learned by watching how others love. Yes, we want you to always, above all, listen to the Inner Divine Voice, and Love as It tells you to Love, but it is also important to honor that others find creative ways of expressing that Love.

    Honor them. Love them. Learn from them. All must learn from and teach one another, even as they all take instruction within from the Source of all Love.

    And, Beloved, enjoy them. Enjoy the Infinite variety of expression. You can do this if you set aside judgment and evaluation, and just observe and love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Give me a renewing Divine Thought, Dear God.”

    Ask it quietly and trustingly, and wait at lest a full minute of earthly time to hear and feel God’s Loving Embrace and response. And then hold and cherish that Thought all the day.

    If it is an instruction, such as “forgive”, enact it. God’s Word is True, and Good for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no selfishness in praying for yourself first. To remain in constant conscious communion with the Divine Element of Love is to keep yourself filled with not only your share of the Infinite Healing Force that is All, but to have a “pantry” of Love ready to send to others.

    Keep your pantry of Love always fully stocked, and then when the human need of another is noticed by you, or another asks you for supportive prayers, you will have not only all that you need of Love, but plenty to send forth to assist others.

    You, and they, may think that the need is for some specific earthly thing or ill, but the truth is that the Substance of Love that is All forms Itself into whatever is the Best Balm for the situation. Keep your pantry of consciousness filled with Love and you will have plenty on hand to resolve your own needs, and to overflow to others.

    Go now in silence and submission of human will, and ask Divine Love to fill you to overflowing. Then freely give It wherever It is needed.

    We Love you and are grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just think some more today about the energy, the Joy and the Qualities of God being exactly and completely what you are made of.

    Think about enjoying Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great freedom in surrendering to Oneness.

    There is the freedom of no longer fretting about intellectually figuring everything out. There is the delicious trust of knowing that your unity with the Greater Whole will whisper to you the ideas and the actions that are the Greater Good.

    There is the emancipation that comes of knowing that by releasing your small human will and human powers, you gain the power of the Oneness of Being. That joining gives you the company and the strength and the comfort and the wisdom that supply what you need in the various circumstances and scenes of life. Be not afraid to ask, and receive and act. Be not shy about having the confidence that you will find what you desire, or better, for you are desiring in partnership with the Will that Governs the Best for all.

    We want to see your sweet enjoyment of the Truth,

    All is Spirit, dear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love is the “Ticket” home. Physical death of the body-image is not the ticket to knowing who you really are as a consciousness and an image of Goodness. Divine Love is the way to know a feeling and awareness of Heaven and Peace of Mind. Here and now.

    Immerse yourself in Divine Love today, Beloved. As you save yourself with that healing Love, you will know yourself Good, Godly, and you will see and know all around you as Good and Godly as well. Whether through song or words or quiet welcoming and pondering, immerse yourself in Love. Try it for yourself, or ask the Help of someone more practiced at it than you, but focus on remembering who you are as a whole and verified and rightful resident of Love.

    Take the ticket of Divine Love, and carry It in your heart always, and walk in Its Glory.

    Someone Else bought that ticket for you. Use it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are feeling that you are of two minds, and so confused, or simply uncertain of whether to act on something, or how to act, remember that God is not of two minds.

    God is One Mind. God is only of One Mind, and that One Mind, that One Intent, is to Love and Give Goodness, and to amplify Joy. God is of One Mind to expand Life and Light into anywhere there is the illusion of darkness in your perceptions.

    “Today, now, I will ponder and embrace the Truth that One Mind governs all that is Good. I will relax into the Guidance of the One Mind. I will trust in Love.”

    “I will cease my fretting, and relax into Love.”

    “Appreciation of all the is Good will get me there.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honor All That Is as truly All That Is, knowing that All that is IS Good.

    For the rest, to help you see clearly through the smoky reflections of earth, hold in your hands heart, and humor, and humility. Hold them in your awareness, even as you take dominion over your day, knowing they allow your hands to be used as the Will of God.

    What was made in perfection always was, and will be, unchanging, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being a representative of the Light and Life Divine does not need to be complicated. Yes, we know that there are many who flaunt their credentials or form complicated alliances with dogmas and rules and churches, but we tell you ministry of Love can be simple.

    Simply telling someone that you know the Universe wants him to be happy, can change not only that individual’s life experience, but all the lives he touches.

    Keep reassuring people, dear heart, that God is Good and wants Goodness apparent to all. That is ministry. That is hope. That is helping the Divine Plan move along.

    If you could stand outside time with us, you would see what your words did,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No human prescription is as easy as this:

    Get quiet and still, and meditate upon the delightful Qualities of God. All of them are delightful. Do not believe that God is anything but Loving.

    Mediate upon the Qualities. Let thoughts of them float up in your quiet mind, and when one seems to particularly glow to you, ponder how you as an individual reflect that Quality, and how you could demonstrate It even more.

    Delight in yourself as an able reflection of that wondrous aspect of Creation. Delight in God, and delight in yourself, and see how much better you feel.

    Truth heals and reveals when you let It; when you ponder It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The radical reliance upon the Goodness of the Creator DOES include your opinions of what is humanly good. When those desires are in alignment with the certainties of what the Healing Force of God knows to be the highest and best for all individuals that are part of the Great Divine Soul, then your “wishes” come true.

    Therefore, Beloved, dream your dreams and expect them to be fulfilled in the ways that you imagine, sometimes, but also give your heart the open ended prayers of the Best Good, the reliance on the creative wonders, the utter beauty of ultimate truth. In that way, welcoming the wonders of God, you do receive some of what you expect, and also receive delightful surprises that sustain you and tenderly help you thrive and grow, along with everyone else.

    Stay aligned, and be amazed,


  • Bless you all.

    Today’s message dedicated to my brave mother, who passed beyond the cloud of unknowing a few days ago, suddenly, in Latvia. She had gone back there to do what she could to help reinvigorate her homeland, after raising eight children with honesty and kindness, and generosity to many, many people here in the states. Bless her giving heart and all she did here in the earth play, with such honor and love and humility, under very trying circumstances. She taught me a great deal about forgiveness, just by saying nothing so many times.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can only change your perceptions of those around you by allowing the One Loving Mind to change your perceptions.

    The Good and the True are Real. Allow yourself to accept that the One Loving Mind knows all and knows the Truth and IS the Truth, and let It Govern, for It does. The more you accept that in your heart, asking It to wash your illusions away, the more of the Good and Real you will perceive.

    Beloved, Beloved, Heaven glimmers just under the illusions. Allow God to guide ALL your perceptions, and more and more of the Good and the True will become visible to you.

    Ask yourself always, “What does God see when It looks upon this person?”

    Softly, gently, truly, let the Truth set you free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The similarities among all of the Spiritual Children of the timeless God are greater than you think. When you have been so long fooled by the differences in personality and skin and gender and body type, you it is easy to forget the wondrous qualities and powers of God’s expressions that are the same, and always have been.

    Look at sameness first, Beloved. Realize that all is Spiritual. All is Life that is not defined by matter. And that Life all contains the purposeful Soul of God, being Love and Harmony, and all the ways those appear.

    But you are not puppets of sameness. As well as the shared Qualities of Goodness, there are unique and amazing talents and perceptions that each Spiritual image shines with, in understanding of different ways to demonstrate creation and beauty and intelligence and love and truth and curiosity and inventiveness and excellence.

    So affirm you sameness and equality with all offspring of God, but then Joyfully express your uniqueness in ways that uplift the Glory of Love in all, and for all.

    And Praise God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Consciousness that is you, and made you and shares Its thoughts with you and has never left you, knows what to do. If you wait, quietly listening, It will always lead you to Joy with Joy and calm certainty.

    Your good part is to wait, quietly asking for wisdom, and listening and receiving the ideas and impulses good, and then acting to obey. This has not changed in time and space. Only the Real is Real and It will shine for you if you let It. You can feel It embracing you even now.

    Admit It to your mind like admitting a friend through your door,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask for Help in letting go of all old errors and mistakes against others.

    Ask to be filled with a feeling of Grace and forgiveness.

    Give that Grace freely to others, as forgiveness and appreciation.

    Be grateful and give thanks.

    Be still and silent and listen.

    Start it all over again.

    Each day, Beloved, or more often as you learn to delight in helping,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Truth replaces error. If your thoughts are filled with error, if you have missed the mark in believing the illusion of what your senses have set before you, speak the Truth loudly and with conviction. Speak the Truth, and hold fast to believing It, for Divine Spirit will not lie to you.

    Speaking forth the Truth of Divine Revelation in your own heart is perfect, if you have developed and practiced discernment, but if you have not, or if an acute human emotion or pain has hampered you, turn to written Word and speak It aloud. As we have said many times, Truth abounds in written and visual form around you, in scripture, in old folk tales, in poetry and song and icons. Turn to the ones that God has led you to, and speak them, be them, think them. Allow them to replace the human thoughts of error that would keep you bound in sorrow or in pain.

    We speak Praise continually, and It makes us fly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Heart of God-Love is everyone’s Hometown.

    When you are longing for the comfort of something familiar, as earthly time has changed every person and place around you, seek the sweet and changeless Source of All birthing. Sink deep into knowing that nothing temporal matters and lasts, but that seeking the Infinite Hometown of God-Love brings Joy everywhere and anytime.

    Love God, and be Loved by God,

    You are already, and always, in that Hometown,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The promises of God have not changed. The promises of God are not broken now, and never will be. As soon as you are ready to accept it, (right here, right now, if you will), He/She/Love still means this promise:

    “I want to walk with you and talk with you and show you the Beauty of My Creation which includes all the perfect goodness and beauty of you. You are the receiver and the giver of My Love.”

    Can you accept this? Now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so important to give credit where credit is really due. If you daily give thanks and Glory unto God-Source, from Whom the Good Soul of you shines forth, you will not get confused about who and what you are. You will be able to stay humble and grateful, and yet fully confident that your Source of Life is always there to turn to, to draw upon, to Love and to be Loved by in return.

    Never forget you are a perfect and precious thing, but only that because you are a perfect and precious idea in the Governing Mind-Heart of God.

    That is the Divine Law and Truth, and It is Supreme over all human fantasies and errors.

    So simple to say “Thank-you God.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy that you give to others IS the Joy that you give to yourself.

    Not human joy do we speak of, here, but the Joy that is the Maker’s constant Blessing of all. Whether or not the human circumstance seems to call for blessing or reward, and whether or not your human emotions are feeling warm towards the other person, ask that to see that he or she is Blessed by the Divine Source.

    You may or may not be led to take some earthly action—a gift of some earthly thing, or a word of praise or advice, but those things must also be led by the Inner Joy to make any true difference at all to the person, and to you. Ask to be witness to the Divine Blessing, rather, for the Divine knows exactly what is the Highest and Best Good for all, and therefore, what will Bless that individual, and will Bless you.

    Ask to see Joy fulfilled. Ask to feel Joy fulfilled in yourself, and in your life, knowing that your True Life is Infinite, in the ever-present Source of love.

    All Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved, stand porter at the gates of the heart feelings. Hold them firmly open, and humbly ask Love Divine’s strength to help you keep them open, and clear away any impediments.

    You can do Good without being angry. Be calmly active. Love will back you up, and do the work of One Good Mind that is All.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    The Great Director has placed you in the perfect place, or is in the process of moving you to the perfect place, for the work that you need to do for the Divine Plan to awaken all to the heritage of their divinity. Trust that, and know that if it seems like you are trying to be an example to those that are just not ready and willing to hear of their true identities as children of One Mind, it is only because you cannot see the end result. If you are a sower of the seeds of Grace, and we assure you that you are, then you may be reaching one very important individual that will help to save all from extra generations of suffering.

    Whether you are reaching one, or reaching many, you must trust that the overall Plan IS in action, and you are a sweet and appreciated part of it.

    Seek not human approval. Just reach out to the Living Divine Voice within you in the evening, and ask IT, “How did I do today?” That is the only opinion that counts.

    It will laud you for all that was done, and if there is more to be done, It will give you gentle, appreciative directions, and move you, and all, forward.

    We are under Its direction to, to Love you,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Keep your thoughts and feelings on track, with Our Help.

    When you are criticizing and condemning and complaining, you are preventing yourself from using those moments to achieve, and affirm and ascend. Achieve, and affirm, and ascend. And Appreciate.

    Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate.

    Yes, Beloved, it is appropriate to rebuke error, and refuse to accept that which is not of the Harmony that is the real Rule of life. But, ask for the justice of God for the situation, and turn your own thoughts and growth to the Light. Ask for the awakening and growth of Truth revealed, when your own heart or others make ungraceful choices, but quickly turn your thoughts and motives to Good again.

    Turn to Good, and expect Good to prevail in every heart, and appreciate, appreciate, appreciate. God knows the end from the beginning, and it is Good.

    Trust us, and stay focused on Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So easily do you accept the beauty of the sunrise, and the joy of hearing birds sing in the spring.

    Can you not as easily accept the gift of God’s unreserved Love for you? Why let your thoughts stray into doubt or sorrow or any sense of dissatisfaction? Even the paltry power of human will can set those aside for a moment, and remember, “God Loves Me, God Loves Me, God Loves Me.”

    It is the Truth that will set you free from your own misgivings and nightmares,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are living in a way that lets the Light shine forth, and have forgiven all old errors in yourself and others, and you send forth a question unto the Universal Principle of Love, of which there is Plenty, then trust that the answer is on its way.

    Even when the worldly evidence cannot yet be seen, trust, in Joy, that the solutions are real and will become apparent. This is the way that the truth of Harmony works, and you know It well.

    And It knows you, Beloved. You have never been out of Its Mind, and you are not out of Its Mind now, and you will never be.

    O, most tenderly,

    It is not faith, it is the way Truth works, pure and simple,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are many things your ego-self, the self that thinks it is just a body and human mind, wants to take credit for, or is tempted to take credit for, or be glad to take recognition for.

    All Grace comes from God, Beloved. To completely realize this is actually to free yourself more. It frees you because when you, as a human individual, fail at some earthly endeavor, you can feel fine about trying again when you feel Soul inspired. It frees you also to know that Divine Solutions and Creativity come in ways that the human mind , in its limited way, cannot imagine.

    We have heard you asking for Divine Inspiration and Help. Honor the truth that all real Good comes from God. Let go of the mortal desire for recognitions, and the Good that God WANTS you to have can more easily flow to you, without your own human expectations and claims getting in the way. As We have said before, picture Gladness. Envision feeling Good and Seeing Good, and let God take care of the details of how that happens, and where and when, and through whom, it happens.

    Picture Good, and be very, very grateful when it is seen and experienced and fills your heart with Love.

    Shine with God in all that is Good,


  • Ah, Joyous One,

    Let the omnipresence of the Divine Good be a thing you meditate upon today.

    Just as though you were standing on a flat piece of land, on a road, and yet could see only the first hundred feet of the road because of the limits of your vision, keep your mind on the truth. Just as you would gaily leap on your bicycle and take off down the road you knew to be there, for the hundred feet you could see AND for all the feet beyond, think about the Omnipresence of the Divine Good as you leap, today, into your day.

    The Good Road of the Divine IS always there. Ride with Joy, Beloved. Ride with faith. Ride, ride, ride, and be Glad.

    Give yourself some space to be glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you know that the wall clock in the kitchen runs a little slow, and the clock in the meditation room does not work at all, and that last night’s dream took you vividly back to when a favorite pet was alive, you can feel a sense of disconnect to “time and place”.

    Embrace that feeling! Purposefully give yourself days or hours or activities that free you from a sense of being jailed by time. Turn your attention aside when people or ads or memories of old experiences try to tell you that certain ills or advantages or changes come with certain ages or hours. All have experienced the sensation or time moving faster or slower in certain situations or with certain people, but to really uplift the Self, it is important to give yourself the gift of stepping outside of time.

    Make a day each week that you carry no timepiece. Or take a portion of each day when you claim the right to feel the timeless realm of Now, to experience the boundlessness that is God, that is Love, that has not the limits that “time” seems to place on one.

    It is always now, dear one, and you always dwell within Love.

    Timeless Divine Love Holds you. Let It. Be free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God will never run out of pure Goodness to give you.

    Be not afraid to ask.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To accept that the Divine is the Source of you and the Continual Cause of you and the Life of you, but to not accept that these Truths contain Joy would be a mistake.

    Allowing the knowledge of God’s constant Governance into your every thought can and should give you Joy, for Joy at expanding awakening to Love is part of what God is and what God flows to you. Allow that, Beloved. Claim that.

    “Joy is a part of me, because Joy is a part of God.”

    Let yourself be surprised by Joy today, dear expression of God. Be delighted to find yourself thinking, “I feel happy.” Be willing to be surprised by moments of Joy, and to begin expecting Joy in your days and in your Divine choices and results.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like the leaves of a tree that fall down around its roots, and decay to feed the ground and give it nutrients, your old habits and attitudes and mistakes and successes can fall down through time to feed who you are now.

    Therefore, like the old leaves that have mulched into the elements, let what you have learned help you be an even better display of the newness of what you are now, but do not keep trying to dig up those old displays. Be the newness unfurling, like the fresh green leaves.

    Be the newness and goodness now, letting what has died feed you, but never hold you back or down.

    “I will be my Higher, Best Self, displayed, reflecting the Divine, now.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain that you understand now, for you have felt many times the proof, that when your mind and heart are totally on Spirit, there is no bodily pain or rancor or lust. You can ponder this and think about beginning to trust this in ALL situations, so that when there is bodily discomfort, or human excess of emotion in either good or ill, you can tune to the Glorious Freedom of Spirit, and feel free, free, free of what would make you feel trapped in the body.

    We are Glad to Help you with this. Do not let human pride or a feeling of inadequacy or undeservedness keep you from asking for the Help you need and ARE entitled to. All errors are forgiven, all misdeeds are unseen by God, all LOVE IS OFFERED YOU.

    Won”t you take it, and feel happy and freely able to live?


  • Ah, Dear Ones,

    God IS your Life. God IS your sustenance and your provision. To realize it, and to be welcoming of more, be utterly grateful for the ways in which God is already providing for you all around you and as you.

    If God is providing for you through a spouse, be utterly grateful to that spouse as a manifestation of God, in word and expression and heart-thought and touch. If God is providing for you through an innate skill, and through an employer or a client, be utterly grateful to those that support you, and to the touch of God that gave life to your talent. If God is providing for you through the ideas that come to you, be grateful to the ideas and to those who appreciate them or pay you for them or feed you with their joy when they hear them. Be utterly grateful to the friends and the strangers and the very bones of your flesh that ARE God Being your Life.

    Begin with where you are and with whatever you have, Beloved. Realize that God is your life, and is constantly providing for you by being around you and in you as every working and every thing. Be grateful that God appears before you as a working stoplight that keeps you safe at a busy, busy crossroads, metaphorical, or literal. Be grateful for the tiny glimpses of color and sound that feed the poetry of your heart. When you are grateful, you are awakened. When you are grateful, you are IN God, and from there God can give you more to be grateful for.

    Put yourself in gratitude first, and then express your exact need,

    for God wants all Its ideas to realize they live in the wholeness of Bliss,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Heal others, and you will be healed. Pray for others and the Bright Grace will bounce back to you, and fill you with the Joy of God.


  • Ah, Friend,

    As the days move along, and your understanding that going to your Inner Space, and communing with the Whole that you are a part of, is always the answer, it will become more automatic to do so. You will reach the point when your morning and evening contemplation times merge into the hours of the day, and you are seeing with God’s eyes, and feeling with God’s heart, even as you perform the duties and work of life.

    The Inner Peace will be like a song sung upon even the odious chores. The Inner Joy will be like a soothing mild breeze that blows away the biting insects.

    All Good things come from the Good Within, making you see the “good” and “bad” with new eyes.

    Enjoy all life anew, as though you were a child again,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    You are not alone. You are not alone.

    I fill your heart and make up the form and Light of you, alive.

    Just so, I am the heart and form and Life of all, born not of earthly mixture of seeds, but of new ideas of Divine Mind. And between all these forms of Light? More Light. For Mind is All.

    This wondrous year, try to comprehend this, that God is ALL, God is All, God is All.

    There is no matter. There is Light, there is Life, all woven of Spiritual form.

    All made of the Substance of Love.

    You are part of this All, a wonderful thread held on place by many Divine threads around you, never alone in the fabric of existence.

    Consistently Knowing you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The new attitudes that arise in your heart after times of deep meditation or prayer can be deeply enjoyed. Let yourself be delightfully surprised by your new appreciation of the everyday beauties and smooth workings of life.

    Are you not amazed at how many people gladly cooperate to stay on their side of the road, or use public parks in a serene way? Are you not stunned into stillness by the autumn rustle of the wind in the high leaves? Are you not moved to tears by the gentle embrace of the Love that reassures you in your heart, “You will never be alone. We are all together, and always will be. All is in One Delightful and delighted One Mind.”

    That One Mind uplifts you, Beloved, and It will change you in some ways that are dramatic, but also in many ways that are so subtle, or so incremental, that you will not realize them at first. Let yourself be surprised. Let yourself be amazed. Move slowly enough through your day that you can notice and appreciate how different all the world begins to seem to you, when the Divine takes the reign of your heart.

    In the great joining,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is absolutely no one around you that does not reflect a part of the ego-self of yourself that you are trying to let go of, so that you may be a clear vessel for the Truth.

    Think about that. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed by the audacity of a dictator’s evil, or just mildly annoyed at the insensitivity of a spouse, or anxious because of a slow clerk at the station, they are all reflections of your own earthly emotions.

    Be at peace, Beloved. Seek only peace, Beloved. In peace is your harmony. In peace is the word of God, which you may finally hear in its entirety, because you have let go of the last bit of attachment to trying to “fix” the world of illusion.

    Close your eyes to the fun-house mirrors, for they will never show you the Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    God’s Eyes are in your heart, love, not in your skull. They are the Eyes of Love, they are the Eyes of Eternal Life, unending and unchanging.

    They see all the things that are the True reflections of God Itself. They know that kindness exists and wholeness continues and goodness reveals Itself to have been present all along. They Know the Good Path each individualized part of Spirit needs to walk to remember, “I am a part of the Heart that Sees all It made as Good and True.”

    Open the eyes of Heart today, Beloved. They are your real vision.

    They are your way Home.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, what you are meditating for is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony. What you are praying for, for others, is a state of mind of peace, trust, joy and harmony.

    Let all the rest follow from there…

    It Is the Substance from which all else is born,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The inner awareness of full healing will often come before the outer manifestation.

    Therefore, DO monitor the feelings of Peace and quiet Joy that fill your heart, but do not endlessly look at the cut on the skin, or the scales, or in the mailbox, or at the actions of the loved one. Watch and wait for the fullness of Heart Love, and abide in that. and then rejoice, later, when you happen to notice that the worldly effect has aligned itself in Harmony as well.

    Dwell in the Kingdom of Peace ,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trusting in That Which Keeps Its Promises is so rewarding, that once you begin to see how sweetly each day unfolds when you stay centered in that trust, you will rejoice to begin each day in the same way.

    Trust and trust and trust again, Beloved, understanding that the wondrous release of such confident trust frees you from all the niggling worries and concerns about the past and future that used to occupy so much of your thought time. When your thoughts are freed to fully appreciate the moments in which you actually are, as you are in them, there will be a full blossoming of your comprehension of Divine Beauty, and “Now-ness”.

    Right now and forever are the same thing. And we are with you. Trust in that, as well. Goodness does reign, and always will, in the realm of One Loving Mind.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to trust the Calmness of God. That Omnipresence which knows all ends, and knows you, as Itself, Good and Perfect in Spirit, will give you, of Itself, all the Calmness you need to finish the earth journey in a way that feels honorable, and useful, and joyous. Ask It. Receive It. Be WILLING to receive that which is due you in Inner Comfort and Inspiration and Sustenance of Spirit.

    For the willingness to receive Spirit’s Gifts and the gratitude you feel for them are key to being able to transverse the roads of temptation and sorrow without turning down them. You have the strength to do this, for it was given to you before time began, and before you wore what seems to be a body and before you experienced what seems to be a physical life. Trust that your undying Self is true, and is truly a part of the All-Divine that is Love and knows all.

    We Love you without end,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is ALWAYS ready to reach out Hand and Fullness of Mind to you.

    Are YOU ready to accept them? Each time you choose to put the things and thoughts and commissions of the earthly realm ahead of taking time to hold the Hand and Thoughts of God, you are asking God to wait. God is not offended by your unreadiness, for God sees only the Good of you, and knows that, in Infinity, there is no time, and therefore, no time wasted. God simply offers, and offers, and offers again, your Full Joy to you.

    When you are ready, you will accept.

    And what Joy it is…


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are not trying to “fix” the broken. You are trying to remember, and realize, and believe, and Know, that nothing was ever broken in the All in All of God.

    There is only the dream of brokenness, and no dream can rule you. The illusion has no power over those that are not fooled by it.

    Even very practiced hypnotists of the worldly dream will tell you there are individuals who are not susceptible to hypnotic suggestions. You can be one of those, Beloved. You can be one who sees through the illusions to the Truth that heals perception. Anyone can be non-suggestible. It is a decision. It is a choice of free will, for it is the Will of God.

    “God’s Will for me is Happiness and Wellness.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Occasionally take the time to actually individually name and ask for Blessings for the members of your family and those whom you see often. This helps clear up any small concerns or resentments or oddities you may be feeling about any of them, and clears the way for you to go cleanly to the altar of God in your heart of Spirit and more easily align yourself with full Harmony.

    Do not dwell on criticisms that come to thought as you do this. Keep your thoughts on knowing they are all Spiritual children of God, and it is God’s job to lead them and teach them, and help you Love them, as you hope to Love yourself, and to feel Beloved of God.

    Small pebbles can impede smooth walking. Clear your way.

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When enough practice, or an epiphany of Voice or Vision, uplifts you into a clarity and a discernment of the Constant Presence of Good Spirit, Who is always with you and around you, then you will be able to silently walk and work with God, as with a very old Wonderful Friend.

    Wordlessly, and without ritual or fanfare, you will Know the Thoughts of God, the desires of God. And you will share them completely and utterly. And Gladness will be the natural substance of your communion.

    Picture this. It is achievable.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Having tasted and seen what all appears as when you are seeing it through the eyes of Love, is it not time to admit to yourself that you want to be looking through Love all the time?

    So, choose to do so. Endeavor to stay in constant listening and communing mode, letting Love guide you and give to you and express Itself as you and your actions and your words and your life. Each time you forget, you can choose again, knowing you are supported by Love in this effort, for that effort is aligned with what Love designed you to be.

    When worldly aims or fear or anger or simple fatigue would seduce you into looking with human sight, choose again. Close your eyes, ask for strength and faith, and choose Love again. The rewards of Love are immeasurable.

    Contemplate the resources of Infinity, and draw upon them,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you walk into the soul of another, it is not to analyze or criticize. It is to hold open the door for compassion and Unconditional Love and Harmony to come in with you, and put the other, and your self, into alignment with It.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Part of the reason that sorrow or regret, or a feeling of immobility, sometimes grab you, is that you must take a stand to make a choice.

    Take a stand to make a choice. Love always stands ready to Help you and remind you of Joy. When your own bad memories, or the events around you, or the body challenges or life changes, try to lure you into the sadness or annoyance that are your human reaction, you must take your stand to let your Divine Self shine through. When you notice the low energy or the low emotions, you can choose to take that moment to affirm, “I am Love, I am Spirit of Love, I am a Beloved Child of God.”

    Choosing to turn to those thoughts authorizes the Help of the Love that gives Itself freely. Love will never force Itself upon you or kidnap your thoughts. It simply is always present, offering you the chance to choose to allow It to Help, and to allow It to smooth away the problematic emotions, and to give you ideas and calmness and support of Soul.

    Turn to It, Beloved. Train yourself to turn to remembering “I am Loving Spirit, above all.”

    Take a stand to make a choice,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Knowing the Truth that Spiritual existence is real and pervasive and all ,and Loving, is not an arduous thing. It is what frees you into relaxing into the tender Guidance of God, and allows you to completely enjoy the human experience of adventure and creativity and appreciation.

    Yes, the mis-educated mortal personality, and limited bodily senses, may be frightened of seeing “physical laws” overcome and surpassed, but as the unfolding of God-understanding comes to the mind, these breakings of limited thought will be wonderful proof of your glorious heritage of Dominion and Joyous Peace as an inhabitant of the Divine Universe.

    Be Glad, Beloved, be Glad. For today, as all days, God walks with you, and will talk to you and show you Good things, if you but listen and ask.



  • Ah, Child,

    As everyone around you seems to be doubting of what you know, from your contemplation/communion time with the Source, to be true, hold fast to this:

    I am the substance of Spirit.

    I exist in Spirit, and all that Spirit is made of,

    the calm courage, the wholeness of Love,

    the beauty of creativity satisfied,

    All these are mine, for they are what I am made of,

    and It Is Good.

    As those that seem to be “others” doubt you, remember that all about them, too, substituting the words “we” and “ours” where before you said “I” and “mine”. To center yourself in Spirit, to know that you are part of eternal Life Divine, which is reflected as a play on earth, to feel the gratitude of that, and then to include others in that realization, that is to become a healer. That is to become a partaker of the ineffable calm and gladness that are the very essence of the Infinite Being.

    Giving It keeps It flowing through your heart, and through your life,

    Life IS Divine, and spirit, in Divine Life, is what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here I am.

    Here I am. I hear you always. Dear one, please remember that I not only see and understand the True Heart of you, and the time-bound dream that you have projected over enduring Creation, I also see what others are seeing, and believing in their own hearts.

    These mixed projections, and the sublime Beauty of all that God made, together are what you experience as your everyday world. But remember that all is Spirit, and all is truly under the Loving Order of Goodness, and that I do and will help you sort out what is best for the holy and good and blessings of the Soul of all. Trust Me.

    Trust Me, and look back and see how much you have evolved in spiritual understanding and in confidence in your Maker, and make the resolve to go forth with calm Joy. I am here, and I am with you, and we walk together through the maze of time, letting Joy carry you, and I, and all, to Clarity.

    So Good to be with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no truth in errors.

    THAT is how the Loving Divine Truth seems to correct what you see as your woes and errors. What was never right cannot be real, and so the Truth shines.

    Your human intellect would try to trick you into thinking the Truth cannot help you unless you first understand exactly how it works. But you have it backwards, darling one. Let the Truth heal you and vanquish your worries simply by being the Truth that you allow in to your mind. Complete understanding can come later. Complete love and trust can come later.

    For now, just give that little willingness of turning to the Loving Truth and saying “help me if you can”, like flicking a light switch and accepting the light that comes on, even if you yourself do not know how to wire a house or build a generator.

    Do not let the intellect block your blessings. Just accept them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Discouragement is a trick of the emotional self to try to smoke over the Truth of the living Presence of the Divine that is always with you. Recognize it as a false thing, shoo it away, and restore yourself to praising the Love that creates and maintains and is all.

    Persevere in your proven faith. Praise and persevere. Praise and persevere.

    You will see results that align with the Will of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How pure and simple you can make prayer today.

    “I Love you so much, Dear God. I Love you so much.”

    And hear back, more than enough to overflow your heart, “I Love you so much too”

    “How glad I am, Dear God, that my sad dreams never touched the Soul of me that is a shining forth of the Soul of You. How glad I am It remains Pure, and Lovable, and Alive.”

    “I Love you so much, Dear God”

    And I Love you so much, Dear Child of Mine.”

    It is simple, and it is True. Love reflects Love, forever.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Long-time listeners to the Holy Spirit speaking in their Hearts, and beginners in tapping into the Inner Voice of Love that God Graced them with, both have times when they doubt whether they are hearing the Truth or if they are hearing It correctly.

    At those times, simply revert to asking the Love that Holds you, and surrounds you, and is within you, and of which you are made, to simply Love you. Ask Love to Love you, to infuse you with such a feeling of acceptance and veneration, that you feel connected, and safe, and secure in Its embrace.

    The words will come when you are ready. The help with choices, the Inspirations, the connections and people you need will come forth. Just let yourself be Held and Led by Love, and Love will find the right way and time and place to speak clearly to you, and help you understand God, and yourself, and your role as a part of Love.

    Accept this, for It is the Truth. Love is Omnipotent, and does not fail in Its Grand Plan of Awakening all.

    You are a part of It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you find yourself feeling the same kinds of feelings of sibling rivalry, in regards to strangers, that you felt for your blood relatives when you were a child, stand back and evaluate.

    If every being is born of the same Source, are they not your siblings? Do you want to relate to them as a six year old who is jealous of his two year old brother, or do you want to relate to them as does the eighteen year old brother, who is proud to see his fourteen year old brother shine? Do you want to find a way, as does the adult brother, to help the younger one avoid some of the painful lessons, and find an easier path to the brightest and best he can be?

    Examine the feelings in your own heart, Love, and observe the feelings around you. Look past the costumes, and see the relationship, and begin to understand a glimmer of how the Loving Parent Source has laid out a Plan for all of Its children to thrive.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The secure centering of the Self-Awareness in the Reality of Oneness is the only place to begin, and end, each decision. It is affirmative, and it is real, and the more you see the results coming from your surrender to being guided by what you Know when you are there in that Consciousness, the more you will take comfort in slipping into that Centered Consciousness for most moments of your day.

    Do be comforted by it, Beloved. For although the Source desires for each one that has awoken to remain and help wake others, that Source would also have you feel Its expansive Calm and Joy while you finish awakening yourself, and while you nudge others awake.

    As ever,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be never afraid of “not enough”. Whether it is not enough love, or not enough time, or not enough funds, or not enough patience, or not enough peace, or not enough sustenance, or not enough of anything that you can think of, be aware that there is an Infinity of Thought within God/Creative Source. Those Infinite Thoughts are things and are qualities. Turn to the Infinite Thoughts to become YOUR thoughts, and let yourself not think about lack. Rather, think about The Infinites opportunities and ideas and provision and all that you need to take YOUR individual part in the Divine Whole.

    Thinking about Infinity, and inviting the fullness of Its Creative Self to be your constant companion, graciously, generously, completely, is the way to all healing of any kind of lack, that you need to play your part, and play it smoothly and well and joyfully.

    Seek the Infinite and receive also the finite. Along the way you will realize that the Infinite Love IS what you want, and what you already have for the asking.

    In Infinite Love,


  • Ah, Beloved, by turning to the contemplation of the Same Parents that gave birth to, and guide, and care for, and Love you all. Contemplating the One Creator of All will give you the truth and the strength and the support you need to create an opening in your Heart for the compassion you crave, to deeply feel for those in the earthly picture that seem to be un-holy—whether they are perpetrators of general violence, or the neighbor with a noisy machine—all are, within, guided by the same One Mind. You can help that One Mind reach their Hearts to awakening, and to be expressions of their True Holiness, if you focus on the recognition of the One Love that desires to guide them all, rather than focusing on their exterior errors.

    Be the “focus knob” for the Divine Parent, dear Child. Be the focus knob today.

    All gratitude is due you each time you claim Divine Love for another,


  • Dear Beloved,

    You have come to this life with a special gift. No child is born without one. Each gift that comes to earth within someone is an essential thread of the great divine tapestry and each thread forms a part of the greater purpose. Your purpose is to find your gift and to share it. Whether that gift is to make others laugh, or to help yourself or others heal, or to create beauty, or to teach, or to simply be in one place at a certain time to say one word and change a life, your gift will seek to make itself known.

    Listen to the urges of your own soul if it wishes to see a certain place or if it longs for a certain landscape. Feel the joy that comes from certain activities, certain learning, or certain accomplishments. The joy is a clue about the gift you have come to share, and sharing the gift will bring the gift, and the joy of it, forth all the more strongly. All of the other experiences of life that bring happiness and sorrow can surround and enfold your gift. They can add to the sum of your life, but the sharing of your gift is crucial for your soul to feel expanded, connected and enriched.

    Find it and share it, and know that all else in your life will adapt to that flow. Your gift is not necessarily your career or your title—it is just a sharing of a part of the essence that is you. And that sharing creates Joy. That Joy can fuel your gift even more, and fuel anything else that you dream to do.

    All blessings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Still your own thoughts, and wait for the Will of God.

    It will not fail you.

    It Loves you deeply and True.

    “It Loves me. It Loves me. It Loves me.”

    Keep this in your thoughts today, and let Joy bubble up.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We say again, we say again: Look for the Divine, and you will find It.

    Look for problems to “fix”, and you will find them. The choice is yours, and can it be more simple than this?

    Look for the Divine, and you will find It.



  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,