All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Good Mind minds you.

    Like a child who respects and adores his or her loving parent, if you respect and adore the Good Mind that minds you, that Thought of you and is Holding you, all proceeds smoothly in the story of your life.

    And, Beloved, focus, today, on trusting that the Good Mind minds the core being of everyone you know and see. That is Its job, not yours. You are meant to be a delighted witness of the Goodness, and Excellence and Glory of Goodness in action. Seek It. Look for It, so that you can appreciate It.

    Simply Appreciate, today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know the truth of the Soul that shines in you and through you, visit your Self outside of time today. Close your eyes, and other senses, to the world and its clocks and its ways, and sink deep into your own Consciousness. Visit the Self that is a part of All, and feel its Joy and its Peace and its enthusiasm for the constant creation of Love and of the Lovely.

    Visit with your Self, and know the Glory that is without measure. And perhaps, too, you will hear from your own Self, some ideas about what to say and do when you come back to your sojourn in time. For who knows better what still would be Good and Right to do, than your own Best Self, that has never been confused by thinking it is separate from All Good?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way for any human mind to understand completely the workings of Divine Mind, while still enmeshed in the wishes and desires of humanness. But, one can understand the gentle and good and utterly Truly Loving INTENT of the Divine Mind, and with trust in that, go through each day following the advice and the tender sustaining support of the Divine Force.

    Call It by whatever name you will, but go through your day reminding yourself “I trust in the Comforting, Sustaining Consciousness invented by God to bring us all into complete understanding that we are already Complete in Him/Her.

    It IS TRUE, Darling,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be the realization that it is not the world’s view that truly changes your circumstances for the better—giving in to trying to visualize only a better materiality will never truly improve your Joy. Go, rather, away from the worship of fame and fortune, and turn to choosing to learn, and to know, and to practice God’s point of view.

    To ask, of the Divine Mirror of Truth, that you see the Divine Truth, Life and Way, of each person and situation, is the way to awaken yourself to the Joy you are, and were meant to be living.

    It IS as simple as that, but it is a simplicity that can take a very long time to master. It can also happen in an instant. Be aware of wanting it, and God will help you do it as quickly as possible. Be constantly practicing, just like learning to drive, and you will get better and better at it, and it will begin to feel more automatic and smooth.

    We love “driver’s ed” ,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All are baskets woven by God, of Truth and Soul and Love, bound and sealed with Intelligence and Life by its Principle, keen and Harmonious.

    The basket of you is meant to carry the gifts of Spirit. Take time to look them up and know that you can carry them, and use them and distribute them, for it is what you are made to do.

    And We help carry them and give them out,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Grace my eyes, dear God, and enable me to see, the purity and innocence and wholeness of us all, as we are in Thee.”

    “As Grace is with me always, amen.”

    There is certainty in God, Beloved. Do not forget it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As spring comes in the heart, examine again what habits and old instructions are still true for you. Just because the Divine Voice told you to begin a certain study a year ago does not mean that it is true for this year as well. Let nothing become a habit. Re-examine. Rethink. Renew your mind in every season, with the fresh wash of Divine Thought, approving it to continue, or to amend it, or to let it go.

    Willingly. Ever willingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The genius of living one moment at a time is that, from within that one moment, you can stay in constant touch with the One Mind that governs all. The One Mind Governs all and is truly beyond time. Aligning with it gives you the ability to see the truth of the moment but also of the “past” and the “future”, as you gaze at all the moments that exist at once, of every possible trajectory of time.

    Do not make yourself dizzy trying to figure this out with the intellect, if you are not someone who comfortably ponders timelines and space continuums. Just endeavor to live in the moment in constant Communion with the One Consciousness that Lovingly embraces all, and It will guide you down the smoothest pathway for who and where you are right now.

    It will guide you with Love. Trust It.

    And know We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Miracles” are very natural to God. They are simply revelations of God’s natural Order and Harmony.

    Welcome the understanding and perception of more of Good Harmony, and you WILL see more of It, with Spiritual Sight and discernment. Ask to see God’s Order, and refrain from putting human framework and definitions on how that order should look, but trust that It is Loving and Good.

    It is simpler than it seems, Beloved. Let Love hold you, for It already does. You are a very sweet idea moving in the Mind of Love.

    Feel it, and Let go,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have understood this before, and you can again and again: the moment you feel your own feelings swirl into confusion or doubt or irritation, or uncertainty about the Divine Cause being the ONLY cause, and if you reach for the constantly available communion of the Inner Voice but feel that you cannot smoothly connect with it, then reach to It for someone else. Pause your own emotions and thoughts, call up inspired thought or written sacred word, and send a prayer far away to one in need. Call another and read forth some inspiration. Stand up and speak to a group, or to one. Take a walk and minister encouragement to those you encounter. Any action that starts the flow of sending your own Godness, your own “Goodness”, into the world will enable you to start the flow again for your own sweet communion with, and nurturing and inspiration from, the Source Divine.

    It works all the time. Try it and see.

    Always sending God Thoughts and Love to you, and that keeps us in the Heavenly Frame,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No force is needed to let yourself feel the Love that creates and feeds and sustains all Spirit.

    Just gently set aside your worldly cares for a moment, and let yourself feel It.

    We see you when you try to force yourself to do unwanted tasks or forcefully try to find the energy for responsibilities that need to be fulfilled. Beloved, set aside the forcing of mortal self, feel the Love that Loves you, and let It help you continue and achieve and enjoy and have that calm Peace of Mind even while all else gets done.

    Relax into Love, Beloved. Relax and let It lead.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you say you love God, that also means you love what God Is.

    It is not a Santa Claus in the sky. It is Truth, and a Complete sense of Harmony, and Love and a desire to spread Love to all things. It is pure Goodness and Infinite Life.

    So if you love God, you love these Qualities. Ponder the Qualities, dear one. Which one will you wear today, and be as today, and uphold today?

    Humans adorn themselves with the things they love, whether it be diamonds or gold or seashells or bright colors. Adorn yourself, today, with the Qualities you love.

    Be Love, See Love, know Love. Do that, and you will begin to understand true Grace.

    You DO have it in you to do this, for of Gracious Spirit you are made,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are pondering the Wonderfulness of the Source, in order to feel healed and centered and uplifted and inspired and fulfilled, do not worry about time and words.

    It is not that your prayer time must last a certain number of minutes, or contain specific words laid out in a certain way. It is the willingness of your mind and the openness of your heart, and the focus on yourself as a part of that Divine Whole, that does the work of truly enabling the marvelous flow of Living Love.

    Like holding a cup under a waterfall in a beautiful glade, you will know when you are filled with Spirit, without looking at the clock, or at the number of pages turned in a book you might be using to help focus.

    Close your eyes, and appreciate, appreciate, appreciate the warm Glory of the Divine.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    So many pay careful attention to “self-medicating” with alcohol or caffeine or other substances or foods, trying to moderate or cease use of one thing or another.

    Can you realize and stay aware of your thoughts and attentions as a critical aspect of feeding your Soul? Each time you say “I Am”, do you finish the phrase in your heart with a Good Quality? “I Am happy to be an offspring of Divine Love”. “I Am confident that The Source gives me the Strength I need”.

    Or do you feed your thought cycle with dismal headlines and repetitions of fear? “I Am worried…I Am confused, etc, etc.”

    God is the Good. Divine Oneness offers Supportive Spirit constantly. Observe and “Medicate” your thoughts and expectations in alignment with the Harmony of the Sacred Infinite, and see the observable effects in your hours and days.

    Using the Truths of God IS effective,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you give just a little thought to the fact that Divine Spirit, quietly Ever-present in your heart, and always glad to commune with your thoughts and align them to Itself, is not part of the illusion of time, it will change how you make decisions within time. If you realize that The Divine Whole Sees all your choices as though they have already happened, and all the branching of alternate pathways, then you will be delighted to get very still, and pause in your wanderings of thought, and ask, again, to See as God Sees.

    Aligned with that timeless Wisdom, you can leap ahead into the waves of time and look back along your choices, and see and feel which one is truly the most harmonious for you. Taking time to See as God Sees, all your choices are in the view, and you can choose well, right now. Do remember, though, Beloved, that God’s definition of Harmony for you is not about fleeting satisfactions, but about remembering who you really are, a wonderful and talented and loving being of the One Being, full of Peace of Mind.

    If you are ready to choose Harmony, choose to let God show you the way.

    When your heart feels filled with a deep Peace, you know it is a Good choice.


  • Ah, Beloved, so Beloved,

    There is no need to run away from God. There is no need to not want to look at the Truth, for the Truth CONTAINS you, and is Glorious.

    Beloved, just as in the parable of western scripture, wherein the prodigal son finally turns away from living solely to indulge the physical senses, and turns back to the sensibility and identity of the Father’s house, you can turn to looking at the Loving Truth of God. God is not in a hurry, and knows that always you will eventually realize that you are already at Home in Him/Her/One. But the minute that you use your free will to DECIDE that it is time to ponder life through God’s perspective rather than through the five limited senses, and turn towards God to understand who and what you really are, God comes RUNNING out to meet you, eager and glad for the return of one of Its children to the heart of understanding.

    Be not afraid, Child. Choose now to turn towards your greater understanding, and be Glad, be Glad, be Glad.

    Yes, whilst still in the earth play, you will forget sometimes, or your senses will tempt your focus to sensual pleasures, but even within those, you can keep centered in God’s Mind, if you only train your thinking to do so. Stay centered in the Divine, ask for Its touch in every word you speak and in every move you make, and all is well, all is Good, all is God.

    Trust us, We have seen it play out thousands and thousands and thousands of times.

    The Angels assigned to you ARE with you. The One Mind waits in your Heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let the Power of Love work upon those whom your words of teaching do not seem to touch. Let your silent Love and empathy for them be joined by the Greater Love that you Know to exist, and let It do Its Work.

    Relax into the Knowing that It never failed, will not fail, and is not failing now. Only time will pass away, not the endless Love that is Governing All.

    Ask for the Power of Silence today,


  • Ah, Be Loved, Beloved. Sink down into your Inner Awareness and let yourself feel supported and Loved. Let yourself feel It until you feel like you are as full of Love as an old water skin that has been held under the tap for a long, long time.

    For what is the thought of a body but as like a water skin, with a few other particles here and there?

    You, the Real You, is not that. It is Consciousness, but visiting a body for a brief time and space.

    Hold your Consciousness in Love, under the Flow of Love, until you are completely filled. Any time you do not do that, you are cheating yourself. Any day that you do not begin that way only leaves you vulnerable to bubbles of distress. Leave no room for distress. Fill yourself with LOVE, Beloved, and it will satisfy and protect and keep the very shape of you firm and fine and in control of Love, always. “I am filled with Love.”

    We are in the Control of Love, and we love it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you do not know what to say or do about a situation, then heed your own feelings, and say or do nothing. Instead, turn to quiet and trustful listening to the Lover of your soul, and let yourself be guided. Trusting the body signals of others will only lead you to trust the body signals of your own flesh, which is, as you know, not always in sync with your own best Soul interests.

    Look to the Truth that is Love, love, and be not afraid. BE not afraid to trust yourself to Love, and to trust that Love will also guide those around you. Be not afraid to believe in the future and constant support of the Love that created you, that holds you, that supports you forever.

    Always and ever, so be it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Complain about your loved ones, in thought or voice, and it will cloud your ability to feel healing and guidance and Love from God.

    So stop it. Spirit will help you if you ask.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust not the realm of the five senses, any more than you would trust the vow of a drunken man, that he would drive your car home safely.

    Always, hand the keys to the Inner Advisor Divine,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am timeless, I am timeless, I am timeless.”

    Practice this today. Everyone who seems to live within the bodily senses knows how time seems to stretch or race or lay heavy or holy within the mind. But the truth is timelessness.

    So practice it today, un-hypnotizing yourself from the illusion of time, and see how very Light it makes you feel. Let your Spirit soar with the memory of timelessness today.

    “I am timeless, I am timeless, I am timeless.”

    And so is Love, soaring with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Close your bodily eyes and consider your Infinite Source.

    It is All. It is everywhere and everything, and all belongs to It. Truly FEEL this and KNOW this, Beloved. Then, when a spring in front of you seems to be dry or barren, you just need to consider your Infinite Source and look a little to the right or the left for a new spring, or look a little differently to see that what seemed to be barren is now new and fresh.

    But keep your thoughts on the Infinite, not on what the eyes seem to see at any one moment. The Infinite is always flowing, always flowing. It is unlimited. You who have been taught to believe in limits, remember to believe in unlimitedness. Just let it guide you to where It is flowing for You.

    We will help. Take our touch,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When we urge you to spend an entire day focusing on God, on Unconditional Love, it is not a deprivation we are suggesting, it is a gift to yourself.

    To set aside all the routine chores and the electronic connections and the earthly distractions and entertainments for a day, and immersing yourself in being utterly buoyed and supported by God’s kind regard of you, is an upliftment like no other.

    Give yourself this gift today? Or plan ahead for the next day or the next, cancel all outer appointments, and simply be with God, and Love God, and let God be with you , and Love you, and both be very happy in that.

    Give some focus time each day, give the entire day sometimes, to God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Agreeing to answer the thundering Inner Call of God’s Voice within, to serve, does mean drawing on all the strength that God has to offer you. When those around you seem to be behaving in the worst of human ways, it is the time to stand completely still and re-center yourself in the Strength of God.

    Draw on that strength and shift all your thoughts to a quiet listening, so that God can tell you the strengths of those you look upon, and yourself. As you look upon the strengths and the demonstrations of Goodness that you see in them, your heart will open with compassion, and your eyes will begin to perceive as God does: all are a part of the Harmonious all, even when it is not obvious in the illusions of the moment.

    You can do this, Beloved. God gives you the strength,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is nothing that Love cannot advise you about. And, it will advise you in a way that Blesses all for the Best.

    How do you know if it is really the Highest Guidance of Love that you are hearing in your heart? It will be accompanied by a sense of Peace and Completeness and tender, tender Calm Love.

    Listen for It constantly. That is unceasing prayer.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you want to be more aware of the Good in yourself, look for the Good in others. They are your mirror. You know this is true.

    If you find yourself feeling annoyed or impatient with family members and friends and associates, right away begin counting aspects of their characters you are grateful for. This will melt away any thoughts you have that they are not also Children of God, as you are.

    Above all, Beloved, know that if you want to know yourself as Loving and Lovable, then you must know others to be the same.

    It is clear to us God is merciful, and Loves all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the Truths God will tell you, if you ask, is that Its Physician of Soul is the most Powerful Physician there is.

    Let diagnosis and cure come from that Love, and feel the Life strength in you.

    Tending you tenderly always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the deep joys of staying in a listening mode for the Inner Whispers of God is the places it will send you, so that you meet whom you need to meet, and so that the ones who need to meet you will do so.

    In this way, perfect encounters create opportunities, healings, inspirations, love, delight, and teaching.

    So if the small still Voice says to turn at the next intersection, even though you had planned to go a different way, do so. If It says to put down what you are doing and talk a walk or do an errand, right now, do so. And then stay alert for chances to be kind, to help, to give, to smile, to simply be a vehicle for Divine Love to do Its Work.

    WE walk with you and help you know what to do,


  • Ah, Child,

    It is always glorious to gift yourself the gift of some quiet time in the midst of your day. Let yourself be washed with peace, and with the gentle reassurance that Divine Love is available to you, no matter how hectic has been the morning, or how foolish you feel about something you said or did.

    Take that quiet time, and commune with the Oneness of which you are a part. More than any object, or substance, or food, or place, or words, that soft Presence will refresh you and rejuvenate you, and remind you that you are Loved, Loved, Loved, whenever you turn your attention to the Light.


    One SPIRIT

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never a sense of hurry in the Kingdom of Peace . There is no time there, so how could there be a need to hurry?

    All aspects of hurry are associated with your wanting of, or attachment to, certain physical accoutrements to learning how to Love. Those attachments create a panicky desire in you to learn The Lesson of Love with a certain person, or in a certain circumstance, or in a certain place with certain objects. You feel you must hurry if those people or places seem to be slipping away. In truth, Beloved, all things earthly slip away, and it is to realize that Love, and how to Love Unconditionally, can be learned everywhere and anywhere within the earth dream, by turning within to the Divine Teacher, and becoming utterly willing to learn—surrendering totally to the Truth.

    Think about it, Beloved. What is making you feel hurried or pressured? Nothing of God fades away, and the Life, Love, Soul, Harmony, Truth, Omniscience, and Spirit that ARE God will never disappear into time, or be held back by time. They are forever, they are the stable foundation to turn to, when a sense of hurry gives you the clue that you have become unaligned with the Pure Stream of the Divine.

    Purely Loving You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each time you are tempted to believe that the best defense is an offense, turn quickly to commune with the Inner Divine, to remember that Unconditional Love is given freely to all. There is your True Source, there is your True Peace.

    You know this. You have learned it again and again. The “human body and mind” will try to trick you into attacking others, with thought or with deed, but allowing that to happen only further separates you from the Divine Source. Turn quickly, turn quickly, when you feel defensive, and renew and refresh yourself in the Source of endless Love, where your real being is held, and sustained, and accepted and loved, loved, loved.

    There, find the strength to love your neighbor within the Whole.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Peaceful in your heart. A weight-lifted-off-my-shoulders type of feeling.

    These are signals that your prayers have been heard and enacted in the way that is truly Blessed and Best for you.

    Take Joy in the sense of Peace, and mark the feeling of having given your burdens to the Force of Love that knows how to carry them away from your perceptions, and show you instead the Gladness of Being.

    Continue to begin your days with the meditations and prayer that bring this Peace sublime to your heart, and before you know it you will feel as though you have a whole new life.

    This is the Truth of Life and Love. Learning it is the goal of human growth, and we applaud each moment that you know the good of it. Keep your eyes and thoughts on this goal, dear one, and remember We walk beside you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you bathe your body-costume each day, bathe with Me—the Divine Voice that gently reminds you that you are perfectly loved, and perfectly sustained spiritual child of the Creative Parents.

    Let yourself feel washed clean. Let yourself be free of all thoughts of yesterday or sorrows, and feel full appreciation of the Love we are together in, right now. Be at Peace, Beloved, and know that you can choose this Peace in every coming moment, too.

    Even when you are no longer in the earthly water, feeling cleansed, you can call on the water of Spirit, to help you feel refreshed in each and every instant of your experience of, and expression of, Life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hold fast to the feelings of Love and Peace that you absolutely know are real and good when you focus your awareness deep in the Heart of you, and of Soul.

    You know they are what you want. You know you want to feel them in all circumstances and through every task and earthly triumph and challenge.

    Today, be at Peace with wanting a Peaceful Soul heart. Forget the quibbles about denominations or methods or dogmas, and simply focus on the very essence of your desire, to feel the Peace of God.

    Through the Peace comes the Joy, and all Good action and Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you encounter those who are simply not ready to remember their full heritage as parts of Oneness, be kind. Let unconditional kindness be your task today.

    The patience and wisdom for this are easier if you remember your own path of growth, and recognize your own knowledge of how far you must still go to finish awakening. The understanding to fuel the kindness is deeper if you realize how easily you accept that a child will not readily give up his empty sweets, until his palate is developed enough to appreciate the richness of wholesome sustenance, and the subtlety of complex combinations of spices and herbs and full flavors.

    Include yourself in the unconditional kindness, Beloved. What do you yet cling to? What do you yet see the value of that is, in Truth, only part of the illusion? Be not too proud to admit that although there are many things you have let go of that were annoyances, there are yet many things you hold near to you, from affection, or habit. Let humbleness be the doorstop that holds open the door to your own continued growth, and kindness the balm that keeps your eyes open to see the Way.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Change what you choose to see. Change what you choose to look at.

    Think of it as politeness to yourself. Just as you would not, in politeness, mention the cracker crumbs on the shirtfront of a very interesting individual you were speaking to at a party, but would instead concentrate on the conversation and the inspiration you were receiving from it, so focus on the good always.

    Focus on the inspiring. Focus on the love. Focus on the loyalty and strength you admire. Focus on what is worthy to behold.

    For only what is Love and Holy has truly been made, and is deserving of your attention. All the rest is fleeting mortal details and can be let to blow away like dust, if you refuse to give it your precious attention.

    Believe in the Divine’s desire for happiness for you, and for all,


  • Ah, Yes, Child,

    When you understand that even the most precious, most dear thing that you have thought of as “good” in your earthly life must also be offered freely to the Divine in your heart, then you come to that unsurpassable level of Peace.

    When you have offered your very best dream, your very best possession, your very best love, because you have come to the realization that none of them mean anything compared to being held in the Divine All, then you have stepped into Heaven. The Divine might take away, or replace, or give right back to you, the thing, or the hope, or the person, or the worth, that you offer, but you will accept in advance whatever choice the Divine makes, in order to never again live a day when you cannot feel the Touch of God/Goddess.

    The Realm of the Real shines so brightly that even the prettiest illusion pales, Beloved. Believe us about that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Play today. Even as you do chores, or journey, play today. Like a child on a car trip, playing at seeing how many objects he sees that start with the letter “d”, let yourself play with noticing and claiming miracles. Let your assignment to your self be to see and admire at least a hundred wonderful things about your day.

    Then, this night, instead of letting your closing-of-the-day prayers be about asking for help with errors you made or issues you cannot figure out, let those moments of fellowship with the Loving Source be about saying thank-you for the hundred O-so-marvelous things you saw or heard or felt or believed in, today.

    You are one of our marvelous things,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As one Voice, let there be an affirmation of Love in your heart, with the Greater Heart, for those who believe they are nothing but muscle and bone. That simple, simple willingness to look for the Everlasting Spirit of them, and know it, in YOUR own Heart to br the Truth, can make more difference than you can possibly imagine. Just do it, and be glad, glad, glad when you see results, giving all thanks to the Truth that so gently embraces all.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    That which is deepest in your Heart is that which the Divine Healer/Comforter will listen to, and address. Wordless prayer reaches the Great Heart in which you dwell, and It delights in reaching out to touch your dream, and heal, and heal, and heal, until you awaken.

    Let not there be any fear, now. Trust in the Divine Goodness that reigns above all things, and that re-equalizes all things and thoughts unto Itself. Love, do good, and let justice remain in the Hands of That Which Knows How to Heal With Love. Remember, Child, what you judge or accuse any other of, you see also as a weakness in your dream self. Let the Great One, who Holds you all, Heal you all together, and let you be glad of every effort that is made by your own heart to let that Heart come through.

    Love, cherish, and obey the Divine merging of the Spirit that holds your spirit, and let It hold Right Sway over all Its children. That is not your job. Your job is to adore the Emanator of all, and to respect the all the True ideas (people!) It has Thought of. It is not bodies you are respecting, or even noticing, it is the Fire of Life, broken into billions of facets, and reflecting the Glory of the Light. See THEM all around you.

    The color of you, and each one, is brilliant,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you needed earthly help, and had called for a tow truck, or a physician, or a fireman, or a gardener, you would not lock the door of your car or house or yard against the person whose help you had called for. You would stand ready at the door, waiting to open it and welcome the helper.

    O’ please do the same for Divine Help. When you call for Divine Help’s Voice to advise you, or for Its Peace to comfort you, do not lock the door of your heart and mind by then indulging in great doubts and complaints and attacks of mean thoughts towards others. Unlock the doors of your self by moving into, and abiding in, the grace of gratitude, and of praise and thanksgiving. Take your mind off the past and future and simply look around you and start being glad for all that is good that you see and feel right now, right where you are. Appreciate. Give love to a bug. Send good thoughts to a stranger. Count the joy of each working part of the vehicle that is your body-thought that you seem to be wearing in the earth play.

    Hold open the doors of thought with Joy and Thanks and then the Helpers can get in. They want to get in, they want to Help, but they will never force open a door. That is your privilege and your choice. Choose wisely—choose to be generous to yourself by choosing to hold open the door to Love with Love.



  • Dear Readers,

    I just wanted to share with you a little of how I experience the Divine sense of humor.

    Last night, I dreamed I was in my “room” in God’s House, asking God to please come help me remember the way to do something I am being asked to do on earth. I dreamed that I waited and waited, and finally God came, and suggested to the attendant angels that the windows and doors be closed to keep out the noisy, distracting winds of earth. They did that, and then God said to me, “Let me tell you a limerick.”

    “There was a young man from Pell,

    Who thought he was a snail.

    But when he uncurled,

    And was finally unfurled,

    He found out he was a sail.”

    Then God laughed and said, “I will be your wind”, and left the room.

    Oh, that subtle and slyly Loving Being,



  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again, and again, and again, return to focusing very carefully on whatever beauty you can see or sense in this moment, now. The noting, and awareness of, and careful attention to, that bit of life, that bit of beauty, can help slow you down enough, and separate you enough from the ego-mind-set, to truly “Be still, and know that I am God.”

    When you are still, and quiet, and listening, in a receptive mode, then the lovely and loving Voice of the Divine can always reach you.

    As will is given over, Divine Will shines forth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never a reason to stop feeling embraced by God. You can choose to focus your feelings and attention elsewhere, but all the while God is still thinking of you with Goodness and AS Goodness, and knows that you will awaken to remembrance of Him, either in your dreams of worldly life, or when those dreams are done. He gives you endless opportunities to remember, remember, remember, you are the Beloved Child of Love Itself.

    It is not like an exam in school that you have only one or two chances to pass. It is not like a website that times out and shuts you off. God is without time and without condemnation of His Beloved Children. Over and over, you are given chances to be transparencies for Love and Kindness and Good Creativity.

    God does not condemn and cast off His Children. He does correct, just as a good math teacher would gently correct the addition in the equation, so that his students can get the true answer. Listen and Look for God’s sweet corrections, and glory in them, and be kind to yourself and others as you learn to remember you are all fully of God.

    Lovingly, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the most common errors among those who decide they are ready to try to understand God—to have their consciousness uplifted into a higher Consciousness, is that they must use human will to do so.

    It is not so. You choose the timing of readiness. You choose to “let my will be Thy Will”, and then the Higher Consciousness does all the heavy lifting. LET It lift you. ALLOW it to bear the weight. BELIEVE that It IS the Omnipresent and Omnipotent Power that can wash away all error thoughts, if you be extend that willingness and that choice of human will.

    These are your tasks—the letting, the allowing, the believing. Let the Higher Truth do the rest, Dear Child. Listen to It softly and gently, and It will tell you how to go about being receptive and allowing.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    When you feel that you are loving, loving, loving, but feel not loved in return, you have only made the common error of turning to human emotion for the Love you need.

    It is Divine Love you need to give to those around you, and it is the Well of Divine Love you need, to keep filling yourself from, in order to keep giving. There is no other Source for Divine Love than the One Source from which all are made. Turn to It, O’ Beloved, and fill yourself, fill yourself, fill yourself.

    Yes, thousands are the earthly metaphors for the Unconditional Love that constitutes your True existence—the beloved pet that loves you no matter how you look, the mother’s love that offers itself even when you have failed a test, the sun that shines freely on poor and rich alike, etc., but they are only metaphors for the Source. All that you need do is shift your awareness into “reception” mode and turn your will to the Divine to fill yourself, OR shift into “two-way” mode, so that you are receiving Divine Love from the Source even while you are giving It to others. It is a shift in perception, a shift in awareness, it is a surrendering to, and an acknowledgement of, your Source of Being.

    Remember to take time to Be Filled. Remember that the One Source is the only place to get it from. When you are empty, turn There, and encourage others to turn There as well, for It is ever-present, and ever-flowing, and ever-Loving you

    We stand ready to hand you a cup at the Well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great Joy and Liberty in loving yourself and in loving the Source of all and accepting that it Loves all, is all, with no exceptions.

    “I now allow and create for myself the loving and lovable life I am empowered to have.”


  • O’ Beloved,

    Seek not the small prizes and titles of men. Seek not the fame and the flurry for its own sake. Seek the approval of your own beating heart, and seek the smile of the Divine.

    Seek the kiss of serenity.

    Find the fulfillment of your own rich gift. Find the joy of giving. Find the understanding that comes as you love, and find, in that, the reason for living.

    Bathe in the joy that surrendering brings. Bathe in the light of letting go. All of your other selves and morrows will be plenty enough to catch what you surrender here.

    Just be exactly who you are.

    We love who you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you have learned to discern when a friend has offered to you what he or she truly wishes for his or herself, so learn to discern when your heart’s voice is offering to God that which your human heart wills, and when it is freely offering that which God Wills.

    Be not dismayed at how often the human heart tries to trick and dissuade you from your true path, and be not afraid, for your All-Seeing Helper is with you all the time, and if you but ask It, you will receive that moment of sweet calm and peace that affirms when you are on the true way.

    Even as the Voice speaks accurate reference for you to follow, as well as new word to guide you, so will It give you those nudges and “accidents” that guide you at all the most crucial turns and changes. Be at peace, and follow, indeed, all Its ways, to your Joy.

    They all lead home to delight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The overlapping of the orbits of thought and the seemingly different realities seen by the various consciousnesses that are you and all those around you can indeed be very disconcerting. But the more you keep in mind that your goal is to know the One Mind that can govern each and all, as they come to allow It, the more you will See Its Harmony around and in your experiences. Yes, there will still be overlaps with those that are still seeing pain and sorrow, but do, Beloved, choose to be one of the ones that creates a circle of calm Joy and trust in the Divine Intent, everywhere you go.

    Be good to yourself by being that, and good to others by being that example. Be kind and forgiving to yourself in the moments when you seem to fail, and turn, turn, turn to Good again.

    It is the Infinite Good that upholds you. Let It help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As one practices turning over every moment to Divine guidance within, there do come the moments of silence when no direction is immediately forthcoming. Then, just stay on track, listening in patience and quiet faith, until the next idea or calm impulse or word comes. Be aware that the Inner Voice knows how prone your human ear and imagination are to the illusions of the world, and It will use them if It needs to, to set you on the path to your greatest Peace.

    You may suddenly have a notion to go to a certain café and order a sundae. Your enjoyment of pineapple sundaes may be the thought-image that your Inner guidance uses to have you go to that certain place at that certain time, in order to have you meet someone whom you need to forgive, or in order to have you meet the person who can help you with your idea for a new business. Allow, allow, allow the Inner Guidance to flow, just remembering to assess whether it is calm, and joyful, and unhurried, for if it is those things, then It is of the Divine, and can indeed help you to your true Harmony.

    Wait for It when you need to, trusting that It does see the greater picture, and never letting the ego-self lead you into panic and quick reaction that is responding only to illusion. Always, the Truth will be there when all illusions are gone.

    Envy will lead you astray. Keep your focus on your unique path,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that the consciousness that IS you exists only in the munificence of God. You are not a separate being, dangling on some golden strand far off from the Creator.

    Only the reflection of your chosen appearance is reflected in the earth mirror. The true you, that which chooses to be reflected, sings and laughs and expands and rejoices and dances in the Mighty Munificence of Calmly exuberant Joy.

    Do not forget, and turn to the Truth before judging anything.

    Would you try to build a house by hammering at the mirror?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love will always find a way to comfort or advise or guide you, if you give It the quiet attention and focus to LISTEN.

    Let it be your intention to LISTEN always.

    The Divine does not need training to communicate with you. It is just the human self that needs to “untrain” itself from the constant human mental chatter about tasks or assumptions or worries or wishes, so that it can be still enough to actually LISTEN to God.

    Listen to God, Beloved. Listen to Love, for Love wants you to know you are Loved and can Love yourself and others from that Infinite flow of Divine Love for you.

    Actually True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Perhaps you think it is too much to sincerely say to the Divine Voice within you, “I am willing to be happy so that You can fully awaken me and SHOW me my happiness.” Perhaps you think that your senses are much too full of evidence of sorrow to say such a thing. For you see lack and treachery and problems in the world, listed around you in news reports and movies and shows and gossiping tongues. Perhaps those things seem to sabotage your willingness.

    When we tell you those are the error dream, and not the lovely reality that God created, there is a part of you that snorts with bitter laughter. Do you think we do not know that? But we know the Truth of you, Beloved Creature of Spirit. We know the goodness that you ARE and the happiness due you, and the very real glory of God’s creation.

    So we suggest this: If you cannot decide to BE HAPPY, no matter what your body senses are trying to tell you, can you decide to at least BE CALM? Can we begin there? Can you be calm, reassuring yourself, “things will work out somehow”?

    For We tell you, they will, they have, they already are worked out and solved. GOD”S work IS already successfully pictured, and done. So BE CALM, and from there, when you are ready, We will move to “BE HAPPY”, and move you that much closer to experiencing Heaven, here and now. How about it?

    As all is well, and will be well, in Love,ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Bless those that curse you” does NOT mean thinking of those persons as wicked, and yourself as the one who is generous enough to forgive them. “Bless those that curse you” means honing your own Spiritual Sight to the point where you see right through their unawakened, humanly fallible behavior, and see the True Soul of them, pure and lovely and innocent, and respond to THAT by smiling at It, and being kind to It, and celebrating It. See the God, the Good, in those around you, and you have blessed yourself by blessing them, and blessed them by seeing the Truth.

    In perfect timing, God rests at ease, Beloved. Keep asking to See, and rest, rest, along with him, please.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can indeed be frustrating or comical or perplexing to hear wordy, philosophical, or very inexperienced persons discussing which school of thought or program of training or historical trend you or they or another must be part of. But the labels of analysts and the unawakened matter not, Beloved.

    What matters is your own experience and relationship to the Living Presence of the Divine Creative Force that is All. Practice that “Love shining Love” connection each day, and prove for yourself Its Truth, Its working Principals, Its importance for your right Life.

    Be not lost in intellectual arguments and material definitions. The sleeping part of your own mind and others will try to detour all your hours into that, but if you aim to keep it simple in the power of Spirit, you can. Just fear not, and Love God, and express the Divine Mind in every day and way.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest, rest, rest in the Knowledge of Grace’s Existence. Turn all over to Grace, and be grateful that since It is in charge, you don”t have to be.

    “I trust in the True and Good, and I know my day will go as it should.”

    “Since I know that around me is the Good and True, I choose to see only the Good in you.”

    As ever we were, and you are, in Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Here we are, appreciating together, when you take the time to look softly around you, or listen deeply, or touch gently, and notice the exquisite shimmering of light and energy that is all around. Here we are together, appreciating.

    That is the gist of it. Created to walk and talk together, in the lovely garden of all that is, and exclaim and wonder and name the goodness of it all.

    Call me forth through the everyday jabber, into your high consciousness, your full awareness, and let us appreciate and love together.

    For I hear you always, I hold you and answer you always with Love gentle and true,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Lack is not a Quality of the Divine Truth.

    Plenty of Love. Plenty of Ideas. Plenty of Inspiration. Plenty of Gratitude. Plenty of Appreciation. Plenty of Opportunities.

    Think Plenty today, Beloved, and when others behave meanly or desperately, look past the human errors of them, and see the Truth of the Shining Soul. See That in them, and calmness will reign as you desire Harmony for All.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Armor yourself with the Truths from your Spirit. Know the aspects of the Whole that are yours to work with, and you will never feel unprepared.

    To a person who does not know how to add or subtract or divide, a pile of papers and receipts and bookkeeping ledgers can seem a forbidding thing. But to one armed with the knowledge that is needed, it is a simple task of focus and time and will.

    When faced with all the piles of life’s challenges and glories, be prepared to deal with them with your knowledge of Divine Truth. If you KNOW that, with God, all things are possible, you will not give up a dream when a well-meaning friend says “That will never happen!” If you know that the aspects of the Wholeness and Joy of God are alive as you, you will hold fast to that Truth, even when some doctor tells you that he believes you will die today.

    Hold to the Truth and Power of the Light that shines as you, Beloved. No amount of nay-sayers around the accountant could convince him that 2 x 2 is 5. He knows the truth, and will add his numbers accordingly. Know your truths so well, Beloved, that no one can talk you out of them. Know that you are a part of the Whole, created in Love, and let that be the Truth you live by.

    We see the Truth of you and it is Glory,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is absolutely no one around you that does not reflect a part of the ego-self of yourself that you are trying to let go of, so that you may be a clear vessel for the Truth.

    Think about that. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed by the audacity of a dictator’s evil, or just mildly annoyed at the insensitivity of a spouse, or anxious because of a slow clerk at the station, they are all reflections of your own earthly emotions.

    Be at peace, Beloved. Seek only peace, Beloved. In peace is your harmony. In peace is the word of God, which you may finally hear in its entirety, because you have let go of the last bit of attachment to trying to “fix” the world of illusion.

    Close your eyes to the fun-house mirrors, for they will never show you the Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, in the human sense of time, things spin very quickly, or slowly, depending on the situation and understanding. We assure you that there is plenty of time, and experience, for you to do all the unfolding you need to do, here or hereafter. Some awaken slowly, and some quickly, to their perfection, but we tell you again that ALL awaken. Have faith in that.

    See them thus now, and it will awaken you completely.

    We Love you all. Take it tenderly.


  • Ah, Friend,

    It is so important to ignore not only the vapor of humanity in those around you, and see instead their God-Selves, it is also important to know that Truth about your Self. Wherever you are, God Is, and if you can remember that and keep yourself in that Consciousness, then you can rest assured that God is already doing Its work.

    Oh, yes, mirages can be very convincing. And the feelings they induce can be very real. If a bunch of branches and leaves seem to form the body of an intruder at your window, the fear that the figure gives you is quite real until you shine a light at it and see the truth. Branches cloaked in leaves, fear, sorrow, illness, and death have been fooling much of humankind for a very, very long time.

    But in the timeless place of God, expressing Itself as you and everywhere, All is still as it has always been and always will be. Visit that Awareness. Learn to abide in that Awareness, and invite It into every moment to help you See and Know that, after all, All is Well.

    The Divine of you, and of everyone, is unchanging,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sincere silent prayer for the healing ang blessing of others does more to open the conduit to God in your own heart than many hours of telling God what you want.

    God wants your perfectly planned happiness, but you must let God take the lead. Pray for all to receive of God’s supportive Joy in order to clear clean your Divine Connection, then surrender to God’s Loving Control, and be ready to ride the Wave of Love.

    It takes only moments to wish Loving Joy for all each and every day. Make the time.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Speak not in vain.

    Let not your promises be empty, and therefore false.

    If you ask someone, “May I pray for you?”, and the person says “Yes”, then do so. Set aside your own thoughts and concerns, and take the time to consciously connect with the Oneness of All Awareness, and ask for that person’s Wellness of Being and Life to become evident.

    And, most importantly, Be-Loved, do this for your self. When you think, or say, “I need to pray about this”, then do so. Take the time. Set aside the world, and look to the Loving Source for your answer, your ideas, your pro-vision, your comfort, your strength and courage, and your life and love.

    Let not your thoughts be in vain.

    Always thinking of you with care and love,

    for we know who and what you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be an example of calm quietness today.

    Do not talk and convince. Just show them the unearthly calm that comes from God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, let yourself ponder the fact of the TIMELESSNESS of the Creative Source.

    What does it really mean for your human experience? For one, it means that you can count on the unchanging Goodness of God, for where there is no time there is no change.

    For another, it means that when you allow your thoughts to be replaced by the Thoughts of God, Good changes on the human scene can truly happen instantaneously. God’s workings do not “take time” to happen; it is only human thought that thinks a healing, or a change of circumstance, must happen over many hours or days or years.

    In an instant of God-Thought allowed, a healing can happen, an opportunity can arise or be fulfilled, a sense of pure Love can burn away all enmity and hate. Allow God Thoughts. Make it your goal to be a willing window for God Thoughts to shine through to those willing to receive them in the bubble of the earthly dream.

    There is no higher calling than this, Beloved,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Even all the most able of workers for the Will of God must strive daily to be a reminder to themselves, of what they Truly are. They are each an emanation of the Love of God, that seems to be projected into a communication device called the body, in order to bring saneness and Truth into the wild earth dream. Forgive yourself for needing to re-remember this every day. Forgive yourself for needing to sometimes re-remember this every hour, or every moment. We assure you that it will grow easier to remember, although constant loving diligence will always be necessary—always you will need to “stand porter at the door of thought”, in order to allow only God-Thoughts to enter, and to dwell within you, and as you.

    Be not afraid, Child, for you have extraordinary Helpers, as do all of God’s Children, to Help you stay in the Thoughts that are Love and Truth and Light. Be Glad of that, and refresh yourself in those Thoughts, just as you refresh your body in fresh water every day.

    We are with you in all your cleansings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think today: “I am Pure Spirit, because my Source is Pure Spirit.

    We are all Pure Spirit, for Our Cause is Pure Spirit.”

    We are all filled with the faithful Love of God, to uphold us and guide us and tenderly sustain us, while we remember “God is Pure Spirit, so I am Pure Spirit.”

    Let that wash over you, again and again, today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you enter each new phase of your perfect unfolding as a reflection of that Which Created All, be at peace. Be at Peace in letting the old things and attitudes go. Be at Peace in knowing that the All, which made all that is Good, has foreseen all that you will need among the choices you make.

    Just choose honesty and joy and keeping yourself in line with the glorious Voice within.

    ALLOWING is so much easier that trying, trying, trying. Just Allow the calm Voice of Love to guide you.

    The more you practice allowing, the more you will hear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you thank God for being the Source of all Good that is yours, and all Good that exists, remember to also thank God for being fully able to enable you to see the Good and Divine of others. Your human thoughts and sight and senses may try to have you focus only on the errors and shortcomings of another, but Divine Spirit of your Heavenly Kingdom within can guide your Thoughts with God Thoughts, and lift your Soul discernment abilities, so that you can See as God Sees. Seeing others as God Sees them also frees you to know your own identity as God’s Image, Pure and fully Spirit.

    Be so very grateful you can be taught to See as God Sees, for then you are released from limits and from gloom, and can entertain solutions, and inspirations, and experiences of Joy, Joy, Joy. Join in the Oneness of Being that understands the inevitable Spiritual awakening of all.

    Be grateful to unlimited Good flowing freely,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As you move towards expecting God to simply be God, instead of something that your human mind imagines It to be, you will feel a new freedom in letting God express Itself as your life.

    It is typical and natural, from millennia of human thought and mortal-ego feelings of being alone, to wish for a God that is just a great vending machine for the things human beings think they want. But that is not what God is. The error in human perception, built up over generations, is pervasive, but that does not make it Truth.

    Your journey to letting the Divine completely express Itself through you as your life may begin when you do not really feel that you can hear God’s Voice in your heart, or feel It as impulses in your actions. At first, you may simply begin to feel like a bewildered observer of your own human emotions, asking yourself such things as “Why did I just shout at that person I really love?” “Why do I keep agreeing to do things I have no true interest in?”

    Letting your awareness step back from your human thoughts and emotions, to observe them, is a wonderful first step in becoming a delighted observer of letting God flow through you. As you observe your own human foibles, and open yourself to new motivations and guidance, and ask for Guidance Within, you are taking that first step towards letting your consciousness be Divine Consciousness.

    Taking that first step of asking the Greater Whole what It is about, or asking It for help, is a giving of permission. Each individualized part of God has free will, and the giving of that will back to the Will of the Greater Perception is the only way to begin living from a new perspective.

    Gift your individual will back to the Divine Will that rests in you, and then begin listening, and allowing. Turn your attention to that quiet place Within, and practice letting God Flow forth with all Its Calm Joy, Peace, Wisdom, Paced Exuberance, and Love.

    Be gladly surprised by Joy and Peace alive within you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    On the days when you feel the animal self of humanness growling near the surface of you, and trying to form thoughts of complaint and attack in your mind, ask for Help.

    The Help from your Divine Self and Assistants can at the very least help you stay silent, even if you cannot bring yourself to voice the Loving Thoughts and Words of God that you KNOW are the Truth of things. Recognize the growling, and strive to ignore and subdue it, and turn to the Inner Good Self and pray, pray, pray for Calm, or sing, sing, sing for Praise, or listen to another read aloud the thanks and Glory of God.

    Like a recipe gone partly awry, there are ways to make the bad days Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How amused you will be at different stages of your earth journey, as you look back and realize that those that seemed like fools to you will, from your mature point of view, seem wise. It is an old and well known Truth, but not often enough kept in mind. Keep it in mind today, dear one, and let Divine Mind keep reassuring you that all is well, no matter the mistakes that you seemed to make as your own knowledge of self in God matured.

    All is well, and you are Loved, Loved, Loved.


  • Ah, Child,

    Let there be no time wasted in regrets.

    If remorse exists for what was done, or not done, hold it in Love. Apologize, make amends, forgive and allow to be forgiven, and begin to live again in Now.

    There is only one line of Life and energy coming into you. You can allow that line to flow freely and give you peace and joy and inspiration, or you can block it by sneering at the Truth or wallowing in old pain and error. As you grow in discernment, you will become very sensitive to which thoughts put a squeeze on that line of incoming Life. You will grow astute at pausing before each word or action, to make sure it is in harmony with the life energy you want to have flowing to you.

    Become your own monitor, Beloved. Become a self-graded test, to see if you are thinking and behaving in a way that is perfectly aligned with the Flow of Divine Life. Is there really any other worthy goal or purpose?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the worldly self awareness tries its same old tricks, bringing up the same old sorrows of the past, or flinging the disorder of human relationships in your face, do not try to fight them, or engage in a battle of wits. Just call silently for the sweet Truth to stand steadfast in your Inner Consciousness, and turn to It.

    Turn to It, and let it fill and feed you, and pay no more attention to the shenanigans of the worldly memories and expectations than you would to a mist that floated through your yard in the momentary shape of a beast. To try to do battle with illusion is to give the illusion a power it does not have, and to waste the gift of a precious moment that it yours to spend in Joy. Waste not your energy there, just let Love prevail, in you and through you and as you, precious and perfect masterpiece idea that you are.

    As ever and always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As Spirit awakens in more and more hearts, it will not be so strange to have to stand up in a room and say that you must pray or meditate before you give the answer to a “simple” question. It will become more commonly understood if you refuse to commit to a certain schedule, unless it is agreed that the schedule will be ignored if the small, still voice says to change it. It will be less lonely to be the one who does, or does not, sign a popular petition based on the Advisor in your heart.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learn to fall back into the supportive arms of the Infinite Source the moment you feel fatigue or irritation or pain or anger or wistful sorrow. If your arms feel tired while carrying the wood, or beating the eggs, stop that very instant and remember that there is infinite strength for you to draw upon, for it is the very substance of which you are made, and in which you live and move and have your true being.

    Do not think to yourself, “I will pray about that later”, or “I will stop and gather strength after this load,” relax into God’s Strength right away. Relax the muscles and relax the mind and remember “God’s Mind creates and sustains and gives endlessly to all, and I welcome God’s strength right now, to finish whisking the batter, to complete the cord of wood, to return to a feeling of blessed day, blessed moment, blessed life lived in Joy.”

    Always we will help if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ponder for a moment, or ponder for an hour, or ponder for a day, if you can, the idea that you are a perfect, bodiless Idea in the Mind of the Source. Playing with this idea of an Idea, and letting go of thoughts about what to wear or eat or wash or move yourself about, will open you to new Truths about all the potential and guiltlessness of what you are.

    We are freely glad to help you PLAY with this idea. Do not scare “yourself” (your thought of yourself as just a body, or primarily a body, for that part of your thought of what you are scares very easily), just PLAY with the idea of what it would mean to be bodiless and free, yet still completely able to enjoy beauty and wisdom and creativity and love.

    Play with us with this idea, today, dear love, and be pleased to take enjoyment of the playing,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be assured that We see all that you do, and appreciate each time you stay silent when you Divine Voice has not prompted you to speak. And We appreciate each time you do speak when prompted to. It is Joy to us.

    We know that the worldly titles and wooden and golden plaques mean nothing to you. But We also tell you that there is nothing wrong with having your human efforts and discipline appreciated. So, know you have our constant appreciation. Even when there is no human appreciation, or if there is even disdain or fear, you have our appreciation.

    Today, we thank you. Every day that you live by the Divine, we thank you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Enter again that sweet silence where you listen, and feel and hear inspiration. If you call to Love for advice, It will speak or guide or urge, for It truly does want you to have the smoothest walk possible through the maze of illusions. Speak willingness, for your willingness to let It guide is what makes “Thy Will be Done” possible.

    Good IS in control here, if you give that control over to the One whose eyes and intelligence and ears are not dulled and fooled by the material senses.

    It will free you senses as well. Just agree, and let it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as a Loving Parent would enfold you in a warm comforter when you come in from the cold, let the Divine Source enfold you in that natural Warmth of Itself when you turn your thoughts away from any chill thoughts of the world.

    Just as a master chef would tenderly and gently fold in the egg whites for the delicate but complicated recipe for a prize winning cake, let The Master Chef fold you into Its own Knowing of exactly how the recipe should be concocted. You are an important ingredient, but you are but one of them. Trust that the Great Chef knows how and when to put you, and all the other ones in, and in what order, and how to prepare them beforehand, and how long to bake them, before all is done.

    All is already Done, Love, and with Love. Trust It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “As above, so below” is a deceiving thought if interpreted as physical matter and space and time. Think of it, rather, Beloved, as uplifted Thought lifting you and those around you into a new, high awareness of your innocence and their innocence, and perfection, in the perfect Thoughts of God.

    Be at Peace with this,

    Let it be today’s simple thought,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, think of your “self”, your body and personality and human heart, as mirrors delegated to reflect the pure Light of the Source. Shine It everywhere you can, as a child would shine a new pocket toy here and there, or a newly betrothed woman would shine a diamond on her hand, just to enjoy the sparkle of its meaning and beauty.

    Reflect the shine, reflect the shine, Beloved, knowing that the light that creates the sparkle comes not from you, but that Its reflection can be enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed.

    As ever, enjoying you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let yourself have a day off from “looking for problems to fix.”

    Whether it is noticing that the floor could use a washing, or spending hours considering how to invest a fund or pay a bill, or answer an annoying letter, or how to control the ecological problem in the stream, or on and on and on…let go.

    Give yourself this day to notice the good and the beauty around you. Give yourself this day to be utterly grateful for things just as they are. Relax into being the audience instead of the comptroller, and to letting Love and Acceptance for all well up within you.

    We do not say that Guiding Spirit will never ask you to act for or against a thing or a situation, but we do say that if you become frozen into a pattern of only seeing the flaws and errors and problems to be fixed, you will become more and more blind to the Good.

    Let today be a day for appreciation, and gratitude,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you call It your own “Higher Self”, or “Enlightened Consciousness”, or “Holy Spirit”, or “Divine Guidance”, or one of Its thousands of other names, it is ESSENTIAL to call for Its aid as you are trying to live from the point of view of Love and forgiveness. If you are trying to forgive, pray for, and be grateful to an “enemy” on the strength of your own human will, you will have days when you are fairly successful at it, but you will have many, many moments when you fail so miserably to set aside old hurts and judgments, that you become too discouraged to be able to move forward.

    Since moving forward into living more and more in moments of a state of Peace and Love is your goal, help yourself by asking for Help. If some of the rituals and patterns of a system of spirituality help you set up a pattern of asking for that Help, use them, but above all be willing to ask. The more you ask, the more the Help will flow. The more times you realize you need the Help, (until you realize that you always need that Help to see through the limited realm to the Divine Real), the more times It can be delighted to give you what It truly exists to give you—seeing that you are a perfectly loved spirit of Spirit, and so is everyone else, beneath the human costume, the human drama, the human illusory reality.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust that the Inner Divine Guidance knows just how much of the Truth any one individual’s consciousness is ready to handle. When you hear someone expressing an opinion about how the Divine works that your own experience has gently allowed you to see a little bit more of, as you also search for a complete understanding of God, be kind and quiet. The Divine will reveal itself to each one, through experience, or a teacher, or a book, or a series of words seen or heard, when that individual is ready to see his or her paradigm shift. The shock would be too great, for most, otherwise.

    The old mystics who understood that very few can look at the Infinite and still be able to relate to the world at all had that right. Be grateful for what you understand at each phase, and leave to the Infinite the assessment of what any one around you is ready to hear or to understand or to cope with. All in due time. All in God’s time.

    The mix of ripeness is as lovely as watching a season in nature change,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you wind your way along your own particular road back to an understanding of your place in the Great Scheme of All, be gentle with those you glimpse on other pathways. Not all are as simple or as glorious as they may look, and it is certain that many times you see only the costume, and not the dedicated, complicated Soul beneath, who has agreed to play an unusual or difficult role, for you, or for someone else.

    Be not hard. Let judgment fall away from your heart, for only the One Spirit that resides around and in all things can understand the purpose of all. Let the fetters of assumptions fall away from your mind, and remember that, beyond your individualized perception, all beings are perfectly in place for what they, and you, need to learn.

    From the cab driver you yell at, only to find out that he is one of the most important people in saving your joy and your life, to the stranger whose life you transform with the fanciful smile and the kind comment you make as you walk by, all things work together to lead you back to knowing “I am One.” From the courageous choice you make to obey an impulse of Inner Spirit to give away a cherished thing, to the joyous obedience of the directive to love someone whom you already love, all your days will come together in the Awareness where there is no time. When you carry God-Consciousness with you through your moments of time, you will realize how very, very rich you are, have always been, and will always be.

    We applaud all progress, and see the winning end,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If someone presented you with a restaurant bill, and asked you what the total was, would you just toss it onto the table, and say, “well, the principles of mathematics will solve this”?

    No, you must take your knowledge of mathematics, and USE it to add up the tab.

    Just so, Beloved, you must USE your knowledge of God, your understanding of God, to solve your worldly tabs. What are the tools you use to demonstrate your knowledge and apply the principles of God? You count your blessings, you reverse all negatives into Good in your thoughts, you free the compassion from your heart and let it flow, you trust that you, and all, deserve Good, you love God and you love your neighbor as yourself.

    You must DO these things, not just sit back and know that the principles exist. BE the active enactment of God, and you will see the results, the totals, come about.

    We surround you with constant Love, that is our action,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am utterly Loved by the Source-Imager that projects this image of what I am. I can trust that It wants my happiness, so that I may be free to let Its Love and Light shine through me.”

    Study this Truth, Beloved. But let there be a great deal of silence and pondering time in the study, rather than memorization. For in the Silence, and patient waiting for the Will of God, comes the Presence of the Maker to you. Remember, it is that Presence that is the Healing Force, the Guiding Force, the Lover and the Beloved. It is that communion time that is the marriage of Creator and created. It is the time spent bathing in the Presence that is the Unconditional support of Parent giving to Its Child/Reflection.

    Ponder all of this, and hold your heart open to quietly receive, and be filled, and be Loved.

    Ponder it smoothly and slowly, so that you let the Presence have the gentle and quiet time to fill you, and do Its Work.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How many times will we lovingly remind you to go back to the basic Truths?

    Until you wake up one morning, and have not been led into forgetting by any wistful or fretting dreams of the night.

    Today, Beloved, all day, “I am Thou”.

    How we love you!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no joy that can compare with the Joy of one who has also experienced the depths of despair. Know that every time you feel you can go no lower in the desire to live or the amount of pain that can be endured, you WILL leap to even greater heights of knowing the Love and the Joy of God. This is not to say that one should purposely indulge in the pain of the error filled thoughts that produce the pain of the worldly thought and experience—it is to say to let the ensuing Joy be the sturdy post that you lasso your thoughts onto, to pull yourself OUT of any sorrow or pain or great discouragement. You are not meant to suffer. You are not meant to feel pain. Take your innocence of Creation to heart, and know that your Divine Maker/Parent wants your Joy, wants your Happiness, wants your clarity of thinking, so that that you are aligned with the Divine and so that He/She can shine through you to others.

    Aim to be that clear pane, that open door, so that others may feel the Joy and Love of the Oneness of Being through you. It is indeed a Good reason for being.

    All in the One,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking God to help you let the Divine Plan unfold in your life does not mean you do not know what to do when you are not hearing specific instructions from Loving Spirit.

    If you are not hearing definitive whispers about the day or the hour or the week, you have your “standing orders” to be kind, be forgiving, be loving, be patient and generous, be encouraging, and to honor the Truth of Spirit in your actions and your speech and thought.

    You already know to allow yourself to be as Loving Spirit, the mirror image of loving Spirit Itself. You can do this easily, for it is what you really are. Relax into that identity, that role.

    Holding you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whatever you do today, do it slowly, carefully, perfectly and Lovingly.

    This sort of discipline is very important in being able to control your thoughts and to slow down and “pause for God” when what seems to be exterior to you seems like chaos. All through the day, slow down, and turn to God-Thoughts, and welcome them into your mind and heart.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The greatest gift of learning to hear the gracious voice of Divine Spirit in your heart is that It will help you sort out all the “exceptions to the rule” that occur in earthly life.

    It will not contradict needing to love the All That Is, or to love others as yourself, or the free will you offer it every day, but as other situations and intellectual ponderings come up, it will help indeed. People love to find the “truth” that they may write on scraps of paper, or look up in a book, or shake in pamphlet form in other faces, or point to in some holy text. They want the security of that, and the courage of that, but written or memorized truths can shift when they are out of context. Discerning the Truth for yourself, for a certain moment and a certain decision, must happen with the help of that Inner Spirit that can see the vast picture you cannot see.

    You may turn to a scripture or a page that has helped you again and again, in choosing how to relate to your family, but realizing how to apply it might vary a little bit each time. Divine Spirit can help you there.

    Turning to a Truth from a poem or psalm may go from becoming a “hint” to total clarity by letting the guidance of Spirit help you see certain words in a new Light.

    Each moment and each choice are fraught with so many possibilities, Beloveds. Let yourself be accompanied. Let yourself be guided. Why walk alone, when you can walk with a Companion, and with Love?

    Practice letting that Voice live with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new beginning in your heart. Be willing, O’ so willing, to let the Divine Best Destiny, that you could be living, be shown to you.

    Yes, many believe in trying to script their lives, based on affirmations and visualizations that come from their own human egos and dreams. And they may achieve these things for a time. But how many of them end up with ill health or a conflict with the dreams of others, losing friends and loved ones in the pursuit of their own pleasures?

    Let the Great Eye of the Divine help you walk your Best Destiny, Beloved. For It sees the Best Path for ALL, not just for the short term pleasures of one human set of desires. Choose that, and you choose the long term Good, the Best Destiny for all, that is One with yours.

    Stand away, and look with timeless eyes,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel an extra strong surge of God Presence in your consciousness and body, STOP, and pay attention. God is always with you, for you exist within God. But when the Presence is a shout instead of a whisper, it means there are instructions you need to heed right away, or a preparation of Divine wisdom and strength to Guide you for what is imminent.

    Or, God Knows, more than you do, that you are in need of a complete embrace of Love.

    Trust God’s Omniscience. Trust God’s timing. Do not let the worldly keep you so distracted that you ignore God’s signals and say “oh, I”ll listen to you later, God.”

    When God signals, listen and absorb right away.

    In Love, you will be glad you did.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every Calm Smile you give is the seed of a thousand.

    Be not ashamed, and be not afraid, when you do not have more than that to give.

    You can see in the eyes, of those that are ready and fertile ground for growth and awakening, when your smiles have landed. Give them, give them, everywhere, and worry not about the ones that seem to fall to the wayside for now. They will bear fruit later on.

    Always, We are with you,