All Messages

  • Ah, Dear One,

    We are gathered here together to unite all the parts of Oneness back into an awareness that they are One.

    How does this uniting happen? Seeing the One in one another. Feeling, and Loving, the One in oneself. Forgiving the illusions that seem to fence off the parts of Oneness from one another. Being grateful for being a perfect part of One. Joining together all the parts that thought they were alone, marrying them, in thought, back into the One they have always been in True Form.

    Do you take your own Oneness to be your True Self? Do you take all these others to be a part of you? Do you agree to cling to, and be faithful to, the Oneness that you all really are, regardless of what the outer sense tell you?

    May We have the Love that binds, and slip it onto all of you?

    Pull it up from the Inner pocket that is You, and It will be Done.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What is the most generous thing you can do for others, and for yourself? To carefully note the Qualities you all reflect that are the Lovely and Lovable Qualities of Good.

    The ability HAS been given you to discern these. Think not in terms of human animal definitions of good—comfortable shoes or big muscles or physical beauty. Those things can be useful in the material perceptions, but the enduring Qualities of Soul and Wisdom and Intelligence and the Spirit of Love are what really create and truly comfort.

    When you define yourself as a human body, your thoughts of comforting yourself might center around warm clothing, or cool shade, or a tasty meal, or physical urges satisfied. But as you generously and accurately realize your identity as a being of Spirit, then the most comforting and curative thing you can do for yourself is to note and expand the Qualities of Good that you express.

    And every time you express them, they grow. One Good Quality leads to another, and heals and reveals your Wholeness of purpose and of Life. Generously comfort yourself and others by making it your mission to see and expand Good, Good, Good.

    ANGELS, helping you when you allow us to

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you would, as a mature driver, drive right through a mirage of water on the road, and smoothly proceed to your destination, also move through the mirages of the world to go where God asks you to go.

    Trust that the Good guidance you receive from the Loving Inner Voice will put you where and when you are needed to help bring blessings to all the beings that make up the Whole of God’s Child, God’s creation of Its own image.

    Listen to that Good guidance constantly, and trust It. Trust only It.

    Thus, you are trusting the Higher Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You have amused and calmed yourself, on the road, by asserting that One Mind governs all. You have demonstrated that if a vehicle is following too closely, and you lovingly re-mind yourself, and project to the other mind, that One Calm, Safe Mind governs all, that the vehicle will often back off without any gestures or horns from you.

    Today, silently delight yourself in this way with every event and encounter. “One Mind governs him. One Mind governs her. One Mind governs me. And It governs us all Harmoniously.” Delight in seeing the True Self of everyone in your day today.

    Be delighted, Love, to meet those around you who are revealed by the Governance of Love, and Goodness, and Truth.

    So be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be as a little child, now, dear, dear one. When feeling startled or dismayed by one whom you humanly love, or when feeling fatigued by the human tendencies that you see, over and over, in yourself and others, turn to the Divine Parent.

    Turn into that Comforting Mind. Cuddle into that Embracing Love.

    Give yourself that gift, for, as you do, you will then be able to give it to others. Is that not the best thing you could possibly give anyone?

    We know that you have come far enough onto the doorstep of Heavenly Consciousness to realize that you feel the best when you have let Divine Love pass through you to others. Turn to It now. Soak It up, take It in, and give, give, give, until you feel like your True Self again.

    Give Light, and be lightened,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love the Love in others, even if you see only a tiny seed of It. Loving It will help It be revealed more fully.

    It is the task of Divine Spirit to tutor and correct all. It is your task to let that Divine Spirit help you shine and grow in Grace. Grow in revealing Grace, dear child, and let Spirit do Its job on others. Focus on being the positive example, and you are helping Spirit more than you can humanly know.

    Let Spirit help you shine with Love, and trust Love to work on all.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you knew that by filling your heart so full of gratitude that there were no room for blame or fear or anger, you would helping to open a portal for Divine Kindness to pierce through the clouds of sorrow, would you do it? Would you maintain that gratitude daily, and be a part of the Circle of Gratitude that jointly has as Its Mission the making of a greater opening to the Will of Love?

    It is ongoing, dear one. Can you softly promise yourself to be a constant part of It, or to take regular shifts in being part of Thankfulness? Even moments a day are vital to the Life of this Circle.

    We gladly join in the chorus of Appreciation,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is so easy to transfer the pain or anger that one is feeling to thinking about events or people that one feels aggrieved about. Try to train yourself to notice what you are doing, and let the earthly grief or anger or exuberance be a signal to re-connect with the Oneness of Being, instead of an excuse for blame or a diversion into fleeting pleasures.

    When you have examined your own feelings, and realized where you may need to realign with the All-Lovingness of God, then look again at the “other” person, or the “outside situation”. Your upwelling of feeling may indeed be a calling to action, or to word spoken, or to obedience of giving, but let it be done in complete Love, and with the full guidance of your Inner Divine Voice.

    As ever, and always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even if it seems like an insincere prayer, ask for a Blessing from God for those whom you feel anger or annoyance with, before you listen for God’s instructions for yourself. Ask for others to be Blessed before you bring forth your own desires, knowing that God reads your heart.

    Beloved, the Oneness of all means that the full reflection and completeness of God is ONE. Even those whose earthly appearance and behavior perplex you are part of the perfect image of the Divine Spirit, when all the dust has been blown away.

    Allow that God can Bless and awaken them, and work on your own purity and salvation.

    Blessing others Blesses you, believe Us,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Even all the most able of workers for the Will of God must strive daily to be a reminder to themselves, of what they Truly are. They are each an emanation of the Love of God, that seems to be projected into a communication device called the body, in order to bring saneness and Truth into the wild earth dream. Forgive yourself for needing to re-remember this every day. Forgive yourself for needing to sometimes re-remember this every hour, or every moment. We assure you that it will grow easier to remember, although constant loving diligence will always be necessary—always you will need to “stand porter at the door of thought”, in order to allow only God-Thoughts to enter, and to dwell within you, and as you.

    Be not afraid, Child, for you have extraordinary Helpers, as do all of God’s Children, to Help you stay in the Thoughts that are Love and Truth and Light. Be Glad of that, and refresh yourself in those Thoughts, just as you refresh your body in fresh water every day.

    We are with you in all your cleansings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Delay not the obedience to the spiritual desires of the heart, thinking they can only be done when earthly chores are finished.

    You can ask to feel the Joy of Divine Force and the Peace of God while you put the water on to boil. You can ask for them as you prepare your costume for the day, or do the dishes or arrange the supplies for the workplace. Your heart can silently seek Harmony even while you call the client, or delete the old nonsense from the computer.

    It is not only those persons on mountaintops or in quiet rooms that find the serene but vibrant Will of God. It is also anyone who seeks It, in subtle unspoken desire of Consciousness, and focus, within, on the marvelous Oneness of Being.

    WE are so very Glad when you hear us urging Joining in Calm Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are not a mass of body parts. You are made of the Harmonies of Me.

    Today (and always), think of the Wonderful Qualities of Me that are available to you because of your Oneness with Me, and that you can express simply by Knowing that and expressing that.

    There is no more important way to be you than to simply and gladly express Good Harmony with Intelligence and Grace and Life, and yes, Love, Love, Love. THESE things, and more beautiful images, are the “body parts” of you. Be them.

    You are nothing I Am not, but All That I Am, you ARE.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Already, in your span in the time/space orbit, you have seen that the worldly news comes and goes and comes and goes. Cycles of triumph and despair may make it seem that progress is not being made in the Consciousness of human awareness, but we assure you that more and more ARE awakening to the vital unchanging Soul of All.

    Today, Beloved, focus on that Unchanging Soul that nurtures all individual souls within It. Today, Beloved, Love It and let yourself be Loved.

    For that Unchanging Love, filling all with the Fullness of Itself, changes everything.

    Stay aware of It, today.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Keep in your heart and mind and conviction of belief that the Infinite Director DOES desire Joy for all. Sometimes, indeed, that means the individual must straighten their priorities of what deserves feeling Joyous about, and that Primary on that list must be the Love of God, and of expressing the Good God in their days.

    But it also means that God mercifully and tenderly will help with the human needs, adjusting the bits and pieces of the human play, and giving ideas and solace and connections to solve seeming problems and to create opportunities. You DO “entertain Angels unawares”, and if you keep that in mind, and keep focused on the Truth that One Mind can, and does, Govern all, then you will be one of those who notices chances for change or preservation, and who listens to and obeys the still, small Voice when It advises action or inaction.

    Listen, and obey for Good, dear One.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It has perhaps become easy and constant for you to Hear us. It has graciously become automatic for you to listen to the small still Voice within, in all your choices.

    Hear that Voice, now, Beloved, when confronted with the frustration of one who seems to not even want to try to listen. Have mercy.

    Have mercy, and remember how you were before you learned to listen, and before you knew you could feel loved and safe and a part of something Whole and Good.

    Have mercy, and exude silent Love, even if that one angrily or sullenly shuts out any spoken testimonial of the Divine and of Grace. Have mercy, and turn the thought of that one over to Truth, and wait and see, and remain Joyous in your own faith and hope and love.

    Every one has guardian angels, waiting to be heard. Trust us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are contained in and sustained in the Mind of God, like an idea is contained and sustained in your own mind. Can you let that sink into your understanding?

    Therefore, you cannot escape from God. Therefore, God is your instantly available resource. You are contained in and sustained in, and surrounded by and supported by, Truth and Love. It is not a physical thing, it is ALL, including you, entirely Spirit.

    When you avail yourself of it, you will begin to See,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    You are responsible for your own happiness. You are responsible for choosing to, and disciplining yourself to, commune with the Divine Within so that you will feel the flow of that Happiness.

    You are not responsible for the happiness of others, although you ARE responsible to them in desiring their happiness. If you demonstrate your own peace and happiness, and sincerely desire happiness and harmony for others, teaching them and witnessing for them when asked, it will help them. You cannot force them to meditate or pray or connect with the Divine through their creativity or form or purpose, but you can invite the Divine Consciousness so fully into yourself that you are able to See It in others and welcome It forth.

    Welcome It, in yourself and others, rather than trying to force It, and you will be surprised and delighted by what you begin to see, on a worldly level as well as in mystic Consciousness.

    We see the Beauty of all of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Dirty dishes do not get clean if you leave them sitting on the table.

    If you put them under the flow of water, or let them soak in the water and soap, they become fresh and usable again.

    Do you really think it is any different with your own errors and sorrows? Treat yourself as a piece of fine china—put yourself under the Flow of Grace and Love that is God, each day, and you will remain fresh and usable. Go to the Flow, and use It, any time you feel even slightly soiled or inefficient or weary or guilty or inadequate or ill or unloved. Go to the Flow, and God will wash away those errors, and reveal again the fine, fine good being you are, and give you the shine you need to function and be beautiful.

    How do you go to the Flow? You simply spend time thinking about God, Loving God. You read scripture of inspiration or sing the songs of praise. You give of your time and talents to others, you count your blessings and share them. All these things and more will place you in the Flow, and you will feel fresh and clean again, ready to function as the fine thing you are.

    You already know what works for you, and you can seek new ways to commune.

    Ask for Help, ask for Flow, and It is given, dear rightful Child of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No moping. Just smoothly coping, asking always for Help Divine, and constantly hoping, yea even expecting, those uplifted moments of Joy sublime.

    Moments become days filled with Gladness and Love, don”t they, Darling?

    We whisper to all. We are grateful you have agreed to listen.

    As ever, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you call It your own “Higher Self”, or “Enlightened Consciousness”, or “Holy Spirit”, or “Divine Guidance”, or one of Its thousands of other names, it is ESSENTIAL to call for Its aid as you are trying to live from the point of view of Love and forgiveness. If you are trying to forgive, pray for, and be grateful to an “enemy” on the strength of your own human will, you will have days when you are fairly successful at it, but you will have many, many moments when you fail so miserably to set aside old hurts and judgments, that you become too discouraged to be able to move forward.

    Since moving forward into living more and more in moments of a state of Peace and Love is your goal, help yourself by asking for Help. If some of the rituals and patterns of a system of spirituality help you set up a pattern of asking for that Help, use them, but above all be willing to ask. The more you ask, the more the Help will flow. The more times you realize you need the Help, (until you realize that you always need that Help to see through the limited realm to the Divine Real), the more times It can be delighted to give you what It truly exists to give you—seeing that you are a perfectly loved spirit of Spirit, and so is everyone else, beneath the human costume, the human drama, the human illusory reality.

  • We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.

    Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.

    Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.

    Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.

    See Clearly now, dear Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Life is not a contest. It is about each individual shining and demonstrating the simple and many Glories of God, supported by the hand of Love.

    Do not compare yourself with others. Ask God what YOU are meant to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Divine Love is like a fog light, that will shine through the deep mists of human thought and existence, if you but turn It on, and move slowly enough to remain within the bubble of Its illumination.

    Turn It on, Beloved. Turn It on, and this day, be careful to move and speak slowly enough to stay within the field of Its Light, so that you do not wander into the mists that are so thick you cannot find your way out for days and days, or years and years, or lifetimes. Call for the fog Light, and call for a Helper to hold It, and walk slowly, and know you are Blessed indeed.

    Always Glad to hold the Light for you, if you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Faith, now, Darling One, that you are a prosperous Child of God.

    Measure prosperity in how much God Loves you, and let the worldly means for generously showing that Love to others come from your trust in that.

    It is your way back to full realization of Spirit, Beloved. Seek not to do anything but Love, Love, Love, and Love Itself raises your ways and means.

    Always, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love is returned for Love.

    Each and every time you think about your Love for God, that Love is returned to you. It may show up in thousands of different ways, but it always flows back to you abundantly. And all of them are Good.

    Think about Loving God. Learn how it feels to Love God. Experience the delight of knowing you are Loved in return. Let it motivate you, comfort you, engage you, lead you, teach you, sustain you, and give to you all that It is.

    There is no end to It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you promise to pray for someone, never let that be an empty promise. Whether it is a homeless person on the street, or an old friend, or a new seeker of healing and truth, or even one of your own spiritual teachers, pray for those you have promised to pray for, and who have agreed to receive the good prayer.

    And pray for those that you have promised yourself you should pray for, as you noticed their distress or confusion. You know those sad things are not of the reality of God, Good, and so, dear Child, DO the praying you have recognized a need for.

    Keep your promises. Get still, call forth the full Power of Living Spirit, and ask It to come forth in the heart and mind of the other person, and in your ability to See them as a Whole, Perfect and fully enabled Child of God.

    Believe us, it has an effect. That stranger on the street may not even have noticed you, and the new seeker may not really believe in the power of God’s Adjusting Principles of Good, and may not remember your words when events start to improve in their life, but God sees and appreciates your efforts, and is Glad.

    And when God is Glad of you and in you and around you, you will feel the benefit as well.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Join the Joy! Prayer can be thought of as joining completely with God’s Joy. Being pleased with Creation, God feels great Joy and wants you to feel it too.

    So do not limit your prayers to requests for sorrow solved. Turn to God-Thought also to help name a happy puppy, or choose the flowers to plant for spring. Turn to God to praise and say “It is all wonderful, dear God, it is wonderful, thank you.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is great power in believing that I Love you, for when you believe that Truth, then the Love flows more easily past all your misbeliefs and errors, and time-earthly “laws” that mean nothing to Me. The Laws that are important and crucial to My very Being are Laws of Order and Love and Giving. It is the Law that is simply, I Am All, and All is Spiritual Love.

    So rather than trying to wash away your ills or mistakes with soap and water, or words, wash them away with Love. Bathing in Love, letting It upwell from within you and from all that truly surrounds you as Spiritual Substance, cleanses and heals.

    What a perfect day this is, dear one, to bathe in Love, and believe in It, and let It be, in your new mind, what you and all really are.


  • Ah, Child,

    As ever, one can spend days and days trying to trample upon the little bits of the ego, but there is a better way. Just turn it all over to the Divine. Turn all your experience and understanding and life over to God/Goddess/All That Is.

    Understanding that you cannot ever, whilst in the flesh, understand All, is to understand why you must Listen endlessly Within. Train yourself to relinquish the self, without being caught in its brambles of intellectual understanding. Train yourself to simply pause and Listen, again and again and again, and act from There, even when you must act without understanding.

    It IS the best Way, beloved, although not the only way that the saints and the avatars of the world have found. Find a new way if you will, but why not take a way that has led so many to Peace and Understanding Profound?

    Able to go the distance if you will,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show us each, dear God, our perfect lives in the Mind of Thee.”

    Pray this for yourself, dear child, and for others.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Since the word usually translated as “sin” really is just an archery term meaning “missing the mark”, you can treat your thoughts with its opposite. Virtue becomes “making the mark”.

    Make your mark in the earthly scene, which is the only place sin exists, by simply letting your body serve as a means of fulfilling your mission, or making your mark.

    How do you make your mark? It is not about human ambition or glory or fame. It is about simply doing what God’s Voice within you, small and still, says to do, to fulfill Its Plan. So, again, it all comes down to learning to listen to and obey the Voice of God in the Heart of you.

    O’ so Lovingly, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Listen lovingly to the advice of those around you, who in their well-meaning affection for you, advise you of your path, but always put first the advice of the Divine Voice within. Listen respectfully to the discernment of whatever spiritual advisor you have found, but still always confirm it with what you hear in your own Divine Heart.

    The world’s ways are not the ways of One Spirit, and indeed sometimes the advice from Spirit’s Voice will contradict the supposed “wisdom” of the world, but the Overview available to Spirit, and the Omniscient Power it calls to bear, are far and away over and above the world. Learn to trust It, and you need never fear again.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Impersonalize the errors you see on others, and on yourself. Think of them as nothing more than costumes that were randomly placed upon all the beautiful inhabitants of the wondrous world. That is more accurate than thinking that you and those around you are mean spirited or spiteful beings. See yourselves all as wondrous parts of Creation that just happen to have on some strange and scary costumes.

    With your Mind’s Eye, take those costumes off everyone you see, and see the lovely good truth of who they are, as made by a Loving Creator.

    When you understand that what seems to need forgiving is just a bad costume, very cunningly and convincingly made, then forgiveness becomes easy. It is only when you see the mean and sinful or foolish costumes as reality that forgiveness becomes difficult. Take the costumes away, in your Sight, and Love instead of condemn.

    Healing and growth in Grace come with forgiveness, so learn how to quickly and completely forgive. It will serve you well, Beloved.

    Nothing to lose but the bitter grit of unforgiveness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Honesty must always be tempered by Love.

    There is the truth of man, and there is the Truth of God. When you feel you must be forthright and “honest” with someone about something, make sure it is a truth that is also True through God-Sight.

    With those you love in the earthly alignments and relations, is not the greatest honesty to always remember that you want to love them Unconditionally? The small temporal truths and daily details come and go, but the deep desire to Love Unconditionally is part of the very fabric of your Soul-self.

    So, what do you really, Honestly, want to say to your kin?

    We stand with you, and hold you upright with Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may think that you must achieve Calm and Joy by your human will. That is a mistake. Human will serves the human ego and will not lift you to Divine Calm. The good use for the human will is to turn it over to the Divine Will.

    For it is the Divine W ill that gives you the gift of Calm, and the gift of constant guidance that leads you to Joy. Do not be misled, Love, into thinking you are too unworthy, or too happy on your own, to turn to the Divine Will. Those are whispers of the ego. They are trying to delay your progress and your inheritance.

    Give your will to the Divine Will, now, and surrender happily to the gifts of Spirit that are yours by right of being a reflection of Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practice, right now, being grateful for Gratitude Itself. Feel that wash of greater feeling that comes flowing through the Soul of you when you allow gratitude to fill your heart and thoughts. It is a Force, and Grace has given it to you.

    Be glad of Grace that gives so much to you freely, despite your human follies and errors and inactions. Be grateful for Grace

    And be so, so, so very grateful that Love Itself Loves you, and constructs you and sustains you, and always has and always will, no matter what dreams or nightmares seem to mar the surface of the illusion. Quietly feel it right now. Love Loves you. Love perfectly is your forever Life of Spirit.

    Feel the power of being grateful for that,

    Your gratitude is a force that helps the world,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pray, pray, pray for those whose hearts seem hardened, to be awakened to Love.

    You may helplessly feel that your words and calls and letters to other people can make no difference in a cruelty or injustice you observe, but do not forget that you also have the power that is given to all through their direct connection to All That Is, and that Creates Good.

    Do call forth through that connection and ask God to befriend and soften each and every person. Ask God to pour such a flood of Wisdom and Love and Soul into the Spirit of them, that they will feel impelled from within to learn, to seek righteousness, and to see with Love.

    Call, through that which connects all, to reach all.

    Have the confidence to use your own birthright in God, to call to the Godly in others,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ultimately, each individual that is part of One Great Soul must make its own peace with, and acceptance of, that Truth that it IS part of One Soul. As someone who loves another, or advises or supports another, your own awakening consciousness can do much to help that individual spirit rise to its greatness, but you cannot do for it that final act of giving over the individual will to the One Will.

    Be at peace with all that you are able to do for others, and do love them as they climb and live, but be not afraid to trust in the Wisdom of the One, that Knows exactly how quickly each individual can waken up.

    We know you do all you can,

    ALL Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you hear that saying “To thine own self be true”, what self do you think of? Do you think of the body with its quick desires and hungers and limited senses? Or do you think of the Self that is the You that God thought up, and Loves?

    To thine own Divinely-Seen Self be true, Beloved. Be true to the Original Idea that was born in the Mind of God, the You that is made of Glorious ideas, and Soulful Wisdom, and Unlimited Creative Thinking, all held together with Love.

    To thine own Real Self be true.

    We See You, Glorious You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest in Me, today. Rest in Me. As you actually do, and renew your mind and feel the Calm Wave of Love suffuse your very Being.

    Rest in Me, and then, together, We will look through the hubbub and See the Truth of Unfolding Adjustments to reach the solid core of Good.

    Read your Truths, meditate and study, all while resting in Me. Walk in My Beauty, gaze at My Vastness, all the while resting in Me.

    And your Heart will See, will See, will See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Any actor must quickly learn to not put a hand for support against a wall that is just a stage prop without secure ties.

    On the earth stage, O’ darling, lean not against the fleeting and shifting objects that come and go. Lean on the Unchanging Divine that Loves you so.

    God Knows you to be fine. Agree, and all things are possible.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Joy that comes to all your awareness and senses when you turn to the Source Joy that is ALWAYS waiting for you to turn to It, is truly the natural way to live, and experience, and feel and act and love. It will not force you, but the more often you turn to It, and stay aware of It as constant, reliable Companion for your days, the sooner you will be able to sincerely say often to yourself, “Life is Good”.

    Turn your consciousness, your awareness, to Joy, giving It permission to guide and help you, trusting that It wants Good for all, and Loving, Loving, Loving It in all the ways you can. There is Divine and Loving Help for you there—you are not all alone on a wilderness trek.

    It will and does Love you, no matter what, but as you turn to It and Love It, It will Help you more than you can imagine. Be willing to Love and be willing to let It shape you and your desires, and indeed you will know the freedom of knowing the Life Force is Good, and It is the real you.

    Wanting you to feel your Best,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The True Calm that accompanies the Presence of Divine Within is not cautious. It knows no fear, and sees and feels nothing to be cautious of, for It knows that It alone exists and fills all.

    If those who have found the benefit of the Presence of the Divine, in their wellness and provision and peace of mind, become over-cautious about exposure to the “ungodly”, then they have fallen into fear, and thus away from the Peaceful Divine. Each time that the words or actions of another lure your thoughts into judgment or caution of exposure, re-ground yourself in the Love of God, Beloved, for It knows no thing to be afraid of. It knows that It is all there is, and is Good. The errors and mists that fall away as the fear-perceptions fall away, will leave the awakened mind joyous, and astonished that such ridiculous mirages could have seemed to obscure the goodness of Truth.

    Turn not to caution, Beloved. Turn to utter trust in the Goodness of the Real.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Great Creative Mind that constantly thinks of you also constantly delights in you. It faithfully watches over you while you dream you are separated from it into a body, and sends Its tender Sprit into your dream to help you remember your true and Spiritual self, and to assist in smoothing your dream.

    Be you faithful as well. Be you tender and true to yourself and to others, and delight in the One Mind as It delights in you, and in all. Offer your delight to God and God freely gives delight to you—a Delight that surpasses all bodily and human understanding, but that you can truly know with the very depths of your Being. It is a healing Delight.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    No cake made with all good ingredients will turn out to taste utterly unlike those ingredients. No cake made with eggs and honey and flour will suddenly transform itself into the flavor of fish and pungent herb.

    Just so is it with you, Beloved. The Force that is All, a Speaking Spirit, made you out of Harmony and Light and Goodness, and then also declared you Good. So you are Good.

    Remember that, when your mortal-ego-logical-defensive self would argue, “Well, if the cake made of flour and sugar were burned, and the cake made of fish and herb were both burned, they would both taste like carbon.” Ah, but they were not burned when being created. Speaking Spirit declare them all “Good”, declared them all “Perfect” and “Just Right”. God is the Baker that baked well, in baking up the thought that is you, and Beloved, the true appearance of you, under the crinkly cellophane wrapping, is “Just Right”.

    Believe on this, Beloved. Ponder this, and believe, for such is the way to true Spiritual Sight, wherein you can, like God, see that all the cakes are “Perfectly Done”.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you share your temporary human feelings with God, you will receive back understanding and compassion and guidance and suggestions for Good and for healing, or for improvement and encouragement. Share your woes or passing joys with God and you will not be answered with judgement and condemnation, but with Grace, and Love, and the open Arms of Truth that gently sets right.

    Pass by the human ears that would only gossip or savor your tears, and turn directly to God, Who listens with Glory, and invites you to listen to Divine Soul and Wisdom in return.


  • Ah, Darling,

    Play hooky from the worldly today.

    I will walk in your stead. I will guide you and be with you.

    Let Me hold you. Let Me Love you. Let Me renew and refresh you in every way.

    Give yourself a vacation from the daily thoughts and concerns. Take a new name in your heart and be incognito to yourself, and I will be with you and give you Rest.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Waiting on the Will of God is waiting for what already IS.

    And yet, from your viewpoint in the temporal zone, it will seem like something that is yet to be created, yet to be enacted, for you are still in the “scene before the scene” of the enactment you are waiting for.

    Respect the timing, Beloved. Just as you would not give a guest a fork and spoon and then take them away before you serve the meal, or would not give them their meal and then give them the utensils an hour later, trust in the timing of God.

    Keep listening for your cues. Act when God says to act. Speak when God says to speak. Meanwhile, hold yourself ready in the wings, prepared, attentive, rested and readily abiding in Divine Awareness. Wait in Divine Timing, for when God says to move, and thus to be in the perfect place at the perfect time, to be a shining of that Will.

    We are endlessly astounded by Timing and sing Its praises,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not think about what you are not.

    Think about what you are. Think about what all are.

    You are the truth that is Good. You are the image and wondrous idea of God.

    And if you think about this truth for others as well as yourself, It empowers your thoughts. For as you Love, so are you Loved. If you want to be Loved more, then Love more.

    Can you do this? Yes, you can, because you are a part of Love Itself. And so are all.

    Claim that Truth, Beloved. “I know what we really all are. We are Love.”

    Remember the scribed words: “I know the thoughts I think towards you, thoughts of good and not of evil.” God said that and means it. You are His/Her idea and you are a Good Idea. And more Good thoughts are being thought to you and around you all the time.

    For so do We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget this basic:

    You are Loved.

    You are Loved beyond your capacity to understand. A thousand times more, and more, than a human parent could ever unconditionally love her child, you are Loved by the Source that thought of you. Try believing it. Try letting yourself be simply held in that Love.

    So many times, the human-perceptual self goes only to communion time with the Divine Cause just to “get” the answer to a question, or to try to achieve intellectual understanding of what the first Cause truly is, or to plead for a need. Try going just for Love. Try going simply to soak in that non-judgmental Love.

    Soak in that Love. Soak it up like a piece of limp celery soaks up water, and becomes strong and good again.

    Just turn to that Love, that IS the very water/Life Essence of the Divine, and soak yourself strong again, ready, like the celery, to stand up to anything.

    Ahhhh, the crunch of Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The greatest capacity for leadership comes from those who realize that all their support will come from the unseen realms. The unseen Life Force may act through those whom you know, or those whom you have never met, to support your path and your leadership, but it is to the unseen Source that every leader must turn first and only. To turn for support to the very people one is trying to teach and lead not only undermines the ability to lead, it also teaches the wrong thing.

    Teach reliance on the Divine Oneness and you are teaching the Highest Good.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will find it easier to forgive if you ask Spirit to gently remind you of times that friends, family, or acquaintances or strangers have wordlessly forgiven you, when you played the fool, or were rude or unloving, or made a moral error. We assure you it has happened, including times you were oblivious to the hurt you were causing.

    Forgive yourself, be VERY Grateful you were forgiven, and then stay alert to forgiving others silently and speedily, freeing yourself to stay in a Holy and Empowered state of Mind.

    Forgive, forgive, and walk in Grace, leaving the adjustments and ministrations needed in the Wise Hands of God.

    God Loves you. Accept that God Loves all, beyond their errors.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We often tell you to take time to listen, listen, listen to God—to let that small still Voice of Spirit Guide you. And that taking of time to do so is crucial every day and throughout the day. We still advise it.

    But there are days or situations wherein you simply may need to FEEL the wordless Love of God embracing you. Just let It sweetly and comprehensively hold you. Feel how Real It is, and let your trust of that Love completely fill you.

    Realize that there are circumstances when you must simply wait for opportunities to arrive, or for others to arrive on the scene, or into the circle of your consciousness. There are ways in which God can teach you your truth better by showing you the example of another than by speaking a word to you. The Wisdom and Guidance of God is not limited to a small still Voice with a vocabulary. It can also lead and heal and save you with visions, with examples, with connections, with the hands of seeming strangers, with the demonstration of Laws of Love that are above and beyond all human laws

    Ask for, and be glad to be shown, an awareness of the Presence of God in ALL Its ways.

    It created you from Good, to be Good, and has your continued Good in Mind.

    Trust that. Rely on that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many times we have said to you, “The Other is Self”, which is really just another way of saying the golden rule of “treating others as you would wish to be treated”, or of saying “All is One”.

    But who is the “Other” we are speaking of? And who is the “Self we are speaking of? Yes, the Other that you wish to honor is the Divine that is expressed as that person. Yes, the Self you thereby honor is the reflection of the Divine.

    Honor them, and you honor the Oneness of which you are both beloved parts. Honor them and you serve God. But, Beloved, honoring the Divine may or may not be the same as honoring the ego. Listen within, and discern, in EACH circumstance.

    Serving God Who is expressed as your friend is not necessarily the same as serving his or her ego-self, when translated into action. When you are asked to interrupt your own work that the Divine Voice within has asked you to do for the day, and make time for an extra errand for someone who says she is “too busy” to do it herself, check Within. It may be that the lesson for you both, in that case, does involve obedience to the Inner Voice, and willingness to humble yourself and play the serf. If your Inner Voice says to, do it. But if your Inner Voice says to continue with the work it guided you to in the morning, or an hour before, be true to that. Those around you who mistake your sworn service for God for service to their person, or who believe that your vows to kindness mean that you are an easy mark for their greed, must simply be in the same category as everything else, Good AND Bad, that calls to you from the world. Ask Within, and follow the Divine Voice.

    Ask Within, and do as It says. It may indeed ask you to acquiesce to a servile action. It may ask you to give away something that is special to you, or that you thought you needed for your work. It may ask you to play the fool, or play the hero, or play the leader, or the steady sister or brother, to the one who believes she is in need. Know in your heart that the Divine Inner Voice of You sees All, and be willing to trust It, against all logic, and through inconvenience, and despite farce. Keep your focus that only your relationship to the Divine matters, and no offensive or tricky illusion can harm that. Obey the Divine Inner Voice Joyfully, act cheerfully, and Be Glad with God.

    Later, you will see how many times the same was done for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There IS a Truth that rules you. Understanding that It wants the best for all, that It is all about the Best for all, will help you surrender to the rule the It is.

    Be at Peace in the Calm within you, Child. Rest in that Peace today. Rest in that Peace, for you are Loved there more than you can imagine.

    As always, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you journey through, and camp in, a seeming place full of endings and interruptions, where you have become accustomed to things being “out of order”, or “not responding”, or tired, or infected with electronic viruses, or wearing out, etc., etc., remember there is a different way to think. Think about that which does not change. Think about that which is always available to you. Think about the Loving Source that holds the original, unblemished version of you as Its, the only, Reality.

    The distorted shadow and mist of Perfect Creation whispers in, and waits in, the depth of your Heart always. Even in the midst of breakage, or confusion or mess, you can put it all down, take your thought away from any and all evidence of bodily senses, and turn to the delightful Flow of Peace and Tenderness that offers Itself to you eternally.

    O”, do practice doing so, Beloved. Practice realizing that you actually exist within that Eternal Essence, so that when your body-dream senses would try to overcome you, or having you believe that all is only brokenness, you are practiced and skilled at KNOWING the Infinite Peace is with you, and for you, and NEVER “out of order”.

    ALWAYS, Delight yourself with this,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    As ever, the best thing you can do for another person whom you see to be suffering is to look past their sorrow or lack and see the perfect Wholeness and Divine Self that is the true expression of them. Acknowledge It. Honor It. Invite It forth, with your silent words and images and thoughts.

    See the God in the other, and from the God in yourself, send It Love. Recognize your Oneness.

    Yes, it takes discipline to look past the outer, human, unsavory behavior. But the more time you spend communing with the Harmony of your own True Spirit, the more you will be able to see It, and welcome It forth, in others.

    When it first happens for you, you will believe,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    God’s Eyes are in your heart, love, not in your skull. They are the Eyes of Love, they are the Eyes of Eternal Life, unending and unchanging.

    They see all the things that are the True reflections of God Itself. They know that kindness exists and wholeness continues and goodness reveals Itself to have been present all along. They Know the Good Path each individualized part of Spirit needs to walk to remember, “I am a part of the Heart that Sees all It made as Good and True.”

    Open the eyes of Heart today, Beloved. They are your real vision.

    They are your way Home.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I have Plenty enough Love and Care for all my children. Fear not, worry not. Only trust that the means to enact your God-given visions and ideas for purpose, for family and love, for completion of understanding God, for thriving are all supported.

    You just concentrate on honing your Spiritual Sight and your Spiritual Hearing, so that you can clearly discern the ideas and intuitions and creative surges that are God’s sweet gifts to you. Thus can you enact them and thus can you let the Light shine through you, and be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no greater worth of any given moment than turning your thoughts to Divine Source, and letting Its Thoughts, and Its Qualities of Being fill your consciousness.

    All the small excuses that you can think up to not spend some time doing this—that you must be somewhere at a certain moment, or that a particular task is more urgent than staying centered in Awareness, etc. etc., are all worldly things that should not be considered as having power over the One Cause. Do not place your faith in an earthly power that does not exist. Do not let those earthly excuses fool you and keep you from your rightful and deserved Joy.

    Since the Delightful and Delighting One Power is All There Is, without time and space and matter, It can compensate your experience for anything your human thought is worries that it will be late to or not have enough time for or the understanding or strength to do. Trust in That which is over all time and space, not the fleeting shadows that make up what you experience with the “physical” senses.

    It IS Real, Beloved,

    Turn to It, again and again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To Whom are your grateful?

    Is it human ego to human ego that you express your thanks, with bright but empty smiles? Or do you see past that, and let there be the fullness of Thanks that recognizes the Source of all Good?

    Are your gifts to one another the gaily wrapped worship of objects or competition, or are they accompanied by sincere Appreciation and Love?

    O”, Beloveds, feel not guilty if you have fallen for the sweet but bitter promises of a happiness that comes from only things, but let your Glow of appreciation grow. Grow to be thankful for all the useful and beautiful objects, and then far, far beyond them, to the unending Glow of Appreciation that is the Divine Eye of your heart, appreciating you for being a reflection of the Goodness of God.

    You, too, will begin to see with the Divine Eye, and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Most do not realize how starved they are for Unconditional Love.

    God is where you get that. It is the Spirit that creates and sustains, heals and trains.

    Turn to the Unconditional Love of God and truly fill your Wisdom and Soul. No temporal source will satisfy that hunger. God is the One Unconditional Love.

    Look to God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are trying to have an “honest” conversation with someone, about the state of your work or personal relationship, or about your views on community or political issues, do make sure that you are not just observing and discussing the temporal personalities and costumes.

    The real Honesty, the real Truth, Beloved, is that you are both offshoots of the Divine Creator, and that you are part of that orderly Creation of Love and Life and Spiritual Light. To discuss only the surface dust is not to include the mainstay of Honesty—the Governance of Soul.

    Keep that Soul of all in mind, Beloved, and remember, remember, “One Loving Mind Governs all”, and be willing to let that guide all you say and do. Gently, quietly, listen to THAT voice before you speak. Whomever you are speaking with, remember God Loves you both and is guiding you both whenever you allow It to.

    Choosing when to start listening to the Voice of One Mind is the real choice you make.

    So sweetly Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When we say to you, as we do so often, “Do you want Peace, or do you want to be right?”, we are referring to the kind of “rightness” that the human mind settles on in its own judgmental way. No human material, five sensory judgment can tell what is truly Right.

    Go always, into your Heart, for Peace, for that then leads to also having what is “Right”, that the Great Overseer can train you to see, and have you help enact.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Believe I want to see you enjoy human happiness. Believe it, accept it and allow it.

    But be aware that what may come is that there are changes in what makes you happy. You may find yourself happy, even now, with what you have, and with unfolding days that are different than you have imagined, rather than what is stuck in your mind from the past.

    Can you accept a new definition of human happiness? Can you open your heart?

    And, O’ My Beloved, can you let the shining Soul of you simply be happy with My Love?

    For I Love Loving you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is wise to pause sometimes, and look back and be grateful for the wisdom you have gained. Reviewing the past that would pull you back into ruminating over old regrets is not wise. Glance at them, repent, and bless, and concentrate on thinking about how much you have advanced in wisdom.

    Every moment that you give over to being gently taught and led by Divine Wisdom is a wondrous triumph. Be glad you have found this Inner Teacher, and be grateful for all the stairs you have climbed towards full realization of the Wisdom you desire.

    Just that brief pause to appreciate how far you have climbed, and then, look up, look up, look up again.

    Always beckoning you onward,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The quiet excitement that grows in your heart as you realize that you can access the Peace of God right in your own heart, anytime, anyplace, will sustain and motivate you now.

    Adjustments in your thinking and your feelings will align with that. So, as you find yourself less interested in the amusements of the worldly than you were before, and as you find that some acquaintances and friends no longer are in harmony with your goals, you will have the solace and replacement of a greater and greater sense of you part in the Whole Divine, and the companionship and communion It gives you.

    All are/will be gathered into Its Heart eventually, Beloved. Grieve not for those that do not realize their own Divine Souls yet—just stay as calm and joyous example of what being anchored in the sweet Divine can do to smooth the earthly journey.

    Keep remembering who you really are, and they will see it, and you will benefit from it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The belief that All is Good is more powerful than your human intellect can understand.

    Part of that belief is the understanding that ONLY that Good is Real and is already right with you as you allow It to be. All that “physical” reality that old assumptions and memories and grudges hold on to and keep creating and re-creating as part of past thoughts are nothingness in the Face of Love.

    Close your eyes to what old notions and regrets would have you see, and ask to See the brightness of what the Good and endlessly Loving Mind would have you See. It trumps all, overcomes all illusions. It IS All.

    Oh, Yes, Beloved. Yes, yes, yes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even if one has advanced degrees in physics, it is difficult to picture the “body” as the space and energy and light that it is. It is even more odd to accurately know how to think of oneself as simply one wonderful idea in the Mind of God.

    And yet It Is So. Feel so free, as you endeavor to deeply feel the Truth of Being Pure SPIRIT, to visualize it in whatever way gives you an uplifting of understanding and Joy.

    For instance, as the skies of night you see seem to be filled with twinkles of light, you are a Perfect set of Lovely Lights spinning in a dance in the Infinity that is God, the continuous Source of All.

    Ever since God Thought you up, your have been this dance of Lights. And you will always be that. Think of yourself as a dance of Light abiding in God, or find another creative image that helps you know your Unlimited Immortal Being as a part of the Whole.

    Be playfully True to yourself within God, for that Heals,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no reason to search for the Source of Joy outside yourself.

    It is right inside your consciousness. Just focus your consciousness on the One Cause, the Wondrous Mind that gives forth all good Thoughts, all appreciation, all Harmonious idea and action and energy, and you will find Joy woven through it all. Joy weaves and glues and brings around, and the more you allow it to be your focus, the more of It will uplift you.

    We know that when it seems as though there are outer challenges and worldly concerns, it can be hard to focus on Joy and the ideas and good solutions that It gives you, but if you can indeed train yourself to get still and soft-hearted, then that moment of stillness and willingness is enough for the eager Joy of the Divine to reach you.

    It pursues you and will not give up on you, any more than a mother would give up looking for her lost child.

    Love Holds you already, and knows It can infuse you with Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    One of the Truths God will tell you, if you ask, is that Its Physician of Soul is the most Powerful Physician there is.

    Let diagnosis and cure come from that Love, and feel the Life strength in you.

    Tending you tenderly always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is a certainty in studying this: God, Good, is All in All. There is no other Source. The One Source HAS no opposite, and pondering this Truth for a moment, or for years, is truly the only curriculum you need.

    Ponder it, Beloved. Ponder it and urge others to ponder it. No human can say how long another will take to awaken, but whether it is instantly, or whether it is many ages, let it not be because you did not speak the Truth you See.

    Allowing Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thus, each day, begins Good again, “Dearest Maker, constant and giving, I know You need us all as expressions of what You Are. Help me express You perfectly today. Show me the way, and help me see You expressed in all around me. Thank-you. I am willing to See.”

    Try it again today, Beloved. With practice, you WILL See more and more Good each day. And We delight with you when you do.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is only once answer to shadows and darkness, and that is to turn to the Light and make sure you are living by Its Word, and Its Love, and Its Guidance.

    When you behave badly, turn to the Light for forgiveness and Love and new direction. When another behaves badly, turn to the Light for the strength and Love to forgive, and advice in how to proceed.

    No matter how badly another behaves, when they are in the errors of shadows and not seeing clearly, there is never an excuse for you to choose to behave in any way except the way of Light.

    We are with you in the Light, let us Light up all shadows together,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am an expression, pure Spirit, of the Central Spirit of All That Is.”

    That is the Truth of you, Beloved. We know that when you have moments of acting for God, or letting God act through your seemingly mortal self, you usually feel like it is just a role you are playing for a moment. Reverse that thought, Beloved.

    The Divine Expression IS the Real You and is your True and only Self. The human moments are the temporary role you play. Is it time to be done with playing, with pretending to be human, however good that human might be striving to be, and set aside the thoughts of that role and simply be God’s expression in every moment, in every moment under God’s direction?

    The timing of when to acknowledge the Allness of God is up to you, Beloved. But let us assure you that the Bliss, calm and sweet, of doing so, is of greater measure than all temporal accolades. The body costume will smoothly cooperate, when you are following the directives of God in each day, in each moment.

    Walking with you, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The uncertainty that can strike the heart is NOT something that comes from the Divine Source. Treat it as you would treat a smudge of toothpaste upon the mirror that seems to make it look as though there were a blur of blue upon your nose. It is not upon your nose. It is only a smudge. Clean it off and see yourself clearly.

    You are an infinite and wonderful reflection of the Divine Heart. There is no discouragement there. It knows what It is doing. Call to the Divine to cleanse the mirror of your heart, and know yourself Good and True.

    See as God Sees today, and be reassured and delighted again,

    “For this is a new day that God has made, rejoice in it and be Glad.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Right now, we urge you to appreciate and be grateful for the Harmony that has reached through and over and around your circumstances. Years ago, when you prayed for a seemingly toxic relationship to be healed or removed, you felt that no answer was coming.

    Now, that is gone. Your prayer IS answered, though you had to be patient. Remember this, when other confusions are not instantly resolved. Stay true to God, and true to knowing you need God’s Guidance, and be Glad and grateful today. Celebrate the freedom from old constraints, and be Glad, be Glad, be Glad.

    You may have forgotten how much you prayed about that challenge, but We have not. Be grateful and Glad for the fruit you see now. And let it teach you to be patient again for current and future needs.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    An inherent part of the Truth that all individuals are part of One Soul, One reflection of the Divine Source, is that all the individuals who love you, whether they are wearing a body right now or not, are part of that one reflection and supporting you, surrounding you, loving you.

    All around you and within what you think of as “yourself” in the earthly, is Love. Reach out to it, feel buoyed up by it, trust It and float within that Love. We assure you, it is True. Reach out to It and feel it for yourself.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, gloriously concentrate on asking and allowing yourself to know yourself as the Child of God’s making. Ask to be Helped to act and feel as the Child of God’s Making.

    “Dear God, Dear God, help me to understand You by knowing myself to be truly as You.” “Help me today to be the Child you see me as and Love me as.”

    Be willing, and be free, dear one,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Counting your Blessings, and pondering the visible and invisible elements of Life that you are grateful for, is a tried and true way to connect with the Presence of God as you begin your day.

    Today, make the bold effort to continue that throughout the day, by noting what you are grateful for as it happens, AND by spending time with other grateful persons. Gratitude, and the Goodness it brings, is multiplied many times over when it is in the company of itself.

    And if circumstances bring you into contact with those that are complaining and criticizing and woeful in many ways, be the one that helps them count their Blessings, that points out the wonderful aspects of Goodness that you see shining from them. Be the one that resets the mood to gratitude, and makes way for the Presence of the Goodness that is Life Divine and Soul Alive.

    Open the ear of the heart by staying Glad today, and It will tell you the way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed, it is a day to feel the pure and blissful release of letting Divine Spirit Ô´ake the wheelÓ® Knowing that you can trust that Divine Wisdom and Love completely, sit back and rest and enjoy the landscape that unfolds as the hours pass, just as you would enjoy the landscape of a road trip, when a trusted driver takes over.

    Do not try to be even the navigator, today, Beloved. Relax into enjoying the Beauty, and let God handle the vehicle and the choices of road.

    And it is Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Am I forgiven

    YES, you are, if you but turn to God and ask. And, God will help you to not need to ask that again, as you listen to His/Her Loving way.

    So many ask this question and need to hear that answer. If you all but understood how completely in Love with you God is, you would never again doubt, and never again feel unloved or lost.


    God is in Love with you, Child, just as any good parent is in love with his or her son or daughter, the moment they see, or picture, that face. Accept and believe that Love, and receive it, until you completely understand the phrase “There is nothing to forgive.”

    Always delighted to see you freed into Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you walk through your days, desiring to know God better (which equals prayer without ceasing), never forget to slow down. Slow down, slow down, slow down.

    Even as you look upon the people and things which fill your day, slow down and truly look at them. Whether it is a doorknob, or a paper plate, or the neighbor you only see once a day, slow down and see the essence of that thing, that idea, that form. Slow down and look at them until you See the idea that is what God knows that person or thing to be. Slowing down thought is a wonderful way to let God’s Thoughts have a chance to enter into your own, and Hold them in Its Grace.

    Seeing in Grace is seeing in Wholeness, and leads to the Blessing of everything you look upon with your realization that the perfect, whole idea of it all is already a part of God’s Mind.

    Slowly, or quickly, we are Loving you from the timeless Heart of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have told you many times that true forgiveness is gratitude.

    Think about that again, and understand it on a new level. If you have a behavior or a physical symptom that is not yielding to prayer, then you must examine whether you are abiding in unforgiveness instead of joy and gratitude.

    If forgiving feels hard, or impossible, at this time, then skip over thinking of it as forgiveness, and go right to gratitude. Everything and everyone in your life has been playing a role in your “play” of learning. Do they not deserve your gratitude for that? Their souls have volunteered to don the costumes your thoughts have given them. See past those costumes and thank them for their volunteer work. Yes, you also deserve thanks for playing roles in the lives of others, so include yourself in that gratitude.

    “Open my eyes, Dear God, and help me see, and thank, the Truth of what everyone around me is, in Thee.”

    “Bless them all, and awaken me. Bless them all and awaken me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    How about this? Today, just let Me Love you.

    I know your human wants and needs and desires. I know about your humanly laid plans.

    All My plans for you and for all come down to one thing—they remember they are Loved and part of Me. Why not get a good start on that today? Get a start on really believing I Love you and that you can trust in Me for all that is Good.

    I Love you, Love you, Love you, and you can trust in Me.

    Relax into that today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Effective prayer for better understanding Perfect God-Source begins with turning to God, pondering God. When the physical symptoms you are facing in your body or the circumstance of home or work are very riveting, it can be difficult to focus on the Pure Spirit of God, of All-spirit.

    That is one of the times it is good to turn to others that comprehend the Power of God-centered prayer. For they can focus on healing Love, and noy be preoccupied by your earthly costume and stage.

    So, ask. Ask fellow children of God to help you pray. There is no shame in it. Ask.


  • Ah, My Beloved Child,

    There is no place you can go that I am not with you. There is nothing you can do or say that would remove you from my Sight and My Love. That which you see as mortal error or terrible mistakes you have made is just a layer of old costume make-up to My perception of you, My KNOWING of you as my only and perfect Child. And all of those that are with you in that Sweet reflection of Myself, that is the One Child, are as equally loved and cherished by Me, as are you.

    All I ask is that you Love them as much as I do, and as much as I Love you, so that you may all be awakened into remembrance of that Perfect and One Love.

    Be at Peace with this and all Peace comes to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is easier to pray “God’s Will be done for my life, I set aside all my own fantasies now”, if you first accept that God does truly want your happiness and joy, for if you are in joy and gladness, God can more easily shine through you,

    Always and ever with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    All things are possible to the Divine Source through the Healing Force It/He/She placed in the human dream, to awaken all Its Children to remembering they are part of One Perfect Whole.

    Use this today. Remember and remember and remember this today. The less you think about your “problems”, and the more you think about God, the more you will see to be grateful for, in the more perfect unfolding of your life.

    When We look at you, We See Love,


  • Ah,

    When That Which Is split Itself into Creator and Nurturer, that It might Appreciate and Love Itself, It gave birth to Joy.

    Let the part of yourself that is creator turn to the part of yourself that is nurturer, and let there be the joy of life in you.

    Embrace and kiss your own self that feeds, that it may feed all that you are. Encourage and praise all that you envision and make, that it may make all that will encircle and embrace. In the loving circle of self that is formed are ever the two parts. O’ let them circle, let them create, for then you are complete.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only Divine Energy can free anyone from their patterns of negative thought or error-filled or hurtful behavior.

    Therefore, Beloved, let go of the frustration of not being able to humanly help a friend who is filled with complaints and unhappiness. Turn to the Divine, and humbly ask for Divine assistance for him or her, maintain your own standards and goals of living within the Divine, and wait for the Divine to work in you and in those around you. Gently, kindly, continue to love, but honor the Divine’s ways and timing for others, just as you must do for your own soul work.

    Your job is your own spiritual growth. Being drawn away into trying to “fix” someone else with only human ways will only end you both in the same quicksand.

    Turn to the face of Goodness, again and again and again, and give freely of your own allotted Grace, and then let God/Goddess work.

    We help make sure the prayers reach their Place,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You may not believe all the various rules of the religion you were raised in, or the religions or systems of spirituality you are exposed to, but if you do even believe in loving the Divine Maker, and loving yourself, and living by the Golden Rule, then think about this: How much time each day do you spend following the various rules of your world? How much time each day do you spend just stopping at stop signs or obeying basic telephone courtesy?

    Will you make a choice to spend as much quiet time communing with the Divine Creation that made you as you spend at stop signs each day? Or, will you give equal time to centering yourself in the dynamic energy of Peace that is the Divine, as you give to checking your email folder each day?

    Begin in such small ways, and let you prove to yourself how delightful and energizing it can be, to feed your Inner Self in small increments by honoring God’s Law the way you honor human law and convention. Let yourself be amazed at the ways in which God’s Law of Love begins to operate in your life, when you let yourself give time to it, and receive It in return.

    God is not greedy, except in wanting more happiness for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no time that you are entirely alone, if you are evaluating aloneness with your spiritual sense. Always, the Unseen Loves are with you, and always, all over the globe and Universe, are those who still wear a costume of time and space, but are reaching out and within to the same Truths of the Eternal which you aspire to completely know.

    Therefore, you do not have to have another human body with you to be a part of the Great Joining of Spirit, in Love all together and with one another. All you need is to know that they are all there, and join in the Consciousness of One Governance, One Good.

    Be at Peace with this, and feel Joined all day and night,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Each day will bring its own joys and service, when you surrender to letting Inner Spirit lead and guide you in your days and actions and words.

    Rather than trying to repeat or duplicate the duties or triumphs of yesterdays, allow that sweet silence to fill your heart, and then follow the new Divine impulses for this day, this hour, this moment. We realize that the world will seem to try to set you in habits and routines, but this is the better way. Yes, assuredly, there must be some coordinated schedules, but even in arranging those, you can consult with your delightful and delighted Inner Wisdom in order to put all in Divine Order.

    Allow It, dear child. Allow It.

    So with you here in Love,


  • Ah, Child,

    When the Spirit of the Divine moves deep into your heart, there is no mistaking It. Though it may ask you to say what seem like unlikely words, or to take an inconvenient route to town, or change the schedule of your day, listen, and obey. Though It may ask you to proceed with courage even though your voice quavers, trust and go forth, for It sees far more than your senses can discern. Though It may ask you to look past the most boorish or distressing appearance to see the needy soul that you can befriend, believe that It knows what you are capable of, and do all that you can to be Its vehicle.

    Remember above all that the Divine is not asking you to be something that you are not. It is only asking that you be willing to let Its Will work through you, as you, and around you, in a way that benefits All. Fear not, Its strength is with you, along with any other Aspect of the Divine that you need to call in for Its Help.

    Call on Its Harmony, call on Its Beauty, call on Its Ineffable Peace. Call on Its Wisdom, call on Its Joy, call on Its Male/Feminine Balance, for All is One and you are within that Oneness, and It would have you be aware that All that It has is yours.


    For we will not end when time ends,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Harmony does not come from the other person. It comes from realizing that YOU are a reflection of the Harmony of the Loving Source, then shining that Harmony at the other person, and then enjoying the Harmony that shines back at YOU.

    Are We clear? You have fallen for this before. Do not mistake the Truth this time. Reflect God’s Love and be Lovable and Loving, always.

    As We Love YOU,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A minister of Grace is everyone who has been given Grace. Or, to put it another way, a minister of Grace is everyone who has accepted the Grace that is constantly offered. Once you have come to that ever flowing fountain and drunk of the water of Spirit and felt, even for a moment, refreshed and renewed, then you have the chance to begin the process of sharing Peace with others. As you share It, silently, or with words or actions, or by demonstrating the increased Peace in your own being, you receive more.

    It is from Within that you receive more. And, as you receive more, you want more. To receive, give and demonstrate to others the sweet Presence that you know helps you re-think yourself and your life.

    Today, be very, very, very gentle with yourself. Move slowly, act slowly, speak slowly, or remain silent. Let your day be Directed in a way that gives time for gratitude for beauty and peace in every action and word and breath. In the moments that pace the slowness, you will hear instructions about what to do and say to give Grace to others, so that the size of your reservoir of It will grow, and you will Know that you will always have enough to use, to give away, and to refill easily for more giving, and for all you yet need to do for your part in the Play.

    It is Love, Darling, and it is the Way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you must CHOOSE to cooperate with the principle of gravity, such as when you let go of a dirty towel, in order to let it fall down the laundry chute, so must you choose to cooperate with the Law of Harmony that is God.

    God will never force you in your timing. God will offer, again and again, as you dream of shadows, to show you the fullness of Light and Harmony. Whenever you choose to ask for, and let go to, that Harmony, It gladly reveals Itself. Let trust in, and thoughts of, Harmony’s ever-presence, replace all your sad or doubting thoughts.

    Let go of all regrets that are like dirty linens, and accept Harmony, dear,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hearing only the testimonies of others about the Harmonizing and healing effect of turning to the sweet Truth of God/Love is not enough. When worldly life seems challenging, those testimonies can inspire you, but they cannot convince you like proving for yourself the wondrous Touch of Divine Help. Experiment. Prove to yourself that it IS effective to turn to the thought of God as full Harmony, and welcome Its orchestration of your thoughts, your body, your circumstances.

    Welcome Its embrace. Welcome the Love It offers, and that fills and satisfies.

    See the results, feel the Spiritual uplifting and the greater understanding, and be Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As much as worldly possible today, call only deep within, to the Mighty Heart of God, to celebrate all small and great Goods, that are the Aspects of Divine nature, and the ways of your own Best Self to celebrate as well.

    In that Joy, is a deep tutorial, a deep remembering, that will flush away any misbeliefs that might keep you from seeing the Truth of All. You need this, Beloved.

    Celebrate the Good of God. Celebrate the Good of your High Self, celebrate the Good.