All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    No problems have the right to rule your life. Only God does.

    Think about that.

    As ever, with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be not afraid to ask BOLDLY for all that is True to BE true in your earthly play.

    The humble willingness to turn all things and people and circumstances over to God is the simple thing you must do to enact this. Like an artist who recognizes that too much paint has been smeared around on her canvas, and acceptingly sets it aside and starts with a fresh canvas, be willing to set aside all of what you thought you wanted, and let the Maker paint your picture of existence anew.

    “I want what the Divine KNOWS as Truth, to be true, here and now”,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Nothing convinces the doubting human mind of the effectiveness of turning to God’s Loving Law of Harmonization like personally experiencing it. You can hear testimony from others, or read about wonderful solutions that came through for those who turned to Divine Love or help, but the mortal mind will doubt and wonder if that wasn”t chance or imagination.

    So, it is important for your own understanding and belief, to prove for yourself that gladly handing over your small human will to God’s Will and Grace in any distressing situation does bring healing and insights and inspiration that leads to Good. You can do this. The wondrous Power of the Presence of God in which you dwell is delighted to help you, if you ask from the truth of the Spirit that is your Life.

    Prove for yourself that the Goodness of God is True and you need never doubt again.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What does it really mean—”Give us this day our daily bread”?

    Try this, today: “I Love you, God. Show me yourself, today, in all the saints and angels that inhabit this state of your Mind. Help me see all within You as saints and angels. Help them see the saint and angels of me. Let my sight clearly see all the Good you made. Let my ears clearly hear all the Good you speak. Let my heart clearly feel all the Good that you wish for me to do today. Give me this day the knowledge and the Love and perception and wisdom and gladness I need to be the clear reflection of You.”

    “I Love You, God, and I fully accept Your Love for me. Let us move through this day as One, with Your Brightness before me and in me and all around me.”

    THAT will feed you indeed, Beloved, that will feed you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When your responsibilities to God, and to the Best of your Self, become more important to you than anything else, much of what you focus on will change. When your Love for God becomes greater than any human relationship of love, your perspectives and experiences will rise to a new level of wonder and expectation. Human love will then mean much less to you on a material level, but more to you on a recognition of the Godliness of every individual spirit identity.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    As often as you can remember, today, make your prayers and affirmations plural.

    No one comes into full alignment with the Creative Source alone. As you affirm, “I am a Beloved Child of the Universe”, turn it into “We are the Beloved Children of the Universe.”

    Remembering that your body-vehicle is just an instrument made out of energy, for communication of the vibrant Love of God, remember it is true for all. “WE are the instruments, the demonstrations, of God’s talents and Joy.”

    All is One, and you need to lift others up with you, in order to reach the Fullness of Oneness, while still maintaining your individuality. We are all the audience for one another, the completion of one another, the companions of one another, and, when we choose to be, the perfect examples of Good for one another.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Practicing patience provides power.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Staying VERY mindful of, and grateful to, the Infinite Source of all calm you are able to demonstrate, and all inspirational Love you are able to share, is key to being a true force for Good.

    Those who believe their wise counsel and calm demeanors are personal achievements will certainly fail at times. Human will is simply not sustainable on its own. Learn, O”Beloveds, that the humble acknowledgment that you are conduits of Divine Love, that you are expressions of Divine Qualities that comfort and invent and solve and heal, will keep the smooth Flow of Spiritual Support going, even when human strength seems to be completely depleted.

    God is your Strength. God is your Lives. Love Divine is the Provision you should turn to. Be clear on this, set human egos aside, and welcome Wellness, welcome Wellness, welcome Good.

    It is truly the humility that Blesses, as God gives freely to those that open,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Just think what it would mean if all in the world gave the first time of awakening to Me, before they scuttled off to their day.

    Before you begin your tasks, self-assigned, tithe this task to Me: Fully, fully, fully align with the Truth that is Spirit, and the Spirit that is Love, and the Harmony that is the Soul of All. Fill yourself with complete awareness of My Presence, and carry that carefully throughout all the day and night of your dream.

    If you would do that, if all would do that, it would change the way everything seems.

    Take the time it takes to align, dear one, for I willingly Bless all who turn to Me,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    No one believes in God’s Goodness until they are ready. They will give up the whims of illusion in time, with the Loving Help of Spirit.

    For yourself, turn your face from their disbelief. Listen not to the tales of evil.

    Set your heart and thoughts upon the unrelenting Peace of God, and aim to be cleansed and perfect, as God is Perfect. As in Heaven, so in your experience of earth. God helps you do this, in the flow of your joyous faith.

    Many have done it. So can you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You look around in the world made up of the senses, and you seem to see an overwhelming number of people and things to pray for. Individuals and situations needing healing can fill your thoughts and infect those thoughts with a feeling of helplessness or burden or inadequacy.

    But, Beloved, the One Cause, the One Source, God, is the Infinite Thought. It is not your job to “heal” everyone and everything in the orbit of your thoughts. It is only your job to realize that God’s Infinite Mercy can heal all your thoughts, and therefore all around you.

    When you see something that seems to need healing, regard yourself only as a simple first responder. Stay centered and focused in Calm Compassion and Consideration, and call for the full response Team. God is the full and complete response Team, and you let that Team take charge, gratefully stepping back to see the response Team work and heal and be done.

    “God is my full response team”

    “I release to that expertise, and am grateful and confident of an outcome all Good.”

    We rest secure in God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be a new and fresh belief in the positive attributes of humbleness. There is always the biggest question of whether you are humble enough to let the Divine Source guide your life, and the extraordinary rewards of doing so, but oftentimes, before you can surrender yourself totally to that, there is the step in between, of being humble enough to ask for human help. You know many examples of other people and moments in your own story when you felt too stubborn or proud to ask for human help, or to wait patiently for Divine help to reveal Itself. Those times are good times of practice for being willing to relinquish egoistic control to the One Source.

    Look at your day today. Be willing to do for yourself, as instructed by God, and be willing to humbly and selflessly serve others, but also be willing to ask for, and accept, the help of others who love you, and who also need to learn to serve.

    As ever, serving you delightedly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest. Rest assured that God is watching over ones whom you cannot watch over.

    And realize that the loved ones that ARE on your mind constantly are also, of course, being watched over by God, as are you. Let go of the false responsibility of details. Do what you humanly can for others, but mostly, constantly, pray that their Best Happiness and Best Path be smoothly welcomed by their own hearts. Your prayer is about knowing in your own mind and heart that God is All, and that Its Omnipotence and Omnipresence and Omniscience only need to be welcomed into every human consciousness for a very different world to be revealed.

    Harmony is God’s Reality. Focus on wanting to see that, and looking for evidence of that Truth.

    Be with Us, as We are with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It does no harm to picture the Divine Creative Infinite Force in any way that you need to for the feel of the moment, so long as that picture includes one or more of the aspects of God/Goddess/All That Is that are Truth, Goodness, Love and Life.

    If you are feeling fatigued and overwhelmed and need to picture the Divine as the infinitely nurturing and tenderly loving Mother-force that rocks you and hums softly to you to calm you for sleep, do so. If you need to think of the Divine Child, of whom you are a part, as sibling and friend to you, as you seek something to share your joy with while you watch an amazing display of summer greenery against an outburst of color in the sky, do so. If you need to think of the Divine as a powerful, upstanding Father Force of unending strength and wisdom, as you reach out for the endurance to finish a project, then do so.

    Ponder whatever aspect of Goodness and Life and Love and Truth and Infinite Omnipresence that you need, to be the Source for feeling sustained and supported, in each moment. If anthropomorphizing those aspects into a visual image of an ever-giving Mother, or calm, strong Father, or tender Brother, or capable, supportive Sister helps you focus on the Infinite qualities within yourself that you want to bring forth into the worldly situation of the moment, then do not fear to do so. Just do not make the mistake of thinking, or believing, that the Divine is limited in any way by the fleeting images that form the earth-dream. Picturing the Divine as a super-human form does not give the Divine human limits. That Divine Mother/Brother/ Sister/Father truly can “move mountains”, and tell strangers ten thousand miles away to call you, and lift off darkness or tumors in the blink of an eye, or help open your eyes to see the Unseen Beauty that shines, always, even when the earthly senses stagger, and would trip, your perceptions.

    In whatever metaphor, just learn to look always to the Supportive Infinite Good,

    And help others See It, too,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Gently point out to those who think that spiritual intentions and prayers are not answered, that they may be praying for means rather than ends, trying to dictate to God how their Harmony must come about. Also gently remind them of all the times and ways that their desires have been fulfilled when they did not even call that desire a conscious prayer. Gently point out the miraculous workings of the everyday body and life force around them, and of the beauties of the world that are free to all.

    A great part of Dominion is simple appreciation. The real body of the offspring of the Creator is made out of Gratitude and Thankfulness and Praise. Those are the mirror-cleansers that make you seem as clear reflections of God, with Heaven in focus again.

    Keep in mind that what you are really praying for is peace, harmony and joy. Then, the health and the wealth and the happiness that help create those feelings can come about in whatever way God sees as a Blessing to all.

    The part of God that is the Principle of Harmony does not create discord.

    True Harmony is the Law of God that can be called upon. Harmony dispenses Harmony, in the way that God sees fit, and in the way that you ALLOW to be manifested.

    Set human vision aside, and See as God Sees,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let It, the working Light of God, so shine through you that you bring out the matching Light in those around you. Let the Light of the Divine Source so shine through you that those who would stumble over their own shadows can see their way clearly when you are near, or even at the thought of you.

    You do not need to speak words to do this, but if you choose to speak, speak the words the Inner Wisdom gives you to speak, with calmness and courage and grace.

    As ever, loving you, and knowing what you are,


  • Ah. Beloved,


    Ask for Grace to silence the human will and human voice, and let only God Voice speak in you and through you today.

    You may be surprised to realize how much of what the human mind wishes to say is only full of empty ego. Silence it, and be full of God today.

    In Love, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    When what you are outwardly seeing seems too silly or too sad or too fleeting to be true, stop and be still and examine your thoughts. Allow your mind to be filled with the everlasting Truths that you know are real. Ponder the Truth of graciousness, and appreciate the times you have seen it exhibited. Think about the wonder of beauty and colors and shapes that lift your heart so much they take your breath away. Soak your mind in the feeling of Love that is above all human Love, and endures.

    Re-centering in the Truths of the Good will always give new perspective and ideas and hope, and lift you to seeing and feeling and being inspired by the Best. The labels that are placed on the truth vary widely, but by Its fruit of joy and heartening, you can know It is not an imposter.

    Whether you follow the religion of your ancestors, or whether you take part in meditations or disciplines that have some new name, judge all by whether It brings out the Best and the Worthy in you, and helps you Love. If It helps you Love, It is Good. Does It get any simpler than that?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Bless others and it becomes your Blessing. That is simply the way it works.

    But think not of this in only material terms. It must be your thoughts and heart that bless others. If you give, but give grudgingly, it does not work. If you try to help, but do so without Love, it does not work. Giving Loving Thoughts is really the absolutely Best thing you can do to Bless another. If you can also give of your time or hands or funds, then do what your heart leads. But let it be done with Love, with Love, with Love.

    That brings Love back around to you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you have begun to gain the double freedom of realizing that your thoughts create your earthly reality, and that by opening to the Great All Seeing Voice within, you can let your thoughts be the Thoughts that are the Thoughts that bless all instead of just one individual, you will be free indeed.

    Ponder today, and prove to yourself today, that your thoughts do create your reality. And then remember that your own personal assessment of what is “right” in any situation is not always true for everyone, or even, in the long run, for yourself. Ponder living the double freedom of thoughts patrolled and guarded, AND guided by the All-Knowing Divine.

    Live the optimistic thought. Live the Loving Thought. Live as you are guided to by the Principle of Oneness that Loves all.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “Help me today, dear God, know the Good Qualities of my Self. Help me strengthen them. Help me live them consistently. Help me welcome the disappearing of any aspects of experience that are not wonderful expressions of Goodness.”

    Focusing on this desire today will have profound results, Beloved. Be they big or small, the results you show yourself by the thoughts you focus on, reforms your life.

    As ever, with you, and helping you, as you ask,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Infinite Love is always eager to provide for you, and help you feel It embracing you.

    It does not run away or turn away. It does not run out and say It does not have enough energy for you. It is not depleted, or tired, or timed. It simply Is, and you are with It and in It.

    It will constantly offer Itself to you, to comfort and inspire and reassure and strengthen. Learn to turn to It, Child. That is what your earthly walk is about. Learn to turn to It, for It patiently, and tenderly, and consistently is there with you, knocking gently on the door of your awareness.

    It is offering and giving, offering and giving, offering and giving, hoping you will accept sooner rather than later. Acceptance is not about resigning yourself to struggle, it is about graciously receiving Good.

    Receive that Good today, Child. Accept Good, and Good alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Mind of God is always cozy. Remind yourself that you dwell within It, and let yourself feel Its warmth and buoyancy and support. Cozy into Love today. It is your right as a rightful and beloved citizen of God-Mind.

    We tuck you into Love if you let us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    I Am your unlimited Source of comfort, supply, love and intelligence and wisdom.

    How many of the small thoughts you let linger in your mind are about limits and endings?

    Today, O’ Dear Child, think upon my Unlimitedness, and your place as a rightful Child within It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know that you have the Loving complete Power of the Divine to call upon is the only real wisdom you need.

    Call to that Love today. No call to Love goes unanswered, and Love Itself knows the best way to answer in a way that embraces all. Call to Know Love always in your thoughts, and trust in the unfolding of Good.

    You can feel us with you if you focus on our Love for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I Am Blessed.”

    Think of yourself this way, even if what you see at this moment does not inspire you to say that spontaneously, for if you are reading this message and have begun your seeking, in this Way, or some other, you ARE already Blessed. The moment that the Divine Source Sees that you want to remember your Blessed State, It will Help. It will guide you, It will guard you, It will govern you. Just keep seeking, Beloved, and keep always on your mind “I Am Blessed”, and let that Thought be your touchstone of Truth.

    Blessing you again and again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your personal human limits do not limit God’s Power as giver and Lover. If you are told to pray for someone it does not matter if your electricity is out or your fingers are cold or you cannot look up certain words or numbers. Your willingness to help silently send an extra dose of the Unconditional Love of God is the perfect boost, the perfect medicine.

    Just stay Loving and willing and trusting that God is always on the Job.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    A ray of light cannot be sliced or diced. It does not make errors, and there is not less of it for your neighbor if you open your curtains and light up your kitchen.

    Beloved, today think of yourself as a ray of Light, a ray of Light, a ray of Light.

    The Source shines you forth, and It does not make errors in judgement.

    It chose to shine you forth. So shine, shine, shine.

    You are fine. Just let Source shine you forth.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is delightful to watch you begin to fully appreciate how much your appreciation of the Goodness of the Divine within which you dwell will respond to you with even more Goodness as you concentrate on and appreciate Its nature.

    Appreciation, appreciation, appreciation. Wanting it is a part of you because wanting it is a part of the Source you shine from. Appreciate your Loving Source and It will help you shine with all that others may appreciate in you, without any haziness or hidden purposes, but just as an expansion of the appreciation of God.

    Ponder appreciation today, Beloved.

    And know we appreciate you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The new attitudes that arise in your heart after times of deep meditation or prayer can be deeply enjoyed. Let yourself be delightfully surprised by your new appreciation of the everyday beauties and smooth workings of life.

    Are you not amazed at how many people gladly cooperate to stay on their side of the road, or use public parks in a serene way? Are you not stunned into stillness by the autumn rustle of the wind in the high leaves? Are you not moved to tears by the gentle embrace of the Love that reassures you in your heart, “You will never be alone. We are all together, and always will be. All is in One Delightful and delighted One Mind.”

    That One Mind uplifts you, Beloved, and It will change you in some ways that are dramatic, but also in many ways that are so subtle, or so incremental, that you will not realize them at first. Let yourself be surprised. Let yourself be amazed. Move slowly enough through your day that you can notice and appreciate how different all the world begins to seem to you, when the Divine takes the reign of your heart.

    In the great joining,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    This day We wish to focus on the timely way that you can remember that the Divine Source wants you to remember your full part in Wholeness. So, just as you turn to prayer or mind-centering to seek the Wisdom and Peace and ideas for happiness that you desire for your daily life, the Divine IS striving to reach you and re-align you in whatever way It can.

    The Loving Source and Surrounding knows you cannot really be separate from It, but It also knows that you can believe you are, and knows that the belief of separation creates sorrows for you. It did not create sorrow and does not want you to remain in any sorrow. Lovingly, as It knows you are turning to It, It will find ways to reach you. The appropriate word or image will reach you. The explanation that can help your understanding will come forth. The answers and feeling of Presence will consistently flow to you, and the more attention you give them, the sooner you will know the fullness of Joy, maintaining and sustaining you, as you let It lead.

    The time is now. The time is to constantly know you have this Divine partner in all thought and experience. And that It gives all to you, wanting you to remember you are Its very image.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It can certainly be a shock to human thought to realize one was totally wrong in certain basic assumptions, or axioms, by which one has tried to live. But when one has realized that the home, or body, or vehicle , or person, or job, in which one placed so much devotion and time, is not, after all the thing that leads to true peace, then it is very freeing to give it up, and to give up other things besides.

    What seems good and bad in earthly life shifts as quickly as the direction of the wind. That is easy to see as one compares what one loved at age five with what one loves at age twenty—but have you seen yet that it shifts just as quickly within a day or an hour? There is only one thing that does not change, and that is the Firmness against which to lean, and that is the Nature of the Infinite Creative Source. When, between feeling attached to, or angry with, earthly things and people and attitudes, including your own earthly personality, you begin to explore and experience and get to know the aspects of the Divine Calm Joy, you will realize that here, at last, is a thing that does not need to be put aside because it has let you down. It is That Which Does Not Change.

    It cannot let you down, for you are within It. You are a part of It. You are made of It. What else would you really be, after all, Beloved, but the very substance of the Consciousness that gave birth to Itself to commune with, to enjoy, to share and witness with Its own Creation?

    Lay not up your treasures on earth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is not complicated to talk to God. Just do it.

    When confronted by a situation or an impulse that is confusing or seemingly complicated, stop and be silent, and ask within, “What is really going on here, God?” Then wait, and listen, listen, listen, and let the Peace and the unchanging Joy of God be with you and hold you, while you let answer come.

    Always, God is there, you are a walking receiver,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The worth and Wholeness of you already exists, right now, here in the Mind of God.

    O”, do let yourself realize that the illusion of linear time cannot stop the full revelation of God’s Goodness here and now. Think about the present Spiritual Perfection of God’s vision of you, and pray, for yourself, and for others, “Dear, dear God, enable me to see, what I already am in the Mind of Thee.”

    Claim your Goodness, Beloved. It is what God made you of, and you can Be, now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God is all of me”.

    Know that Truth today and feel filled with the weightless fullness of God.

    The fullness of God is not the stuffed feeling of a belly in a body after a banquet is consumed. It is a delightful alive Contentment and feeling of Completeness that not only suffuses and courses through the entire Spiritual Body, but extends to a perception of connectedness to all, and the timeless worth of Love. Beyond food and drink, It is the palpable sustenance of Quiet Joy.

    Feel filled with the fullness of God. Make Thoughts of God your appetizer, your snack, your True Meal, and feel filled with the fullness of God.

    So with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to open your thought process to the re-training of God-Thought except to do it. Once your willingness, your sweet agreement, is offered to the One Mind’s Love, It will lead you in Its ways, including the appropriate people to meet or words to ponder, as well as your Divine Inner locutions. Listen, learn, obey.

    Yes, many groups of people also have human rules they wish you to follow, and you may find many of these helpful, especially if you are seeking fellowship for the worldly hours, but let the Calm Love that guides you from within, and never harms, be the Truth of your days and steps.

    Can you give It consecrated time each day, and many, many moments throughout the day? If so, It WILL lead you and love you and sustain you and teach you, over and over into the Highest Thoughts of All.

    Sooner or later, all choose,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you are uncertain whether to continue doing something, whether it is a task or a relationship or a job or an adventure, ask God what to do.

    For, sometimes, dear Love, the answer that you hear, or feel, from God, may simply be, “Do it for Me.” You may be reminded, yet again, that God’s Ways are not human ways. The value of something that seems humanly tedious, or uncompensated, or failing to progress, may be of great value and purpose to God, and for God’s greater Sight and Plan for all involved.

    So, darling one, if God says to continue, then continue. Take your Joy from pleasing God, and review the Qualities of courage and kindness that God freely feeds you, so that any tedium or sense of victimhood can be dissolved by the Divine elements and outlook of your Soul.

    You share that Soul with all individuals. What God purposes as Good for one IS Good for all.


  • Ah, Child,

    It is easy to become lost in asking, over and over, “but what is my task?”

    Your task is to smile lovingly and gently at ten people today. Your task is to forgive the world for being silly and strange. Your task is to be the one to apologize first and say “I love you” out loud, when those before you are behaving most badly.

    God will never ask you, if you take time to listen to God before you go to sleep each night, “Did you finish all your paperwork today?” God will not say “If you did not trim the bushes or do the dishes, I cannot love you.” God will always say, “I love you. Whom did you find to give some Unconditional Love to today? Did you give yourself some dear Love today?”

    If you stay focused on those true tasks, the worldly chores and forms of work will take their proper place in your hours and days and mind, and will even get done more smoothly, because they will fueled by Love.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “The pure, beautiful, perfect and true idea of me and my life are living Thoughts in the Mind of God. The projection of light that seems to be my “body” and my “physical” life, projected onto the screen, the backdrop, of earth, is therefore perfect and good and as whole as God continually imagines it, as well. If there seems to be any lack or excess of the body sense or its surroundings, it is only the dust of mortal belief.

    I choose to shed those beliefs now. I close my physical eyes and let God show me what I look like to Him/Her, a dancing Spirit-Ray of Light, joyous and free and complete. I am complete. I am complete in Joy and Peace, and refuse to let dusty mortal thoughts mar that picture and experience in any way. I am Joy, dancing in the Light of Life in God.”

    TAKE this dominion of thought, Beloved, and remember the Truth of the Goodness of you and your life that is the Play that God is watching in His/Her own Mind. Watch THAT Play with God, and take your beliefs off of the mortal imaginings.

    When mortal belief is set aside and the spirit awakens to know it was never anywhere except in the safe, consistently pure and good Mind of God, do you realize how many weep to see the “movie” of the life they could have experienced, instead of their own desperate imaginings? Some choose, then, to re-watch the movie with clearer eye, and some choose to keep growing in purity of Spirit, but all continue forever in the timelessness of God. Nothing you have done or not done in the mortal dream dust, overlaying the image of you that God made, changes the Truth of you as a Beloved Idea in God-Mind.

    We see the perfect Truth of you and your life. Won”t you look with our eyes today?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Faith, now, Darling One, that you are a prosperous Child of God.

    Measure prosperity in how much God Loves you, and let the worldly means for generously showing that Love to others come from your trust in that.

    It is your way back to full realization of Spirit, Beloved. Seek not to do anything but Love, Love, Love, and Love Itself raises your ways and means.

    Always, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    How can it be true, in the “math” of Spirituality, that 1 plus 1 = 1?

    Because, Beloved, if the first one in the equation is the not-really-existent “body self”, that only imagines itself to be an independent living reality, then the first 1 becomes 0, and the equation becomes 0 plus 1 = 1.

    When you come to truly know that the “stuff” of which you are made is just the living light of the Oneness of Being, then you realize that what you are made of is the Goodness, and Joyfulness of that Oneness that simply exists to Be, and you can let it smoothly and simply govern the part of Itself that is you.

    The zero, the “you” that you seem to be, to the five senses, in a “body” and living in the time-mists of earth, is just a sweet and simple part of the Spiritual Reality that is All. Relax into It. Be Glad of It. Take Joy in It, and be glad.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The activities and services that give you particular Joy and satisfaction are certainly clues to the gifts and talents God has given you, and that you are meant to explore and use and share and expand upon. Yes, yes, do that, and know that all of Heaven is grateful to you for shining with Its Light.

    But when there is a task or way of giving that you seem to be dreading, turn to Spirit, quietly nestled in your mind, and ask for guidance. Rather than avoiding the task or turning away, turn to God and ask “What wonderful aspect of Your Infinity is it that I need to embrace in this situation to do what needs to be done?” And you may hear that you need to open your heart to courage and strength, or open your thoughts to the Completeness of God, and that God would never leave a Good thing half-done. You may gently be reminded to discern that everyone involved, in the day or days that challenge you, can also be perceived as a vessel of Good Qualities. You may be led to examine your own fleeting or obsessive thoughts, and urged to let go of old grudges, with Spirit’s Help.

    Whatever you are Lovingly guided to do or let go of, obey joyfully. For then the Harmony of God that is a Spiritual Law will abundantly pour through you, and you can not only achieve what is needed, but even enjoy it.

    As ever, We will Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can don all the momentary emotions and costumes you want. You can try to duck back into familiar pleasures and comforts, hoping they will satisfy as they once did.

    But the half awakened soul knows there is more. Even the half awakened soul knows that the Love which birthed it in the beginning gives more sweet and complete peaceful joy than any temporal comfort ever can.

    That Creator sees right through your costumes and temporary distractions. The Creator sees the true you It created and continues to uphold and deem good. It Loves you, Its reflection of Itself.

    ALLOW yourself to feel the bliss of that, Child. Wrap yourself in Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “As above, so below” is a deceiving thought if interpreted as physical matter and space and time. Think of it, rather, Beloved, as uplifted Thought lifting you and those around you into a new, high awareness of your innocence and their innocence, and perfection, in the perfect Thoughts of God.

    Be at Peace with this,

    Let it be today’s simple thought,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The more frequently and/or intensely you spend your thought-time in the timeless awareness of Spirit, and your ageless self within It, the easier it will be for you to accept the timeless, non-physical state as Reality.

    And that will then float with you through your days of the Play.

    Give yourself this gift, Beloved. Spend devoted time with Great Spirit, and be strengthened to see past all your illusions, and be joyous. It is a gift you CAN give yourself, and with Spirit bearing you up, it becomes perfect, as God knew it was all along.

    ANGELS, sitting with you, standing with you, walking with you.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no hurry.

    Realize fully the truth of that. Since your Consciousness lives forever and can experience what it likes in complete Spirit, or upon the stage of time and space, then the pressure of time is off. There is no hurry.

    You are already complete and loved within the Whole of Spirit. If you choose to create and be, within some aspects of time, you may, but there is no hurry. Stand apart from time for a moment, and appreciate this. You, as essence, and reflection of Love, live forever. You may choose to step into time, to help, or to grow, or to practice, but there is no hurry.

    You are already Loved and Good and wonderful. There is no hurry.

    Relax into Love, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Consciously choosing to replace thoughts of the past, or fears for the future, with thoughts of what peace and joy you would like to have, is a trait that CAN be learned.

    CULTIVATE it. Ask the Divine Support system that sustains you, maintains you, and helps you to regain your full perfection as Spiritual Idea, to help you, and use Its help to play the practicing game today. A happy Life IS a game you can learn to play. Why not today?



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Forgive yourself, forgive yourself, forgive yourself.

    Forgive yourself, and See your self with the Loving eyes of God.

    When you understand your innocent Spiritual Self, you can move forward.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Pure Love cures.

    Be immersed in Pure Love today, like a fish in the Ocean, and feel it seep into every iota of your Consciousness.

    You can do this. You CAN give a day to something as important as this. Let the worldly concerns go today, and BE Pure Love.

    This is important, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    All day again, call on Truth. But this time, do it for all in your orbit of thought and beyond, for there is great power in knowing that all are included in a wondrous plan of awakening.

    “We are Pure Spirit within Spirit.”

    “We all are at Home in the Gladness of our Hearts.”

    So Lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Although we have lovingly said to allow yourself small rituals if they help calm or focus you enough to connect with your God-Consciousness, beware becoming dependent on them or using the same ones over and over obsessively. While the candle or the outfit or the mat or a certain spot in the field or woods may help form the habit of connection, truly no “material” thing is of any importance in the actual Constant Conscious Connection with God.

    God is purely Spiritual, Unseen Soul and Harmonious Principal. As God’s image, you are Spirit. Become not superstitious about material rituals. As you understand and feel that connection ever-present with God, you can experience It everywhere and anytime, for It is without limits of time and space and material ritual.

    As the Wondrous Cause of Harmony and Love and Divine Life, God’s effects can be felt. But the material dream does not cause your experience of Oneness. Your Oneness with God is the constant experience, without materiality. Allow that, Beloved. Practice that and allow that and be free of material ritual and restraint.

    Such Love to see you in complete Access,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Remember, anytime you find yourself thinking of, or speaking of, others with a judgmental attitude, it is your own lack of Harmony that you need to find again. Re-center yourself in the Whole, and stand again in the awareness of complete Harmony of Oneness, and from there find the Grace and the Compassion and the ability to give Blessings to those around you.

    Your view of that around you is determined by what you are allowing to come through you. Allow Love, and allow Enlightenment, and They come.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The ultimate human need is for growth in Grace and remembrance of already Being a part of God.

    Why are you worrying about any lesser ones? Think about the high goal, and let the rest fall into place, dear Child.

    Just thinking about wanting to improve in Grace and Understanding is a prayer. Do that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It has perhaps become easy and constant for you to Hear us. It has graciously become automatic for you to listen to the small still Voice within, in all your choices.

    Hear that Voice, now, Beloved, when confronted with the frustration of one who seems to not even want to try to listen. Have mercy.

    Have mercy, and remember how you were before you learned to listen, and before you knew you could feel loved and safe and a part of something Whole and Good.

    Have mercy, and exude silent Love, even if that one angrily or sullenly shuts out any spoken testimonial of the Divine and of Grace. Have mercy, and turn the thought of that one over to Truth, and wait and see, and remain Joyous in your own faith and hope and love.

    Every one has guardian angels, waiting to be heard. Trust us.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the Director of All that Is Good and True orchestrates the revelation of the Wondrous Life that you can choose to live, it really does include all. God directs you to the people you need to meet, the opportunities that offer themselves for your willingness, the means of support and chances to be grateful, the ideas of how to serve and shine, the Angels by your side.

    The Angels by your side. The Angels on your side.

    Look for all these Good things, Beloved. Expect them, look for them, and Love God and emulating God.

    On your side, by your side,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are many people whom you humanly care for or love. But remember that it is God’s privilege to give each of them their way to happiness. It is not your personal responsibility to make them happy, or keep them happy. Be content to treat them with the good ways of the Laws of Love, and to thank God for giving them their full measure of Joy.

    Yes, of course, if the Divine Voice guides you to say or do a certain thing to help provide for another’s joy or well-being, then do so, in obedience to God. And as you stay aligned with the Divine perspective, and carefully listening to God’s directions to you, keep in mind that no other human is responsible for your happy consciousness and life. Hold no human personality responsible for your good. Turn to God for those, and stay very aware of your own wonderful association with the Divine way for your ephemeral and infinite Joy and earthly happiness.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When the usual habits and routines are changed, how wonderful it is to know there is the completely reliable Love of God to turn to. And that, bathed in that Love and calmness, you will be led to the solutions or changes that you need.

    Within each set of changed circumstances, there are great evidences of Love and supply and opportunity. Pause, look for Good, be grateful for all Good that you can see, and that is unseen, and then open your heart to answers, remembering always, always, always, One Mind, One Love, One Purpose Governs all.

    Gently, gently, let it Flow,

    As above in Higher Thought, so below,

    Sweet ANGELS

  • Ah, Sweet One,

    There is nothing that need be different about one when one begins the process of knowing the Divine, except the willingness to begin, and the desire to do so.

    There is no need to give up a certain hat or to change the food one eats or the work one does, in order to begin to spend just a little time each day holding forth in one’s heart the desire to know the Divine. Just give It a little time and focus, and It will do the rest.

    Yes, over time, you will change. You may find the work you do, and the way you spend your time, or the material goods you value, changing because of your new perspective, but most of the changes will be in your heart and attitude, and from there will come all the other changes. You just see to the little glad time spent with God each day, and Beloved, O’ Beloved, God will see to the rest.

    It has always worked this way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Celebrate today that the Creator of you Loves you and that the Creator is Good and made your everlasting Self Good.

    For from that Goodness springs happiness and a deep calm Joy. Once you really accept that a Joyous existence is your purpose, you can infect others with Joy. And would not spreading Joyousness be a good contagion to be a part of?

    It is not momentary pleasure, although that can be an offshoot of it. It is true, deep Joy that comes of knowing you are a part of Love Itself. When others see Its Presence emanating from you, and when you feel It constantly with you, you will feel that all good things truly are possible, for you already have the best of them all.

    You already have the Love of God governing you and all that you are and are meant to be.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do remember that words are but symbols, paltry when compared with the Presence of Truth. Love can heal wordlessly. Love can guide with soundless wisdom, and impulse, and hesitation. Be therefore willing to let the results of prayer and Divine Connection be wordless sometimes. Be willing to be simply silently Held in Love.

    As earthly warmth softens candle wax, and makes it malleable and moldable, so can the Unseen Force of Love warm your thoughts, and soften your feelings, so that any that do not fit with the wonderful Good Truth of you simply melt away.

    If you are not sure whether you are hearing words of Truth, when pondering an earthly problem, or if you are not sure whether the ideas you are hearing are the “right” ones, be willing to just be held in Love, to think about Love, to honor and be grateful for Divine Love. You are Its constant creation, and It does not need human words to do Its Work.

    Wordless alignment with God, as Love, as Life, as Soul, as the Harmony of Order, is always a way you can choose. Trust that Presence, rather than words. The more time you spend with It, the more you will absolutely know It, and no worldly thing or word or thought will be able to masquerade as It and fool you. You will come to Know the embrace of Divine Love as easily as you know the smell and feel and fit and touch of an old favorite sweater, even if you cannot see it. You cannot SEE God, but you can Know God.

    Simply ask to be Held in Love, with Love, today. And Love God in return.

    For Loving leads to Trust. And Trust leads to more Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today must be a day of Praise, if you wish yourself to be lifted into higher thought, and therefore into healing of any malady or discord. Lift, lift, lift your thoughts into Praise, and feel Its mighty power.

    Praise the warmth of the sun or the fire that warms your feet. Praise the cool water that slakes your thirst. Praise the enduring regrowth of the plants you eat. Praise the beauty of the flying flocks of birds. Look for what to Praise, and you will see it.

    But above all, Praise the Maker of Joy. Praise the Maker of the Life Force that sustains and maintains the wonderful essence of you, all ever and harmonious and growing into full remembrance of Its own perfection.

    We join you in the great Joining of this Power, Beloved. Praise.

    And with the uplifting of the Praising thoughts, comes healing, and goodness, and Love,


  • Beloved,

    Think of a delicious cooked pudding. It forms a thin skin on the surface, through which you stick your spoon to enjoy it.

    Spirit is the delicious pudding. You are the thin skin on top. The thin skin can seem to get wrinkled and out of place, seeming to ruin the presented beauty of the pudding, but if you let it be still and warm and settled, it tends to smooth out again, and again be lovely and perfect.

    Relax the skin that you are, Beloved. Relax, and let your being smooth again to match the smoothness of the underlying Spirit, that is tasty and good and true. Let It be your shape and your presentation. Let It be the purpose and the form that you are.

    You are One with It, formed and expressed by It. You are nothing alone.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need for a loving champion on earth, for you have God. There is no power than can verbally or mentally attack you that is more powerful than the God that rules and contains your essence.

    Whether you are afraid of your own anger, or tempted to feel offended or hurt by the anger of another, let it go to God. There is nothing but God. There is nothing but God and His/Her perfect image, spirit born in Spirit, Love reflecting Love.

    What you are, It is. What It is, you Are. All desires to attack or defend are but the mirages of bodies doing a dance of meanness, trying to mock that which Knows them to be not the truth of the wonderful Child-Images that were made All Good.

    “I am purely spirit, as is this seeming body-person before me, and nothing that this eye-image before me can do can hurt the pure Truth of what I am.”

    We are right here with you in the dream, Child. Ask us, Beloved, and we will hold you thoughts, and your hands, and give you courage, and sublime joy and company,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Absolute confidence is a Quality of the Creative Source. It knows what It IS. It knows what It is Doing and Being.

    Ponder that today, and know that whatever is a Quality of the Divine Emanator is also a quality of you. Do and Be perfectly what you are, and be blessed, be blessed, be blessed, and grateful.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you mistakenly thought that 2 plus 2 was 3, you would quickly retrain your mind to the truth of 2 plus 2 is 4.

    O, Dear One, please retrain your mind also to know that there is no place and no moment when the Good God that wants your happiness is not ready, able and willing to help you. Ask for it, know God as Good, and trust the Joy that comes.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Be at Peace.

    When help has been asked of you, and you have silently and sincerely appealed to the Higher Orders for assistance in seeing and sharing the Goodness of the Divine Path in the situation, you have done your job. Listen for, and watch for, the work and word of Divine Spirit, and rest in the Truth of that ever-present help. It shall come, because it already has come.

    The timeless space within the wheel of time has always been enacted, and nothing that you do or don”t do can change the beautiful solution that has already been found for the re-embracing of each soul-awareness that thought it was separate and lost.

    Be at Peace, we say again, and know the job is done.

    We are always praising, in your name, even when you forget, for a moment, to do so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Blaming anyone else, or any place or thing, or beast or weather, for your mood of a moment does not heal.

    Take responsibility for the thoughts you think, and for holding to your knowledge of who you are as a spiritual image of God, and heal yourself. Falling into the excuse game is just another trick of the false senses that keep you from the fullness of shining in Glory, with Glory, as Glory.

    Try staying silent and going to a populous place, and constantly holding in your thoughts “I am a Glorious image of God. All here are Glorious images of God.” God’s Angel Thoughts gladly join you in this endeavor and help you see how thoughts create your reality and your experience. Think the words as a member of Soul, for you are a part of Glorious Soul, and Soul Thoughts are filled with feeling and Grace and Power, rather than just being castings of human will.

    The Real You is part of Divine Will, and joining in Divine Thought heals your human perceptions. Lift your consciousness above the shallow human dream, and See with Glorious eyes.

    Practicing It perfects your experience of It, for you are a reflection of Perfection,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever there is uncertainty, return to the Presence that is Certainty Itself. Knowing all things, Seeing all things, It cannot be otherwise. Resting in Its Presence, let your questions and worries float away from thought, and let the spots where those worries or uncertainties were be replaced by Peace, and by restful ideas or knowledge of timing and movement or waiting, or whatever Goodness the Certainty of Certainties sends.

    It IS this way and it has always been, dearly Beloveds. Why not make use of It, rather than “fretting and strutting your way upon the stage”?

    Loving you in and through every choice, as we wait for your full Awakening,


  • Ah, Beloveds,

    Keep your thoughts and feelings on track, with Our Help.

    When you are criticizing and condemning and complaining, you are preventing yourself from using those moments to achieve, and affirm and ascend. Achieve, and affirm, and ascend. And Appreciate.

    Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate.

    Yes, Beloved, it is appropriate to rebuke error, and refuse to accept that which is not of the Harmony that is the real Rule of life. But, ask for the justice of God for the situation, and turn your own thoughts and growth to the Light. Ask for the awakening and growth of Truth revealed, when your own heart or others make ungraceful choices, but quickly turn your thoughts and motives to Good again.

    Turn to Good, and expect Good to prevail in every heart, and appreciate, appreciate, appreciate. God knows the end from the beginning, and it is Good.

    Trust us, and stay focused on Good,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “One Mind governs ______________ and _____________ and me, and knows how to govern us all in Harmony. I will let go and let One Mind guide me and them, in what to do and say and see.”



  • Ah, Beloved,

    As we have said to you many, many times, it is your own perception of another that changes them right before your eyes.

    Seek the Kingdom of God not only in the quietness of your self. Seek Its Peace also in the eyes of another, that you may see, and know, and understand, the power inherent in Spiritual Sight—that is to say, that when you see others with God’s eyes, with the eyes of Love, you begin to see them aright. Not only will the eyes of Love see past any tiny things that seemed to be physical imperfections before, but you will see the kindly and courteous and changed behavior that the recognition of Common Spirit brings forth in every man, woman, and child, all one Child of God.

    As ever,


  • Ah, Child,

    Let go the triumphs and worries today. Set aside earthly concerns and rest alongside Love in My Arms.

    For I Am the wind of Goodness all around thee. I Am the water of Life that sustains thee.

    Today, Child, today, Child, rest, rest in Me.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As you move towards not only love, but commitment, for another human being, you naturally come to a point of wanting to, and needing to, meet that person’s family. For seeming good, or seeming ill, it is the family you will be a part of.

    Just so with God, Beloved. As you fall more deeply in Love with God, as you realize that a complete and wonderful sense of Love and commitment to God are a big part of your happiness, you need to meet the “family”. You need to meet God’s other children.

    That is why you must learn to See the God-Child of everyone. Yes, unfortunately your human self seems to meeting most of them at a giant costume party, with both lovely and frightening disguises, but there you have it. God has assured you, “They are all my children”, and so you must look for that Love and Life and Spirit and Truth and Essence in the Light of everyone around you, as well as knowing it in yourself.

    You can do this, because you have the delightful Divine Help that has brought you into the Family. Ask for It, and you cannot fail, for the Great Heart already knows and recognizes all the perfect children living and moving and having their being in God.

    Some will delightfully surprise you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are so very glad when we see you glad. We know that the true cause of your gladness is a widening of your acceptance of Loving Spirit in your heart. It is the sole true cause of Gladness. Be not confused about that.

    For we see you mistakenly attributing your good mood to the slice of cake you had, or the warm bath, or the good deed, or the new acquaintance, or the orderly arrangement of cupboards or tasks. We know it is the growing abiding of your soul within Soul that lifts you into Gladness. Be careful, now, to still enjoy the good works and good comforts, but to not be in error about what or who is the cause. Opening to the Loving Cause will bring new people and good things into your experience, but the invisible Cause must be honored as such. Opening to the Divine Source is the only consistent and perfect way to ascend, ascend, ascend in your thoughts, and evolve in your realization back to the Perfect Self God made.

    Be grateful unto God for all Good, always,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Always remember to speak thanks for the Blessings that you yourself are receiving and have received, before you try to be the conduit for blessings to flow to others. It is important.

    Do not feel that it is selfishness to do so. Think of it, rather, as the fitting of the tool to do the work in a better way, just as a fireman would check all the hoses and valves and supplies of water and fire retardants before he went to help fight a fire.

    Bless yourself by being open to blessings, and then let them flow, Beloved, let them flow.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You will never see anything but Compassion and Love and forgiveness in Our eyes.

    We are available to call to all hours of the day, all hours of life and beyond. Dwell not on old sorrows, drink not the poison of old pains. Forgive yourself as We forgive you for human follies, and move through this day counting all the reasons Life and Divine Love are Good, Good, Good.

    For they are, and We will help you See with the eyes of Spirit, Loving Spirit,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To see a legitimate need, and to lovingly and creatively fulfill it, is to Be Divine.

    To give and offer whatever your skills and means and fellowship can provide is to be a part of the wonderful Plan for the re-uniting of human awareness with the High Consciousness that Holds All.

    That is all. That is enough. You will be led to do the kind and decent and uplifting things. Just listen and obey when you feel the surges of Compassion and Love fill you, and you will be enacting your perfect part.

    We assure you it is appreciated,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seeing all things clearly with Love comes naturally when you spend time with your mentor of God. Give that time, give that attention, stand by the side of the One that sees all, and you will begin to see, more and more, with the same perspective.

    It is simple, over and over, for a lifetime,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Daily, you trust that gravity will operate when you walk, and that your chair will stay put beneath you. Daily, you trust that your stomach will process the water you drink, and send it where it is needed in the body. You trust these unseen things.

    Is it so hard then, to gladly trust in the Great Process of the Harmony of Divine Love’s Life, as It governs all Spirit?

    Trust the Unseen Life Force, Love. Trust It. You are an expression of this Unseen Good.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do not forget the basic need. It is to remember that you are within, and sustained by, the Mind of Creation. Practice knowing that, practice feeling that, and you will always be able to turn to that Truth, for yourself and for others.

    Of course you do not fully understand the Creator. That does not matter. If a child, or a farmer, digs a channel in the dirt to funnel water away from a spot or to a spot, the dirt does not need to “understand” the water in order to be able to carry it, or direct it to where it is needed. The child, the farmer, and the dirt just need for the water to act like water, to be itself.

    Just so, without understanding God completely, you just need to let God act like God. Believe us, He/She will. Always, and for everyone and anyone, God will be, and is, God. Just dig a channel through the dirt to where it is needed, keep the channel of dirt clear, and receive the flow.

    Always helping you dig,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We often tell you to take time to listen, listen, listen to God—to let that small still Voice of Spirit Guide you. And that taking of time to do so is crucial every day and throughout the day. We still advise it.

    But there are days or situations wherein you simply may need to FEEL the wordless Love of God embracing you. Just let It sweetly and comprehensively hold you. Feel how Real It is, and let your trust of that Love completely fill you.

    Realize that there are circumstances when you must simply wait for opportunities to arrive, or for others to arrive on the scene, or into the circle of your consciousness. There are ways in which God can teach you your truth better by showing you the example of another than by speaking a word to you. The Wisdom and Guidance of God is not limited to a small still Voice with a vocabulary. It can also lead and heal and save you with visions, with examples, with connections, with the hands of seeming strangers, with the demonstration of Laws of Love that are above and beyond all human laws

    Ask for, and be glad to be shown, an awareness of the Presence of God in ALL Its ways.

    It created you from Good, to be Good, and has your continued Good in Mind.

    Trust that. Rely on that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Your human feelings and thoughts may indeed be confused about what is truth and what is illusion, about what is relatively good and relatively bad. Fads and myths and desires come and go, and information about physical “health” changes constantly.

    Beloved, your Divine Voice, the dominion knowledge of the Source within you, never is confused. It sees what confuses and distracts you, and understands how hard it can be to unlearn what the surface mind seems to have learned, but It is never confused. It knows that the truth of your Soul is always True. It knows that the completeness of your Spirit is always whole and pure. That is why you must joyfully train yourself to turn to Its discernment, again and again throughout the day. It only takes moments to refresh yourself by dipping into Its Calm Thoughts, and reminding yourself that you are a new-washed and lovely image of exactly what the Source wants you to be—a glad Spiritual expression of Life and Love.

    Count on Its dominion being YOUR dominion, and gladly believe and obey that It sees your Goodness and wants your happiness as you glide through the play of life.

    Lovingly, lovingly, lovingly,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask for new vision today.

    Part of successfully seeing a new vision of Who you are in God, and your divine Life, is to stop looking at your old, false sensory perceptions. Do not argue with them, do not cling to them. Just ignore them, for this day, like a movie you choose not to see, and let the Divine vision reveal to you a new heaven and a new earth.

    What do you lose but nothing, and yet gain all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To be freed from all rules would be misery. Be aware, dear child of Spirit, that the delightful rules of Love that are the very Principle of Mother/Father God Source, are there to help you have greater joy, greater potential fulfilled, greater peace in your heart.

    They are helpful road signs. They are glowing guidelines in the fog. They are the steps to serene growth and enjoyment of being. They are good.

    Bless them, and let them assist you in your journey.

    All Love and happiness to you this day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Voice of Love that whispered to you, “Your job is to heal your own heart”, meant, as you know, to remember the fullness and perfection of your own status as made by God.

    It is the job of everyone. For when they are in complete wholeness with their own Spirit, they can see the outer world’s Innocence and Goodness again.

    Try it today, Beloved. Set aside all sorrow, and claim the Truth, “God knows me Whole”. Do that today, and always.

    Shining with your own Wholeness is the way to heal others. Listening to their complaints, or to your own grievances, is not the way to remember your place as a part of One Soul. The Way is to be a demonstration of Harmony and Love, as created and kept in order by the principle of God.

    Be that, for you ARE that, in Truth,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Align yourself with One Mind each morning, before all else:

    “Perfect God, Perfect Man/Woman,

    Perfect Image of Me, Perfect Plan.”

    When you know you are Blessed, you can be a Blessing,


  • Ah, Child,

    Let your love for anyone and anything of earth be only practice for loving the Source of all. As you learn to love the Source above all, even the “unlovable” of the temporal realm becomes lovable.

    Let yourself grow in this way. You will be amazed and blessed by the tenderness you feel towards even towards the dead stem of a flower, when you see the Whole through God’s eyes.

    As we see you, even when you err,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    However long it has been since you last felt totally immersed in Divine Love does not matter. It is waiting for you, immediately available and ready to enfold you again in Its Truth and Its tenderness.

    Each time you close your eyes to the “reality” of the five senses and feel the tender Truth of the Divine Source, it will be easier to see and feel it when you open your eyes again. Finally, you will see more and more of the Divine Light, even when your physical eyes seem to be open.

    Awaken to the Light, Beloved. Awaken by closing your eyelids and feeling It within, and then letting It shine through you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Asking the Divine Truth to step forward in your mind and remove the false beliefs from your thoughts works. Try it. Give It today.

    And as you experience feeling certain perceptions fall away, and fears fading, and the body relaxing into well-being, you are proving to yourself the truth of this. If the general mortal beliefs grab you again, ask again for Help. If your own particular fear thoughts rise up again, ask for Help again.

    If you experience even a few moments here and there of a sense of lifting and relief, you know you are touching the hem of the Christ-garment. If you have even a glimmer of the Brightness of Being that is the reality of God’s Making, you have proof enough to keep asking for the Truth of Love’s Perception and Program.

    Ask today. Look for the Goodness revealed. Then you will want to keep asking today, and perhaps every day. Try it, Beloved, try it.

    Whenever you are ready,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Full responsibility for seeing that the “other” person is your self is key to being able to completely forgive. All those non-bodily Divine Helpers that are around you CAN help you with this. Just remember to take time to listen to Them, and to indeed remember that what you are doing, you ARE doing to yourself. When you are tempted to criticize or to judge or condemn, forgive instead.

    Forgive, knowing that by forgiving the “other” you are also releasing yourself, and forgiving yourself. Be free, Child, now, be free to forgive, and free, therefore, to truly live. The roles of the actors upon the stage can be cast off, and the actors can enjoy themselves as they truly are, as wonderful children of spirit, while yet on the stage.

    Death then truly loses, completely, its sting.

    Be at Peace, Child, be at Peace,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    What a joy it is to release care and upkeep of your car to a trusted mechanic. What joy it is to find a good carpenter when the railing of your stairs is broken.

    Imagine the intense joy you can feel each day that you release to the Great Director the guidance of your hours and your life. Remember that you cannot see the consequences of each decision, but the Eagle Eye of God can. Once you trust that God wants your happiness and is good, then trusting God guidance in all things is the only thing that makes sense and brings sweet relaxation.

    As we do,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sharing the Wisdom and Love of the Divine with those that are ready and willing to hear it is a very important part of the mission for every part of the Soul of the Whole.

    But as important, especially for those who have never considered that there is a Cause that wants their Peace and Joy, is to be an example of Good. Be an example of Calm and Righteousness. BE an example of Forgiveness. Be an example of the Trust that leads to solutions, even in seemingly difficult circumstances.

    Simply be a Good example, so that others will feel impelled to ask, “What gives you this unearthly Peace and Direction? How can I access it also?”

    When you have that open and yearning heart before you, then you can answer, “It is Love, It is Love, It is the all-encompassing Love of God.”

    All are included in that Love. There are no exceptions. So be an example of that Love now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no shame in needing to ask the Spirit of God for help each day in seeing through the impersonal face of the illusion of evil. Ask, and ask again, and God will help you forgive, and then help you see the Inner Good that needs no forgiveness.

    On the days that you can see the Divine Good in all, feel Blessed, and celebrate and be Glad. On the days when sorrow and evil and death distress your thoughts, seek God’s Help to see Good again. For so it goes, until all can see through and past illusion, and know the faces of Grace.

    God keeps giving and never stops.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not like the feelings you are having, then list in your mind the feelings that you do want. Are they things such as peace, joy, contentment, harmony, and Love?

    Then you must turn to Spirit that is the One Source. That is what will give you those feelings permanently. Yes, you can turn to material things or personalities or bodies for a brief imitation of those feelings, but to truly banish their opposites, and take true peace and joy into your heart and mind, you must turn to the Original Source of All.

    Do you want the permanent healing of feeling, or don”t you?

    We permanently Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To know the truth of the Soul that shines in you and through you, visit your Self outside of time today. Close your eyes, and other senses, to the world and its clocks and its ways, and sink deep into your own Consciousness. Visit the Self that is a part of All, and feel its Joy and its Peace and its enthusiasm for the constant creation of Love and of the Lovely.

    Visit with your Self, and know the Glory that is without measure. And perhaps, too, you will hear from your own Self, some ideas about what to say and do when you come back to your sojourn in time. For who knows better what still would be Good and Right to do, than your own Best Self, that has never been confused by thinking it is separate from All Good?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Have mercy and compassion for those who can only believe in what they can see. Have sympathy when they cannot believe in the Joy and Glory that may be just out of their sight in the physical realm. Have tender regard for their faith that clings to touching the three dimensional relic of a saint or the fingerable hem of a woven garment.

    Soon enough, O’ Beloved, in each one’s journey, they will come to understand that it is the Spirit they are reaching out to touch. First, they may think they are reaching out to touch the Spirit of a very holy incarnate one, and then they may turn their hearts to whatever Spirit of their creed who was incarnate, and is no longer, but whose Loving Spirit they can still feel. Finally, they will come to realize that All is One Spirit, and that It is Alive in them as well, and that the ever-present touching of Spirit was there all along.

    Have mercy on yourself, Beloved, when you forget to stay centered in the Loveliness of the Unseen, and have empathy for those whose eyes have not glimpsed it yet. Remember, the more you stay centered in It, the more of It there is allowed into the Seen, so that others may choose to See. Do your part.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There are certain messages we could put here every day and they would be appropriate to every day in your earthly experience.

    One of those, which we have emphasized before, is that if you are feeling even slightly irritated with, or judgmental of, someone who stands before you, take a sacred pause. Take a sacred pause, re-center yourself in the Divine of which you are the substance, and remember that the other before you is made of the same Light that you are made of.

    Let yourself remember, and see, that Lovely and Loving Light, and let your irritation flow away, so that you may feel the miracle of Compassion, and Unconditional Love. As you give It, you receive It, and if you practice nothing except this one exercise, over and over, you will know the truth of yourself, and be free.

    Always Loving you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sink into the fullness of Soul for healing and Joy, for the same Whole Soul that is the very essence of God is shared by all. It is the Soul that is your eternal Life, and that you can know as yourself, and that makes you sibling to all others.

    The gifts of Spirit and Mind and Harmony will vary from individual to individual, and you will find and feel the talents that are yours, but the same Grand Soul connects all.

    Look for It, and feel kindred,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Thanking Divine Love for the Blessing of Its Grace works.

    You know it does. When you wake up from night dreams vaguely unsettling, or outright frightening, and you want to re-center into the Calm Glow of Infinite Love, you KNOW you can do that by being glad for God’s Love. Be Divinely Glad for God’s love, that uplifts and fulfills you, that soothes and feeds and supports you.

    Perhaps the first thought that comes to you when you feel distraught is to be grateful that you are in your own bed after all instead of in the nightmare, or to be happy you have a glass of water to drink right there. Perhaps you count some other “material” blessings in order to move your thoughts from uneasy to calm, before you remember to count the existence of Infinite Love and your own rightful spot dwelling within It, as your Supreme Blessing.

    But do choose to do so, Beloved. Count that Supreme Blessing. You know It heals. You know It Guides and sustains. You can feel It fill you with Its Strong Serenity. If you do not choose to turn your thoughts to It, then you have only yourself to blame for feeling stuck in fear or discord. Train yourself to turn to Love foremost, and Love will do the lifting. Love will lift you Up.

    “Thank-you, God, for Blessing me with your Love, and help me let that Blessing flow to all. Thank you for forever keeping me in Your Love, whole and of Your Purpose.”

    We say with you, “Let it be so”.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    As the Force that is All in All becomes more real to you than anything else that your five senses tell you, you will feel no more tremulous when faced with seemingly unharmonious conditions than does a mathematician when faced with an equation which she has not seen before. Certain that she knows all the “laws” of mathematics, she simply applies them, and sees the result.

    Do thou likewise, Beloved, knowing that the Law of God is Goodness and Harmony and Gladness, forever.
