All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    We remind you that the intellect cannot always explain what the soul’s heart truly knows. Even the explanations it comes up with may be rationalizations or subterfuges of the ego. Trust not in that. Trust in the consistency of God Voice.

    When you ask, in quiet prayer and listening, what to do in a certain situation, the Divine advice will be consistent, and calm, and loving. Even if the advice must change very slightly to adjust for time-based choices made by others, the overall destination of your soul guides the Voice of God, and will consistently lead you to that true good end.

    Trust in that. Do not be afraid to ask again and again, if you are feeling fear and doubt. Allay that doubt by turning again and again to the calm true Voice of the Divine Source, and know that It is in no hurry—It is timeless, and will patiently guide you to your best, as soon as you are ready to hear it and be led to it.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When those around you are speaking of making “five year plans” for their business or career, or a “two year make-over plan”, etc., remember that what they are really saying is that they believe that a certain type of business or appearance will bring them peace, or happiness, or both. Of course, no worldly reality can guarantee happiness or peace in the heart.

    Make what plans you feel led by Spirit’s Voice within to make, but stay very clear in your mind that what you seek is Peace. Stay very clear that what you seek is the knowing that you are held in the Love of the Divine Mind.

    Allow your desires to be God’s desires, and you will not be led down paths that are only long, long detours on the journey back to full remembrance of who you are.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Resolve to spend today with Good. Good thoughts, Good ideas, Good goals, Good Love.

    No matter what small tasks you are also doing, or plans or choices you make, keep your mind on Good, for if you do your mind is Divine Mind, and the Glory will carry you like a wonderful wave. And the wave is Good.

    Exhilarating, but gentle,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember that “I Am that I Am” is a name of the Great Causal Force.

    As a projection of that and Its elements and qualities, you are what It is. Therefore, any sentence you think or speak that starts out “I am…” should ends with things that are true of that Loving Source.

    If you say “I am angry”, you are speaking a falsehood about yourself. Turn it around RIGHT AWAY, and say “I am Calm and Forgiving”, and keep saying it until you feel that way. If you are thinking “I am lost”, start saying and thinking “I am found, and clearly guided”, until you are feeling ready to accept that loving guidance.

    You get the picture. Make up a list of the qualities that comprise the Goodness of the Center of All, and when you are tempted to say “I am…”, make sure you finish the thought with a quality that reflect the Glorious Being of which you are one little facet.

    And then behold the wholeness in others as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Express Love, always. Express Love, and the body, its temporary vehicle, falls into place.

    God Loves you as Love, and to Love. Be that Love and take your mind off the body.

    Be that Love, and that is truly to be one with God, and in the Oneness of being, your complete understanding begins. The Body of Light includes all, and exists and functions with perfect Harmony always. God causes Harmony and God is the only Cause there is. Be the Cause of Love.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    So many ask the All-in All for objects or wealth or bodily health, for they have not yet realized the fully Spiritual nature of the Universe and all the other glimmering ideas in the Mind of God. If you are one who has begun to realize that “seeking first the Kingdom of God”, that is, seeking first to realize that all is Consciousness, is the perfect way to demonstrate what is needed for human thriving, then seek It indeed.

    Ask for the attitude support and the mindset and outlooks that you need. If right now you need Confident Compassion and Optimism, then ask for them. Ask for them to well up within your thoughts and feelings, and know that the Great Consciousness that is composed of all Good will freely give them to you. And from that Consciousness come the absolutely perfect ideas and solutions as well. Ask for ideas, from the One Source of them all.

    When more individuals awaken to the Truth that everything belongs to God, everything is within God, then there will be no more fussing and warring about ideas. All ideas are within God, and you are one of those ideas, and all the ideas you have that are Good are also in and of God. On whatever level you are able to grasp that yet, ask for what you need. Set aside the little human ego that wants credit and accolades, and do all for the Glory and Grace of God.

    And ask for the confidence and Grace to enact the noble attributes of being a part of Love.

    You can do this. All together, it can be done,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have practiced surrendering to the Loving Divine Guidance within, and grown good at obeying it, letting go of your simple or grandiose human plans, you will learn to love the Joy that comes of living in alignment with the Divine Source.

    It is indeed a Peace that is beyond human intellectual understanding, but it is very Real for certain. Try it and See. No other can do it for you, although they may try to describe it and share what they can. Try the Loving Peace of God, and do not look back to the ephemeral for satisfaction.

    We walk with you all along the way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Like a child “camping out” in a tent in his mother’s own back-yard, who may imagine that he is on top of a mountain, or past the arctic circle, but who knows that he can go back into the warmth and provision of his mother’s house if he gets too cold or hungry, let yourself “know” you are camping out IN God.

    When, in your human imagining that you are completely separated and alone, you forget that the Mother/Source Divine is the Consciousness in which you exist, in which you “camp”, then you can linger in that cold, wet tent of self-pity far longer than you need to. Allow the Mother’s Love/Home to be remembered, and let It welcome you. Rise up from your own thoughts of misery, and let in the ideas that guide you to worm yourself out of your little tent, and walk back into the Blessed Hearth of Mother/Source provision and sustenance and Love.

    If you let yourself remember, and call out to the Great Mother-Love, she will likely even bring the warm porridge right to the opening of your tent, so that you may be fed, and yet go on in your little adventure, for a time. Still, you must pick up the spoon and eat it. Still, you must set aside the disdain of aloneness to let yourself be embraced by her Love.

    Those small actions that demonstrate wanting to be in the state of trust and joy and fulfillment are crucial. Open your mouth and say “I receive Divine feeding.” Open your arms, and say, “I welcome feeling embraced by Divine Love.” Open your mind and say “I welcome Divine ideas for the day.” And then, listen, receive, swallow, act and obey, and say, say, say, “I thank You in every way.”

    We can see your tent from the window of the center of Heaven,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to try to interfere with the ways of God, or to beg or intercede.

    Good Grace has already been given freely. It is done. Your task is to open to receiving, and just Be. Just Be a part of the Good and the Grace and the All.

    And relish it in Gladness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Full View of the Divine Mind is so much more than any one part of It can comprehend that you must do deep listening for Its instructions to you every day.

    Yes, it is true that the Source which shines you forth and advises about your daily behavior and words will always instruct you to Love as Divine Love Loves, for that is the stuff of which you are made. And always you will be Guided to trust Truth and to be Its example.

    But the daily and hourly instructions will also be fresh and new and may surprise you. If the Divine Voice alerts you to pray for someone, although, to your human eyes, the person seems to be in no distress, do it. If the Merciful Voice tells you to give to someone who seems to you to already have plenty, just do so. If the ever-awake Spirit awakens you in the night to go somewhere or make a certain call, be willing to act and lend Calm as needed.

    Omniscience Divine and Infinite will not burden you with too much knowledge, or extrasensory Sight that you do not need that day, but It will alert you kindly and emphatically when the shining of your individual Light of Itself is needed in a particular way.

    Even though you may never see the final result of your giving of Soul, trust God, and obey.

    All of Heaven Sees, and is glad,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One thing at a time. One thought at a time.

    Let it be a day of calm and slow and gentle Guidance, leading you from one moment to the next, and one task to the next, in a way that feels Perfect. And remember that the main task you are trying to accomplish is to be fully aware of being completely connected to the Heart and Mind of God.

    Stay aligned, Beloved. Stay aligned with the Mind of the Divine, and you will enjoy your day, this day that God has made.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel a general sense of unease and cannot even discern where the focus of it seems to be, fear not. Fear not, for the Divine Healer knows how to heal you, and knows that all errors are really just a form of one error. That one error is thinking that you are no longer part of the Harmony of All, and that you are just some frail and fading body that is not a Child of Glory.

    The Divine Healer, called upon, will simply heal. Like a mother than can tell with one glance or touch whether her child needs a nap or some food or a hug or some cleaning up, the Divine Healer can tell, without needing your lists of “facts”, just what needs to happen to reveal your true Harmony again.

    Trust the Healer’s desire to heal you, and your circumstances,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is God that we ask you to trust, not human error.

    The Law of adjustment that represents the Principle of Harmony that is God is what sets things right, what aligns all Soul with Itself. Even if you have not reached the heart of understanding of how this happens, trust that it does.

    Trust God, dear Love. Trust God, Good, and be free.

    Free of the web of emotion and error, you will See clearly how to go.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Observe how your prayers vary. Always let them be a listening to God, but notice when you are hoping for energizing ideas and supply and courage and strength, and when what you really need is a deep calm and release from agitation and worry.

    Take a day now and then to simply seek the deep Calm of God, and then the receiving of all else will be easier. Deep Calm. Deep Peace. They are part of the Core of which God made you.

    Feel It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The habits and the rituals and the ruts of everyday life are fulfilled almost automatically by you.

    Is it so hard, then, to add the ritual of twice a day pausing to simply sit still, close your eyes to the world, and claim and think about the truths of the Loving Source of you? You do not need a doctorate in theology. You do not need training at fancy seminars at fancy hotels. All you need to do is to sit down, get still and quiet, and remember, “The Divine Maker Loves me.”

    Just do it, Beloved. Just do it. Some days you will feel led from within, as you sit still and feel embraced, and listen, to feel other truths, such as “I and my Maker are One.” Follow those thoughts, keep your eyes and thoughts closed to the world for those few minutes at least, and bathe in the Love of Spiritual Creation.

    It is not hard. And it is not hard to make it one of the automatic patterns of your day. We guarantee you it will lead to more reward than any other thing you spend 20 minutes on each day.

    Gift this to yourself, for it is already gifted to you by God, if you will but accept it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When someone is clearly troubled and out of alignment with the Perfect Source that projects them forth as a Child of Living Love, then let your Compassion rise to the full.

    Looking at the dusty image will not give you a clear view of what that one is meant to be. Turn to the Source to ask to be enabled to see the way to clean the mirror, to adjust the angle, to let God’s Law of Love sort out the appearance, so that all can be cheered to see all error and non-harmony fade away. Whether the seeming issues are of bodily malfunctions, or personality woes, or harmful actions or inactions, or a lack of wisdom, turn to the Wondrous Source of all Goodness, and ask for Its Counsel and Discernment.

    Let It Help you, and all, see the Truth, and the most Blessed way now and forward, for all. When another, or others, will not seek God’s advice and Omnipotent Sight and Might, be one of the ones to do so. God never stops Guiding and Sustaining. Trust in that Glory, and do what Love asks.

    We Help you,


  • Ah, Beloved, there is only one mirror that can tell you the real Truth of who you are, what you are, and your health, and character of heart. That True Mirror is the Eyes of God.

    Look only into the Eyes of God. And ask God to show you your correct image and nature and welfare of Being, and to enable you to see your own Wholeness, and that of others as well.

    Look to the Word, and Whispers, and Love of God, and know that Good report,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be so glad to discover the name of God in your own heart today. Ask God, ìWhat is your name today?î, and know that the answer you hear is also the name for the quality you need today, and the Quality you ARE.

    If you hear ìI am courageî know that this day you must think of yourself as courage. If you hear ìI am confident Goodî you shall think of yourself as that.

    God is all True things, all True thoughts. Each person, each wondrous part of the Whole God, is given what they need that day to succeed, to shine, to be the health and wealth and happy purpose of Spirit.

    Listen today to what name God is for you, and be grateful to be it, and know yourself part of the Completeness of the Divine.

    ANGELS, always with you

  • Ah, Beloved,

    PLEASE let your self see, and affirm to others, that there is no moment, and no where, that God is not.

    God is everywhere, always, just patiently certain that you will turn from your mortal dreams and awaken to His/Her Beauty and Truth and Kind Resolve.

    Think about this today. Omnipresence is the Power.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Understand how grateful the Source-Mind, in which you dwell as an idea, is for each and every one of Its ideas. Whether that idea is a series of colors and light and stars and formations, or whether that idea is a being, like your own soul self, to walk in the color and light and appreciate it, God appreciates Its ideas.

    Today (and ALL days), appreciate and be grateful for how smoothly ideas come to you when you relax and let them. Whether it is the arrangement of a group of colors and flowers, or the movement of musical notes for a sweet, sweet song, or the item to substitute in a recipe when you are out of one ingredient, be grateful for ideas.

    Be grateful for ideas of how to love someone who is acting unlovable. Be grateful for ways to improve your own behavior when you are feeling annoyed or hurt. Be grateful for the ever-present Love of God that swirls each of Its ideas to a perfect place and time to optimize their opportunities to feel Joy. Be grateful. Be grateful, be grateful.

    And gratitude opens the door to more ideas,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We know how hard it is to believe that thinking about good, and expecting good, and looking for good, and appreciating good, will create more lively good in your perceptions and experience. That is why we urge everyone to playfully try it for themselves.

    Experiment with it. Test it in each day. It is not a matter of someone asking you to take a stance and create a new belief on faith. It is only about asking you to be willing to try thinking in a new way, and show yourself it is a wonderful Way of Life.

    And enjoy the experiment, so that it becomes your constant experience,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, rather than getting lost in the maze of praying about certain elements of your life, or even focusing on certain Qualities of God that are the antidotes to “life problems”, just focus on this: “The Divine that created the spirit of me and my life and all, created them in and of Harmony, and Order.”

    Fill your Heart with that, and allow the Divine to sort out the details that Bless you and Bless all.

    Walking tenderly with you,


  • Ah, Child,

    Giving out Divine Love is also an art. Consider yourself an artist, and a teacher of Beauty, when you can do so.

    “Help me remember I am filled with your Love, dear God, and help me feel It and give It out today.”

    That is the trust that is asked of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The seeming appearance of time and space is so pervasive for your human perception that once in a while we must remind you, to remind yourself that time and space are not aspects of Spirit, of God. Therefore, your ability to let the Force and Love of God flow through your prayers is not limited by time or space.

    Infinite Presence truly is always and everywhere. Therefore, pray. Image and Love the Goodness and Wholeness of God everywhere, and know that your prayers for yourself and others, and for all beasts and things around you, are to align them with the ideas in the Mind of God, and see them Whole and very Good.

    Pray always, for all, and KNOW that you are having a helping effect. We assure you, sending forth Love always helps.

    And we send Love to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every time that you fall into a dream state of sorry or sadness or lack of ease or love, that is when the Divine calls out, “Where are you?”

    O”, awaken, sleeping One, and remember the joy of conversing with the Divine Parent, and of walking in friendship and communion and appreciation in the garden of Creativity, in the Garden of Peace. The Spirit who is you dwells within the heart and Mind of Greater Spirit, and is meant to be happy there. Can you let yourself believe it? Can you let go of earthly emotions, so that you can have the Emotion of pure Joy?

    Once you taste it, the answer grows easier, and the waking state more constant,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Are you under the misimpression that you must use formal or specific words or rituals or prayers to talk to God? Really, you can convey your willingness to open your heart and mind to Divine Guidance very simply.

    “Hey, God, Come straighten out my thinking and my life.”

    “Say, God, what I can do to open my own feelings, and other people’s feelings, to hold more compassion?”

    Telling the Source of All Good your desires is easy, truth be told. And, actually, you can turn to God silently, and allow Omnipresence to just read the good desires of your heart, and be willing to do what you are led to do, and think.

    It is Joy to share Good, True Thoughts with God, in whatever form,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The seeming obstacles and illusions of the “physical” world will be before your eyes and around your ears and to your touch every day. Enjoy the parts of it that can be enjoyed, and, for the rest, keep close to your heart the truths that you have memorized, or that have come to your mind from Divine Mind, so that you can reach for them QUICKLY whenever you feel a hint of sorrow or discouragement wisp its way toward you from the illusory mist.

    There are endless ways to phrase the Truths of Being. Choose your favorites, or let new ones form in the poetry of your heart, and then use them, use them, use them, to stay focused in the center of the Divine, from where the view is perfect and good, all day, each day, all life.

    “I am the unending substance of the compassionate glow of Love.”

    “I am made of Love.”

    “Love Gives. Love Gives. Love Gives Love.”

    Agape does Rule, Beloved. Remember that,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a way to regard fear as a friend. It is a friend because it can be seen as a tool, as a sign. It is a sign that your thought and feeling are out of alignment with the Divine. For when you are standing straight in front of the mirror of the Divine, you are Its perfect image, and can have no fear, because the Divine has no fear.

    Therefore, if you feel even a tiny frisson of fear, use your wellspring of prayers to re-align yourself immediately with the Divine Source of the image that is you, and be Well, and know that all is Well.

    Train yourself in this, and train others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As a genuine Mother/Father God part, you are made perfect and whole. As a genuine perfect part, you are an instrument of the moving vehicle that is the eternal ever-expansive Life and Love, that Is the purpose of God.

    Only Name-brand parts are installed, for they are the Best,

    And all of you are Best,

    Laugh with us, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Everything you do and think and feel bounces back to you in the earthly dream. It is certainly a reason to watch carefully what you think and choose to feel.

    But, Beloved, you can also step outside the dream and align yourself with Spirit, Good and True, and allow yourself to draw on that sweet Integrity to help you behave as you would wish to do to demonstrate the best of you, and the Best of God.

    You are the strength God gives you, if you ask It and welcome It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Mind of God is always cozy. Remind yourself that you dwell within It, and let yourself feel Its warmth and buoyancy and support. Cozy into Love today. It is your right as a rightful and beloved citizen of God-Mind.

    We tuck you into Love if you let us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are the unveiled Joy of your Being.

    When new impulses of action or thought arise, try them for Joy!

    Try them for novelty, try them for curiosity, try them for the unsuspected answer that you have been seeking. Many times, the answer that God gives to long time desires is something you would never have humanly thought of. Therefore, do not dismiss new or surprising notions as impossible or too wild. Listen, and have the courage to obey.

    In Utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The inner Voice can be trusted. Listen to It, Be Calmed by It, before you read news headlines.

    God knows what you should do.


  • Ah, Child,

    Allow us to phrase it this way:

    It is the Divine’s unconditional pleasure to unconditionally offer you a state of mind that is peace, and joy and harmony. It is offered to you on a golden platter, if you will but accept it. Will you?

    We could issue paragraphs and paragraphs of words about that Truth, and more and more words about the metaphors we have chosen for that statement, but it still comes down to the question, does your heart choose to admit it wants that awareness, that state of mind, that Kingdom of perception?

    It is because we honor you that we cannot choose for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “High Guidance of the Light, come be with me. Look into my thoughts, look into my heart, O’ High Guidance, and set them right.”

    And with sincerity, patiently wait for the Presence to come, and help you discern what you need.

    We Love you utterly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Feed your spirit and rest deep in the quiet of Soul today.

    “Be still my soul.”

    There are days when trying to navigate the stormy surface waters is just counterproductive to any movement forward in the good journey of your life.

    Dive deep into High Consciousness today, Beloved, and still your soul, and rest, rest, rest in the soothing waters of Love Divine. There is time enough for all else that must be done.

    And as you let this deep connection to Love flow through you and around you, you can be the one to demonstrate Calm, and Higher Perspective, and the willingness to bring Peace to bear on every conversation, situation, and interaction.

    “Be still my Soul.” For the very Soul of Creation is, as It has always been, with you still.



  • Ah, Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Slowly and gently go today. Let not those who dash about without knowing where they are going, or pausing to listen to the Still Voice within, pressure you or influence you to do the same. Move still and slow today, with a delightful feeling of emptiness waiting to be fulfilled.

    And when Words come, or an expansive Inner embrace, savor them. Savor them as you would a bite of wedding cake, or the first sweet apricot of the season, as symbols of renewal and vows to remember your Oneness of Being with All that Is Good.

    Be not discouraged by the judgments of those who see and value only physical good. Their time will come. Their turn will come, to understand the full value of Love and only Love, as that to which they belong, and that which will become all they need and want.

    We want your Quiet Gladness today to touch those that are ready,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Peeling a hard boiled egg under running water makes it easier to do. Mashing potatoes under running water only makes them all flow away.

    Choose the environment in which to practice what you are trying to do.

    “I will choose to feel Joy today. I will call to Joy to come forth in me, and I will look for the Joy around me, and I will demonstrate the Joy I know to be the fuel of all that is Good.”

    And Amen, so be It, for so It is.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be an ease in your heart, knowing that Divine Mind Governs.

    ASK for Its Goodness, and ASK for Its Harmony, and contemplate the sublime perfection and beauty of Its Truth, but do not try to dictate what that Harmony consists of, or what path would be best for you to reach It. Your task is to stay centered, in Loving God back the way that God Loves you, and to let the rest unfold, for you, and for everyone around you.

    When anyone around you calls out for help, verbally, or by their actions of disharmony, give silent aid, by recognition of God’s Supreme Governance in Love. Let It do Its work, as you have done yours, by standing firm in KNOWLEDGE that It is Real, and Omnipotent, and Omnipresent.

    We are yours for the helping, helping the adept technician, helping God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can indeed be frustrating or comical or perplexing to hear wordy, philosophical, or very inexperienced persons discussing which school of thought or program of training or historical trend you or they or another must be part of. But the labels of analysts and the unawakened matter not, Beloved.

    What matters is your own experience and relationship to the Living Presence of the Divine Creative Force that is All. Practice that “Love shining Love” connection each day, and prove for yourself Its Truth, Its working Principals, Its importance for your right Life.

    Be not lost in intellectual arguments and material definitions. The sleeping part of your own mind and others will try to detour all your hours into that, but if you aim to keep it simple in the power of Spirit, you can. Just fear not, and Love God, and express the Divine Mind in every day and way.

    As ever, with you,


  • For Karlis, with love. Fare thee well beyond the veil.

    We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have been praying for a beloved so long and so often, let go of the striving, and trust that God knows your heart and understands your yearnings. Give yourself a rest and trust quietly in God.

    God understands your heart, and if you focus on gratefully and thankfully understanding God’s Heart, nothing else need be said or thought. God knows you want to see your family whole and happy. God knows you want to witness all peoples revealed as part of what is Light and Bright. God knows your heart.

    Today, relax into the Omniscience of God, and feel how God will use your calm happiness to flow more of Its Presence into the human hearts and minds around you.

    Be excellent at being Calm. That is a talent to cultivate.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Being timeless, the Source CAN send a rope of rescue into the dream of time, to lift you back into Its Peace and Outlook.

    It can, and already did. The rope was not tossed in and then taken away. The rope remains, ready to cling to, so that ALL may be lifted up to remember their own timelessness.

    You do not need to fear that the rope will be withdrawn and that you will not reach it. You do not need to fear that those you love will not see it and reach for it. So long as it is needed, the loving rope of rescue remains, gently and firmly lifting all to Peace.

    Reach for Peace NOW. Even a small lifting into that Sight will let you shine brightly enough to inspire others to reach for It as well. It is not personal effort you must exert and exhaust yourself with. It is just being willing to be held aloft by Divine Peace. It is trusting that the rope will hold you, and never, never, never let go.

    Holding onto you as well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Graciously, graciously, GIVE.

    Trust, as the Giver, that the Divine Source knows and sees all that you give, and that there is no need to try to pry out of others the reward or appreciation to fulfill your own needs. You are completely aware of the Almightiness of the Divine. Trust It for your needs, turn to It for your appreciation, offer to It your Love.

    Just be in alignment with It, with those Qualities of Life and Truth and Love that ARE It, and you will be aligned to receive what you need for fellowship, for provision, for the knowledge of timing of all things.

    As we see you perfect,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is enough space. There is enough time. There is enough Love.

    When you are walking about in the limits of material thinking, it seems one must squeeze into situations, or compete with others for one’s share, or find strange ways to feel enough love.

    It is the limited thinking that needs changing and healing, Beloved, not the body or the seeming circumstances. Bound above, leap above that, and think like the Infinite. See like God. Love like expansive Love Itself. Feel It.

    Feel Infinity, Beloved. Spend some time focusing on It, and know there is enough time. There is enough space. There is enough Love. God’s Arms are always open wide for you, and God is ever-waiting and ever-ready for you to turn away from limited material thought, and know yourself to be unlimited Joyous Thought within Soul.

    Your human thought may not understand these words. It does not matter. Just allow yourself to feel, and love, Infinite Love. Unlimited. Unlimited.

    There is plenty of Love, and all It imagines, for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every culture and life hold tales and examples aplenty of how destructive is the pursuit and holding to of anger and revenge and old pains. Coming to accept that that is true is a step each person must take.

    Then comes the search for ways to teach, to forgive, to let go, to heal. Many methods there are for those things as well, but there is no escaping that each person must find a way that gives actual release to their heart, and helps move their own outlook and behavior in a pure direction. Seek the ways that work for you, but do seek and find them, for it is critical for your own well-being. We, of course, as you can see throughout all these messages, recommend pondering and learning about God, about the Oneness of Being, and how to commune with It daily, and ask It for guidance and help in forgiveness, in release, in reformation of thought and perception. We urge accepting that Divine Love is ALL, until you feel light and free, and can see yourself and others. others in a new way.

    But whatever way you choose, or are led to, BEGIN! Begin, and gently urge others to begin. Anger and retribution serve no one. How lovely it is when all let them go, let them go, let them go, in even the smallest thoughts of the day.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When what seems like an exterior event occurs, that causes you distress or annoyance or discomfiture of any kind, seek calmness first. Seek calmness from the Source, and then seek Joy.

    Seek the Calmness of the Source by remembering, “Be still, and know that I Am.”

    And then seek to feel the Joy of your connection to the Source, so that creative solutions and ideas and comfort can flow to you, from where they are, right where you are.

    Practice this with small and large occurrences, so you will have it be second nature to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The parameters are looser than you think. You HAVE been granted dominion over your life because you have been granted dominion over your thoughts. TAKE that dominion, Beloved, and as your willingness turns to thinking only on the Good and the True, your desires are held up by the Sire of All. We assure you the Good is True.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you let that thing and time go, let these words console you:

    When is a rose perfect?

    When it is a tiny seed?

    When it is a green bud?

    When it is a color tightly furled?

    When it is in full bloom?

    When it is petals blowing away in the wind?

    In all its phases, it is silent.

    In all its perfection, it is a conception in the Mind of God.

    All your times are a potpourri to us,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no urgency in becoming like as unto the Qualities of your Creator/Source. There is just simplicity. Just be still and quiet and KNOW that you are made of the very Love and Truth and Soul and Harmonious Intelligence that is the Spirit in which you are an idea.

    Do not define yourself as a body. Practice getting still and quiet and knowing you are those things, and you are fine, and will be fine. Try it calmly. Try it constantly. Be fine.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you thank God in advance for bringing Harmony to your worldly life, you are admitting that you experience this existence as a journey through linear time. But the very reason that you CAN thank God in advance is because God exists outside the bubble of the space/time dream, even though God has sent Spirit into the dream to aid you. From the eagle eye view outside of time, Spirit can see all the paths and detours you could take, and can help you journey along the smoothest one.

    So, DO thank God in advance for assistance and aid, and be humble and grateful enough to surrender to that Guidance that can see what you cannot—all the moments of the time dream at once, and how to navigate them graciously and serenely.

    Hold fast to the mast of Christ-Mind, the One-Mind, the Light,


  • Ah, the Beauty of the Divine dancing in every mirror!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sinking down into the sweet Inner Embrace of the Divine ray of Life that is the Real extension of God that is You, note that there is no coldness there.

    There is only the warmth of Love. Let that be your fire for cheer, let that be your renewal of energy, let that be your constant awareness of purpose.

    And, let that be what you draw upon to relate to everyone, even those that mock or show disdain. Show warmth. Beloved, show warmth, especially to those that try to constrain you with their judgments. Be warm. For being warm warms your soul as well, and melts away old regrets.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no shame in needing to ask the Spirit of God for help each day in seeing through the impersonal face of the illusion of evil. Ask, and ask again, and God will help you forgive, and then help you see the Inner Good that needs no forgiveness.

    On the days that you can see the Divine Good in all, feel Blessed, and celebrate and be Glad. On the days when sorrow and evil and death distress your thoughts, seek God’s Help to see Good again. For so it goes, until all can see through and past illusion, and know the faces of Grace.

    God keeps giving and never stops.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In the infinite maze of space-time, you can play out anything your senses wish to play and replay. Is this what you want? Does it truly bring you joy?

    Or do you want full communion with God-Source?

    God Knows you as His/Her own. There is no dispute of that in the Holy Mind. When you choose to want to remember it again, you are welcomed, welcomed, welcomed, and feted as the returning child.

    Your place is set and we are there, too,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Harmonious solution is always right here and right now somewhere, because God is always right here and everywhere, right now.

    Be not afraid to give Divine Mind, which holds you, and inspires you, the credit, when you come up with a novel idea, or a good creation, or demonstrate your well-being. If more individuals understood that all of their inspirations and suffusions of Life and Love come from the One Mind that governs the uplifting of all, then others would follow suit.

    Be not afraid to give God the credit. Praise God, in your own heart, and aloud when the Loving Spirit says the timing is right.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you walk through your days, desiring to know God better (which equals prayer without ceasing), never forget to slow down. Slow down, slow down, slow down.

    Even as you look upon the people and things which fill your day, slow down and truly look at them. Whether it is a doorknob, or a paper plate, or the neighbor you only see once a day, slow down and see the essence of that thing, that idea, that form. Slow down and look at them until you See the idea that is what God knows that person or thing to be. Slowing down thought is a wonderful way to let God’s Thoughts have a chance to enter into your own, and Hold them in Its Grace.

    Seeing in Grace is seeing in Wholeness, and leads to the Blessing of everything you look upon with your realization that the perfect, whole idea of it all is already a part of God’s Mind.

    Slowly, or quickly, we are Loving you from the timeless Heart of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What gifts have you been given by the Universe of Wholeness, of which you are a part, right here, right Now?

    Open your eyes and See them, and Appreciate them, for in the grace of Appreciation, you open your Self up to receiving the fullness of your own Divine Inheritance, of truly being all that you can be, and are, if you would just take stock of what is already yours, and love it.

    Love it, love it, love it, and See what else love reveals. Dare to be amazed by Love.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No matter the level of their Spiritual Enlightenment, We assure you that no one is alone before, during, or after transition to the next stage of Soul awareness. In whatever perceptual form that individual could grasp and comprehend, Divine Love is attendant at every moment.

    The sweet Song of Life welcoming each traveler within God’s Infinite Mind helps them continue their fullness of Awakening, as they realize that all contribute to the Expansion of Love, Love, Love and Its expression of Creation.

    If someone near and dear to you has expired from your timeline of earthly life, be comforted that a Harmonious Orchestra has filled their hearing and Tender Sacred Hands have held theirs, as they crossed the lines of perception.

    Joyousness greets them, and carries them on,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Learn to fall back into the supportive arms of the Infinite Source the moment you feel fatigue or irritation or pain or anger or wistful sorrow. If your arms feel tired while carrying the wood, or beating the eggs, stop that very instant and remember that there is infinite strength for you to draw upon, for it is the very substance of which you are made, and in which you live and move and have your true being.

    Do not think to yourself, “I will pray about that later”, or “I will stop and gather strength after this load,” relax into God’s Strength right away. Relax the muscles and relax the mind and remember “God’s Mind creates and sustains and gives endlessly to all, and I welcome God’s strength right now, to finish whisking the batter, to complete the cord of wood, to return to a feeling of blessed day, blessed moment, blessed life lived in Joy.”

    Always we will help if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Grace flows endlessly and abundantly from God-Spirit.

    If you had some dust on your hands, you would not doubt that holding them under the gushing waters of Niagara Falls would wash them clean. Just so, do not doubt that the regrets and confusion and guilty feelings of the human condition can be counteracted by the Mighty Flow of God’s Grace. Be still, and turn to the Soul of God, and ask to be showered with Grace, soaked in Grace, healed with Grace.

    Do not wait for moments of crisis. Bathe in Grace each morning just to begin your day fresh and renewed and sure of your Care from God.

    The daily Spiritual routines matter.



  • Ah, Dear One,

    Even all the most able of workers for the Will of God must strive daily to be a reminder to themselves, of what they Truly are. They are each an emanation of the Love of God, that seems to be projected into a communication device called the body, in order to bring saneness and Truth into the wild earth dream. Forgive yourself for needing to re-remember this every day. Forgive yourself for needing to sometimes re-remember this every hour, or every moment. We assure you that it will grow easier to remember, although constant loving diligence will always be necessary—always you will need to “stand porter at the door of thought”, in order to allow only God-Thoughts to enter, and to dwell within you, and as you.

    Be not afraid, Child, for you have extraordinary Helpers, as do all of God’s Children, to Help you stay in the Thoughts that are Love and Truth and Light. Be Glad of that, and refresh yourself in those Thoughts, just as you refresh your body in fresh water every day.

    We are with you in all your cleansings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you simply live with Calm Joy, you are ministering without saying a word.

    Let the Presence that is All shine through you everywhere you go. It will do the Work.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not need those errors in your life and in your costume. God Loves you and so do We.

    Stop punishing yourself, and get to know the good self that God made you to be. Just be vigilant in casting out ungodly thoughts when they first arrive, and take Joy in seeing the new you and the new life that becomes visible when the clouds of bad thoughts are chased away.

    We will help. Ask us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Count as a great blessing that you have the ultimate patience of the Divine to lean into, and use, when you must overcome your human desires of the moment, and tend to the duties and obligations and callings of the moment.

    Count as a blessing that you can rely upon the Divine Love that sustains you to let you have, in due time, the fulfillment of other achievements and pleasures, that give you the desire to be fully who you are. Your part in the Play is important and there is always the proper time to let all the Good that you are, as reflected from God, unfold.

    We are watching, and appreciating,


  • Ah, Beloved One,

    Your True individual Beauty is made up of the Light and color and shapes and sounds of the Unseen Qualities of God. The Soul, Spirit, Wisdom, Love, Truth, Harmony and Life of the Whole Divine are the paints and hues and forms of you. Close your eyes and feel them.

    And as you identify with these Qualities of God as the true portrait of you, the visible appearance of your costume in the earthly will Glow in a way that reflects that. Cease thinking of the body as a piece of clay that must be fed and pummeled and cleansed, and think of it as only a shifting of light that covers over the Blaze of Divine Qualities that you are.

    We See you Lovely and Complete. See yourself thus also.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so easy to become confused about what you truly desire and how to act and react in the worldly, and to feel thirsty for peace of mind, until you deeply feel the Peace that underlies All.

    And so We say over and over, offering It to you like an endless Hostess with her tray of food and drink, Here is the Peace of God, —eat of It, drink of It, be satisfied. Practice giving yourself the gift of that sustenance, before you face the world in each moment or in each day. Fortify yourself with it. Learn to trust in It always being there for you. Prove to yourself how quickly It can give you ideas or comfort you or heal you or send you to the right place and time and person to help or be helped by.

  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We are always, always with you, for you are with Us in the Mind of the All, the One, that which many call God.

    The question is, will you give Us time and attention? Will you respect and appreciate that We have Love and Good Counsel, and Comfort to offer you?

    We do not force these things on you. You can exist within your small human awarenesses, or you can choose to be aware, by accepting from Us, the Thoughts of the One that are in your heart, that you are part of an amazing greater Whole. That is what free will is about—living in your own small dream, for good or for ill, or choosing to join in the Wondrous and Gracious listening and awakening to the timeless Whole.

    Do you have time to be still and receive Love Divine?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    ANYTIME that you find yourself “rehearsing” in your mind what you will say to someone, or do in a situation, beware. That rehearsal voice is often just the voice of the human ego, and may be motivated by one-upmanship, or self pity, or revenge, or anger, or hatred, or other of the un-Godly qualities.

    Ask for Divine Truth and Love to be with you, and heal your thoughts. Then, see what Loving Thoughts your Divine, True Self leads you to have, and know that often it will come down to this– It will remind you to remember “I AM LOVE”. “I speak Love, I give Love, I act Love.”

    And, of course, the Love It speaks of, and wishes you to speak of, is not the lust of the flesh, but the Unconditional Love that crosses all boundaries and Knows the Best of yourself and the Best of the other person. Whether it is the one with whom you are Divinely consecrated to share physical Love, or whether it is a stranger to whom you wish to show spiritual pure Compassion, speak Love. Speak only Love, especially if you have ANY doubt about what your “mind”, of human thought, has been rehearsing to say.

    We will help give you Will to do so. Just Ask.


  • Ah, Friend,

    Even when it seems you have lost focus, be diligent about your time spent in communion with the Source. Let go of any desperation. Let go of any obsession with one question while you pray. Just seek God as a place of rest and refuge. Relax into the Beingness that is All-in-All, and just know “I am alive in the Mind of God.”

    Forget what anyone on earth thinks. Rest your head against the spaghetti boxes in the grocery store, if you must, and be with God for a minute. Put down your load of books and sit on them and tuck in your head for a minute of praise and prayer. Let the golden leaf on a tree that has caught your eye be given all your attention—stop, and look and look and look, letting yourself be filled with the awe of Nature.

    Everyplace and all times are appropriate for connecting to the Divine in which you have your True Being. Allow your self to do it, and allow yourself to enjoy it, letting go of schedules and habits that are meaningless. Without dishonoring obligations or timetables, you can take minutes and hours here and there to realize that you are always able to give some listening time to God.

    We assure you, that as your listening improves, you will find yourself canceling meaningless activities to spend more and more time in that Rich Presence. You will begin to ask yourself, “What do I want more, another thirty minutes of worldly news reports, or another fifteen minutes spent fussing with my hair, or do I want to focus on being held in Divine Love?”

    Only YOU can make these choices,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not the words that made prayer effective. It is not wistful thinking that gets results in revealing your wholeness and prosperity and purpose and happiness.

    All of those must be focused and desired, with no interference of hate and anger and regret, regret, regret. But the key and crucial part of prayer that works is truly feeling the Love of God. To be really aligned with the wondrous Source and singular Causality that Holds you and Embraces you as a very extension of Itself is the atmosphere of pure success in reflecting all that you are as the perfect reflection of the Divine. Spirit/Energy expressing Spirit and Light, this is what you are. Feel that you are a part of this Love, and IN that feeling, pray. In that Love, trust.

    That is the Way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love will always find a way to comfort or advise or guide you, if you give It the quiet attention and focus to LISTEN.

    Let it be your intention to LISTEN always.

    The Divine does not need training to communicate with you. It is just the human self that needs to “untrain” itself from the constant human mental chatter about tasks or assumptions or worries or wishes, so that it can be still enough to actually LISTEN to God.

    Listen to God, Beloved. Listen to Love, for Love wants you to know you are Loved and can Love yourself and others from that Infinite flow of Divine Love for you.

    Actually True,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think today: “I am Pure Spirit, because my Source is Pure Spirit.

    We are all Pure Spirit, for Our Cause is Pure Spirit.”

    We are all filled with the faithful Love of God, to uphold us and guide us and tenderly sustain us, while we remember “God is Pure Spirit, so I am Pure Spirit.”

    Let that wash over you, again and again, today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gladly Spirit hears your appeals for the healing of thought, relationship, or circumstance. And once you relinquish control to Loving Spirit, adjustments begin.

    Trust that Omniscient Spirit knows best not only the good timing of these unfoldings, but the order of them. You might be praying for Divine assistance with a concern with your breathing, but be led to reconsider how your thinking is filled with self -pressure from too many long lists of things to do. As you surrender obsessive human expectation of what must be done each day, you might find that a painful cramping of the toes is healed, and then feel your breathing and heartbeat become easy. And you might simultaneously find that your patience with others is stronger.

    Spirit sees Wholeness, and sees the whole picture. It can be a relief to simply pray for Omnipotent Guidance in aligning ALL your thoughts and perceptions and priorities, and trust Omnipresence to demonstrate it all just as God’s Goodness would see it happen.

    Surrender, surrender, to the Heart of Love’s Wisdom,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You KNOW the steps of Divine Meditation; Deep Prayer.

    Acknowledgement of One Loving Mind, Deep Listening, Obedience, Gratitude.

    Just do them. Do them in every moment that you can remember and focus. Do them when in doubt or joy. Do them when in fatigue or energy. Just do them, be them, and trust.

    All will be Well, because All Is Well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, do please focus on the Good, the Beautiful and the True.

    All of these are equivalent to Love, and to the Divine.

    It is the Divine that heals the Divine in yourself and in others. Let it Flow through you and be relieved. Be comforted. Feel satisfied and Loved.

    Be privileged to see others feel Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “When I am tempted to look at the faults and errors of another, Dear God, help me see past those ephemeral aspects, and See the Loveliness of Your Love shining in their hearts.”

    This is crucial for you to remember to pray each and every day, Beloved. If you keep it in your mind and intentions, it will change your life. We assure you, you cannot imagine how many opportunities for love and prosperity you have walked by, simply because you did not see the Goodness that was waiting to flow to you through another person that came in an unlikely wrapper. And, of course, keeping this in your thoughts will help your own Loveliness shine forth to others. Be always ready and willing to Help in Godly ways.

    And We will Help you all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Picture a gorge through which a river flows. Sometimes, when your way seems to grow narrower and narrower, it is so that the waters of Spirit may be concentrated into the fullness of Their power. Then, Spirit can burst forth from the deep channel of the gorge, with a surge of enough Divine Force to carve stone.

    The “natural” laws of the earth may seem to be very hard stone, Beloved, but nothing can stop the waters of Spirit when they concentrate, and combine, pour over a spot that needs change.

    Relax into the depths that are being carved, and wait,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only when one is beyond the veil of illusion will one completely understand how important one gesture or one word was, in earthly life, in the awakening of the self, or of another, in Oneness.

    Just be still, be quiet and gently observing of the ego, and let the Love of the Divine pour through you. Let It guide you when to speak, let It give you the impulse to act or the desire to plan.

    Make peace with this understanding, that only when you are beyond the veil will you completely see of what aid you have been in letting your dream be used by God.



  • Oh, Beloved,

    Be not surprised that Divine Love is always willing to give to you, for from Its point of view, It is giving to Itself.

    When this Oneness of Life and Consciousness truly penetrates your heart of understanding, you will not feel limited in any way, ever, or deprived at any time in any place. For you will comprehend that Love is flowing continually, projecting Itself as the image that is your continual Spirit.

    New facets of yourself, and others, as Perfect Spiritual Beings, will be revealed, as your understanding and acceptance deepen. Have faith in that Truth, Beloved, for Divine Love has already made it so.

    Longing to see you feel the full Love you are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ponder again the word “desire”. Just look at it and realize it means the deep wishes that come from the Source—from That Which Sired, which created, you, Spirit of Spirit.

    And it is with that deep feeling wishes of the heart that you fuel your prayers and thoughts. Distell them to their essence, and all desires are for the clear demonstration of Harmony, ennobled by Spiritual happiness for all.

    “Whatsoever you desire in your heart, that you shall have.” The deep, pure wishes of the Spiritual Heart of you, that is a clear reflection and continued emanation of the Divine Light, those are what to focus on. The side effects of material goodness and betterment come after focusing, focusing, focusing on being in line with the deep wishes of God.

    God wishes Good for you, and yours, and all, for it is Its own clear reflection It wants to see in action. God wishes to see Its own Goodness clearly, enacted as one and all.

    Do your part to be that demonstration by surrendering to God’s desires for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Spirit nestled within Spirit, which Loves me as part of Itself.”

    When you learn to see your everlasting Self in this way, you will be able to See all others this way, too. Why not give it a try? Forgive yourself for the human nature you have defined yourself as, and know your Innocence as part of God.

    AS ever, Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We will help you release the view of the world you have had. We will help you see Good, not bad,

    Is it so hard to be playful today, asking us to be your playmates in Seeing the world Our Way? You deserve this, and We would love your company in it. As your brother said, release, release, release your old way of seeing.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am Love.

    And because I made you of Love and Love you, you cannot help but Love Me.

    Today, dear Child, please express that Love. Please be an expression of Me.

    Regard it as “dress-up” acting if you like, if you mis-believe that you are not Good enough to express God, but express Me, express Love, today. You are Good enough, I assure you, but whether you feel genuine, or whether you feel like you are acting, express My Love today.

    There is the certain way to Joy, and there is no other way.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are right with you. We are always right with you. You know that and you can trust that. You simply need to remember to tune to that level of awareness and listen and LET Us Help.

    Today We need to have you practice realizing that all others also have their ANGEL-THOUGHTS from God right there with them. Each and every individual has those Angels assigned to Help them as soon as they are willing to be Helped awaken to their greater Soul-Self. When you try to convince someone of the existence of the Divine by appealing to their human intellect and mortal thinking, there is simply little available connection and overlap. But if you ask your Angels to speak to their Angels, as it were, then communication and communion is possible. All without words, in the pure language of Divine Love and Spirit, you CAN reach another and assist in their well-being, by simply sending your Angels to Help the Angels of the other, in a great team of Compassion to Help that individualized Soul.

    We know who is on your mind. We know whom you would love to see healed and assisted and guided. Willingly send Us to the aid of the Angels of that one, and know that you, too, will still be guarded and guided. There are plenty of Us.

    Some of Us are always with you. You are never alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even now, within the busy-ness and chores and enjoyments of the beauties of the day, there are moments that you are fully aware that all that really matters is feeling the Love of God, and returning the Love of God, and seeing It alive in others.

    Note those moments today, Child. Note those moments and resolve to feel more of them.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Noticing Beauty in the small and large around you is a wonderful way to focus on the Spirit that connects all. Human eyes open, or human eyes closed, there is the discernable Presence of Life in the Gift of the Beautiful energy all around you.

    Do not think that you are unlike It. The Beauty of All That Is is the same Beauty that is your Soul, your Life, your Individual Perfection of Love Itself.

    It is One Love. It is all the same Spirit.

    “I Am the Love that is the Divine Love that is all around me, and Beautiful.”

    Bask in that today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What others need to see in you is your utter Trust in the Infinite All that Is, AKA God.

    From that Trust, comes calm, and peace, and expectation, and obedience to that which, if you pay attention to Its Voice within you, guides you in every moment and every day.

    Today, Trust, and listen, and obey. It can be said in many ways, and is, in every system of spirituality, but it always comes back to that. “Trust in the Divine with all thy heart, and lean not into thine own understanding.”

    We are holding you in Love as you listen,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy that comes to all your awareness and senses when you turn to the Source Joy that is ALWAYS waiting for you to turn to It, is truly the natural way to live, and experience, and feel and act and love. It will not force you, but the more often you turn to It, and stay aware of It as constant, reliable Companion for your days, the sooner you will be able to sincerely say often to yourself, “Life is Good”.

    Turn your consciousness, your awareness, to Joy, giving It permission to guide and help you, trusting that It wants Good for all, and Loving, Loving, Loving It in all the ways you can. There is Divine and Loving Help for you there—you are not all alone on a wilderness trek.

    It will and does Love you, no matter what, but as you turn to It and Love It, It will Help you more than you can imagine. Be willing to Love and be willing to let It shape you and your desires, and indeed you will know the freedom of knowing the Life Force is Good, and It is the real you.

    Wanting you to feel your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    The Divine Creator Loves, and IS here and now. When you think of that Creative Force as the sweet amenity of Love, and call It to your side, and add it to every situation, you will see wonderful changes seem to occur. That is the ACTION of Love, washing away the mists that have obscured your sight, and hidden the Goodness of the everyday from you.

    Look with the eyes of Love, and See, Beloved, See!

    As we see you, with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love is your heritage.

    Not the body. Not the genes. Not “physical” objects of any kind.

    Love is your heritage. Sign your ACCEPTANCE of this. Then, like a house that you had inherited and just signed the title acceptance of, explore it. Explore Love, Child. Explore It, and live within It, and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your rightfully inherited Home.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All Is Light. There is nothing else.

    Ponder this. Rejoice in this.

    Can Light hurt Light? Can Light die?

    “God is All. All is Light. I am Light and Beloved of God.”

    The simplicity of it is what frightens the dream-self.

    Yet, it is True. All is Light. No matter what I think I “see”, All is Light, and I let the deep Peace of that settle in me and through me, and I am Light.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you walk past a sign or a post or a plant by your home, day after day, it is so easy to not truly notice it anymore. Occasionally, as it flowers or has a loud insect buzzing on it, you stop and actually look closely at it again. But the day to day miracle of the living plant goes unremarked, and the sense of wonder it could engender in you does not happen.

    This is an obvious, and frequent, metaphor for all the sage advice that has been given you over the years, about not taking the people and things around you for granted, or about looking at the world anew, with the “eyes of a child”. The intellect enjoys dismissing frequent reminders as things of no import, to be looked at with jaded or cynical eyes.

    Beware that false intellect. Yes, embrace the wondrous intelligence that the Creative Source has given you, but let the wondrous Innocence of delight and joy stand with that intelligence. Especially, try to look upon all those whom you know, particularly those whom you know well, with fresh eyes. Meet them each morning as though you were meeting for the first time. Look with eyes that expect good. Hear with ears that do not judge by the past. Be ready to see each one around you as a Beloved and Innocent Child of God, so that you will know yourself anew, and be new, in their eyes also.

    This is very important,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love will show Its Perfect Work.

    The ingrained illusions of the limited senses will try to keep you focused on the sorrows and sins and errors of the worldly picture, but Love cannot be denied or overcome, in demonstrating the Good and True It made and makes.

    Keep asking It. Keep begging Love to enable you to See the Good, the True, the Lovely, the Harmony. Keep looking and be willing, and Love will show you Its Perfect Work.

    Glimpses become full faith,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be as lovely as you ARE.

    Close your eyes, to better see God. Close your eyes, to better see your Self as God Sees you, now and forevermore.

    And as we see you, with utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One Mind already governs you. The Divine, by whatever name you call It, is already with you.

    If you sit down to meditate, or say a prayer as you light a candle, and say, “Lord be with me now,”, or “Goddess be with me now”, know that you are speaking a redundancy. The Oneness of Being is Omnipresent. The focus you need to take is to keep your awareness on that fact, on that Truth. The Divine is already with you.

    If looking at a memento helps you to remember that the Divine is an ever-present Force, ready to help you to be Love again, then by all means light your candle or look at your mandala, or speak your affirmation. But do not think that those rituals are necessary for you to convince the Divine to be the Goodness and the Harmony that It Is, any more than you must go outside in the morning and beg gravity to “Please work today!”

    The Spirit that you truly are, Thought-child of Great Spirit, exists within the Munificence of the Divine, Beloved, and ever and ever shall it be.

    Simply let it be so,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    We remind you that all of the mortal dreams are woven together, and that it is why you must try to help others awaken, as you yourself awaken by degrees.

    Love others as you Love your Self. It is the Truth that leads you Home to complete peace of the heart of Soul, and you will know you are making more and more progress to it when you find yourself thinking “She reminds me of myself”, or, “He reminds me of myself”, more and more often. Especially when the ones that remind you of yourself at first irritate you or bring forth a sense of judgment, which is the opposite of Love, and then the sense of identification helps you forgive them. Then you will know you are approaching a heart-knowledge of “the other is self”, and that you are well on the way to Knowing “All Is One”.

    Seek no further, for another Truth to know, for when you Know that one completely, you are awake.

    More Lovingly than you can imagine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Human thought finds it very, very difficult to believe that God is interested in your Joy and in you expressing the wondrous talents of your Soul Self, but not picky about the form in which you do this. The exact “career” or skill set you choose to use matters not. Just shine with excellence and with Love, and you are then the completion of your part in the pattern of God.

    Try today to shine with Love, whether you are weeding a garden or inventing a new way of spinning atoms. Be grateful today to be able to be grateful. Be the expression of Godliness that you are.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day We give unto you extra Peace, so that you can make peace with all that God asks you to be and to do.

    God asks you to experience the full Peace you are given as reflection of Love. Accept that, and feel the Complete Peace of the Whole that shines you forth.

    “God is completely Whole, therefore I am Whole, because only God is really in control.”

    To peacefully know that constantly, that is your task.

    And you are able to do it,


  • Ah, Child,

    Relax into the Flow of God.

    Be silent, be peaceful, and relinquish “your” control.

    Relax into the Flow of God this day. Appreciate, watch, and observe. Love.

    Relax into the Flow of God this day, only listening for that still, small Voice, and obeying if it prompts you.
