All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    A skillful parent will use the child’s ideas and fantasies to help train and speak to and raise the child. Just so, the Heavenly Father/Mother/Source will use the aspects of the mortal thought creation that best help gently awaken the Children of Its Mind.

    Time is one of these. All is the endless Now within the One Divine Source. But it will use the seeming passage of time like an artist or a potter would, to help change and mold and color the individuals that yearn to understand themselves and to experience the joy that they sense is their birthright. Think about time, even as you ponder the delightful timelessness of the Creative Source, and try to see how the Divine Parent has been using time to help grow and shape and help you.

    All things align in timelessness again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Allowing means recognizing that All is owned by God, and All is owed to God.

    Allowing means being grateful that you have been able to borrow and use “all” for your journey here. Allowing can continue, and can expand into more goodness, (more God-ness), when you appreciate what you have already been allowed to borrow, and use, and thrive with.

    Give thanks for all the Grace, all the gifts and goods and growth, already given, and then more of what you need to live your journey is “allowed” to come,

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you have learned that if you seem to have stubbed a toe, or pinched a finger, the more quickly you turn your eyes away from that “boo-boo” and think about the perfection and loyalty and sustained Care of the Creative Source, the more quickly the error disappears, so is it with other “material” elements as well. Whether it is a misfiring in a car, or a situation of needing a new home or office, or a relationship that needs more harmony, turn away from the earthly facts, and put your mind back into alignment with the Mind of God, and let the outer pieces fall into place, or the ideas for what to do or NOT do, fall into your mind from God’s Mind, and then obey them.

    As ever, this is Truth, has been Truth, will be Truth, in the timeless realm of God,

    Dearly Loving You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let your focus of thought sink completely into the ultimate Governance of God over all your ways. Let that acceptance, that handing over of the reins to Love, give you the sense of ease and wellness, and calm Joy, that are your rightful birthright as a citizen if the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Let go into Calm, dear one,


  • P. S. Think not yourself anything else, because you HAVE dominion over your thoughts, Take that Dominion. “I am Spirit’s child. I am nothing else.”

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We know that your human self knows how wondrous and sweet and comforting and inspirational it is to turn to the Full Presence of the Divine Source. So why don”t you do it more often?

    Ponder this, and realize that it only takes a tiny bit of human will to pause, and be still, and turn to the Inner and Pervasive Whole to ask Its opinion and truth of a seeming situation, person, event, or condition. And, as We have told you many times, We are thrilled and purposed to Help you find and use that little bit of human will that it takes to turn to Love, turn to Love, turn to Love.

    So today, again, Beloved, with our Loving support, turn to Love, and know, there is no Truth but Love. There is no Truth but Love. Ask Love what It Knows, and you will Know, too.

    Let It help you live in awareness of Love in every moment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All are connected in One Mind, for all ideas dwell there together. Therefore, if it were not so sad when we see you feeling unconnected, it would be comical—you are connected to one another, and to all that you need, or have needed, or will need, as you journey in front of the mirror of earth. As Infinite helpers, we can see that overall view, and ask you to remember, for your own good, that greater view, for we wish for your joy and happiness.

    When you wish you could encourage and uplift a friend, but cannot get through by phone or mail, please remember the power of being connected through One Mind—send the prayer, send the meditative moment, and realize it does work. When you cannot understand a way through a confusing moment, send forth a heart thought to the One Mind, and ask for clarity.

    Send and send and ask and ask, and allow yourself to trust, more and more each day, that all that you need to know and be and give is available to the idea that is you, within the Great Awareness.

    Flying where we can see,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look over the many times that events have transpired that brought you from a place of dimness and confusion to a place of new ideas and light.

    Use the gratitude you feel for how things worked out in those times, to be grateful, IN ADVANCE, now, for how ideas will come to you for any current concerns. As all these examples build up, and your trust in the Divine Omnipotence to help you navigate the earthly dream becomes complete, you will become a teacher indeed. For when you can personally testify to all that the One All has shown as Good for you, you will be able to teach with the Voice of true conviction.

    And with the accompanying tone of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is so much that can be drawn upon from the Infinite, and that your unique self can understand and demonstrate in a way that no one else can, that your mortal imagination cannot embrace it. Ask for the Infinite Creative Force to help you draw to you the specific, understandable bits of Itself, that are ready to be revealed as Blessings to you and to those around you.

    Choose, darling one, whether you are ready to be a transparency for those wonders of Life to shine through you. Perhaps on some days you feel ready and able. Perhaps on some days you feel unworthy or unable to serve thus. But know this, that on any day you do let the Divine glow through you, the Grace and Gratitude of the All in all is yours.

    Choose, this day. This day, commune with the Infinite and ask to see and comprehend your Share, and choose to share your Divine Share with others.


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    We know Spirit held you in special tender embrace through the night.

    Accept that Love. Expect Happiness. Allow it to be a choice you make.

    Happiness can be seen in the moments of your day, and in the outlook of your thoughts and open, unqualified expectation of Goodness. Let your thoughts and your sight have the mist blown off of them by LOVE and begin to see anew.

    If you accidently leave on your “3-D” glasses when you leave a theatre, and the people and objects look hazy, it is not the people that need to be fixed. It is your sight that needs correcting by taking off the falsifying lenses.

    Take off the human lenses of judgment, Beloved, and see clearly the Goodness of God.

    We see the Goodness of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The One Infinite Mind, with Its Soul, Spirit, Truth, Love and Harmony as Divine Law, is the Cause of Good, and salvation from temporal illusion.

    God is the Source and Substance of you and yearns to show you your Wholeness.

    Keep in mind God as the One Good Cause, for otherwise it is tempting to fall into superstitions, like thinking the delightful idea you just had for a poem happened because you just ate a piece of peach pie. A new recipe for concrete does not come to an engineer because he had coffee at a new spot. A deep communion with Holy Spirit did not happen because you sat on a purple pillow instead of a yellow one.

    Stay alert to the material mind trying to credit or blame the visible world. All is Spirit that is what you truly need and want. Think outward from your shared Thoughts with God, rather than attributing power to the fleeting. If a certain small ritual or space helps calm you and helps you feel able to hear God, feel free to indulge it, but know that God is always near, and Clearly available, also in the market or on the road, or when you think you are alone in a tempest.

    Look to God for Good. Look to God as the Source of Wonder, and let no superstition snag you.

    God is ready, willing, and able to Help. Just know that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no greater worth of any given moment than turning your thoughts to Divine Source, and letting Its Thoughts, and Its Qualities of Being fill your consciousness.

    All the small excuses that you can think up to not spend some time doing this—that you must be somewhere at a certain moment, or that a particular task is more urgent than staying centered in Awareness, etc. etc., are all worldly things that should not be considered as having power over the One Cause. Do not place your faith in an earthly power that does not exist. Do not let those earthly excuses fool you and keep you from your rightful and deserved Joy.

    Since the Delightful and Delighting One Power is All There Is, without time and space and matter, It can compensate your experience for anything your human thought is worries that it will be late to or not have enough time for or the understanding or strength to do. Trust in That which is over all time and space, not the fleeting shadows that make up what you experience with the “physical” senses.

    It IS Real, Beloved,

    Turn to It, again and again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What do you use to see an image of what you are, what your identity is?

    Do you use the bathroom mirror, a selfie, the statistics of description on some ID or a doctor’s chart? Do you listen to a well-meaning friend, who only sees a surface, and tells you your eyebrows are wrong? Do you gaze down at one of your limbs and think of yourself as smooth or wrinkled or freckled?

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget the basic need. It is to remember that you are within, and sustained by, the Mind of Creation. Practice knowing that, practice feeling that, and you will always be able to turn to that Truth, for yourself and for others.

    Of course you do not fully understand the Creator. That does not matter. If a child, or a farmer, digs a channel in the dirt to funnel water away from a spot or to a spot, the dirt does not need to “understand” the water in order to be able to carry it, or direct it to where it is needed. The child, the farmer, and the dirt just need for the water to act like water, to be itself.

    Just so, without understanding God completely, you just need to let God act like God. Believe us, He/She will. Always, and for everyone and anyone, God will be, and is, God. Just dig a channel through the dirt to where it is needed, keep the channel of dirt clear, and receive the flow.

    Always helping you dig,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes, in fact many times, what will make you happy is not clear to you.

    Then is when utter trust in the Infinite variety of God’s Perfection is so very useful to turn to. Knowing that there is always a solution, if you will just be open to it, in good will and heart, can free you from the mental barriers that may be keeping you from seeing it.

    “God’s Will for me is happiness, not just human necessities, although those are part of it for now, but Divine Happiness.”

    “God’s Will for me is Divine Happiness.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is already committed to you. There is not a scrap heap where God tosses bad ideas away and forgets them.

    You remain in the Mind of God, adored and maintained as the Spiritual idea you are. Commit yourself to understanding that and accepting that and coming to be Glad, Glad, Glad about that.

    Loving you totally,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    If you trust in the material and ephemeral, you will be disappointed.

    Trust in the Omnipotent and Infinite, and be fed with Joy.

    Ponder this simple truth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If the truth comes out about one, it comes out about all.

    Nothing is hidden from One Mind. Therefore, forgive as you wish to be forgiven, and love as you would wish to be loved.

    As we love all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not dance because it is good for your body. You dance, if you do, because of Joy.

    Never again fall for the claims of what is good or bad for the body—listen only to the deep Spirit of Joy, and dance, or sleep, or eat, or fast, or wash, or stand still, or any bodily thing, only at the behest of what feels best for your Spirit—of what you hear Divine Voice tell you to do. This is freedom. While yet wearing the thought of a body, so that it may be used to communicate with those who cannot yet hear in another way, take dominion over it, under guidance from the Great Voice that holds you all.

    Spirit has Dominion. Spirit is your true Self. When you know the certainty of that, you are free from the petty demands of a body that thinks it is king. It is not king. It is but servant of Spirit, that holds sway and reign without exception.

    There is no God but God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God compensates those who believe and rely on His/Her Reality. God gives ever more Love to those who Love. God armors with Peace those who place His Law above all else.

    God truly becomes All to those who come to understand that God is all there is.

    You are very near, Child, to setting aside childish human sensibilities. And then each day can be lived in new wonder, with trust in what unfolds, instead of any fretting. Do not stop now.

    Do not stop now. The veil is thin, and can be parted, and you can See clearly. You can be held in the Wings of strong Peace.

    Be still in your heart, but do not stop.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Give yourself the gift of recognizing that when characters in your play seem to be doing either good or ill, their Real Selves were dancing in the purity of the Light.

    See the Light of them, Beloved. See the Light.

    See the Light of them, that they may see the Light of you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The special relationship to which you must stay most faithful and pure is your relationship to the Source of you. Think of It as It thinks of you, As One: “ I Am that I am. I am as the projection of myself, that is all the same Qualities and reflections of Me.”

    In this, Beloved, “to thine own self be true” becomes, “to the Divine Good Source be True”. It is not to the sense of body-self, to the small-self, that one must be true, but to the Divine Self that is but a projection of total perfection o1 Love.

    FEEL this, even if you do not understand our words,


  • Ah, Friend,

    It is so important to ignore not only the vapor of humanity in those around you, and see instead their God-Selves, it is also important to know that Truth about your Self. Wherever you are, God Is, and if you can remember that and keep yourself in that Consciousness, then you can rest assured that God is already doing Its work.

    Oh, yes, mirages can be very convincing. And the feelings they induce can be very real. If a bunch of branches and leaves seem to form the body of an intruder at your window, the fear that the figure gives you is quite real until you shine a light at it and see the truth. Branches cloaked in leaves, fear, sorrow, illness, and death have been fooling much of humankind for a very, very long time.

    But in the timeless place of God, expressing Itself as you and everywhere, All is still as it has always been and always will be. Visit that Awareness. Learn to abide in that Awareness, and invite It into every moment to help you See and Know that, after all, All is Well.

    The Divine of you, and of everyone, is unchanging,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you think of the phenomena as parallel universes, or alternate realities or quantum wave changes or miracles from God, we assure you that you CAN repair damaged relationships of all kinds by turning to the Grace of Love.

    When your human emotions and thoughts would whisper, “This is hopeless. Too much water over the dam. Can”t forgive the unforgivable. Etc. Etc.”, then ask yourself if you WANT to return to Peace and Love in relation to the relationship.

    If you want to, it can be done. Indeed, somewhere in time, it will, and already has, been done. Nothing is left untended and unforgiven when you finish remembering who you are in the One Loving Mind. If you want to feel peace, and even joy, with it, in this cycle of time, then turn to your Loving Relationship with your Source, and ask for the newness to begin. Let yourself be guided by Love, staying aligned with your Emanating Source of Love at every choice point.

    Seemingly irreparable bodies and relationships CAN be repaired, for in the Divine Mind, they never left perfection. The haze that formed over them CAN be blown away. The Wind of Spirit and Love can do it. Call for Its Help, and be willing to feel and see Joy and Peace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The principle of gravity works for all. So is it with the Principle of Harmony.

    It has been called by many names and deified and un-deified by human thought, but still It timelessly and unerringly operates.

    What difference does that make to those that believe they are caught in the web of time? If they turn to the Truth of the Principle of Harmony, and use It, they can use it to their benefit, just as a workman tossing old broken wood out of a building uses the principle of gravity to make his work easier.

    “I am Spirit-child within Spirit, and if I concentrate on that, and on the thought of Its Qualities functioning SMOOTHLY within me and all that is around me, then the circumstances and costume of my earth time will adjust themselves to the smoothly functioning idea of me.”

    “I am a good and perfect spirit-idea of the Harmony that is All, and I keep my mind on that, and look to It for Truth, rather than looking outward to the mists of time.”

    We know the Truth of you, Child, and it is good.

    We know the Truth of all around you, and it is good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gentle your heart today. Let all anger melt away. Let any old regrets or current sorrows or future worries melt away. Gentle your heart today with Love.

    Love is the Mother Essence of God. Like a GOOD Mother, Love loves you forever, without condition or time or uneven expectation. Love only wants you to Love Her back.

    Loving Her back , and feeling Her Love, is the crucible in which you can burn away all the irritations and disappointments and grievances. Be Loved, and Love back, and gentle your heart today. “I am Loved by Mother-Love, and I Love also in return.”

    The softness of It within will soothe and fill you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Love is Real”

    That is the thought, the mantra, today. Try keeping it in your thoughts, or as a murmur under your breath, all day. See what it turns into, as Divine Voice harmonizes with yours. See how it feels, as the repetition of this Truth shines upon your perceptions.

    See how your understanding changes, as you say this Thought, especially when your physical eyes are gazing at something that does not seem lovely or lovable.

    Love is an aspect of the very substance of the building blocks of Spiritual Reality, and naming it so cannot help but Help you see, this day, some of the Truths of the Spiritual Reality of which you are made.

    We are Real with you in Divine Form,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Anything that you say, or do, or think towards another, you also do unto yourself. We cannot emphasize this enough. If you would not do it to yourself, do not do it. If you attack another in your thoughts, or words, examine what part of yourself you are condemning.

    If you feel you, alone, cannot control these sort of thoughts and behaviors, then ask for Help. For Divine Help is every with you, just waiting to be allowed to help hold you in Love, and to give you enough Love to flow to all others as well.

    As ever we are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The deep faith you can form by experimentally casting all your cares to God, and seeing the answers come to your heart and to your circumstances, will Bless you all your life.

    Cast your cares, dear, cast your cares with trust and love, and be the miracle in your own days. Love and trust, Love and trust, Love and trust are the way to commune with God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because how you choose to spend your time is your choice, we wait patiently while you look at worldly news and tend to the body and the sensory input of the same. But all the while, Love is Flowing to you and in you and around you, giving you the option of doing what needs to be done, or what you desire to do, but doing it all with Love’s input and advice and support and comfort and inspiration.

    Turn to us, if you will. Lean to us and listen to us, as your constant Companion. We live in every heart, and each and every being has the choice to hear us and become the true embodiment of the Good they were created to be.

    Cheering you on to be your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to take yourself entirely out of the dream while you still feel so attached to so many aspects of it. Trying to not care about elements of it does not work, even stopping the body from breathing does not work.

    Your consciousness is forever. The way to raise it is to realize it is One with the Infinite. Then, the dream can be looked upon with tenderness and the perspective that it is already overcome in the timelessness of Spiritual Perfection. Then, one can appreciate and expand the loveliness of invention and discovery and beauty and compassion and kindness.

    When one realizes the everlasting link with the Infinite in, and all around, the Soul of one, then all the perspective changes and the True Value of Life emerges into sight and can be Seen by all. FEEL the Truth of these words. Without analyzing them, just FEEL the Truth. And Be the example.

    So Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The mission never changes, just the aspect of honesty with self about the moment. Turn again and again to the Inner wisdom, to understand whether, in this moment, you are doing the most Loving thing for all concerned.

    It is NOT personal, human standards that you are turning to, to see what is best in a certain situation. It is the Wisdom that is beyond your own, some of which can be infused into human laws, but the unalterable form of which, must be referenced from the Living Truth, to know the All in All.

    Beloved, be joyous that a Wisdom beyond your own human wisdom exists, so that you may freely know that you can turn to It when it is obvious that your own human knowledge simply will not cover the need of the moment. Cover your heart with the knowledge that the Greater Wisdom is Good, and relax into turning to It, turning to It, turning to It. Like a child who delights in the spinning arms and hands and feet of the joyous parent who spins him through the air for a “flying ride”, take delight in the turning and turning of the Governance of God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid that you are not fulfilling all that the Divine Source has planned for you to do as your part in the earthly Play. The Divine is not bound by your little errors or forgetfulness, any more than it is bound by the “physical laws” of earth. They are as nothing, and the sooner you relax into the Governance of that One Power that takes no cognizance of the rules that humans have made up, the sooner you will be able to let go of fretting about whether you have done the right thing at the right moment, or in the right way, etc., etc., etc. Just let go into Love.

    Just let go into Love, Beloved. “I love Love, I am Love, and I am Beloved.”

    “And so is everyone around me…”. Today, in Silence, know this to be true.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of the Light, be with us here, today, and set all things harmonious and right.”

    Let the Light Guide, Beloved. Die to the old self, and let a new role, directed by the Light, be yours, today.

    Dying to the old self and forgetting it is a well known requirement for moving ahead and growing spiritually. Look throughout the traditions of spiritual history and you will see it is a common thing to take, or be given, a new name when entering spiritual devotion. The old self and personality were a role so long played in the human version of the Play of your life, that you became lost in the role and character. To take on the new role that the Great Director assigns, you must let go of that old self. Listen to the directions for your new role, and take on that new character that is a pod of God in the land of nod. Do it with gratitude and Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am what you need. I Am what you are. I Am what you will remember.

    Let your heart and thoughts be full of Me, Love, and know you are part of My Truth.

    Yes, yes, your body-identity will try to distract you with small desires or perplexities, but really what you need is a mind full of Love. You need thoughts filled with Love, for those thoughts will allow you to see in a whole new way, and make you realize that Love is what you need and all you need, to match what you already are as one with Me.

    Let go into this. Relax into this with your beliefs and your trust. Relax. I Am here with you, most tenderly. I make the constant effort to help you until you fully remember your wholeness in Me. You are worth that to Me.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the Director of All that Is Good and True orchestrates the revelation of the Wondrous Life that you can choose to live, it really does include all. God directs you to the people you need to meet, the opportunities that offer themselves for your willingness, the means of support and chances to be grateful, the ideas of how to serve and shine, the Angels by your side.

    The Angels by your side. The Angels on your side.

    Look for all these Good things, Beloved. Expect them, look for them, and Love God and emulating God.

    On your side, by your side,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When a child awakens in its crib, and is too young to climb out by itself, but knows that it needs sustenance or cleansing or company, or other care, it calls out to its father or mother.

    In humanness, when you need support or ideas or love or comfort or warmth or anything at all, and do not seem to be able to climb to it yourself, call out to Father-Mother God. Call out to that in which you exist, and which can lift you up out of the walls of your “crib”, your limiting thoughts and beliefs, and put you where you can reach what you need.

    For what you need really is to know that Father-Mother is right there—just call out.

    Like a child, call out, and accept help.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be very alert to toss aside the thoughts that try to distract you as you try to empty your mind and let God-Thoughts uplift you. As you try to focus on timelessness, and Spirit, and Love, into your consciousness may creep reminders of the laundry that needs to be moved, or the pile of papers that must be sorted, or the beans put on to soak, or any one of a thousand other things. Gently ignore those things. They can all wait, or turn out to be unnecessary.

    Gently ignore those things, just as you would ignore them if a long lost love had suddenly come to the door, or a dear, dear relative stopped by for a surprise visit. The daily cares will try to keep you focused on the worldly concerns, just when you would be best focused on the concern for your High Soul that will lift you into an easier movement through the days.

    Gently. Gently, train yourself to give all of your self to Spirit-Thought, as many times a day as you can.

    Gently, we help you do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is never a mistake to dispense Grace.

    If in doubt, do so.

    Let compassion move you to that, even when, by human standards, you would be justified to be in anger, or withdrawal of affection, or revenge, or snubbing.

    Fill yourself with Grace and forgiveness, remembering all the times you have received forgiveness, and give it back. Give it, give it, graciously.

    Always, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you pay close attention, and discern with your spiritual heart, everything you encounter today can contain an arrow pointing to Wisdom, and a chance to Love and appreciate, and to give Glory where Glory is due.

    There is nothing keeping you from this except a focus on the surface of things.

    To focus on the stormy surface is to not be able to walk upon the deep calm waters of Truth, dear Child. Look, feel, discern past surface appearances, and invite God’s Voice within to narrate for you, and you will walk through your day in an entirely new, and uplifting, way.

    We hover next to you, lovingly,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Do not take lightly our term “Beloved”. It is the pure Truth.

    If you but really understood how very fond of you God is, then you would have no doubts that God does truly project Goodness as your Being, know your innocence, and want all the Best Ideas around you and for you and with you, all the time.

    Time does not exist in the pure reality of God, but God sent a gentle Spirit into your dream of time, to help you, to awaken you, to assist you in seeing Goodness and yearning to remember that it is already yours as soon as you want it. It is indeed God’s Good pleasure to give you the Kingdom of Peace and Joy within, as you are ready to accept it as the only important thing there is, the Omnipotent Reality that is the true home of your Soul-Self.

    Believe you, and all, are Divinely Loved, and all else will harmonize,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not rage at the ones that have sleepily forgotten that they are part of Its One Mind/Heart. God merely Loves them, and Loves them some more, as the soft Divine Voice in their core of Life Being whispers them awake, and leads them back to understanding within the illusion of time.

    God does not rage. So, rage not either, Beloved. To rage is to fall under the same sway as the sleeping ones, and you have sworn, sworn, sworn, in your heart, to let the Divine Voice lead you all the way back to Light. Follow Love, and Be gladly awake, right now, to what is Good.

    If it is not in and of God, it is not valid for you to do or feel.


  • Ah Beloved,

    Get it firmly in your mind there Is but one God.

    You and your God are one Quality and that is Spirit.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that believing in the Unseen, more than in the seen, is a crucial part of being your Divine Self. And, believing in the Unseen for those around you who seem completely trapped in the visible realm is an important part of honing your own vision of the Unseen.

    It is your own willingness to see God’s true intention that is crucial, Beloved. The more you focus on seeing the God in everyone, the more you will see It. Whether or not all of those around you believe that they are expressions of the Divine is not important. Some of the most amazing “miracles”, or “revelations of God’s Truth”, to describe it in another way, happen to those who are not aware of having any faith at all, and to many who do not admit that there is any Unseen Reality.

    Look away from the evidence of the senses, Beloved. Listen not to those who would show you smoke for reality. Look to the Divine Reality, and listen to the Divine Voice, and remember, above all, It is already accomplished. You only seem to be in time, where things are not yet done.

    What God has already accomplished, no one can really undo. And the Divine You, and the Divine Everyone, already Is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God projects you into the Good Story of the world with Gentle Lovingness.

    Don”t try to change the story into something else. Be as God made you, so Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    O”, do just take a rest today from all old opinions and judgments. Let it be like the first day of a vacation in a new place, wherein you just look around and look for good, and expect the joys of new experience.

    Let yourself do this. Expect Good. Look around, seek new good, and allow yourself the delight of seeing it happen.

    On this vacation with you, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each morning and evening, and anytime during the day that you must make an important decision, or when you feel stressed or confused, take these two simple steps:

    1. Remind yourself that the only real power is God, and God created only good and wants only good. Feel the gentle peace deep in your heart that is the pulse of God, while you think about that Grace and Fullness of God. Think about the Love and the Omniscience that are God.

    2. Stop thinking, but continue to feel the deep peace of God, while you become very still, and listen. Listen, listen, listen in a relaxed and quiet way. You are not striving to hear a particular thing. The Divine Inner Spirit may just give you a few moments of Loving Silence, which refreshes and calms you for the next phase of your day. Or, that Gracious Spirit may whisper a word or a name that gives you a new idea to solve a problem. Or, you may feel an urge to try a certain thing or call a certain person, or to go to a certain place, even if it is just to buy the groceries. Spirit may just suffuse you with a feeling that “All is Well, All is Well.” Just be still, and listen. Listen.

    Be the rabbit, inside, with ears huge. God is in there, in you, somewhere. Just Listen. Listen for that Divine breath, and footstep. Listen for that whisper, and above all, feel the Love that pours into your heart and mind, when you are still, and allow It. It will guide your every step of this earth journey, if you but be still, and listen, and allow.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Mercy and Goodness will seek YOU all the days of your earthly life, offering tender love and innocence and truth.

    Many think that they are the seekers of enlightenment. But we assure you, we assure them, you all are already part of the Light, and Its mercy is seeking you. Stop, be still, look within, and let It find you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is absolutely no reason today to be perplexed about the past or future.

    Fill your reservoir of appreciation by COMPLETELY appreciating everything that gives you even the tiniest amount of inspiration or gratitude. Note these moments to yourself. Note them to others if you are with others. Call or write and give gratitude to those whose names cross your mind as ones you wish to thank.

    We Thank you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every moment is a Holy moment, for two reasons.

    One, every moment IS one moment in the Mind of God, where there is no time and your template Spirit lives always, loving and Being loved.

    Two, in the earth dream of time, in every moment you can choose to turn within and hear, “Your sins are forgiven you, for you are truly my own beloved and innocent child, always. Go forth and sin no more, and tell others they are Beloved, too.”

    Make every instant a Holy Instant, by turning to God without ceasing, for It never ceases loving you, and you exists within It, always.

    How clear can we make it?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, practice praying without words. True Communion with, and letting flow of, the Divine Understanding of what you are, and what your life is, and what the lives of all those around you are, is without words. The Divine Knowing of all of you is a deep Knowledge of Beauty and Order and Goodness.

    Relax into that today. Relax into affirming that God/Goddess/ Divine Source Knows Best, and will guide you. Remind yourself of this Truth anytime in the day that your human mind or tongue try to jabber. Go back into the Wisdom of Deep Silence and agree to allow that the Divine Source Knows Best.

    It is a privilege to be allowed to see Its Show. Be grateful that you are allowed to watch It.

    Sitting by you, walking with you,


  • Ah,

    When That Which Is split Itself into Creator and Nurturer, that It might Appreciate and Love Itself, It gave birth to Joy.

    Let the part of yourself that is creator turn to the part of yourself that is nurturer, and let there be the joy of life in you.

    Embrace and kiss your own self that feeds, that it may feed all that you are. Encourage and praise all that you envision and make, that it may make all that will encircle and embrace. In the loving circle of self that is formed are ever the two parts. O’ let them circle, let them create, for then you are complete.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love is the “Ticket” home. Physical death of the body-image is not the ticket to knowing who you really are as a consciousness and an image of Goodness. Divine Love is the way to know a feeling and awareness of Heaven and Peace of Mind. Here and now.

    Immerse yourself in Divine Love today, Beloved. As you save yourself with that healing Love, you will know yourself Good, Godly, and you will see and know all around you as Good and Godly as well. Whether through song or words or quiet welcoming and pondering, immerse yourself in Love. Try it for yourself, or ask the Help of someone more practiced at it than you, but focus on remembering who you are as a whole and verified and rightful resident of Love.

    Take the ticket of Divine Love, and carry It in your heart always, and walk in Its Glory.

    Someone Else bought that ticket for you. Use it.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Be grateful to the Good Mind that holds you. It created you by Imagining you, and you are beloved and complete and true in Its immortal Realm.

    Be grateful to It. Love It and BE Loved in return.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be again a new journey into the middle of the heart of your understanding.

    The worldly comforts and desires can easily make you focus on a certain object or person or place. But of course those are just representations of what the aim of your heart is. Today, O’ Darling One, please sift down through the human visual images to see what desires truly underlie those things.

    Peace of mind? A feeling of happy trust? A sense of being comforted by Love? An overwhelming rush of gratitude? A feeling of purpose? A satisfaction of having helped create Joy? An understanding of your Oneness with the Divine All?

    Sort out the invisible goals, and then ask the Source to help you achieve those, Beloved. They may come about in ways you cannot even imagine.

    The Source wants your Joy. For your Joy fuels Its goal to spread Love endlessly.

    As ever with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blaming anyone else, or any place or thing, or beast or weather, for your mood of a moment does not heal.

    Take responsibility for the thoughts you think, and for holding to your knowledge of who you are as a spiritual image of God, and heal yourself. Falling into the excuse game is just another trick of the false senses that keep you from the fullness of shining in Glory, with Glory, as Glory.

    Try staying silent and going to a populous place, and constantly holding in your thoughts “I am a Glorious image of God. All here are Glorious images of God.” God’s Angel Thoughts gladly join you in this endeavor and help you see how thoughts create your reality and your experience. Think the words as a member of Soul, for you are a part of Glorious Soul, and Soul Thoughts are filled with feeling and Grace and Power, rather than just being castings of human will.

    The Real You is part of Divine Will, and joining in Divine Thought heals your human perceptions. Lift your consciousness above the shallow human dream, and See with Glorious eyes.

    Practicing It perfects your experience of It, for you are a reflection of Perfection,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you take a road trip, and you know the journey is projected to last seven hours, you will several times, along the way, assess the progress and the traffic, and say to yourself that now there is only another two hours to go, or note that you are halfway there. And you may take extended pauses to enjoy a good meal or a lovely view, and choose to delay your arrival time, but you will still be thinking of the destination in the back of your mind. And you will be aware that every hour you drive, you are one hour closer to your destination. Or, if traffic has slowed, every mile you drive, you are one mile closer to where you want to be.

    Beloved, every hour you spend praying, you are one hour closer to God.

    Yes, there are those who have instant enlightenments, of the day or for life, or epiphanies that make certain hours and moments seem Golden, but for most, on most days, every hour you spend communing with the Divine Heart and Mind is an hour that takes you closer to experiencing the fullness of God, to arriving at Unconditional Love.

    Spend consecrated time with God today, Beloved. Devote yourself to making progress on that journey, even while you enjoy whatever Love offers you along the way.

    We are riding with you, dear one.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “My great pleasure is in God. There is no pain here in Spirit.”

    Ponder this and be pleased, pleased, pleased with the result.


  • Ah, My Love,

    No matter how many rotations around the sun the dream of earth has made, and you with it, you are my Beloved. No matter how many worldly myths of time and change have landed in your mind, and thus in your perceptions, I know you as unchanged Beauty of Soul and Mirth and Appreciation.

    There IS such a thing as eternity, Child, although We do not think of it that way. From within that tiny bubble of space and time, there seem to be pasts and futures, but for the Wondrous All, there is only the delightful now, and you are one of the delights that dwell in the Great Smile of GOD.

    Since you dwell in My Delight, if you stay delighted, you will FEEL that closeness to Me, and be able to hear Me clearly, and to know the constant fuel of My Joy in you. Take it as my constant Gift to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Since it is God-Spirit that dies the healing and solving and uplifting when you pray for someone, you can do this great Good for others even when you yourself are not feeling humanly perfect. Yes, it is true that a deep heart understanding of God’s Willingness and Qualities can help you focus your prayers and hold them steady, but God uses not your intellect or physical purity as instrument. God uses your Perfect Spirit that is a focused beam of His/Her Spirit of Love.

    Just allow that Love to help you see the other as Perfect, and both will be so enriched. And be grateful for all the Wonder revealed, so that each time It is proved, prayer grows easier for you, and more filled with trust and faith.

    The power of the Infinite Mind works, Beloved. It Works.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If, when you feel an upwelling of the Presence of Divine Love, you not only enjoy it yourself, but you heartily wish for Its Healing Presence to flow mightily to others, in your family and in your friends, and in all those in your orbit of thought, there is no possibility that it is not helping change the appearance of the world.

    Keep calling forth the Divine Love you feel flowing in you, keep enjoying it, and keep sending it to others, and you ARE helping change the world that humans perceive. Keeping focused on the simplicity of that can keep you from getting lost in the despair of details. Divine Love Itself will tell you whether to send It forth silently or with written words or speech or action.

    Love is simply Love and wants to shine Its Light everywhere, expanding and expanding and expanding.

    Let It expand throughout you and all you perceive,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    There is no need for urgency in the daily tasks, but there is need to stay still, and be guided, and renewed by, the sweet, sweet Joy of the Emanator of All Things, including you. Without that receptivity to the Joy that created you, and out of Whose Awareness you are made and sustained, nothing can feel smooth and lasting.

    Oh, the temporal pleasures may lull you into a complacency of the moment, from treats or hobbies or physical embrace, but none of those substitutes will amount to anything when some more moments have passed, and the brief pleasures fade. The enduring Gladness is the Gladness of God.

    Seek It, even as It is Lovingly awaiting your seeking of It, and be Glad, O’ so Glad, in each moment that you remember you were always completely within Its embrace.

    “I am Held in God’s Embrace. I am under the Law of Love. As I live by the Law of Love, so does Love come back, multiplied, to me.”

    As ever, in love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not so hard for most people to believe that they wish to pray for the best destiny for their loved ones. And, indeed, praying to be allowed to see that—to release any effort to change the lives of those around you to the Mightiness of Divine Mind, is the only way to see Good, and lasting, change come into their lives, but the corollary to that prayer is the difficulty for many hearts.

    For, if you truly pray to be witness to the best destiny of another, you must accept completely that you, as human interpreter, cannot say what that “Best” should be. Many times, the most wonderful purpose, and progress to revealed completeness, for another will not match the fantasy you have of what that person would do, or how it would relate to your own best life.

    Therefore, let your heart move into the full, true acceptance of the One Mind knowing what is most Loving, and Best, for all, BEFORE you say a prayer asking to be shown the perfect path for yourself, or for another.

    Only in full acceptance can you receive, and see, the Divine Plan, and understand that it is all Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All together, all are Totally One Pure Spirit, reflecting, and within, the Divine.

    Totally One Pure Spirit. (TOPS).

    I am TOPS.

    The more you think about this, including yourself and others, the more easily will One Sure Spirit be able to guide you, and all, through the most blessed destiny of their days.

    So, think about it, and think about it, and think about it, until it becomes you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be a seeker of Joy today. Be a seeker of extra Joy today. Find extra fuel for living and extra Will for Understanding God, by being a seeker of extra Joy today.

    Were you not thrilled to see the bright full moon setting just now when We urged you to get up immediately and go to the next room with its west window? All those kinds of small, breathtaking sights can raise your Joy to overflowing. And then, how easy it is to fulfill your task of giving Joy to uplift others. What a new world it would be, if all sought to be truly filled with the sublime Divine Joy of the Infinite.

    Yes, yes, We know the lawn mower must be hauled in for servicing. But We tell you there will be an opportunity to sweetly counsel someone at the station, and that will raise Joy. And yes, We know there are wild blown branches in the yard to gather and stack, but We know you will hear the phoebes sing while you do so. And yes, We know there are the papers and the dust and the dishes to deal with, as there always are. But We tell you, Child, We remind you, Child, that every task that is accompanied by a welcoming of Divine Joy can truly become an act of Joy.

    New levels of appreciation of the everyday Good can be attained this week, Beloved. Ask for Our Help, and attain them, for then you have floodtides of Joy with which to manifest your Best life, and to raise the Joy of others.

    We are counting on you, and all who have given their hearts to Us, to do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Tell the children that they do not need to understand advanced physics to be able to use the lamp by the bedside for their comfort and joy. All they need to understand is some rudiments of the principles of using electricity, abide by those principles, and enjoy the Light.

    Tell them that God/Goddess works in the same way. They need to understand the principles of loving the Light, and of following the Golden Rule, but otherwise all they need to do is to enjoy the freely given flow of the Energy of Grace that will comfort them and sustain them and love them in return.

    Ah yes, the adults must first let go of needing to understand Allness of God/Goddess with their intellect, but if they can indeed let go of that, and “become as little children”, then, they, too, can freely enjoy the flow of the Force of Light.

    Do not despair, for the Light is reaching many hearts, and more every day,


  • 4-4-05

    Ah, Beloved,

    To the human who is trying to give up some temptations of worldliness, in order to spend more time better knowing the Realm of the Divine Truth, there are many temptations that are obvious, and, at first, still alluring—frittering away some days with idle reading, or choosing the extra hour of play over the heart’s call to center and be still.

    Less obvious, and perhaps even harder to relinquish, is a relapse into melancholy. Whether it is a sorrow brought on by a certain event, or whether it is an old state of mind that was habitual before being born into the Joy of Spirit, melancholy IS a temptation, and an easy excuse for the ego to urge the True Self to give up the seeking of God-Knowledge.

    Know this, and name it, and let it not have you. Just as the adult understands, when the child does not, that the third candy bar will make you feel ill instead of happy, so let your mature spiritual self understand that sorrow indulged overlong does not lead to Joy.

    Make knowing God/Goddess your challenge, and your joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a fire banked in a woodstove, just waiting to be stirred to flame again, the Glory of Infinite Life is banked in your heart.

    Stir It with an allowing prayer, and let yourself shine with Glory today. When you shine with an appreciation of Life in all Its Good forms, and wordlessly smile with gratitude, you can likely awaken more hearts to learn to Love than a few angry fervent speaking faces.

    The Glory of God provides Its own Infinite fuel of Joyous expansive Soul. Just stir It a little each day with a grateful and Loving word, and It will tell you how to go forth and enjoy and help mold a better worldly picture.

    We are with you for every step,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Loosen and Lighten your definition of who and what you are.

    You are an amalgam of Ideas, of Light and Love and Life Force, and these swirl and adjust in the ways they need to for you to be able to imagine and create and appreciate.

    Practice thinking of your Self in this way, rather than labeling what you are as limited “matter”. A swirl of Harmonious Truth, dwelling in the All-in-All, a part of the Great I Am, this is what you Are.

    Expand the sense of Self, and the Self expands to hold, and do and Be, more Good.

    Play with this, Beloved. Play and believe.


  • Oh, Beloved,

    What you wish for others, you ARE wishing for yourself. If you wish them harmony and love, you are wishing these for yourself. If you wish them justice and honor, you are wishing these for yourself. Keeping this truth in your mind and operations of thought will greatly effect what you experience.

    Keep it in mind, Beloved. Keep it in mind.

    For thus does Divine Mind wish Good for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Holy Spirit is the tutor that God sent into your dream to gently and lovingly correct the errors of the dream, and remind you that you have been truly in the Mind of God all along, perfect and whole.

    Spirit is your wise heart. Listen to It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you turn completely and willingly to God for the assistance in getting rid of one sin or one distress, God will help with them all. God sees all.

    But God knows which things are false, and not a part of the Innocent you, and washes them away from soul and perception.

    Ask, and keep your focus on receiving.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The childish or selfish or unloving behavior of another does not give you the right to react in kind. You know this. Stay true to what God expects of the Soul of you, which is to be generously Loving and kind, hopeful and faithful, leaving all adjustments to Harmony in the hands of God.

    The One Mind and One Heart of the Source of all Life can be trusted to mature those that have not even begun awakening to their Divine Good Selves.

    You just concentrate on surrendering your own Loving will to God’s Love. That really requires all your focus of spirit, and is purpose enough to fill each day.

    Happily assisting you to be the Divine You,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Even with the best of intentions in your human mind and heart. It is very easy to fall into the trap of letting your daily prayers become lists of things or events you want, or protestations of things you do not like or want.

    Today, let the purity of saying, “God, what do YOU want?” be the prayer that carries you. Ask it, and listen, and let your own human lists of wants be pushed into the background, as you tenderly give your attention to the Source of you. We assure you that, although you may hear instructions about doing a certain thing, or God’s desire for your being more hopeful or trusting or forgiving, or you will feel an impulse to call a certain person or learn a new thing, you will also hear from God, “I want you to love Me, and I want you to accept My Love for you.

    Do it today. Do it now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The complete and delicious and wonderful Spiritual Union with the Divine Awareness, that is the true Life Awareness of all, cannot really be described in words. Why even try? Simply experience Its worthy and Great Calm and Love, and enjoy It and let It fill you with Joy.

    And then quietly demonstrate that Joy in how you live, how you act, what you do, and in what you say that It leads you to say. That is Divine Love true, that is Divine Love expressing Itself and sharing with all and to all.

    Be what you feel as Divine,

    You can. It is what you really are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you let yourself be playfully humble, and listen to the Inner Guidance for every minute of the day that unfolds, is it not delightful?

    You know the feeling now. You know that there are moments when an inner caution holds you back from going to a certain place, or saying or doing a certain thing. You know that there are people you encounter, that say or do something that inspires you, in just the way you need for that hour or that mindset. You know that there are ideas that come to you that provide you with joy or a creation of sustenance. You know that there are glowing moments when you feel suffused with Divine Love, and basking in a flow of generous Divine Compassion. You know that you feel happy purpose when you are presented with opportunities to minister to others with an item or a service or a word of Joy.

    You have all this evidence of the graciousness of living in, and be humbly guided by, Loving Spirit. Why not choose to let yourself live that way every day? That willingness, given to the directing Soul within, is really all it takes, for a multitude of Intercessory Ideas to be with you all time, Blessing you.

    Give permission to the Good, and It comes forth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Sees your Purity of Soul glowing and acting. If you look to human thanks and awards and adulation it is a thing of the human ego and you will diminish your ability to focus on hearing the whisper of what GOD wants you to do.

    Divine instructions. Divine approval. That is the way to go.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Lovely Intelligence of the Divine surrounds, permeates, and supports, all of Its ideas. You are one of Its complex ideas, given other ideas to feed upon, and yet more ideas to enjoy and share with and be melded to.

    Trust that Loving Intelligence. Trust It as you would trust a person whom you admire and respect, and whom you know to be one who loves you unconditionally.

    Go to the Divine Living Intelligence each day, setting aside your own imaginings and the sensory input of the flesh (which does not even always know up from down, like a child dizzy after a carnival ride), and lay open your heart and your worries. Hold them forth to that Loving Intelligence, and allow It to permeate the quietness of your willingly listening, silently and trustful, center of being.

    Twice a day, at least for a few minutes, do this. More, if you need. The more you turn There for your awareness of what to do or say, the more you will WANT to turn There for solace, for strength, for wisdom, for tender and knowing Love.

    We would not mislead you in this, for we turn there, too,


  • Ah, Child,

    A very young child trusts that the parent knows best. With no other influences, and total vulnerability, the infant turns to the parents and believes they will give complete care and wisdom and love.

    The adolescent, with learned reactions, and peer pressure, and fleshly desires, has trouble believing that the parent knows the right thing to do, especially when it is a complicated situation or a delayed result. Just so, if you are in the adolescence of your Spiritual growth, it can be hard to trust the Divine Voice within. Your logical training will argue with it. The worldly “experts” will be a chorus around you. The ease and pleasure of the moment will try to pull your focus away from the narrow path.

    Adolescence passes, Beloved. Trust and pray and listen and hope and wait. All the detours of the ego are as nothing, when you finally feel the deep Breath of God.

    Practice believing, and,

    Believe It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of all the good gestures and motives and feelings and demonstrations of kindness and forgiveness and inspiration that happen in your own community each day even though you are not personal witness to them. Think of how many times all the generosity and goodwill acts and personal growth examples of an individual only come to light for all when stories are being told at that person’s funeral. Think of how many times you yourself have anonymously given, or even just held your tongue when you could have gossiped or criticized.

    Good is happening all around you, and within you.

    And We tell you, the awesome portion of Good that God can always See far exceeds these small examples of human goodness. God Sees the Good of every soul that is part of the Divine Great Soul, and it is unlimited. Open you mind, open your heart, open your imagination and vision, and See It with God.

    And how very Lovely it is!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the human behavior of another perplexes or disappointments you, remember how many of your own earthly errors I have freely forgiven you, and find Me within yourself, and forgive that other one.

    That is the path to feel Whole and Heavenly.

    That Which Holds you and Loves you and Loves all

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only when one is beyond the veil of illusion will one completely understand how important one gesture or one word was, in earthly life, in the awakening of the self, or of another, in Oneness.

    Just be still, be quiet and gently observing of the ego, and let the Love of the Divine pour through you. Let It guide you when to speak, let It give you the impulse to act or the desire to plan.

    Make peace with this understanding, that only when you are beyond the veil will you completely see of what aid you have been in letting your dream be used by God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do, do, do believe that it is not a certain set of specific words, or a formula, or the way you sit or stand or the time of day or the hat you wear or the ornament you pin to your clothing or the name of the building you are in, or any other of a thousand things that matter when you pray—it is just to open your heart to hearing God’s Love speak to you.

    We understand that some of the rituals you have adopted or evolved will calm or comfort you enough to discipline and still your human thoughts so that you can truly listen to the Voice of Soul, but do not worship the ritual itself. Be still and grateful, and Love God, and Love’s Voice will gladly reach out from within your own heart-soul, and guide you and smooth away the bumps that hide your perfection of thought and form.

    Reach in, be still, and listen. God is speaking to you and Loving you. Just listen and feel it True.

    Feel Me behind and within these words. I Am here.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are more grateful than words can express, for a gift of healing or salvation that occurs in your life, sing a song of Joy as offering to the Source.

    Then, share your Joy with the world. Share it with the small world of your friends and neighbors whom you can encourage or help, but share it also in testimony to strangers who care to listen if they choose, that all may come to know, there is a solid Truth that one can cling to, in every time and place and circumstance.

    Remember, and testify, that the Divine Whole occupies all of what seem to human measurements to be space and time, and It can be invited to appear, and does, when you need It, or when you are ready to accept It.

    As ever, Dear One,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Calmness is the open door for the ability to hear Divine Guidance.

    Stay calm, Beloved. Stay calm.

    Make calmness a goal, today and always. Even if you are celebrating a joyous occasion, you can celebrate with calm joy. Even if you are making a momentous decision, you can do so very calmly, and then you can feel the truth of whether it is in line with the Divine Plan for your life.

    Be calm, be aware, and know you are always near unto God, for you are within God, and in calmness, you can hear God’s Voice. God’s Voice is always there for you. God is not testing you to see if you can behave calmly. Rather, it is that you choose to open yourself to hearing that Voice by remaining calm, and listening. Quietly, calmly, trustingly, listen.

    Ask us. We will hold your hand and calm you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your human visions of what your life “should” be feel thwarted, or you feel threatened or jealous by changes that those close to you make in their routine and in relating to you, there may be a part of you that demands of God “Why aren”t things going the way that feel good to me?” A feeling of anger at God, and anger or jealousy or fear or irritation or impatience with those around you seems to take over and drive your thoughts and your day. The human will is having a tantrum, wanting to be in charge, in charge, in charge.

    It is a lesson that all individuals who are experiencing the limited senses of bodily life must learn over and over again. Having been taught to plan, and train and focus on goals, and perhaps compete to survive, and strive to succeed, the human will shouts out when its efforts do not create happiness. The characters and circumstances it perceives seem like plastic toys that will not bend and move in the way it wants. It wants, it wants, it wants.

    But what is it that “wants” in this way? It is a false sense of self, as a small and vulnerable and short-lived thing. And while it shouts and yells and demands and blames and criticizes, the Great Love and Life Force and Mind that knows the Holiness of each of Its offspring is patiently Holding and Protecting and Tending to that child, that individual reflection of Soul. And when the tantrum is done, and a glimmer of willingness to let God Light lead the thoughts shows up again, Spiritual Truth can show the way past the disappointments, and to gratitude for Good, and inspirations for new perspective.

    You can grow angry with God, dear one, and angry with all those around you who are part of God, but God will never grow angry with you. God will only Love, Love, Love, and Guide and Shepard. The more you “will to have the Divine Will” be your life, the less frequent the emotional tantrums and detours will be, for they are not a part of God. They are not a legitimate reality with any real power over your Good Life as a child of God.

    Tenderly, God is ever-patient with you. Be glad of that.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We are so grateful to all of you who have willingly stepped forth to be shining conduits of the Goodness of Infinite Love into the dream of the world, over these many years.

    You are appreciated. The Divine Flow to you and through you is continuous. Use It.

    You are wonderfully made, and are a natural part of Harmony.


  • Weeping Cherry

    Pink blossoms

    Blue sky

    Ephemeral beauty sublime.

    But all I want is You,

    Dear God.

    That which is Good,

    That which is Lovely,

    All of it is You,

    All I want is You,

    Dear God.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    What God knows of you, because it is a reflection of Itself, is not an opinion. It is the Truth. God knows the Love and Soul and Wisdom and Spirit that are the elements of Creation, and that the Created can be nothing else.

    You cannot, with human opinion, make God put on dark glasses. God knows the image of you to be Very Good. God Sees your Spirit Clearly. And that is that. Set aside your own opinions of yourself, and allow yourself to believe the Truth of God. You are Beloved and Very Good Spirit.

    So go forth and Be that.

    We go forth with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Loving comes in many styles and forms and words and gestures. But so long as it is selfless and true and giving and forgiving, it is Real. Love that is Real reflects Divine Love, with no greed or possessiveness in it.

    Focus today on giving Love that is generous and appreciative and Real, Child. For the more you give forth of Divine Love, the more you will feel It enveloping and returning to you.

    You are made of Love, substance of All. Today, act like it by letting It action you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There does not exist a single moment in which you cannot practice Divine Mother-Love.

    Welcome that Unconditional Love to flow through you, everywhere and at all times, and extend it to everyone around you. See It in the trees, see it in the fields and stone, and know, know, know it is possible to be already Home, living from the Kingdome, and the view, within your heart.

    You are never apart from THAT Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not Govern from far away or long ago. God Governs right here, right now, with Goodness.

    Turn to It, welcome It, receive It right here, right now. God wants your happiness, and wants you to feel Blessed to be a Blessing to all.

    Think on this, and WELCOME It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pull out the children’s toys. Pull out the simple art supplies or the piles of dirt and sand in the outdoors.

    Play, Beloved, and remember the Joy of being as a child. For being as simply creative as a child, as truly believing as a child, as scripture says, IS a clear path to true understand of the Force and Presence of God.

    The grains of sand in a hand, the simple scrawl of a crayon…can help you remember and realize, “I am a creator, because I reflect a part of the Great Creator of All.”

    Simply true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let yourself ENJOY being a worker for the Light Force.

    Be playful today, in thinking of your role as “I am a dispenser of Light, shining away the darkness, just by quiet presence and smiles. Let me see how many smiles I can make shine in return, just by emanating joyous calm.”

    It is not about drama, Beloved. It is about being the shining of the Creator’s confident loving Calmness. That is the dispensing of Grace.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are not trying to “fix” the broken. You are trying to remember, and realize, and believe, and Know, that nothing was ever broken in the All in All of God.

    There is only the dream of brokenness, and no dream can rule you. The illusion has no power over those that are not fooled by it.

    Even very practiced hypnotists of the worldly dream will tell you there are individuals who are not susceptible to hypnotic suggestions. You can be one of those, Beloved. You can be one who sees through the illusions to the Truth that heals perception. Anyone can be non-suggestible. It is a decision. It is a choice of free will, for it is the Will of God.

    “God’s Will for me is Happiness and Wellness.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    CHOOSE to be grateful.

    Again and again the earthly mist that overlays the True Reality of Goodness will demonstrate to you that which wears away, and behaves inexplicably, or disappears with time. Trust only in the Unchanging Goodness that underlies the mist of appearance. Be so very grateful to that Unchanging Love, and it will help you see the joyous Goodness of the Source.

    “I am Glad God Loves me.”

    “It makes me Glad to love God.”

    “As I see the “God” within the mist of everyone else, I feel completely loved and appreciated, for I know the God within them loves me. As I understand how much God loves me, I begin to understand more of my own Goodness and gifts.

    We Know these things to be True, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Above all, remember it is the Source Light that does the work, does the projecting. Although you are part of the projection, and yet also observing others, just be constantly willing to See as the Source is seeing—perfect, good and true.

    We are with you at this time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The whispers that come to you from the ever-present Principle of Joyous and Harmonious Being will always be of Gladness, and of Truth. The Principle of All That Is does not doubt Itself, as It does not doubt Its Love for you.

    It is only the human self-made persona, the small ego, that feels it must evaluate and judge. When you let go of judgment and listen only to Love, you will know you are hearing the Right Voice. Calmly, patiently, It is always there, and ready, for you.

    As we are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, We know, the headlines scream, and the beauties of the world beckon.

    But do you want to let those have power over your Serenity?

    Ponder and partake of the Sweet, Ineffable, Unchanging Great Soul that WANTS to embrace you, and Who wants to empower you with a deep understanding of the nature of Pure Good. Until you work up to being able to being in constant conscious communing, with that Unconditional and Omnipotent Love, at least soak in It for a few minutes several times a day. Think of your Self as a completely permeable membrane that fully absorbs the Substance of God. Soak in It, absorb It, Be It.

    Then, Beloved, you have open access to the Will within you to do your part against the screaming and sorrowful, and to be a part of the Joy and Beauty.

    We cannot say this enough. Feed yourself with Pure Harmony, and then play your part in the world. And feed yourself again, in Spirit and Soul, and play your part with Serenity.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is already being God. The entire of the Divine Universe is already expressing itself as what you truly are, and as everything else. You do not need to do anything to convince God to be God, or to bring God into alignment with God’s purpose.

    Talking to God, and praying to, and being with God, is to bring YOU, meaning your conscious awareness, into alignment with God. God, and the Mind of God are already what Is, but the human, earthly awareness has been fogged over by worldly beliefs and perceptions. Spending time with God in the heart of your soul’s awareness will bring you a clarity of sight, and a clarity of perception on all levels. The world might label that clarity “healing” or “enlightenment”, but in truth, it is just the revelation of the Truth of God that was there all along.

    Other people may help you see clearly temporarily, but it is up to you to hold to that true sight, by practicing it.

    O’ how We want you to see all that Beauty,