All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are trying to choose the perfect timing for something with your human sensibilities, you cannot, for you simply are incapable of seeing all of time and all outcomes. But if you turn to your Divine Discernment and listen to the Holy Spirit that dove willingly into the pool of time, in order to help sleeping beings of Soul awaken from thinking they are limited by time, you can choose wisely.

    Trust the timing of God. Trust the Divine Eyes that can See all paths and all individuals involved, and do your sacred part by listening carefully to the still, small Voice as it Guides you where to go and when to go and how to behave.

    There is a great freedom in trusting the timing of God. Relax into that trust, for It serves you with Great Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    While it is certainly Holy Spirit’s main task to remind you constantly of your identity as a Good Child of God, and to help you remember how best to love and forgive and be a perfect image of God Qualities, that small still Voice is glad to assist you in all the small human ways as well. Befriending and supporting you in living happily is part of having you peacefully be an instrument for God.

    And for you, learning to know and trust the Loving and Guiding Voice of Spirit on the small day to day things will help you trust when it comes to bigger questions. So, whether you are listening to the inner Advisor when picking out a grapefruit, or choosing a travel destination, or committing to a partner, or deciding when to answer a calling, or asking for the courage to forgive a human error, just be very, very glad you have that inner Advocate.

    And you always will have.

    We walk with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God projects you into the Good Story of the world with Gentle Lovingness.

    Don”t try to change the story into something else. Be as God made you, so Good.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Very soon you will know how much God Loves you.

    God has always known this, and in the sense that your Soul Consciousness is just an offshoot of God, you know it too. But in the brief time that you forget, and think you must operate as a material body-self, you often forget how vast and complete is that Love.

    Whether you wait years within the tiny blip of human time, or whether you experience God’s full power of Healing this afternoon, or even as you read this, it is “soon”. God already knows you as part of Love right now. Why wait to claim this? Claim “I am Love” even while you still wear arms that want to swing and dance, and a belly that wants its breakfast. Claim “I am Love” even while your body still seems solid to you, instead of feeling as a shifting portrait of energy and light. Claim “I am Love” even though Love is timeless and you are still ordering your days in little bits of hours and minutes, instead of the timeless now.

    Order yourself to know that “I am Love and God Loves me completely”. Take that Dominion, Beloved, and know that Love, and it will gladly carry you to a deep knowledge of all that that means, in the way that is best for YOU, and for all.

    We already see you shining with that Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you are one who does not truly believe that your Conscious Soul goes on forever, in a sweet timelessness of creativity and joy, does not that make it just as important to be decent and kind and loving in the earthly here and now? If you do believe in a Loving Source that is constant and eternal, and that you will always live on within it, we know you live and work with many individual humans who do not believe. Be compassionate that they do not understand what an unlimited Resource they have to turn to, but let yourself go ahead and be a wonderful example of Loving Kindness to them.

    In all the myriad of ways of self-knowledge and self-improvement and of spiritual and earthly aspirations, it is easy to get lost in dogmas and details and seeming contradictions. On the days when it seems too confusing, just keep it very simple, and be kind. Be kind, be kind, be kind.

    And if you believe in the Omnipotent Supportive Source, then know that It Sees your intentions of Kindness, and supports those as part of All that is Good.

    Today, be kind, be kind, be kind, including yourself in that gentle kindness,


  • Ah, Dear Gladness that made me,

    Open my eyes and let me see,

    The blessed image and action and words of Thee,

    in everyone around me.

    Bless me, Bless them, let us all know our completeness again.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Creator WANTS you to turn to It constantly for Blessings. Once you realize that your delight is Its Delight, in the deep Peace and Joy of the heart, then you will feel happy and relieved to say throughout the day:

    “I Bless myself with the pure Loving Light of the Universal Force that is Love.”

    Say it with heart, say it with expectations of Good for all, and feel your Blessings indeed.

    We, your guardian Helpers, are with you in this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look over the many times that events have transpired that brought you from a place of dimness and confusion to a place of new ideas and light.

    Use the gratitude you feel for how things worked out in those times, to be grateful, IN ADVANCE, now, for how ideas will come to you for any current concerns. As all these examples build up, and your trust in the Divine Omnipotence to help you navigate the earthly dream becomes complete, you will become a teacher indeed. For when you can personally testify to all that the One All has shown as Good for you, you will be able to teach with the Voice of true conviction.

    And with the accompanying tone of Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The Healing, Helping Spiritual Force is right here. The Healing Force, the Helper, is right here, thank God. The Healer is right here, Thank God.”

    Today, Love, let it be as simple as that. Let today be a day of simple, but constant, alignment with the Source, by that prayer. Do not cling to the exact wording, but let the desire of it stay pure, as you adjust the words and your heart to the truth of the intent. BE the prayer, today.

    Always praying with you, wordlessly, or with words,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not lose sight of what is lovely and good in the world, in the visible realm. Being grateful for those things can counteract sorrow and dismay somewhat.

    But, above all, do not lose Spiritual Sight of the Divine Love, Compassion, and Mercy that are Unseen. Rarely does your earthly news report those, or note the underlying Omniscient and Omnipresent Guide that is the Spirit Guiding all to align with the Soul of their best Selves. Ponder and practice trusting those, Beloveds. Be a window open to that Light.

    Sacred Love does dissolve anger and fear, and can grow healthily in each heart.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest easy. Surrendering to the Divine Plan is an active waiting, but sometimes it is a waiting. Rest easy in trust. Rest easy, practicing feeling Grateful that you are so loved by the Maker of All, and see what happens. Pay attention to what thoughts and ideas come to your mind, and pay attention to what you witness. Look for God-Made events and you WILL see them.

    Trust in Good, and Look for It, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Feed the body, feed the beasts, take care of the bills and tasks, but look to Beauty to feed the Soul.

    The Beauty of Graciousness, the Beauty of Creativity, the Beauty of Love and Generosity, the Beauty of nature, the Beauty of the sublime arrangements of Light, –All are all around you to feast upon. Feed your Soul well, for thus does Spirit, that links All, Harmonize All.

    In a shared appreciation of Purity of Beauty and Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    We see how hard you try.

    Now, today, try relaxing into letting God drive and steer and initiate instead. Take the back seat today, Beloved, and enjoy letting the Greater Loving Will decide and guide.

    Speak when it asks you to speak, appreciate the beauty and joy and order It offers, and sweetly and gently enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

    There is no wonder so great as realizing that letting God take charge means you accomplish more, not less, and that it is much more enjoyable.

    Graciously it is given, graciously and gratefully receive,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are filled with joy at seeing someone succeed, be redeemed, or healed of physical or emotional pain, then any puddle of hesitation you feel at praying for someone seems as nothing.

    Today, focus on praying to see the Lovely Truth of Wholeness clearly in those you can see in the community or world that clearly need freedom from errors or obstacles, but whom you have no personal emotional entanglement with. Setting aside your frustrations with the near family and friends and self that can trigger your own challenges, and instead focusing with sincerity on the joy of seeing improvement in the life outlooks of others, can feed your sense of faith and the rewards of seeing It in action.

    Feed that faith in the ever-present unseen Goodness, dear child. You know It is there. Get glimpses, See vistas of It, and be so, so Glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show us each, dear God, our perfect lives in the Mind of Thee.”

    Pray this for yourself, dear child, and for others.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think on what the parts and aspects of life symbolize, when seeking to re-find balance in your body and affairs. Relate them to the Qualities of Spirit-Source and Strength that they would draw forth, and be re-dressed by.

    Do your teeth trouble you? Do not think about physical teeth, then, but about whether you put the bite of your Inner Divine Mind into things that are Good and True and WORTH chewing upon.

    Does your non-ability to be open and lovingly and positively honest with those about you leave you feeling alone? Then look to the Oneness of being, and ponder that all communication within Oneness is complete already, and that everything known to One is already known to all, in the Deep Silence of being still and knowing you are part of that One. Consider whether you are lovingly honest and open with yourself. Are you wishing to say to another that which you would truly ask yourself, and are you willing to hear the answer? Realize how well and easily others answer when you sincerely compliment them, or praise their gifts and talents and positive endurances and gestures and qualities. Can you find those things in yourself to compliment, and thus feel Qualified to offer them to the world, and to other hearts? What you offer forth is attracted back to you. Can you prove this for yourself by practicing it for a day?

    These are only two brief examples. We assure you that if you consider what needs “healing” in your body-costume, or your life, you can smooth it with Harmony by sitting quietly and letting Spirit of God within explain to you the balancing Quality that could fill your mind/Mind, and therefore, your life.

    Query your own “worry” or preoccupation, and then listen, listen, listen for Sacred Song that answers.

    Singing with you, and to you, of Love,


  • O’ Darling Ones,

    We are pleased to tell you that Gratitude is a force. It is a force as real as (or more real than) gravity, or any of your physical laws. It is a force that you may use at any time, in any place, in any situation. Feel it, say it, send it, be immersed in it. Gratitudes, given or spoken, for just being alive, and in love with life, are powerful indeed. Gratitudes for specifics of your life, or of the world around you, can take you from a place of anger or boredom to a lovely place in your energy and the power of your soul. Just think them, speak them aloud, or hold them in your heart.

    We guarantee you that the more you feel and think and exude gratitude, the more you will have to be grateful for. It is as simple as that, for each individual and for all of us together in the Great Divine. Use the force of Gratitude and change your experience of life for the better.

    Grateful that you came to this life,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Bless them all, and simplify me, so that it is with Your Sight I See.”

    Being VERY aware that it is your thoughts, your sight, your judgment, that must be aligned with God’s Perfect-Ideas, God’s Unconditional Love, and God’s declaration of Goodness and Innocence, is crucial. It is the way to see all the world new, and healed.

    We will help. Ask Us,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Light of Life does reign, piercing through this cloud of unknowing.

    And that reigning Golden Light rains on all who are willing to turn up to receive It.

    Claim It for yourselves, and claim It for all whom you love, and do not love. Let the Glory of Divine Light do Its Work on all. Welcome It raining on all.

    More progress has been made than you might imagine. Light wins.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Show me my Life as you see it, dear God”

    As many times as you remember, pray this.

    And be open to new sight.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is only God and God is only Good.

    You can dream and imagine you are separated from That Glorious Creator Mind, but you are within It all the time. There is no “being out of touch” with God except in your own imagining. Stop imagining you are.

    And do not think there is any punishment for imagining you are separate, and far away in a body-life. God does not punish the imaginings of a sleeping child. He/She only encourages the child to imagine Good, as it grows and matures and remembers it was created to create Spiritual Good.

    Amen, Beloved, amen.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Happiness is not a matter of fleeting pleasures.

    Deep happiness is knowing you are part of God. And feeling It.

    Feel It, with all Its rights and Wholeness and Goodness and Infinite Wisdom.

    Just remember who you really are, dear one. Remember, accept the Companionship of God, and be Glad, be happy, be free.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Holy Spirit is the tutor that God sent into your dream to gently and lovingly correct the errors of the dream, and remind you that you have been truly in the Mind of God all along, perfect and whole.

    Spirit is your wise heart. Listen to It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as you try to put a small area of your physical space or body in order, you can sense that it is but a temporary “fix”. The shelves always need to be dusted again. The toenails always need to be trimmed. They are temporal things, and unlasting.

    The One Mind/Heart , and your soul Self, as Its Idea, lasts forever. THIS IS WHERE PEACE EXISTS AND DOES NOT CHANGE. Set yourself firmly in that, Beloved, and THEN walk through your day and do your tasks. And if chaos seems to loom, or the temporal seems irritatingly futile, stop right away and become still and center yourself in Deep Peace Divine again.

    If your heart and mind are smoothly held in Peace, dear Child of God, then all the tasks of order and maintenance can be done lovingly, and with the enduring sense of what really matters, to remember in every moment that your real nature is the Harmony and Intelligence and Love of the embracing Source of you. Set yourself firmly in Love first, Child, and know we are with you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not keep secrets from you about your own life reflected from the Greatness of Soul. But God does use Wisdom to reveal to your human consciousness what you are ready and willing to understand of your own complete unfolding, and of the Truths of the Universe.

    Be grateful, Beloved, that God is always with you and around you and flowing as your essential Spirit, but accept God’s timing as teacher, as provider, as parent, as source, as friend.

    While it is perfectly true that all the Divine Qualities which make up “God”, the Soul, the Spirit, the Life and Love and Harmony, and the Infinite Mind and Principle, are yours to draw upon in their various forms as you need them for your daily journey, it is also clear that you are not always ready for a full comprehension of the Allness of God in these Aspects. Trust God to know what you are ready for. Trust God to know what others are ready for.

    Pray to be open and ready for more Holiness. Pray for others to be open and ready for more Holiness. Relax into the trust of Holiness that is a Greater Power than you can imagine from the human viewpoint.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It does not have to take a long time to know the Truth. The Truth already knows Itself and is Glad to share Itself, if you but are willing and ask.

    Ask, Beloved, ask. Why not today? Why not be complete today, in your own eyes, as you already are in God’s eyes?

    And in ours, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The recipe for Serene Joy can change every day.

    As you get away from defining happiness and joy in terms of worldly objects and temporary pleasures, re-work your prayers so that you simply ask Divine Love to help you feel the Joy and Love that are yours as a reflection of God. Then, gladly, and with an open mind and heart, follow the instructions of Inner Soul.

    Just as a master chef can make many different kinds of cake from the same basic ingredients, with just a dash of this or that added, or a varying sequence of procedure, so can God happily show you the Serene Joy you are able to experience in every day.

    We join you in celebration of new recipes.


  • Ah, Child,

    Why do people write and write and write,
    and speak and speak and speak?
    It is to confess, and be forgiven,
    It is to blame, and to forgive.
    It is to finally seek and learn God,
    And to Know, and let go, and be One.
    Then, O’ then, Beloved,
    It is to share, and be shared, in Joy.
    Go above the mortal realm in your mind,
    And relax your heart in the Divine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Imagine you are going on a camping trip and you bring along various bags of gear. For a while you camp beside a lovely fresh water stream, enjoying the rambles and sights and adventures. One day, you decide to wade across the stream and explore the trails and hills and meadows you can see there. You bring along a pack of what you will need for the excursion for the day, and find the new vistas wonderful, and the paths unmuddied. The unexplored newness of the terrain is inviting and consumes your thoughts and imagination, inspiring even more wanderings and feeding you with joy and beauty.

    Towards the end of the day, you return to where the water you crossed is visible and you can see, even from afar, that the waters have grown wide and gushing. A choice arises. Do you perilously try to return and then unhappily sort through soggy possessions and spend time on resetting a “safer” camp? Or do you let all that go and move forward into more new days, and new sights and experiences?

    O’ Beloved, whether it is the passing of a day, or the passing of a life, be very ready to let go, let go, let go. It is a tender mercy of God’s Grace that sometimes floods your thoughts and lets old ways of thinking and being wash away. Each of you knows that although there are some good and sentimental thoughts of the past, there are many that you would be glad to see removed from your memory and your thought patterns and your habits. Be glad that the Divine waters can use time to give each mind continual opportunity to begin again in better ways, moving forward, moving forward, moving forward.

    Be glad to forget unhelpful thoughts and errors, and let the Loving Thoughts of your Generous Creator Guide you anew, within each day, within each hour, within each life.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I want the Reality of God.”

    Give this permission to the Divine. Extend your willingness to see, feel, and hear the Divine Will enacted, like having the courage to admit that you are not enjoying a movie you paid to see, and being willing to get up and leave the theatre.

    Withdraw from your own human plans and assumptions, and “Leave the theatre” by being willing to take quiet direction from the dear Inner Voice, and see the Play It will show you, and let you star in.

    Sweet Heart, what do you have to lose? Choose God. Choose Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think big, bigger, Biggest.

    Think beyond the small self and the body you seem to wear, think beyond the possessions and home, think beyond the town or community, think beyond the nation and the world….

    Think beyond what body senses or technologically enhanced senses can perceive…

    Think, today, of the Vast Unseen That runs to embrace you the moment you turn your attention to It, and ask to understand at least a bit of It. Ask to feel the Love of which It is made and emanates. Think and feel Infinitely today, and all days, and your own small challenges will be given a new perspective, or dissipate entirely.

    Be a part of the Expansiveness of God-Love. It is what you really are.


  • 4-4-05

    Ah, Beloved,

    To the human who is trying to give up some temptations of worldliness, in order to spend more time better knowing the Realm of the Divine Truth, there are many temptations that are obvious, and, at first, still alluring—frittering away some days with idle reading, or choosing the extra hour of play over the heart’s call to center and be still.

    Less obvious, and perhaps even harder to relinquish, is a relapse into melancholy. Whether it is a sorrow brought on by a certain event, or whether it is an old state of mind that was habitual before being born into the Joy of Spirit, melancholy IS a temptation, and an easy excuse for the ego to urge the True Self to give up the seeking of God-Knowledge.

    Know this, and name it, and let it not have you. Just as the adult understands, when the child does not, that the third candy bar will make you feel ill instead of happy, so let your mature spiritual self understand that sorrow indulged overlong does not lead to Joy.

    Make knowing God/Goddess your challenge, and your joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Dear Creator, please help me see how You have already enabled me to see the wholly bright Spirit I am in Thee. And, as part of that, teach me to know, as You know, all the other bright Spirits, as You know them to be, all together making up your perfect image.”

    Oh, Amen, Amen, Amen, for so it is, as You Are,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God is your invisible support and foundation. If something truly needs to be done, God will help you do it.

    Review your lists and plans, and let Divine Guidance help you choose what to do, and do generously. Let go of thoughts and idle wishes with no surge of Spirit behind them, and BE the Complete expression of Soul’s Light this season.

    Simple Loving affirmations will do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You DO know the sound and the feel of the Divine Inner Voice. You know the sense of calmness It evokes and the sense of Love and Peace that always accompany It. And you know It is always there, behind that small door of stillness and willingness.

    So when the human self inner voice starts whining or justifying, stomp it down. Say No! to it, in your mind or even out loud, and take that CRUCIAL moment to open the small door, and hear the Voice that guides you right. You will never regret being reminded, “I Am Love” before you act.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Only complete surrender to the Gracious Will of the Source creates true Peace. Small, or partial surrenders, where you hide, in your own thoughts, some things that you feel you must still do “my own way”, will only create stumbling blocks. Let go of even those little cherished things, and you will find, that if they are truly a Divinely ordained part of your life, they will remain, or come back, faithfully, unto you.

    Seemingly important things will fall away, and, like a child carrying a ragged blanket that he thought he could not live without, you will feel a new sense of freedom, as those extra duties or things fall away from the baggage you must carry in the world.

    If you don”t carry the embarrassing scrap of “blankie”, you don”t have to worry about anyone seeing it.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your focused calm prayers have more influence on your surroundings and others than you might guess. Test this. Stand quietly in a crowded noisy store and pray for Peace to rise up in every heart. Picture good harmony and flow when you seem to be stuck in a traffic jam.

    You are calling on the All Power of Spirit. Practice it. Practice it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you thank God for being the Source of all Good that is yours, and all Good that exists, remember to also thank God for being fully able to enable you to see the Good and Divine of others. Your human thoughts and sight and senses may try to have you focus only on the errors and shortcomings of another, but Divine Spirit of your Heavenly Kingdom within can guide your Thoughts with God Thoughts, and lift your Soul discernment abilities, so that you can See as God Sees. Seeing others as God Sees them also frees you to know your own identity as God’s Image, Pure and fully Spirit.

    Be so very grateful you can be taught to See as God Sees, for then you are released from limits and from gloom, and can entertain solutions, and inspirations, and experiences of Joy, Joy, Joy. Join in the Oneness of Being that understands the inevitable Spiritual awakening of all.

    Be grateful to unlimited Good flowing freely,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Consider re-phrasing the way you pray, so that you can open your spiritual ear to the ideas that come forth from All-Governing and All-Loving Mind, God.

    Knowing and trusting that God does truly Love you, and wants you to happily fulfill the mandate to expand Love and Good, get quiet and think of what you are really asking for. Then, phrase your request-thoughts of prayer in such a way that you yourself are clear. Ask, for instance, “Dear God, how can I feel more loyalty?” “Dear God, how can I create greater income or supply for my needs?” “Dear God, how can I find more time for harmonious and relaxed interactions with others?”

    Form your prayer-questions, ask them in humble trust, and listen, listen, listen with open heart for ideas to come to you, and for inner urges to go to a certain place or call a certain person, or investigate appropriate information. The ways in which God answers prayer and seeming need are many, but if you are clear in your own mind and heart about what you are really asking for, your spiritual senses will hear the answers, feel the right impulses, and deepen your connection with the Loving Oneness of God.

    “How can I hear your ideas more clearly, dear God?” That is a wonderful prayer question to start with.

    And the still, small Voice, and scriptures, are full of answers, and clues for how to begin.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Bless your enemies” does not mean you are giving God permission to Bless them. God already Blesses them by Loving the Soul of them and gently awakening them to their true identities.

    “Bless your enemies” is a teaching for YOU, (and for all), a specific way to enact the spirit of the Golden rule. As you are willing to quietly look past the poor or unwholesome behavior of those you are not in Harmony with, as YOU ask God to enable you to see their Goodness manifest, then your view of them will change, and your compassion and patience will grow. You may find that you feel inspired to eliminate any similar unwholesomeness in yourself.

    Work on your own salvation of true Self and Soul, and let God be God. Let Love help you see yourself as God sees you, for it will help you see others anew as well.


  • Ah, Darling Ones,

    Do ponder how all True cause and effect belong to the One Source of this Creation that you dwell within. Many time-shadow illusions and misperceptions will confuse you, but if you begin each day and each decision with claiming the right and the ability to See the Truth as God sees it, you will be able to calmly move forward on smoother paths.

    This is not about being a puppet, or completely passive. It is about recognizing a Wiser and completely Loving One Authority that is God, and listening to and completing, your individual actions and words as gracious participation in the Whole.

    Listen, and act. Listen and act, and Love, Love, Love with the Perceptive Unconditional Love of God.

    We Help grow Love in your Heart. Harvest It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just as you can probably smell a beloved food recipe being cooked by someone in your home, the moment you enter the door, and identify it correctly, you can learn to trust your Spiritual Sense, with experience.

    Unless you are quite practiced at it, it is often easier to feel the palpable Presence of Divine Love with your eyes closed. The images your mind projects can fool you, whether of seeming beauty or disorder and brokenness, and those can distract you from truly feeling the Everpresent Embracing Divine Love. Close your earthly eyes, and ask Loving Soul to help you FEEL the Unconditional Love of God. Love is the Truth, not bodily cues.

    It is everywhere. It is everytime. It is you, unfooled by bodily senses. Close your eyes, feel the Love, and be aware of Divine Reality.

    There is nothing else like It. Practice, and know your Truth, Lovable and Loving.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Because it is important to remember Who truly Governs All, and to remain calm as each soul awakens to its Spiritual nature. The fleeting world that five senses glorify and espouse is not the image and likeness of God. All is Spiritual and remains your stable and Whole Realm.

    Only the Good and True are real, and the trusting of that Love rather than anything temporal is the lesson for your heart. Just as you have found your strength in turning to God-Presence when human loves betray or disappoint, so continue to turn to Divine Love as the changes of the earthly realm surprise. Look to Love to heal wounds, and to see what true gentle triumph is. The Unseen Hand is Compassionate.

    We are still with you, and will always be so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Love is the opposite of fear. If you are sick of feeling fear, in any of its masquerades, such as anger, sorrow, hate, despair, etc., then choose to feel Love.

    The Presence of Love, that is the Primal Cause and everywhere, cancels out fear . Welcome Love. If you are having trouble feeling Love and welcoming It, ask us, ask It, to Help you.

    Quietly, trustingly, wait for that Help to come, like a soft blanket of Thought and Peace.

    We Love you more than you can imagine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no truth that you cannot know by simply going within in deep listening. The sweet One Comforter that steps into all dreams of earth and knows Itself as unified in all, can see all, share all, and give all right ideas to you.

    Realize this, however. It will not share truth in order to harm. If you would know the truth of what another person thought or did in the dream, you must be prepared to forgive it if you do not like what you hear.

    The Comforter only shares in order to heal and unite, and you block the healing to yourself if you are focused on anger or vengeance or “being right” of any kind. Give love as you share and as you hear, and be willing to let others” errors go, along with your own.

    As ever, knowing the true Good you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you stand to face an amazing and solid rock surface, and shout forth, so that you may hear your echo, the echo cannot say anything that you yourself have not said.

    So is it with the Marvelous Speaking Spirit that is the Divine. You are Its echo. The only true sounds you can send forth are those that repeat the Harmony and Light and Life and Truth that are the very sounds of God. All else is babble, is nothingness, is the wind distorting the echo, or cutting off part of it to make a lie out of the Truth that God wants to hear back from you.

    Think about it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are a star of light, held in place in the Firmament of All That Is by the loving power of Healing Spirit.

    I am a star of Light in the Glorious puzzle of All.

    Healing Spirit, hold me.

    Healing Spirit, shield me.

    Healing Spirit, surround and support me.

    Healing Spirit, work through me

    to connect me with All.

    What you give also holds you in place,

    Love holds all the stars of light together in the Mind of God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you really grasp that Love is God, then you know you cannot see God’s face in the traditional sense. You can free yourself from envisioning god as some huge human. Love is invisible but It effects are visible. Free yourself from thoughts of a limited god.

    Instead, you can train yourself to discern the Omnipresence of Love/God by the waves of kindness you experience, or the harmonious function of a life process, or the solutions that come forth when you look for, and find, the “Face of Love” in everything and everybody.

    Look for Pervasive Love everywhere and anywhere, in the visible and invisible, and be gleeful as your inner and outer sight expand to see more and more of It.

    There are no limits on Love Divine, and

    It wants to Help you know that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When there is a worldly task you must do, (such as your tax return, darling), do it Glad.

    Do not do it sad, do not do it mad, do it Glad. For in Gladness I am with you.

    Call to Me to help, and call to the human gladness you will feel when the task is done. Focus on the gladness of knowing seven plus seven ALWAYS equals fourteen, and that the lines make it clear where the numbers should go. Be glad of the truth that mathematics works the same for everyone and that you know the way it works and you have all the papers and inks and instructions you need to do the task. Being Glad takes you into timelessness and there I Am, with you, helping you and guiding you with Calmness, with Joy, and joining you completely.

    And then, darling one, we can even have worldly fun. Be Divinely Glad, and have fine fun as you dip into the tasks that are part of the world of time.

    We will laugh with you today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The perfect Power of the Presence IS within you and you are within It.

    All this is pure Spirit. We understand that it is very difficult to shake the identification of your “Self” with that of your body costume, but We assure you that the more you think about the Perfect Power being within that costume of you, the more you will identify with that wondrous Presence, and the easier it will become to use the Power of creativity to bless yourself and others with remembering who you really are.

    You are one with the Creative Force. You are a wondrous part of Its Joy.

    “The Perfect Power is within me, as I am one with It.”

    Play again today with shining that Power on all, silently,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Guidelines for happily living Life and aligning with that which is Good have not changing, darling.

    Today, take time for aligning with Good. Look for Good, do Good. Talk to God and let God talk to you. Take today for God, and leave the dashing here and there for its rightful time. Do what needs to really be done, but focus on feeling and seeing the Kingdom of Heavenly Thought here and now.

    Review the Guidelines, and remember who you are,


  • Ah, Child,

    God is always ready, willing and able to give all that God is. Think r.a.w. Power of Love and Harmony. Ready, Able, and Willing. Are you ready and able and willing to receive?

    Be willing by giving God your attention and some time each day. Be able by forgiving yourself and those around you for all the silly or thoughtless things that humans do from their own shortsightedness. Be ready by sending joy and grace and prayers to others, so that you are an empty cup ready to receive the blessings of God.

    God does not withhold Love and Harmony and the Truth of what you were created to be. Neither does God force you to receive It. Opening your heart and life and being ready, willing and able to receive is your part. Can you do that simple thing?



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no time like the present for listening to God’s Voice. God did not create the chaos of the earthly illusion that covers the lovely Order and Rule of God, but God’s Voice would love to steer you through it with as much ease and joy as possible. Like the sure path through a prickly maze, God wants to guide you with glad generosity.

    When you really, really learn to recognize that Guiding Voice, and pay attention to it, and obey It, then much nuisance and inconvenience can be avoided. And if you have not paid attention and find yourself seemingly with one foot in the quicksand, that can be healed and changed by appealing to the Law of Loving Order, and knowing that It is the Law under which You were created and are Governed.

    “The Law of Love Loves me, and I am Grateful, always.”

    That is the Truth to claim, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Did you feel God come into your spiritual hearing this morning and say, “Please look and listen with my eyes and ears today” ?

    Look, Beloved. Listen, Beloved.

    Look for the Good Qualities that you know are God. Listen for Kindness and Compassion in the voices around you. Listen for Good reports and Good news.

    Give your report to God, and know that you are tuning your senses to help help help see more and more of God revealed in the earthly dream.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Presence Holds you. The Presence Holds all.

    There is no thing that cannot melt away because it is not a real part of the Presence, there is no Goodness that is not reinforced by It.

    The Presence Holds all. Just let It work.

    Let It work on your thoughts, and keep reminding yourself It works on others.

    O’ so Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The God/Goddess Mind holds you in Good Thought. YOU, as Its Thought-Child, are made of Goodness, surrounded by Goodness and supported by Goodness.

    Other Good Thoughts, as “people” and as “things”, are in place around you, in order to complete the picture of Goodness that is your life. Be very aware of this, and keep remembering always “I am a Good Thought in the Mind of the Divine Cause, and all the “thoughts” that I need to have surround me, for Goodness to be felt and seen, slip easily into place. As easily as a human mind can imagine a delightful flower, Divine Mind can imagine, and therefore create, all that is needed for Its Children.

    Divine Mind’s Thoughts create. They are Reality. Be not confused by this. Just keep remembering that you are a Good Thought in the Divine Mind, and that you are surrounded by all the Good Thoughts you need.

    In time, you will understand that you are not a body, you are a delightful thought, a beloved thought, an upheld thought, in Mind,

    Be grateful,, and be delighted in God/Goddess Creators,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take a day to look gently, gently, gently upon all things and persons.

    Consider the Mellow Light of forgiveness and Love that comes from Divine Grace pouring over you, and that helps you feel forgiven and redeemed from all foolish choices and mistakes you have made. You WANT that Light of Grace to fall on you every day, just as, in an earthly way, you want to sun to rise each morning.

    And just as your earthly senses must accept that the sun shines on all equally, you must let your heart welcome the fact that the Light of Grace shines on all equally. If you want It for yourself, then you must welcome It for all.

    So look gently, gently, gently, with the Light of Grace today, upon all things and persons, including yourself, and be grateful Grace shines each day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not say, “I Am becoming God”. God IS God.

    The Infinite IS the Infinite.

    As Its reflection, Its idea, Its image, you already are what It IS.

    Therefore, assert that Truth. “I am Infinite”.

    It is not to say “I am becoming Loving”, but, rather, “I am Loving”.

    It is not to say “I am becoming honest”, but “I am honest, I am truth”.

    “I am all that I need. I am giving. I am harmonious. I am Spirit”.

    Forget the time bound self-identity, and claim “I am now a perfect idea of God and Beloved.”

    There are so many gifts with your name on them right now. “I am as God knows me to be.”

    Understand that as your identity, now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Joy and humor ARE a part of God’s communication. Expect that, and look for it.

    When you went to sleep the other night, asking in your heart for God to show you what to do next, you dreamed of yourself standing in front of a pizza parlor named, on a huge sign, “PIZZA PERFECTION”.

    You understood, when you awoke, after a moment of reflection and discernment, that God was saying to you, “Just be a piece of my perfection.” Darling, God understands that you have a fondness for corny puns, and so will use such things to communicate with you. God understands what language each heart will hear, and speaks to each heart in just the right way.

    That is part of why it is so important to keep your serving heart aligned with God, and when you hear in your heart to say a certain thing to a certain person, even if it sounds strange to your own ears, say what God tells you to say. God knows what that person will hear, and what words will touch that person’s heart, and what that one is ready to hear.

    Knowing your piece of perfection, DELICIOUS!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where there seems to be trouble, there is also Good.

    Remember that the All-Presence of One Mind, of the Divine, of Spirit Holy, means there is nowhere that God is not. Yes, yes, there is the misty human illusion of discord or lack or terrible fear or bodily inharmony, but We are trying to train you to See past those veils of human perception and realize that the Divine Solutions and resolutions for those things are right there.

    Ask to See them. Ask for others to have their eyes opened to See them. You would not be reading these messages if you were not ready to be awakened to your full Spiritual potential. Humanity is ready to be awakened to be able to See and experience its own Goodness.

    Be willing to participate in this wonder by simply remembering, always, where there seems to be trouble and sorrow, there is Good already there. And allow the Good to come forth in the way that It has ordained, and be willing to be Its peaceful and loving instrument.

    There is progress being made, even though you may not be aware of it.

    God Loves you so. God Loves you all so very much.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of the best, most perfect moment you have ever felt of human love.

    When you want the Love of God/Goddess/Source, and to know Its Perfection, even more than you would want to have that moment of human love again, then you are ready to Know your True Self, and its world, completely.

    And, that will shine in your human loves as well. Put God first. That has not changed through the ages of human time, and it never will.

    Always shining on that Truth for you, to light your way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Find your Joy by daily renewing it. Infinite Joy exists always, but while you are in the body-dream, just as you must drink water every day to stay hydrated, so must you give daily time to drinking of that deeper Joy, in order to stay centered in It and filled with It.

    You do not expect to purchase a house and then never spend another penny maintaining or repairing it. So let your spiritual temple of self be constantly swept out and maintained and sustained by turning daily, even if just for a few moments, to understanding and loving and thanking the Source of All.

    It can be quick, but always Powerful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the old passes away with the new, then it will be easier to understand the concept of “no time”, for in the Divine state of Now, of Is-ness, there is indeed no time. But that is a very hard thing to understand when you think you are a mortal being stuck in a world of time.

    Perhaps the best ways to think of it, so that one may access Divine Spirit to advise you as you negotiate the maze of your seeming physical existence, is in two ways:

    First, imagine that your body is just the frame of a window, through which the Loving Spirit of the Whole can enter the world, if you cast open the shutters and give free loan of the flesh to God. Practice holding your body still, and letting the Breath of God flow through you as your breathe, like the breeze flowing in an open window. Then, imagine your brain and your thoughts as a marvelously powerful computer that you are loaning to God. “Switch users”, and set aside your own desires and thoughts and urges, and let God write thoughts and ideas there for you to see. Giving permission to the Divine, and welcoming the Loving Divine in this way will allow that timeless Wisdom and Love to come into your dream of time, and help you.

    Second, playfully realize that since the Divine exists in no-time, it means the Divine is not limited by time. Its Love is always available to you. Its strength and substance and wisdom and creativity are always available to you. Wherever you go, whenever you wake up in the middle of the night, whether the electric service is on or off, whether you call for cradling in the evening or the morning, there God Is. No time hinders the Divine maintenance and sustenance and support of you. It truly Is always with you.

    Whether you came into the bubble of time to help others break out of it, or whether you came into it to smell the rain one more time, you never left your abode in God. There you are, and there you were and will be, an unchanging perfect spirit child of Spirit, free to dream in time, but free also to be Whole.

    It will be clear to you in time,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no pain in God. Always Perfect, always the same.

    So if the Truth of you is an extension, a thought, of God’s, how could there be any pain in you?

    When it seems like you are feeling pain, either of the body or of the emotion, get quiet and still, and ask God what God is feeling of you and about you.

    Try it, Beloved. We know that sometimes you do not believe us. Do you have the willingness to try it for yourself?

    Try it, Beloved, and prove your Self to your self.

    All is Love, always,


  • Ah, Child,

    If you invited a guest to use your wonderful house, and told him to please make himself at home, would you not assume he would find what he needed to be happy and comfortable? Imagine you returned from your own business and affairs, and your guest complained, “I could not find the milk. I looked in the yard, I looked in the garage, I looked under all the porches and under the bed and in the bathtub, but I could not find the milk I needed!”

    Would you not be surprised? Would you not say, “But, of course, the milk is kept in the refrigerator, where it will stay whole and cool and good. Did you not think to look there?”

    So it is with the Love and Peace of God, Beloved, that are kept safe and cool in the delightfully shaded safe of your heart. Look there for your Love and Peace and Harmony, and do not frantically seek them in all the limbs of others, or the words of strutting fame. Seek them in the safe cool haven of God, and then enjoy the rest of “God’s House” through eyes already filled with Joy.

    God did not realize that you would become so confused as you enjoyed the reflection of the expression of Itself that is what you see. Once God saw your perplexity, then was immediately the answer given, was the Voice placed in the safe cool calm space of your heart to give you the clue of where to find your milk of Love, “Here I am, here I am, here I am.” It endlessly calls to you, if you will but listen, “Here I am, Here I am, Here I am.”

    We”ll take a drink of It with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you end up in situations that are unfamiliar, or those around you are making uninformed assumptions about who you are, do not change your colors. Do not change your mission.

    Fly the colors of God. Shine with Divine Qualities, that the maker has made you to reflect, and let that Glory touch the others, no matter who or what they think you are. The ones who are ready to see, and absorb, that Light for themselves, will do so. Then they can go on to light others.

    The ones who are not ready cannot be forced to it. That would be against the gentle Grace of the Awakening, that allows each part of the Whole to awaken at its own place and time.

    For you, Beloved, stay true to shining, now, everywhere and anywhere you are.

    We appreciate it,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    The Loving and Guiding Divine Voice abides in each and every heart. If you have allowed yourself to begin listening to It always, then let your examples of actions and stories of the times It has visibly helped you, be shared. Encourage others to begin listening, begin practicing, if they are ready and open.

    And for those who scoff, and seem not ready, or have not found their own version of being delightfully motivated by the complete yearning of a Good Dream, pray for them. Pray that God finds a way to soon awaken and help them hear, and become God’s friend.

    For if all God’s friends and the dreamers of Good work together to let Loving Voice and Heart reign freely, the demonstrations of Good in the world scene will indeed accelerate. You are a part of this. Let Loving intent Flow.

    We are so grateful you choose Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When God, as Loving Spirit-Voice, asks you to act or speak, do so. Do so even if to your human senses it feels untimely or the words seem odd. If you receive a direct instruction like this, it is important.

    Being willing to be such an instrument of Love and Life assistance is part of why it is Good to practice hearing the sweet Voice of God in your heart every day. For as you practice, and grow accustomed to, and knowledgeable and familiar with, that Calm Tender Presence, you will be able to fully trust when It instructs you to call or visit someone, or to reach out a hand and keep them from stepping off a curb.

    Listen, dear Love. Listen to Love, and obey.

    Love is Grateful,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We hear your daily morning plea—”High Guidance of the Light, come speak to me, help me feel you, come Guide me all this day, this night”, and We embrace you.

    And this day We say, “Take your ease with Us. Take your ease of Soul. Approach this day as a thing to enjoy, rather than as a challenge to rise to.”

    “Let Us take Our Ease of Being and Joy together. We are with you, Child, We are with you. Take Your Ease.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To take those extra six breaths that are God’s Life Breath to you, and repeat in your mind, “God Loves me, God Loves me”, can make all the difference between a day of Harmony, and a day of confusion.

    Take the time!


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to try to interfere with the ways of God, or to beg or intercede.

    Good Grace has already been given freely. It is done. Your task is to open to receiving, and just Be. Just Be a part of the Good and the Grace and the All.

    And relish it in Gladness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If it sometimes seems as though you are being asked to sacrifice some worldly pleasures, in order to remain aligned with your experience of God, please contemplate how the Unfoldment of Good works. Just as a young boy must move on from riding his cherished tricycle, if he is to experience the power and freedom of a swift bicycle, there are spiritual steps that move you forward.

    Yes, there are sacrifices of worldly things, that can help give you the time and/or the focus to better align with Spiritual Sense. And yet, even though you may miss them at first, you will find that the greater Joys that God is trying to reveal to you will soon surpass any earthly pleasure that you tried to cling to.

    ALLOW yourself to grow, Beloved. ALLOW God to help you do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Deciding to set aside old grievances and habits, and instead follow the Loving guidance of the Voice within, is a choice you make. It is not a choice of human will power. It is a desire, and a relinquishing, trusting that if you sincerely indicate the desire, the Strength of the Loving Guide will be there for you. It will support you as you choose to follow through in the delightful sacred path of knowing your own Best destiny and path and happiness, and being Glad for others as they also see theirs.

    ALLOW happiness and guidance. It is waiting to be allowed. It is already there for you, just waiting to be allowed.

    How delighted we are each day that you choose this, and waiting for you each day that you forget, and gladly moving forward with you as you choose rightly again.

    There is no impatience in the Glory of the Divine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    While we are Joyous when any words or anointing here help any dear reader, dear partaker, of these messages, we hope you do not stop with that.

    Whether you sense Truth through a message here, or whether you doubt or are annoyed by a message, please turn to God, One Mind, Spirit, Divine Source and Soul, for yourself, and ASK.

    Be quiet and still, and take time to understand what God is saying to YOU about you. Be open and receptive and feel how God is Loving and expressing Itself as YOU. YOU are unique, and an important part of All That Is. Tenderly give yourself the gift of knowing that, and hearing about the details of that from God, and of feeling the completeness of It.

    No one can do that for you. Allow yourself to be Loved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When it finally fully strikes you that absolutely everything belongs to God, and that all that you have, or are, or can do is only borrowed talent and energy and power, then your whole attitude makes a shift.

    You are significant and special as one small part of Shining Love, but to think that something is really “yours” or “mine” is to be woefully mistaken. All belongs to God and is of God, that is Good.

    If you have a good idea, it came from God. If you have a good thing or talent, it came from God. Gracious gratitude becomes the new norm for you when you realize the true Source of all that you wish to retain in your life and your person and your abilities.

    All good belongs to God. Do you give credit where credit is really due? Do you let go of thinking that you have any rights that are not equally loaned to all? All belongs to God, all comes from God.

    Ask to borrow your share to do your part in the play perfectly, and freely acknowledge from where all good came to you, and gladly see others have their good flow to them, so that they too may be a part of gladness of all energy, of All That Is.

    All Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Occasionally We must remind you that although you have all the Qualities of God to consciously draw upon, the strength, the Love, the Wisdom, the Law of Harmony, and such, you are not, as one individual, God. You reflect what God is and does, when you are aligned with Lovable Life. You are a beautiful expression of the Soul that is the Infinite All, but solving everything is not up to you

    If you are feeling overwhelmed, take that crucial pause to acknowledge the Grace of being part of that which is Oneness Divine. But then surrender to the Power of that One Divine. Accept that if you try to carry on your human shoulders the care and responsibilities and causalities that are the GENTLE Provenance of God, you are wearying yourself unnecessarily.

    Cast your cares upon God, Beloved. Obey the Laws of Love, and release your cares to the giving God. Cast your cares, relax and breathe, and trust in the Love that Loves you.

    Holy Spirit is reaching out to Help you always.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have patience and mercy with those who have never experienced, because they have never asked for It, the wondrous uplift of the Presence of the Divine. If they would try to engage you in intellectual arguments about the existence of Oneness, as they fearfully try to protect their sense of bodily separateness, just be silent and loving. Ask the One Source for the strength and perception to See their Wholeness, and pray that they soon choose to experience It themselves.

    But graciously recognize that they can choose their own timing and readiness, and make sure you protect your own Knowing of Love, remaining uninfected by their doubt. All have, in due time, been reawakened into the embracing Love that always cherished them.

    Trust that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You full well know that when you set aside the selfish self that thinks it is a body separate from other bodies and the Oneness of Being, that you can fully feel the soft swell of the Love that surpasses all other seeming loves, and fills you with Wonder, and enables you to know the completeness of your being.

    So do this today, Beloved. Practice it again. And you already know the technique that helps put you past thoughts of yourself, and to the thought of Oneness—helping someone else. Help others today, with smiles and words or support or deeds, or prayers, prayers, prayers to be able to see and enjoy the Wholeness of their Being.

    To see the Wholeness of their Being is to know your own as well, and to know that all are in the Oneness of the Mind of God. Each individual and unique thought and idea, whole and complete within the Mind of God.

    As ever, with you there, too,


  • Ah, Lovely Beloved,

    To be very still, and to listen carefully Within, and to obey what you hear, is the height of Wisdom and Truth.

    When you practice this consistently, you will convince yourself, prove to yourself, that Divine Spirit can always whisper to you exactly what you need to Know.

    And then follow It, Beloved. Follow It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Yes, one can call the One Source by the name of God, or One Mind, or many other things, but the human names do not matter. That which is All knows what it is. It is Love.

    The names might imply that It is very neutral or impersonal, like a light bulb being the source of the light by which you read at night. But God is not an impersonal Source, Beloved. God is the Source of Love. God Loves you in a very personal relationship—as the Creating Spirit to the created Spirit.

    If you sit quietly and ask God what Love wants to say to you today, you may hear many different things, but among them will ALWAYS be, “I Love you dearly.”

    You can count on that. And you can choose to Love in return.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Never forget this basic—that what you send forth returns.

    Share edifying and enlightening and joyous truth, and it returns to you.

    Send forth criticism and confusion, and it returns to you.

    “The other is self.”

    Pondering the truth of this can take a lifetime.

    Or, just a moment. Why not try it, right now?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Play today. Even as you do chores, or journey, play today. Like a child on a car trip, playing at seeing how many objects he sees that start with the letter “d”, let yourself play with noticing and claiming miracles. Let your assignment to your self be to see and admire at least a hundred wonderful things about your day.

    Then, this night, instead of letting your closing-of-the-day prayers be about asking for help with errors you made or issues you cannot figure out, let those moments of fellowship with the Loving Source be about saying thank-you for the hundred O-so-marvelous things you saw or heard or felt or believed in, today.

    You are one of our marvelous things,


  • Ah, Ah, Beloved,

    Have you ever known us to address you as anything but Beloved?

    Many are the days when you feel unworthy or lazy in some way, but that is not what We see. We see the perfect child of God, and Love you. We see the “you” that is pure Spirit’s reflection, and not the supposedly physical self that you call body and personality and history and individual desire and intent. We See the perfect reflection, the perfect facet, of Spirit God.

    Today, See yourself with our eyes and Love yourself. We beg you to Love yourself, and so make the diamond of God shine more brightly, with every facet awake and glittering with the clarity of Love.

    We Love our True view of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have told you many times that true forgiveness is gratitude.

    Think about that again, and understand it on a new level. If you have a behavior or a physical symptom that is not yielding to prayer, then you must examine whether you are abiding in unforgiveness instead of joy and gratitude.

    If forgiving feels hard, or impossible, at this time, then skip over thinking of it as forgiveness, and go right to gratitude. Everything and everyone in your life has been playing a role in your “play” of learning. Do they not deserve your gratitude for that? Their souls have volunteered to don the costumes your thoughts have given them. See past those costumes and thank them for their volunteer work. Yes, you also deserve thanks for playing roles in the lives of others, so include yourself in that gratitude.

    “Open my eyes, Dear God, and help me see, and thank, the Truth of what everyone around me is, in Thee.”

    “Bless them all, and awaken me. Bless them all and awaken me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your human visions of what your life “should” be feel thwarted, or you feel threatened or jealous by changes that those close to you make in their routine and in relating to you, there may be a part of you that demands of God “Why aren”t things going the way that feel good to me?” A feeling of anger at God, and anger or jealousy or fear or irritation or impatience with those around you seems to take over and drive your thoughts and your day. The human will is having a tantrum, wanting to be in charge, in charge, in charge.

    It is a lesson that all individuals who are experiencing the limited senses of bodily life must learn over and over again. Having been taught to plan, and train and focus on goals, and perhaps compete to survive, and strive to succeed, the human will shouts out when its efforts do not create happiness. The characters and circumstances it perceives seem like plastic toys that will not bend and move in the way it wants. It wants, it wants, it wants.

    But what is it that “wants” in this way? It is a false sense of self, as a small and vulnerable and short-lived thing. And while it shouts and yells and demands and blames and criticizes, the Great Love and Life Force and Mind that knows the Holiness of each of Its offspring is patiently Holding and Protecting and Tending to that child, that individual reflection of Soul. And when the tantrum is done, and a glimmer of willingness to let God Light lead the thoughts shows up again, Spiritual Truth can show the way past the disappointments, and to gratitude for Good, and inspirations for new perspective.

    You can grow angry with God, dear one, and angry with all those around you who are part of God, but God will never grow angry with you. God will only Love, Love, Love, and Guide and Shepard. The more you “will to have the Divine Will” be your life, the less frequent the emotional tantrums and detours will be, for they are not a part of God. They are not a legitimate reality with any real power over your Good Life as a child of God.

    Tenderly, God is ever-patient with you. Be glad of that.


  • Ah, Child,

    A very young child trusts that the parent knows best. With no other influences, and total vulnerability, the infant turns to the parents and believes they will give complete care and wisdom and love.

    The adolescent, with learned reactions, and peer pressure, and fleshly desires, has trouble believing that the parent knows the right thing to do, especially when it is a complicated situation or a delayed result. Just so, if you are in the adolescence of your Spiritual growth, it can be hard to trust the Divine Voice within. Your logical training will argue with it. The worldly “experts” will be a chorus around you. The ease and pleasure of the moment will try to pull your focus away from the narrow path.

    Adolescence passes, Beloved. Trust and pray and listen and hope and wait. All the detours of the ego are as nothing, when you finally feel the deep Breath of God.

    Practice believing, and,

    Believe It,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think of how many people you spend time writing to or calling up or seeking out in person, asking their advice and opinions. Sometimes you obtain helpful insights. Sometimes you do not. Oftentimes you do not really know which are good and which are bad.

    How often, then, before or after looking to humans, do you simply say. “Divine Spirit, give me some ideas about this specific thing, or about my day in general”?

    And then listen, and see what ideas come calmly into your mind. Calmness is an important Quality to embrace when waiting for Wonderful ideas to come into your mind, through its connection to One Mind. Neither hilarity nor depression assists in hearing your Inner Voice.

    Practice centering into Calm with prayers or silence or music or warmth or gratitude for beauty and order, and then get still, and say Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to Spirit Who gladly Helps all.

    So Lovely to join you in this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Above all, reassure others that they are not alone. For most, especially those who have not unblocked their spiritual hearing to hear the Inner Friend within their Hearts, being alone is their greatest fear.

    Reassure them, Beloved. Remind them of that Voice that is their Friend, and reassure them that all other consciousnesses, that make up the One Consciousness, are with them, True and Whole, as they have always been, and all together. Be not afraid.

    With All of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God Loves you. God Loves you.

    Just be Loved today. Just accept that Love today.

    And, remember that every encounter is an encounter with God.

    Therefore, every encounter is an encounter with Love. Give It, and you will see It flowing right back to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine is always ready. It is always ready to offer the full Flow of Itself to you, for It has never stopped flowing and being.

    But, like a good parent, It knows how much you are ready to feel, see, and carry. Like a Mother who knows that her toddler cannot carry the heaviest bag of groceries, even though he thinks he can, The Divine will carefully answer your request to carry out your best mission in life. You may be given responsibilities and powers that you think are less than you can easily carry, but The Divine knows how many steps are in your journey, and what else you will encounter, and adjusts your load and your abilities to match.

    Be at Peace, Beloved, by abiding in Trust. “I am the essence of Trust abiding in That Which Is, Which Knows and Loves and Sustains me.” It knows when you are ready for more, and will let you have it right on time.

    All Blessings,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Feeling the Incredibly Loving Presence of God is a thing of the heart and soul Self.

    You do not need fancy prayers or accoutrements. Just open to receiving, and ask, as a child or lover would ask, “Hold, me. Just please hold me.”

    God is very, very Glad to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you deeply understand that God can and will use all the body-constructs around you to help you, whether to express to you the Love and Support of God, or whether to give you the chance to express the forgiveness and mercy and teaching of God-Qualities, it will be easier to be grateful to them ALL.

    There is no favoritism in God. All His/Her expressions, all parts of the Divine Child, are equally Loved. See them with God’s eyes and you will better and better be able to Love them, too.

    The body, and its supposed “needs”, is nothing but an instrument, a chance to give and receive the Truth of Spirit. Use it as such, and you will be free from being a slave to it and its desires and woes. It will simply function as attendant to the Spirit that moves you and in which you live and move and have your being, in Love, Love, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Help train your mind to know that All is Spirit. Help it today by making a list of all that you are grateful for that the bodily senses cannot perceive. Be grateful for the existence of Love that ends not. Be grateful for gratitude. Be grateful for the soul understanding of beauty. Be grateful for friendship and cooperation. Be grateful for the existence of inspiration, of AHA! Moments. Be grateful for God.

    As you practice knowing how much Good cannot be seen, how much perfection is not about the body or other seemingly material things, it will help you understand that all substance is truly Spirit, and Spirit forms the Thoughts of all you need and can learn to see.

    See with Infinite Sight,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is easy to doubt your own abilities, because your human mind holds a long list of memories of things you have not achieved, or choices you made that were less than perfect. But all those error dreams of the human condition do not change the fact that Divine Power does not have limits and is not bound by human rules and traditions and myths.

    When you re-train your thinking to think of yourself as a funnel through which Divine Goodness can flow, or a transparency through which Divine Light can shine, then you can expect that to be so. Agree in your own heart and agree with God that you WANT to be a Blessing to others and to be a Blessing to your own sharing of talents, and simply be willing to be so. Be willing to be happy, Beloved. Be willing to be a Blessing. Invite God to help you see how and when and where, keeping your focus always in the Glory and Peace that is you joined with the Divine in your heart.

    Focus on your alignment with Divine Mind, and aim that focused lens at the end result of Blessings. And be Grateful this is the Truth of God’s Love for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Loosen and Lighten your definition of who and what you are.

    You are an amalgam of Ideas, of Light and Love and Life Force, and these swirl and adjust in the ways they need to for you to be able to imagine and create and appreciate.

    Practice thinking of your Self in this way, rather than labeling what you are as limited “matter”. A swirl of Harmonious Truth, dwelling in the All-in-All, a part of the Great I Am, this is what you Are.

    Expand the sense of Self, and the Self expands to hold, and do and Be, more Good.

    Play with this, Beloved. Play and believe.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Truth is right there/here with you. It is not far away, waiting to be begged for. It is gently, ever, right with you, waiting to be opened to.

    Think on this, and do not try to hold yourself separate and apart from what you cannot be separated from, for you exist WITHIN It, and of It and for It. It did not give you good ideas and then abandon you to deal with them all on your own. It remains ever with you, ready with solutions and more ideas, and encouraging, supporting Love.

    It is a freeing dependence,


  • Ah, Dear One,

    Can you draw a picture of a baby chick by looking at an egg?

    Only if you hold it up to the Light.

    Beloved, you can no more see Your Self by looking in a mirror than you can see that chick by looking at its shell. Close your eyes, let rest your hands and mind, be still in the silence spaces of your heart, and say, “I am as God made me.”

    “I am as God made me.” Ignore the evidence of your earthly senses, though they may scream for your attention, and FEEL that you are as God made you. You are Light, you are a unit of God, you are Peace and Delight just waiting to manifest forth from the appearance of the shell.

    Hold your self to the Light, Beloved, and know Your Self to be part of It.

    All is Love, All is One, when the ego-self is ignored,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be SO aware that when you open your mind and heart to the Healing of the Divine Source, that Source Sees the Whole Truth of you.

    That means two things—that nothing can be hidden or held back from being offered to God, including all that you would never admit to another human, and all the habits that your human self thinks it wants to hold onto, AND, secondly, that the Divine will Heal parts of you and your life that you did not even know needed Healing. Do not fear to admit all to the Divine Source, for It loves you Unconditionally, and will help you release any habits or traits that keep you from your best way to live now as a wondrous demonstration of Joy. There is not punishment, there is only growth in Spiritual Understanding and desire to align oneself with Goodness.

    You are perfect in the Divine Mind, and if you give that Divine Source permission to totally re-make you and use you as a Happy example of Itself, It Will show your Complete Goodness in the mirror of earth-time. It already made you and declared you Good, and that has not changed in the Calm Realm of no-time. Therefore, the reflection of that Original Pure Idea that is you can also show that lovely and lovable Goodness.

    You are so Beloved. Accept it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Think hard today about what you are thinking, and feeling.

    We have told you truly many times that God surely and absolutely desires and Wills your happiness. Your choice is when to embrace that Will and desire your own complete happiness.

    Watch what you are feeling and thinking. Is there a part of you that actually enjoys the drama or bonding of focusing on problems or sorrows, or that finds it fascinating to find human solutions to problems? Do you find it “fun” to solve problems?

    Solutions to the everyday human needs that come by opening your will to God’s Will, and aligning with Divine Joy, can flow in such a way that you feel happy even before complete fulfillment has come. Trusting the Divine Will can bring Peace and Joy within your heart, that is present always, even when the momentary material evidence seems to show disrupts or irregularities.

    Take loving care of your own intentions, so that rather than becoming addicted to solving problems humanly or secretly enjoying the drama of angst, you smoothly and trustingly join your will to Divine Will, and expect, expect, expect Joy, and the seeing of God’s Will for your happiness be done.

    And so it is.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Even as one realizes the delightful gift of how Divine Love refills the heart, even as one is giving It away, there comes a desire to give it to all. Silently, in your heart, do give It to all.

    But if there are those around you who do not thirst for It yet, or do not yet realize that they thirst for It, give It only silently, or as It naturally comes forth in your own witnessing.

    Let It be a welcome offering to their throats, when they inquire about the Source of your water of Peace. Let the Inner Voice of One Spirit guide you when to speak, as ever, as ever, as ever.
