Ah, Beloved,
All together, all are Totally One Pure Spirit, reflecting, and within, the Divine.
Totally One Pure Spirit. (TOPS).
I am TOPS.
The more you think about this, including yourself and others, the more easily will One Sure Spirit be able to guide you, and all, through the most blessed destiny of their days.
So, think about it, and think about it, and think about it, until it becomes you.
Ah, Beloved,
Whether darkness is murky grey, or completely black, or brownish or opaque white mistiness—it is still the inability to see clearly. The Light chases it away.
The answer is always to turn to the Light. Do it, Child. Delay not, now.
Ah, Beloved,
“God Loves me, God Loves me, God Loves me,”
“All is Well, All is Well, All is Well,”
This is the Truth that melts your snowflakes of human error. Do not think that even a blizzard of poor earthly choices can put a chill on God. God Loves you and holds your sacred self. Count on it and look to It and get on with your own at-one-ment.
It’s mandatory.
Ah, My Beloved Child,
There is no place you can go that I am not with you. There is nothing you can do or say that would remove you from my Sight and My Love. That which you see as mortal error or terrible mistakes you have made is just a layer of old costume make-up to My perception of you, My KNOWING of you as my only and perfect Child. And all of those that are with you in that Sweet reflection of Myself, that is the One Child, are as equally loved and cherished by Me, as are you.
All I ask is that you Love them as much as I do, and as much as I Love you, so that you may all be awakened into remembrance of that Perfect and One Love.
Be at Peace with this and all Peace comes to you,
Ah, Beloved,
When you fully realize the wonderful release that comes, when you practice blessing somebody who is hurting you, or annoying you, or confusing you, you will rejoice.
The freedom you gain by learning to instantly forgive and bless all of those around you is incomparable. And when you learn to also forgive and bless yourself, even while learning how to better live up to your own standards, and the Golden Rule, you will feel free indeed to learn to completely love.
We already completely Love you. Won”t you join us?
Ah, Beloved,
Observe how often you get lost in the construct of time. Fretting about the past, worrying about the future draws you away from the Blessing of the present. It has become very common to hear about trying to live in the moment, and live in the day and the Now, but it is important to not only talk about it, but to actually do it. And, to not only live in observance and appreciation of the Good that is now, but to trust it.
Specifically, We are urging you to let go of saying “God help me” in a way that implies that God is far away and might someday, if you keep begging Him or Her, give you some aid or some thing someday.
Rather, realize that “God IS Helping me”. Know that God and God’s Harmony and Life and action of Love ARE right here and now, Helping you. “God IS Helping me”.
“God IS Helping me”. Practice that. Trust it, practice it, believe it, and look for Good evidence of it. Feel that Presence embracing and guiding and supporting you, here and right now, AND moving you forward and upward in your Consciousness.
“God IS Helping me.”
Accept the Joy that is offered you now.
Ah, Beloved,
There is always the choice to turn to the delightful willingness of your guardian angel thoughts to help you through an hour, or through the night, or in the five minutes when you are listening for a divine idea to help solve a situation.
They comfort, those angels, but they also inspire, and they Love, Love, Love you without any judgment about mistakes or detours you may have made, are making, or will make. They know the sweet Truth of the Real you, and they know that it is Good.
Trust them. Turn to them. Be glad, and receive. They exist to serve you.
Ah, Beloved,
To be freed from all rules would be misery. Be aware, dear child of Spirit, that the delightful rules of Love that are the very Principle of Mother/Father God Source, are there to help you have greater joy, greater potential fulfilled, greater peace in your heart.
They are helpful road signs. They are glowing guidelines in the fog. They are the steps to serene growth and enjoyment of being. They are good.
Bless them, and let them assist you in your journey.
All Love and happiness to you this day,
Ah, Beloved,
We are certain you will enjoy the words you speak if they are full of Love.
Speak words of Love to yourself each morning, and wait quietly to hear them echoed by God. Wait further, and hear more words of Love from God that God would love to hear sent back to Him/Her. Such is the nature of the constantly emanating thought that is you AND IS the Mind of God, when it is functioning smoothly.
Do you not love it when is is functioning smoothly and harmoniously? Think back on the words you have regretted saying, or even thinking, and you will see that they were not words of Love. Is it not therefore clear that the days would all be more Harmonious if you spoke only words of Love, or Love’s impellment?
We Love to offer Love to you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is only One Mind that holds all. Think about that.
The fact of the Oneness of Spiritual Being enables Its Interfacing Arm, also known as Comforter, or Holy Helper, or by many other names, to know what is the best for absolutely everyone in a situation. Turn to It, and trust It.
Thank the Oneness for inventing this Overseer of the dream of earth, and let your gratitude open your heart to receiving all your best and highest good, your best path through the maze of time, knowing that your best already exists, and all you have to do is trust the Divine Ideas that come to you, and wait or act as instructed to do.
Commune, commune with Love. Let Love hold you, and whisper to you, and know that It will not leave you wanting. Turn to the stories of those who have felt Its Power. Turn to the people you know who have had their faith proved by the Peace they live within, and let the stories and the people inspire you and help lift you to the place of expectation, so that you can surrender to receiving your highest Good, which is also Good for all.
Every day, Beloved, every day do this,
Ah, Beloved,
We are grateful to you when you do what the Divine Voice within asks you to do. We know it does not always feel convenient or timely to the human self. We know that your words or actions sometimes cause others around you to regard you as a fool.
But we also know that hearts are opened and lifted. We also know that compassion is taught. We also see, and We want you to understand that, generosity always comes back around, and that choosing Peace over “being right” is never a mistake.
Accept our payment of gratitude, Beloved, and keep on, keep on, keep on, knowing that you walk within the Oneness of Love.
Ah, Beloved,
“As above, so below” is a deceiving thought if interpreted as physical matter and space and time. Think of it, rather, Beloved, as uplifted Thought lifting you and those around you into a new, high awareness of your innocence and their innocence, and perfection, in the perfect Thoughts of God.
Be at Peace with this,
Let it be today’s simple thought,
Ah, Beloved,
Your True Selfhood cannot be alienated, or separated, from the Divine tender Love, and Intelligence, that are the Source.
That Truth will always aid you, if you but remember to remember, and acknowledge, It.
We tell you the truth,
Ah, Beloved,
Place your love for the Divine Source first. For all the other loves you have really have their cause in that same Source.
Today, sing every love song you know to God. Secure your thought, anchor your heart, in love of God. All the human loves you have ever had, and do have, and will have, are nothing without the Divine Love that supports all.
Take time to celebrate and behold your Love of Love, and all other love, humanly felt, will thrive.
Ah, Beloved,
If your body felt a great thirst after an exertion, you would not deny yourself a drink of water if water were available.
Deny not yourself the deep draughts and comforts of Spirit, for Loving Spirit is always available to you. Learn to recognize when your efforts in life and your thinking both need the sweet boost and adjustments that the Spirit of God freely offers you, and stop, be still, and partake of them.
Yes, of course We hope you have times that you turn to Divine Love each day as an established part of your day. But, just as working outside on a hot day calls for more glasses of water, be very aware of when circumstances and a sense of low energy or patience mean that you need that infusion of Loving Soul Loving Soul, Loving Soul.
This is such a day, this is such a moment, and you know it, dear love. Ask for, and receive, the Everpresent Substance of Grace.
Ah, Beloved,
You have seen that when you have obeyed the call of your heart to give up something, with Divine help, that you have wished you could give up for years—such as an addiction to cigarettes, or to gossip, there is a great relief in your spirit and heart and mind.
Even so, when God/Goddess calls in your heart for you to give up something that you, as human self, believe you still want in your life, there will be relief in your soul if you obey. For giving the small will to the Greater Will involves not only the bad habits of the small will, it also involves what seem to be some of the “good” habits. Meditate on what you hear in your heart, and let your imagination console you by flights of vision that let you see what else the Divine might have in Mind for you, if you give up that cherished item, or relinquish that pleasing afternoon that you spend in a certain activity each week.
If you would say “Let not my will, but Thy Will be done”, and mean it, there can be no limits. Trust It.
The Greater is more Beautiful than you can know with your mind,
Ah, Beloved,
The Real Truth of what you are is like a ball of Golden Light in the Mind of God.
Picture that. Imagine that, and feel suffused with Loving Golden Light.
And when you are feeling really Loved, and really Light, picture those you most care about in Golden balls of Light as well. And when you feel strong, or when you feel the most human despair, picture all of humanity as Golden balls of Light, joined together in the Mind of God. Hold that image as long as, and as often as, you can.
All is Light. All is Love, and there is plenty of Golden Love to go around. Let It do Its Work.
It Inspires, It Creates, and It is always on the job,
Ah, Beloved,
God will never run out of pure Goodness to give you.
Be not afraid to ask.
Ah, Beloved,
When your own thoughts, or those of others, try to make decisions and logical choice scenarios based on past successes and failures, and human understanding, they are leaving out a key thing. God’s Laws and Ways are above human limited laws and ways.
Yes, use your life’s gained wisdom. But remain open to Wisdom and Power that is beyond any limited thinking. Always remember, when making your human “pro and con” lists, and hearing human advice, to keep open the Inner Dialogue with Spirit, and show the willingness to let God unfold the happy Divine Solution, in every circumstance and timing.
Keep the happy truth that God wants your happiness, and good for all, foremost in your thinking.
Ah, Beloved,
You can listen to complicated lectures about soul and spirit. You can read tomes and papers that go on and on about the reasons and philosophies of religion. But, dear, you can also realize that you are never too old, or too sophisticated, to simply “be ye as a little child”, and turn to very simple thoughts throughout the day, to re-center yourself in Love.
Gently repeating, and feeling, small rhymes such as:
“My God, My God Who Loves me dear,
My God, My God Who is always near”,
will do as much to call the Loving Presence into focus in your heart as might long and detailed sermons. Perhaps even more so, if long eruditions make you inattentive.
For God IS always near, and God DOES Love you dear.
“I live within Love Divine. God Loves me all the time.”
You do not need a more complicated address.
Ah, Beloved,
Live today with the gentleness and honesty that you would if it were your last.
Ah, Beloved,
We assure you that God’s Priorities are not the same as the priorities of the human five senses. As you ask to understand God more, and to be more aligned with Divine Purpose, you must be willing and ready for your daily outlook of what is important to change.
Yes, God does want your happiness. But as your Spiritual Self matures, the experiences and perceptions that help with that happiness will come along with the Inner Awakening that is the deeper Joy of God-Substance. Do not madly cling to habitual small earthly joys if they get in the way of the True shining of Soul through you, and throughout your Life.
It will be fine, Beloved. It will be fine.
Let go, and Let Goodness reign,
Ah, Beloved,
When you give the Source your heart, desiring Happiness, you must let the Source define that Happiness for you. Look for It in all small things, and wait to see the truth of It, even if at first it seems disconcerting.
Be pleased and grateful for each Good thing that occurs and so go through your days, watching Happiness accrue, bit by bit by bit. Be absolutely happiest for every new bit of understanding you gain about God.
Ah, Beloved,
We emphasize, turn to thoughts of the Gory, Glory, Gory of God.
No matter what your human needs of the day, the connections can and will come to solve them. Be not attached to just how they get sorted out, and if you feel slighted or shorted in any way, please just turn to the Truism of “All things work together for the Good, for those that Love God.”
If you seem to experience lack or loss in some way, be grateful in advance that the Infinite God will make it up to you in another way. Infinite Resources are part of what God is. Just Love God, and Love the Glory of God, and listen and intuit and discern and obey God’s Voice, and All, All is Well.
All is Well, for you are already Perfect Spirit in the Spirit of God.
Ah, Beloved,
Just as you can probably smell a beloved food recipe being cooked by someone in your home, the moment you enter the door, and identify it correctly, you can learn to trust your Spiritual Sense, with experience.
Unless you are quite practiced at it, it is often easier to feel the palpable Presence of Divine Love with your eyes closed. The images your mind projects can fool you, whether of seeming beauty or disorder and brokenness, and those can distract you from truly feeling the Everpresent Embracing Divine Love. Close your earthly eyes, and ask Loving Soul to help you FEEL the Unconditional Love of God. Love is the Truth, not bodily cues.
It is everywhere. It is everytime. It is you, unfooled by bodily senses. Close your eyes, feel the Love, and be aware of Divine Reality.
There is nothing else like It. Practice, and know your Truth, Lovable and Loving.
Ah, Beloved,
The more attention you pay to the Divine expansiveness in your heart, the more the Divine can give you. It may happen in an instant, or it may take extended time each day, but the more focus, focus, focus you give the Kingdom of Good within you, the more It can Help you and show Itself to you.
It wants to see you happy, Beloved. It wants you to know that Heaven is Real and illusions are not. Pay attention, stay aware of Love, and welcome, welcome, welcome Its Help.
Give it time each day, and It can give you the World of Good.
Ah, Beloved,
As ever, when the “stuff” of daily earthly life, whether of objects or relationships or finances or wellness of body or purpose, seems to overwhelm you with its persistence, return to the simplicity of “Love is my God, God is my Love”.
Return to keeping that thought in your mind throughout the day, so that the Truth of Love can wash all the mirages away. The Thoughts of God can guide you and be with you all the way, and sweet Peace will be your companion.
“God is my Love. Love is my God.”
We Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no certainty in anything that is of the physical world. This Truth comes across in your culture as various sayings such as “the only thing that doesn”t change is change itself”.
But We tell you, the Source does not change. Every time a friend changes, or a partner or job or circumstance or home changes, remember the True Changelessness of God-Source, and that It has foreseen and planned and sustains only Good for you. Look to Spirit in your Heart of heart, where only Love is offered to you, and Changeless support and idea and sustenance of Hope. Rest there. Be revived there. Know you are Loved, and Be Love.
Ah, Beloved,
We know that when we urge you to forgive the foolish actions, and ungodly behavior, that play out on the surface level of the human dream, you think there is not enough love in you to forgive certain things.
That is why we so frequently ask you to really ponder, and open yourself to experiencing, Infinity. When the sweet epiphany and embrace of Divine Love so suffuses your awareness, that you are convinced of Its Power and Graciousness washing away of all your own errors and ungenerous illusions, you will also have an inkling of how endless the supply of cleansing Divine Love is.
Feeling that Living Endless Love will help you realize that there is plenty of It to overcome the errors of all, to fill all, to surround and uphold and redeem all. Offering Divine Love forth to those whom you do not humanly love does not deprive you of Love. There is Plenty of Love. It forgives, It adjusts, It teaches and reforms. There is enough Of Love Divine for all.
There is Plenty, there is Plenty, there is Plenty of Love Divine. Offer It forth. Ask It to awaken all.
Ah, Beloved,
“I am a sweet expression of the desires of God for my life.”
“More and more of the honor and trust and approval and love for Creation shine through me, from the Creator, as I let my worldly concerns fall away, and I am a clearer and clearer transparency for the Light of God to shine through.”
That IS your mission today, Love. Be it.
Always with you!
Ah, Beloveds,
Never forget that the greatest gift of Spirit is Unconditional Love. Giving that, wordlessly, is always a good response to anyone before you, and to yourself.
Truth spoken without love is like truth being offered on the point of a knife. Truth offered eloquently but without the utter peacefulness of Divine Love is like truth offered with a gun in one hand.
Practice, practice giving silent Divine Love, and let the other gifts of Spirit grow from there.
Always offering Love to you,
Ah, Beloved,
You may not believe all the various rules of the religion you were raised in, or the religions or systems of spirituality you are exposed to, but if you do even believe in loving the Divine Maker, and loving yourself, and living by the Golden Rule, then think about this: How much time each day do you spend following the various rules of your world? How much time each day do you spend just stopping at stop signs or obeying basic telephone courtesy?
Will you make a choice to spend as much quiet time communing with the Divine Creation that made you as you spend at stop signs each day? Or, will you give equal time to centering yourself in the dynamic energy of Peace that is the Divine, as you give to checking your email folder each day?
Begin in such small ways, and let you prove to yourself how delightful and energizing it can be, to feed your Inner Self in small increments by honoring God’s Law the way you honor human law and convention. Let yourself be amazed at the ways in which God’s Law of Love begins to operate in your life, when you let yourself give time to it, and receive It in return.
God is not greedy, except in wanting more happiness for you,
Ah, Beloved,
You will find it easier to forgive if you ask Spirit to gently remind you of times that friends, family, or acquaintances or strangers have wordlessly forgiven you, when you played the fool, or were rude or unloving, or made a moral error. We assure you it has happened, including times you were oblivious to the hurt you were causing.
Forgive yourself, be VERY Grateful you were forgiven, and then stay alert to forgiving others silently and speedily, freeing yourself to stay in a Holy and Empowered state of Mind.
Forgive, forgive, and walk in Grace, leaving the adjustments and ministrations needed in the Wise Hands of God.
God Loves you. Accept that God Loves all, beyond their errors.
Ah, Beloved,
You know how easy it is to feel compassion for one whom you see who is suffering from a crippled foot, or a wounded arm, or a gash to the head. You very naturally wish to pray for the healing, the wholeness, of that person to be revealed.
When confronted with someone who seems to have a vicious personality, or a lying character, or sinful disregard of the feelings of others, you must think of that person as also suffering from some of the wounds of the earth-play world. The false spirit of error and wrong-doing and acting, that falls upon the good spirits that the Creator made, must be seen as one more thing that needs healing. Think of them this way, and have the same compassion that you do for bodily ills, and pray to see them healed and whole and good and true.
Would that not be more pleasant for you than seeing them as hopeless villains?
Take Joy in seeing revealed to you the Good men and Women of God’s making.
Ah, Beloved,
All the days you play here in the earth dream, your human ego self will try to convince you, in small ways and large, in emotional ways and intellectuals acrobatics, that you know more than God does, and can make good decisions on your own.
The sooner you realize that this is not true, and the sooner you resolve to give over your will to God’s Will, each and every day, the more quickly will all go smoothly towards attaining peace of mind and joy of heart.
Your choice is when to consistently do this, Beloved. God has forever. How long do you want to take to step on to the path to the Kingdom within your Heart and Soul?
Ah, Beloved,
To Whom are your grateful?
Is it human ego to human ego that you express your thanks, with bright but empty smiles? Or do you see past that, and let there be the fullness of Thanks that recognizes the Source of all Good?
Are your gifts to one another the gaily wrapped worship of objects or competition, or are they accompanied by sincere Appreciation and Love?
O”, Beloveds, feel not guilty if you have fallen for the sweet but bitter promises of a happiness that comes from only things, but let your Glow of appreciation grow. Grow to be thankful for all the useful and beautiful objects, and then far, far beyond them, to the unending Glow of Appreciation that is the Divine Eye of your heart, appreciating you for being a reflection of the Goodness of God.
You, too, will begin to see with the Divine Eye, and be glad.
Ah, Dear One,
When trying to act and react lovingly to those that are caught in the turmoil of young human-ego identity, do so with humor and mock-effacement, but never sarcasm. Their tender self-image is not strong enough yet to be grasped and set aside. It would dissolve into pieces, and only a sense of shattered nakedness would remain.
In the paradoxical way of truth, one must know fully the self that one isn”t, before one can know who One Is.
Be merciful and compassionate to the young seekers, and simply show them that you delight in them and delight in yourself, and delight in being alive.
We were with you when you were young and we are with them, too,
Ah, Beloved,
Because how you choose to spend your time is your choice, we wait patiently while you look at worldly news and tend to the body and the sensory input of the same. But all the while, Love is Flowing to you and in you and around you, giving you the option of doing what needs to be done, or what you desire to do, but doing it all with Love’s input and advice and support and comfort and inspiration.
Turn to us, if you will. Lean to us and listen to us, as your constant Companion. We live in every heart, and each and every being has the choice to hear us and become the true embodiment of the Good they were created to be.
Cheering you on to be your Best,
Ah, Beloved,
Thank the Source that It knows you better than you know yourself, and continue in this silent thanks until Calmness fills you, and ideas and events and people fall into place for the Solutions that you need for your Best Destiny.
Continue in thanks, thanks, thanks, and use any time spent “waiting” to be kind to yourself, and kind to others.
How hard is that?
Ah, Beloved,
“Miracles” are very natural to God. They are simply revelations of God’s natural Order and Harmony.
Welcome the understanding and perception of more of Good Harmony, and you WILL see more of It, with Spiritual Sight and discernment. Ask to see God’s Order, and refrain from putting human framework and definitions on how that order should look, but trust that It is Loving and Good.
It is simpler than it seems, Beloved. Let Love hold you, for It already does. You are a very sweet idea moving in the Mind of Love.
Feel it, and Let go,
Ah, Beloved,
God does not punish. God does not create awfulness.
Refine what “God” you believe in, and see the results of pondering a God that creates only Good, is fully noncorporeal Spirit, and is fully with you, seeking to help.
God’s Pleasure IS seeing you abide in Inner Peace and Gladness.
Consider eternal truths, please.
Ah, Beloved,
Imagine you are sitting in a theatre between the Soul and Spirit of The God that made you. Which movie do you want to see? The one God carefully planned for you as a part of the Truths of Divine Life? Or the one defined by only body senses?
“Ask Me each morning, child of Mine, what I have planned for you, Good and Fine.”
And hold hands with Soul and Spirit, and let Love load the film,
Ah, Beloved,
The One Infinite Mind, with Its Soul, Spirit, Truth, Love and Harmony as Divine Law, is the Cause of Good, and salvation from temporal illusion.
God is the Source and Substance of you and yearns to show you your Wholeness.
Keep in mind God as the One Good Cause, for otherwise it is tempting to fall into superstitions, like thinking the delightful idea you just had for a poem happened because you just ate a piece of peach pie. A new recipe for concrete does not come to an engineer because he had coffee at a new spot. A deep communion with Holy Spirit did not happen because you sat on a purple pillow instead of a yellow one.
Stay alert to the material mind trying to credit or blame the visible world. All is Spirit that is what you truly need and want. Think outward from your shared Thoughts with God, rather than attributing power to the fleeting. If a certain small ritual or space helps calm you and helps you feel able to hear God, feel free to indulge it, but know that God is always near, and Clearly available, also in the market or on the road, or when you think you are alone in a tempest.
Look to God for Good. Look to God as the Source of Wonder, and let no superstition snag you.
God is ready, willing, and able to Help. Just know that.
Ah, Joyous One,
Let this day be one in which you consciously choose to celebrate the very existence of life. Celebrate how marvelous it is that a lilac has a witness to its beauty. Celebrate how the wasp, building its mud nest on the rim of a wheel, does not grieve when the wheel moves and its efforts crumble, but just begins to layer new mud in a new location.
Celebrate your own learning, as joy helps you see that each new day brings you closer and closer to knowing yourself, and therefore to knowing God.
Ah, Beloved,
Continue asking Me what use you may be to Me each day, because you Love Me.
Continue reaching out to give a word, because even if it is only for one person that day, it enriches that one and therefore enriches you, and therefore affirms the Completeness of Me.
Continue, continue, continue expressing the Best of yourself within Me, for in that way, even while doing tasks and fulfilling obligations, you can be joyous and free.
Each day and each moment bring new chances to quietly shine with the Still Light of the Source of your Living. Continue, continue to Shine.
Strong in you; use My Strength,
Ah, Beloved,
When the mind awakens in the morning, but the body is still still, claim, claim, claim:
“I am floating in the Perfectly Warm Love of God, like a healthy fish supported Harmoniously on all sides by the enriched water it dwells within, breathing the very oxygen of its home waters.”
“I am swimming in the strong Spirit of God, reveling in Its Tender Embrace, and trusting the currents that aid and guide my journey.”
We know God will Guide you well today, Beloved. Expect Good.
Ah, Beloved,
The God/Goddess Mind holds you in Good Thought. YOU, as Its Thought-Child, are made of Goodness, surrounded by Goodness and supported by Goodness.
Other Good Thoughts, as “people” and as “things”, are in place around you, in order to complete the picture of Goodness that is your life. Be very aware of this, and keep remembering always “I am a Good Thought in the Mind of the Divine Cause, and all the “thoughts” that I need to have surround me, for Goodness to be felt and seen, slip easily into place. As easily as a human mind can imagine a delightful flower, Divine Mind can imagine, and therefore create, all that is needed for Its Children.
Divine Mind’s Thoughts create. They are Reality. Be not confused by this. Just keep remembering that you are a Good Thought in the Divine Mind, and that you are surrounded by all the Good Thoughts you need.
In time, you will understand that you are not a body, you are a delightful thought, a beloved thought, an upheld thought, in Mind,
Be grateful,, and be delighted in God/Goddess Creators,
Ah, Beloved,
It is a mistake to think that you do not need to forgive those who have passed on, or whom you never see because they live in a distant town or land. If there is unforgiveness in your thoughts about them, it is still poisoning you.
Ask for Angelic help, and forgive them, for your own sake. Remember that claiming the illusion of earthly drama to be a thing that cannot rule you, by its sins and sorrows and physical ills, means that you claim this Truth for yourself and for ALL!
Therefore, forgive. Claim that whatever words or acts seemed to hurt you never hurt the True You that is pure Spirit idea, and always happy and free and good. Forgive. And forgive yourself for taking so long to forgive, for the things that are of old, old times very best forgotten.
Always with you, We will never betray you or leave you,
Ah, Beloved,
Rest in My Completeness.
If you hire a food caterer to supply a celebration, it is so good to enjoy your pleasant time without checking and hovering about the service table. So not look for problems. Look for Joy.
And so it is if you learn to trust Divine Love to cater to your human needs. Trust Its Completeness. Rest in the Wise and tender Completeness. You were created and you continue to be catered to. Rest in that Completeness.
Ah, Beloved,
We say to you again, words are not necessary.
Your quiet presence, your utter CONFIDENCE in the Divine Will, is enough. If human words can reassure and calm and comfort, in order for the One Sustaining Life Force to be heard and felt and revealed, then use those things as the Inner Presence directs, but also have true faith in what emanates silently from you, as your willingness to be a clear window through which it shines is taken up, and used and used and used, to shine Light into every dim place.
It is of Good Purpose. You will see. And as It shines through you, you, too, will feel free.
Always cleaning the glass of you,
Ah, Beloved,
You CAN be a SILENT vehicle for healing others, by simply standing by and letting Divine Love pour through you, to them. You can add a smile, you can add a twinkle of compassion from your eyes, but it is Divine Healer that does the Healing and Revealing of Goodness.
Relax, and let It do Its Work.
Then you will realize, it is not that hard,
Ah, Beloved,
Even as you cultivate the discipline and desire to turn immediately to God for advice, comfort, care, and inspiration throughout your day, learn to resist material impulses.
Learn to pause and carefully consider, “Do I want to say that word to someone? Do I want to eat that thing? Do I really want to own that object? Do I indeed want to say no to that request? Do I truly need to take that journey, or try that new activity, or take that person’s counsel?” Ah, Beloved, yes, yes, it is important to explore your talents and contribute to the life of the world and the love of your neighbor, and to create, and give, and participate, but it is so important to do all these things with the constant support and whisper of Divine Love.
Do what you are meant to do in this life, but do so not from thoughtless impulse, but with considered reflection, and calm certainty of Soul.
We help and help again. Just ask Us.
Ah, Beloved,
Trust, trust, trust that your willingness to be the silent seeker for another is understood, acknowledged, and that the love given circles back to your own heart, filling it with Peace.
When you have come to the state of consciousness, that when and where your earthly eyes, or the worlds perceptions, see fault and see loss, that you can choose to inwardly affirm the Unseen Presence of Wholeness in that place and time, then it is important to take the moments you need to do that choosing and affirming, and thus serve the revelation of the Truth. Choose to deny the false evidence of the imperfect, and affirm the Perfection of Good. Worry not about personal credit or claim, seek only to see, see, see the Beauty and Glory of the Unblemished Whole be shared by all.
Spend much of your day in silence, seeing the Unseen Light, where the world would try to have you witness darkness. Enough testifiers to the truth begin to make the truth visible to the ones who have not stopped, or even slowed down, to see the rainbow that appeared while they were driving, driving, driving.
Always we see the ripples that spread from each prayer,
Ah, Beloved,
When you realize how much you look forward to those sweet moments of feeling suffused with the Presence of Love, feeling It will be a priority for you. Then, it will be easier and easier to set aside a few minutes to spend concentrating your focus on the Higher Perception of your Oneness with the Divine.
Then, those small, or seemingly large, material concerns will all be seen as nothing in the Presence of the feeling of purposeful Love and Harmony. The earthly visible can smoothly fit into that Harmony without worry or frantic busy-ness, falling into place gently, around the central focus of your still and joyous reflection of the Source.
Admit to your self how much your time of really, really feeling the Love of God means to you, and the yearning and the commitment become one, and constant, and achieved.
Taking time to focus on that is not weakness, but true strength,
Ah, Beloved,
There is a new certainty among many that their attitudes and states of mind have much to do with their worldly health and success and satisfaction. As we said yesterday, these positive and cheerful and optimistic states of mind are better vehicles through which to draw the power of the Presence of Divine Love, God Source. So it is good that the realization of gracious and upbeat and grateful states of mind is acknowledged as worthy. God works.
What is not yet acknowledged by many is that the Law of Harmony and Goodness that is the Divine Source does not need to follow the laws of humans, or the limited material laws that humans have “discovered”. God-Source operates beyond space and time. Be willing, dear ones, to stay not only humanly positive, but open hearted enough to believe that truly all things are possible to God, so that you do not deprive yourself of fast solutions and instantaneous healings by too firmly fixating on your “physical” bodies (which are just thoughts in God-Mind, really), and regarding “physical laws” as gods unto themselves.
There is much you do not yet know about physics. Trust in the Goodness of God, meanwhile.
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
The emergence of a new Self, and the ability to see the Divine Selves of others, Rather than their animalistic natures, only comes with Divine Help.
Therefore, let your focus today again be to openly receive that Higher Help to See through the eyes of Love.
“O’ dear God, please help me see, what I am in Thee. O”, dear God, please Help me see what others are in Thee.”
Keep focused, dear one, on seeing all with your Highest Spiritual Sight. Keep focused on the High Goal of Living the Kingdom of Heaven within you. It has been done, it can be done, and it will be done for all, as each heart finally turns to God.
We are glad for each heart that chooses its time to Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Let lines and delays simply be more ways that you can close your eyes and focus on knowing “I Am One with God”, or “I am so grateful to Grace”, or whatever Truth you wish to affirm.
To be a willing opening and instrument of Loving Presence now serves you and yours and all and all and all. Do not underestimate the Power of being one who practices patience and centers themselves in Divine Soul. The human moments that annoy can thus become a gift from Spirit to remember who you are, who all are. Who God IS.
Ah, Beloved,
Remember, before you ever open your eyes in the morning, there is a choice that you make. You choose whether to live your day reacting to what you think is outside of yourself, or you realize that you create what you perceive and focus on, from in your own mind and heart.
“This is the day that Goodness (God) has made. I shall rejoice in it and be Glad. I shall see the lovable and be lovable, I shall know the Goodness to be seen and let being part of It be my life. I shall trust in Grace and give Grace. I shall act as a Child of God.”
Be that, Beloved. Be only that. If you have begun your day in fear or anger or boredom, close your eyes and begin again, living the day in Good action rather than reaction to the illusions that try to rule your Soul.
Align yourself with the One Good Mind,
Ah, Beloved,
“Good God, I allow Thy Will to be my will today, showing me every good act and thought and word. I ask You to enable me to accept Thy Will always, knowing Your Wisdom and Grace.”
“I float in the Air of Your Love.” Amen.
Just a suggestion, dear,
Ah, Beloved,
What the original does not have, the reflection CANNOT have.
This above all you need to remember, so that if you (or any other) are seeming to demonstrate a quality that is not a Quality of God, clean the mirror with quiet hope and prayer, and look again.
We have plenty of experience in cleaning. Ask for our help,
Ah, Beloved,
As you encounter those who are simply not ready to remember their full heritage as parts of Oneness, be kind. Let unconditional kindness be your task today.
The patience and wisdom for this are easier if you remember your own path of growth, and recognize your own knowledge of how far you must still go to finish awakening. The understanding to fuel the kindness is deeper if you realize how easily you accept that a child will not readily give up his empty sweets, until his palate is developed enough to appreciate the richness of wholesome sustenance, and the subtlety of complex combinations of spices and herbs and full flavors.
Include yourself in the unconditional kindness, Beloved. What do you yet cling to? What do you yet see the value of that is, in Truth, only part of the illusion? Be not too proud to admit that although there are many things you have let go of that were annoyances, there are yet many things you hold near to you, from affection, or habit. Let humbleness be the doorstop that holds open the door to your own continued growth, and kindness the balm that keeps your eyes open to see the Way.
Ah, Beloved,
If you keep your focus on the high understanding of what you, and all, are, as the shared Soul of Love, you cannot help but progress in it.
Do not spend much time looking back, but if you but even glance that way, you will comprehend how far you have progressed in revealing your own Good self to yourself. The kind and compassionate and wise decisions that you make now are a far improvement from some of the impulses of the past. And the joyous and loving choices you make now, and can continue to make, will open your perception even more, to all that you really are in God’s eyes.
You are a Beloved image and idea, and serenity will fill your Consciousness as you fully embrace that truth.
Keep on, dear one. Keep on.
Ah, Beloved,
“Our Source, Thanks for being what You are. Thanks for sending Your Goodness to this situation and these people, and this time and place. We willingly and gratefully expect and wait for your Good resolution to appear, to come into our hearts and minds.”
We relax softly into anticipatory gratitude, knowing that your Good Will is always done, for the Highest and Best Good of all.”
There IS, Beloved, a Truth that always applies,
Ah, Beloved,
At Home in God, at Home in God, at Home in God.
“I forgot for a moment, I am already right here at Home in God.”
“Clear and clean, the Life Force that I am dances here in the Mind of God.
The mist of error falls away, I am at Home right now in God, and today I remember all day, I am at Home already in God.”
Be Satisfied. Stay satisfied with that.
Ah, Beloved,
Look around you. The wondrous invisible Good cannot be directly seen, it is true. But the effects of It can be seen. Compassion is invisible but you can see the actions It produces. Love has no color, but you can see that It has incredible strength and power when used in every situation. Forgiveness has no material dimensions, but Its reach is infinite.
Today, Beloved, be grateful for the underlying Unseen Divine Qualities that move the earthly good that you do see around you. Focus on thinking about It, and appreciating It.
Just as you cannot see the wind, and you do not know exactly which branches it will move, you cannot see the Infinite and how It will sway Consciousness, but you can ponder and welcome Its Goodness into your own heart, as It moves your thoughts and actions, and ask It to move well in the hearts of others.
Ah, Beloved,
Omniscient Mind knows who is on your mind. When you are sincerely praying to be enabled to Spiritually See the Best Harmonic version of the members of your family, your friends, and all those in the orbit of your thought, and yourself, Omniscient Mind already knows of them. Trust that.
Do not fret if you forget to list someone, and do not let it feel like a chore to list everyone. The insidious whisper that prayer is a chore that is too hard is truly a sign that it is urgent to simply ponder “Love is All”, and to be filled with Pure Love and suffused with Love, and feel surrounded and uplifted by Love.
In that State of Grace, you will know in your heart that Omnipotent Mind knows what is in your heart and who is on your mind, and it will be clear to your spiritual perceptions that Love already covers and Governs all. Then, prayer will not feel like just one more chore on the daily list, but like an eagerly awaited time and place of Bliss, a smooth Harmony that you yearn to turn to, again and again, until you become one who truly does move through your days “praying without ceasing”. For to listen to the Divine Mind Voice constantly is to stay in alignment with Calm Joy, ever expanding the boundaries of Harmonic Love, until It envelops your perceptions of absolutely everyone and everything.
This ascension of thought is possible for everyone. It is your task to let it happen in you.
“I shall allow God’s Loving Thoughts to be my thoughts. I shall stay aware I am part of Love.” And you will be delighted.
As are We,
Ah, Beloved,
It is a Joyful day indeed if you can waken in the morning and calmly resolve and declare that this day of Now, and all future days of Now, are firmly in the Hands of God. Surrender to the Parenting of the Divine, knowing and trusting that God is a Good Parent.
Let go of any fear. God teaches you only with Love, and it is only illusions you relinquish.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no such thing as partial surrender.
Either the material dream is true, or the Will of God is true.
To pray “Not my will, but Thy Will be done”, but to amend it, in your “private” thoughts with such exclusions as “except for… this stone, or this friend, or this house or this job”, etc., is to delay the unfolding of your Best Destiny. Anything that is Good for that Destiny will still be with you in the Good earth dream, Beloved, but you must be willing to let go and let God choose which things, which thoughts, are which. Let a Loving Creator show you what is Best for you.
What are you clinging to and demanding that God not change?
Loving you deeply,
Ah, Beloved,
Even when you must verbally correct someone, pointing out the impulse to defense or rage they are considering expressing, please do so with Love, Love, Love.
And, throughout, maintain your own centeredness in Love, remembering that It alone has the Power to heal, and that your job is to just stay aligned enough with Its rays to let It flow through you.
“You can of your own self do nothing”, just let Love flow,
Ah, Beloved,
When you are taking a long hike, you know what a wonderful relief it can be to just lean against a strong tree for a few minutes and catch your breath, or to find a stable boulder to rest upon. Then you are ready to face the next mile with renewed energy.
Just so, as you are gaining in your understanding of the Reality of God, you can lean against the strength of whatever level you have attained, and be blessed by a renewed energy. You can relax yourself on the stable Truth you have reached so far, and expect to be Blessed.
You can do this at every level of understanding. Anytime your energy or wisdom or joy feels low, stop and lean against the Love that you have come to know is there for you, and for all. Every time you feel you need to catch your breath, or take a refreshing drink of the water of Spirit, sit down on the boulder of High Consciousness, and be renewed.
Rest, and expect to be Blessed. And while tuned to that Consciousness, send thoughts of Hope and Love to all that are part of that Consciousness with you.
There is greater Understanding to be reached for all. Trust It to guide you, and supply you with answers now. It WILL do so, and heal you with Its Joy and Appreciation of you.
Ah, Beloved,
Forgiving, forgiving, forgiving clears the way for you to be a conduit of God’s Grace and Healing, Seeing as God Sees and revealing the Wholeness and Goodness of Divine Soul in all.
Even if your human thoughts see no reason to forgive, and you cannot understand the metaphysical arguments for it, just do it so that your own energy for Life is not depleted by anger, and because you have the Full Desire to be an instrument for the Perfect Light of God.
To be that useful and blessed instrument, clear your spiritual sight by forgiving, forgiving, forgiving. The Joy and Truth that will fill your heart will be sweet and complete indeed.
Help Us Help you. Forgive.
Ah, Beloved,
There is absolutely no reason to be afraid to talk to God, or to hear the Divine solace and advice for the human situation. God only gives, and God only gives Love.
God is the Best Friend you do have, or can have, or will ever have. Talk to God that way. Listen to God that way. It is true that, like a good friend, God may give you advice that is not what you fantasized hearing, like about it being time to give up a certain habit, or a certain endeavor, but even if you do not take that advice right away, God will still Love you, and is still your Best Friend.
You can count on that. Count on that, and act like you do.
We are here to help,
Ah, Beloved,
Picture a gorge through which a river flows. Sometimes, when your way seems to grow narrower and narrower, it is so that the waters of Spirit may be concentrated into the fullness of Their power. Then, Spirit can burst forth from the deep channel of the gorge, with a surge of enough Divine Force to carve stone.
The “natural” laws of the earth may seem to be very hard stone, Beloved, but nothing can stop the waters of Spirit when they concentrate, and combine, pour over a spot that needs change.
Relax into the depths that are being carved, and wait,
Ah, Beloved,
The inner awareness of full healing will often come before the outer manifestation.
Therefore, DO monitor the feelings of Peace and quiet Joy that fill your heart, but do not endlessly look at the cut on the skin, or the scales, or in the mailbox, or at the actions of the loved one. Watch and wait for the fullness of Heart Love, and abide in that. and then rejoice, later, when you happen to notice that the worldly effect has aligned itself in Harmony as well.
Dwell in the Kingdom of Peace ,
Ah, Beloved,
Each day can seem like a wonderful surprise gift about to be unwrapped. Remind yourself of all the Good that has happened to you in all the years of your living, and let the swell of great gratitude carry you upward into expectations of Good occurring today.
Yes, turn to the familiar comforts and routines, and ways you share your gifts with the world, but also be completely open to being filled with Joy at the unexpected.
Asking God for opportunities to serve Good today is one way of doing this. Ask for that privilege, and be raised up to the fulfillment of Soul.
So with you,
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
We know Spirit held you in special tender embrace through the night.
Accept that Love. Expect Happiness. Allow it to be a choice you make.
Happiness can be seen in the moments of your day, and in the outlook of your thoughts and open, unqualified expectation of Goodness. Let your thoughts and your sight have the mist blown off of them by LOVE and begin to see anew.
If you accidently leave on your “3-D” glasses when you leave a theatre, and the people and objects look hazy, it is not the people that need to be fixed. It is your sight that needs correcting by taking off the falsifying lenses.
Take off the human lenses of judgment, Beloved, and see clearly the Goodness of God.
We see the Goodness of you,
Ah, Beloved,
What cannot God do?
Pay attention when you find yourself avoiding applying the Law of Harmony that is God to certain areas of your life, your thoughts and feelings. God can do anything, and absolutely is not limited by human limiting beliefs. Only you are limited by your own limited beliefs.
Are you harboring a secret belief that God cannot help you in a certain area of your life experience? Are you perhaps scared to hear the answer or advice God might give you about that thing. That is what surrender and letting go to the Will of God is about, trusting that God wants what Blesses you and Blesses all. The short sighted human thoughts cannot always see the consequences, the out-play, of choices and actions. Trust the Infinite view, Beloved, and be willing to ask God to guide you in each and every area of your life. No detail, no tooth, no finger or toe or inspiration for the perfect word to say is beyond the purview of God.
Be willing to hear. Be willing to consider. Be willing to trust to Love.
Omnipotent Love,
Ah, Beloved,
The Law of Good is operating always. You cannot read it in the human law books, but it is functioning in every heart and soul idea, cleaning and directing and providing and correcting and containing and restraining and guiding, guiding, guiding to Love.
We know it is achieved, and it is done. Where time seems to still swirl in the lists of days, it seems unfinished. But We know you have moments wherein you glimpse It. Reach for and cherish those moments, and trust that the Good that knows and creates your unfolding is unbounded. You cannot be without Its Loving Grasp.
Seek to feel It tenderly holding you today. Your Good ideas are Its Good ideas.
Ah, Beloved,
The Joy of the Source wells up and spills over into all Its ideas, constantly.
Only if you have built false dams of grievance and blame are you prevented from bathing in that Joy. Let go of the judgments and grudges that human thought would try to use to hold back the waters of Joy, and feel the refreshing cleansing of the true nature of the Divine.
Nothing changes in the truth. Just choose to remember it each morning,
With utter Love,
Ah, Beloved,
In Spiritual existence, which is the immortal reality of you, there is no such thing as “a table for one.”
If worldly circumstances of the moment, or changes that have occurred, make it seem as though you are eating alone, or walking alone, or living or working alone, remember that Divine Spirit is constantly with you. Let your “alone” times be times when you commune with the Spirit of God, talk and listen to the Soul of all, and have quiet loving gazes into the eyes of the Living Life-Maker that is your constant Companion.
No loneliness exists when you remember God,
Ah, Beloved,
“Hearten me, dear God, by showing me your Goodness, today. Open my eyes so that I may see the Law of Goodness today, everywhere, and in every thing, and governing my every thought. I release my thoughts to you, dear, dear God. I release my thoughts to you, and I desire to, I ask, to see Yours.”
Ah, Beloved,
As ever, we urge you to share what you know, when others are attracted to the nectar of your Peace. The Light cannot and should not be hidden, but neither should it be forced into the eyes of those who cringe and cover their face when they see It.
Unseen by human eyes, the inner Teacher is busy hinting at greater Truths than physical senses can perceive. That Inner Teacher knows exactly at what pace to introduce new ideas to the consciousness of Its host, and to have new people enter the human experience, to challenge old ideas and suggest new ones. Each individual must be touched by such Divine Love that they seek to hold on to It, or are touched by such unsureness of their mortal selves that they seek the Light for solace, and for explanation. Once the openness is there, God acts, or, more correctly, God comes forth, for God has never stopped being God while one small consciousness tried to
If you are a small part of that for someone else, as others have been for you, act as bidden by the Inner Being, and trust in the greater Plan of God to awaken each and every soul.
As you teach you learn, of course,
Ah, Beloved,
Free will cannot be bought. Free will cannot be ignored or argued away.
If Inner Spirit has gifted you with the knowledge or vision of another’s potential, do your best to offer the Divine Love that wells up in you in recognition of the full Well of God-waters in that other one. Do your best to be available for the free-will invitation or asking of the other, for help in opening the cover of that Divine Well.
But if the other does not choose God, Beloved, that free will choice must be respected. If the other chooses to cling to the false bright-seeming charms of the world, and will not relinquish the control of the ego, then that choice must be respected. It is still your free will choice to call to the Divine in that other person’s behalf, lending your share of Grace to be ready to be welcomed into the other heart when the other heart is ready, but let the One Spirit be in charge. Let the One Spirit stand guard at the closed heart that has so wrapped itself in pain and the worldly ways. Divine Spirit will wait there, ever ready, and It will know when It has been sincerely invited in, ever offering Itself until that time comes.
In the meanwhile, pray and give energy of hope and expectation, but do not let your own spirit and mission be waylaid by the choices of others to wait and wait and wait to See. Be thou that which thou art, giving Love and Seed to fertile ground, wherever you encounter it. Remember, the Divine lets each child play in the imagination of earth-consciousness as long as that child likes, and then welcomes the child Blissfully when that one chooses God-consciousness. Remember, if any child chooses to live his or her self-made world role instead of choosing the Presence of God and the role God needs played to enact the Play of Awakening, God has plenty of stand-ins available.
When someone near you says “no” to God, (which really means “not yet”, for the end is already Seen), trust that God will find another to play any crucial role, in every branching of time. God” Plan cannot be sabotaged by any child’s imaginings, and time does lead back to God.
Every branch is connected to the same Source,
Ah, Beloved,
You have understood this before, and you can again and again: the moment you feel your own feelings swirl into confusion or doubt or irritation, or uncertainty about the Divine Cause being the ONLY cause, and if you reach for the constantly available communion of the Inner Voice but feel that you cannot smoothly connect with it, then reach to It for someone else. Pause your own emotions and thoughts, call up inspired thought or written sacred word, and send a prayer far away to one in need. Call another and read forth some inspiration. Stand up and speak to a group, or to one. Take a walk and minister encouragement to those you encounter. Any action that starts the flow of sending your own Godness, your own “Goodness”, into the world will enable you to start the flow again for your own sweet communion with, and nurturing and inspiration from, the Source Divine.
It works all the time. Try it and see.
Always sending God Thoughts and Love to you, and that keeps us in the Heavenly Frame,
Ah, Beloved,
The Joy in knowing that obedience to the Inner Voice’s ideas will bring happiness, and will bring the willingness and the strength and opportunities needed for the earthly reflection to accurately image the Truth that you and your life already ARE, in the Divine Mind, is a very great Joy.
Read that again. Read it again and again, if you need to, to let it soak down into your Heart of heart, and be as Blessed as you are, by your right as a royal idea in the Mind of God.
As always, in Love,
Ah, Beloved,
We say again, Love is long-suffering, patient and kind. If you feel even the slightest hint of irritation or anger when a child or a spouse or a friend asks you to do a favor, then it is not Love you are feeling. Reach always for the Love that is beyond the human emotion called “love”, and see the Divine of the Other that is your self. Only thus can you feel true Joy for the good fortune of others, and so draw that Joy also to yourself.
Giving is receiving, and it is the lesson that you relearn every day.
We are with you in this. Ask for endurance,
Ah, Beloved,
Thank-you. We are grateful to you. The Divine Whole, of which you are a part, is grateful to you for being a shining expression of What It Is.
We often tell you to be grateful, and to live with an attitude of gratitude, so that you will be open to receiving the flow of Life through you as Its expression, but you need to realize also how much We, and All That Is, are grateful to you.
Each time you perform an act of unrecognized kindness, it is important to the healing and awakening of all. Each time you catch yourself thinking a judgmental or angry thought about someone, and bless that person, silently or aloud, instead, we thank-you. Each time you recognize, with a softening of the heart in deep compassion, that the person before you is only acting inappropriately because he or she has been so deeply wounded by earthly life, we gratefully add your feeling of Compassion to the stockpile of It that serves the world.
So, Thank-you. Know that all the other facets of the Diamond of All That Is thank-you when you shimmer with the Pure Light that wants to re-light every cloudy and dim part that hides any part of Its Shine. We are grateful to you. We are grateful for you.
Always appreciating you, even as we guide,
Ah, Beloved,
The Force that can clear away the mist of your days, and let you keenly and truly see your high way, is always available to you.
The Life and Soul Mind of God, that creates the good thoughts in your mind, will Guide you. Practice allowing It, Beloved, and gladly clear away the fog. Just ask, and allow.
Trust that as you see and think and feel as a mind within One Mind, much Joy will be revealed.
Ah, Beloved,
Where there is Love, there is always a way, for Love Governs.
Trust in that Governance of Love. Your task is to make sure that you are oriented to that Love, so that It flows through you smoothly. Do not let irritation or momentary earthly greed or discontent let you drift sideways, so that the flow of Love is impeded.
If you want the complete Flow, then let yourself be completely true to that. It IS simple, and yet it is the work of complete commitment and focus. It is worth it, Love. Indeed, It is the only worth there is.
Always aligned with you, Helping,
Ah, Beloved,
Walking through the forest, looking at individual trees, it is true that one does not have a sense of the whole forest at once. But, as one journeys through, becoming intimately acquainted with each kind of bark, and every patch of moss, and the open clearings that let in the light of the sun, the cumulative effect DOES give one an awareness of the totality. Around and around, bit by bit, the beauty and wealth and complete relationship of it can weave together in your mind.
This is the approach you must take now, dear one, in realizing the qualities and wonder of your life, and all lives, and your home, as a whole. Each bit of excellence and good must be noted and appreciated, each fallen log that feeds the earth as it decays can be thanked, each moment that gives you brave ideas must be celebrated and remembered. When you cannot see the overall, you can still work to know It in the cumulative wisdom of your soul, as well as the visible facts that pile up in your mind.
All is well, Beloved. Soldier on in your gentle way, and know that you are making progress, even when the forest of life seems just like a maze. Love is fusing all your knowledge together and showing you the Best way through, and the Best Joy of each detail.
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. All, the Whole, is Well.
Ah, Beloved,
Praise God.
All the day, in every way, praise God and all He/She is. Speak and think praises that the Qualities of God are in each and every part of your life. Claim them through praise, because there is indeed no spot where God is not.
Ah, Beloved,
Let go of telling yourself, and others, “your” story, and just watch the story that the Divine already wrote for you, told of you, “IS” you. Let there be peace today, in spending the time watching God be revealed as your Life, and as the Life of the things, pets, places, work and relationships that are around you.
Act, and react, as if only Good exists, Beloved, for only Good does exist. To waste energy reacting to, and battling with, and worrying about, the problems or un-eases or lacks or illnesses that the illusion is pretending to be, is to rob yourself of another delightful day of watching the Divine tell Its story. Turn to the Divine story today, Beloved, and watch and be delighted.
It is why the “Sabbath day” (or Sabbath minute or hour) is so important, Beloved—that there be time taken to just watch the play of the Creator be shown, without being distracted by the little endless tasks and trip-ups the world would try to make you think you “must” deal with. Do what you must for love and grace, but just relax into appreciating the good that is already with you, and that unfolds and blossoms before your eyes, and let there be Peace, today.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
Even when you doubt the whispers that you hear in your heart, your True Inner Advisor stays steadfast. If you are wondering whether the small voice you are hearing within is your Divine Advisor or not, ask it. The still, small Voice of your connection to the Whole will stay consistent and Loving and Calm. It is ever-patient with your delays and your doubts, and will not leave you.
Your emotional human ego-self will wisp away if confronted with the question of whether it is Divine Intention. It will try to come back later with reasons and fears and rationalizations, or wander into your thoughts and desires in other guises. Do not be afraid to ask it directly “Is this which I hear the Highest Guidance of the Divine Light?”
If it flees, it is not. If it peacefully stays, and waits for your fears to recede, It is of the Goodness that wants only your Peace and your remembrance of the Joy of being part of the Whole.
The Holy has forever to bring you Home, for there is no time there,
Ah, Beloved,
As the phases of true prayer become more and more clear in your mind, of acknowledgement of One Divinity that embraces All, Listening to Its Voice in you, Obeying, and Being Grateful, you will release how foolish entreaty is. Waste not a moment in analyzing and trying to mentally “fix” the dream of earth—just let yourself focus on the Peace and the Joy that you wish to see manifest in the dream , for all, before the dream finally is awakened from by all. As you stay focused on those Truths of the Realm of Peace, and obey what Divine Voice whispers as your part to play in the Play, All is Well.
Learning comes from play. Just watch any child to know it is so. Play well, Child, play well. The dream figures come and go, but the ones that are projections of God’s Thoughts are the ones that bring Deep Joy.
As ever,
Ah, Beloved,
As you journey through, and camp in, a seeming place full of endings and interruptions, where you have become accustomed to things being “out of order”, or “not responding”, or tired, or infected with electronic viruses, or wearing out, etc., etc., remember there is a different way to think. Think about that which does not change. Think about that which is always available to you. Think about the Loving Source that holds the original, unblemished version of you as Its, the only, Reality.
The distorted shadow and mist of Perfect Creation whispers in, and waits in, the depth of your Heart always. Even in the midst of breakage, or confusion or mess, you can put it all down, take your thought away from any and all evidence of bodily senses, and turn to the delightful Flow of Peace and Tenderness that offers Itself to you eternally.
O”, do practice doing so, Beloved. Practice realizing that you actually exist within that Eternal Essence, so that when your body-dream senses would try to overcome you, or having you believe that all is only brokenness, you are practiced and skilled at KNOWING the Infinite Peace is with you, and for you, and NEVER “out of order”.
ALWAYS, Delight yourself with this,
Ah, Beloved,
It is not about human virtue or piety. It is about being willing to set aside your own goodness or wickedness or errors, and letting God/Goddess/All That Is work through you, and through others. It is about forgetting the self, and letting the All BE All.
Yes, there is no doubt that being humanly good and kind is a worthy goal, and working towards it will help you realize that the Divine gleams under everything, as you learn to love the other as self. But to think that the Divine cannot work through you, or through another, unless you are perfectly pure is only arrogance in another form.
Some of the greatest healing in your life may come through events that are grim, or through people that you might think of as unsavory. In the words or expression of one whom you consider a personal or business enemy, there may come a personal message for you from the Divine. A single phrase may leap out of context from a conversation or a letter and seem illumined, and just the answer you had been searching for. Allow the openness of heart and seeking that lets you be aware that the Divine Reveals Itself where and when It chooses, without any regard to how the world views that person, place or thing.
Your private, unique Divine revelation may come today from a broken stem, a homeless waif, the icon of a saint, or from an old note in a winter coat, or from an overheard sentence in a restaurant. Be open, and let All Be Revealed, for is That not what you want?
Ah, change how you spend your time, giving what is precious to you to What is Within, and watch how the exterior appearance of your life changes as well. Like a pumpkin growing from a seed that seems to hold only a speck or two of flesh, you will grow into what you have always been, through the addition of time, and the Water of Spirit.
All Things are indeed possible, Child,
Ah, Beloved,
When you re-make the daily self, when you change to become more of one that chooses the progress of the soul Spiritward, you do not change alone. Changing your thoughts and focus also changes what you see in others and all around you.
Let not your own old ways seduce you now. ADMIT, in honesty with yourself, that much of what used to feel good does not please you now. Admit that what might have satisfied you or made you feel complete now has been outgrown.
Realize that the sense of purpose, and appreciation of all that is Good, that are the experiences that content you now, mean new ways of acting, and fresh perceiving. Savor the new ways you see of being, and be very grateful for the attributes of inspiring qualities you see in the beliefs and behaviors of all around you now.
As you allow Goodness to show forth in yourself, you will see more of it in all.
You are not alone, darling one,
Ah, Beloved,
To the human who is trying to give up some temptations of worldliness, in order to spend more time better knowing the Realm of the Divine Truth, there are many temptations that are obvious, and, at first, still alluring—frittering away some days with idle reading, or choosing the extra hour of play over the heart’s call to center and be still.
Less obvious, and perhaps even harder to relinquish, is a relapse into melancholy. Whether it is a sorrow brought on by a certain event, or whether it is an old state of mind that was habitual before being born into the Joy of Spirit, melancholy IS a temptation, and an easy excuse for the ego to urge the True Self to give up the seeking of God-Knowledge.
Know this, and name it, and let it not have you. Just as the adult understands, when the child does not, that the third candy bar will make you feel ill instead of happy, so let your mature spiritual self understand that sorrow indulged overlong does not lead to Joy.
Make knowing God/Goddess your challenge, and your joy,
Ah, Beloved,
The Unseen Force of the Source, and all of Its manifestations, WANT to support you. They already support you in ways unseen to you, but they want your permission to reveal your natural heritage of Harmony to you in ways you can see, as well. They simply wait for you to ask. They simply wait for you to ask to see your individual Divine Harmony revealed, that They might know your willingness to receive that which is your exact and perfect role in the play, with all of its costumes and inheritance and accoutrements.
Know yourself Blesses, for you are Blessed, Beloved. Declare “I am Blessed” and then look around you and praise those Blessings. Some are visible. Some are invisible. Praise them all, Beloved. Praise them all without ceasing.
We See them. Look with us,