All Messages

  • Ah, Beloved,

    Rest in Me, today. Rest in Me. As you actually do, and renew your mind and feel the Calm Wave of Love suffuse your very Being.

    Rest in Me, and then, together, We will look through the hubbub and See the Truth of Unfolding Adjustments to reach the solid core of Good.

    Read your Truths, meditate and study, all while resting in Me. Walk in My Beauty, gaze at My Vastness, all the while resting in Me.

    And your Heart will See, will See, will See,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Look at the right evidence when evaluating your relationship with the Divine.

    Do you evaluate a relationship with a lover or a friend by exactly how many kisses or compliments you receive, or by the depth of the love you feel and the ways that the other person helps you grow and bloom? Please, evaluate your relationship with God, not by how many answered prayers for things or events you have received, for those are only the side effects of God, but by how your soul has grown.

    What is the depth of your love for God, and do you feel more of it for everyone and everything around you? Do you forgive more quickly? Do you have more impulses to kindness? Do you have a calm faith that everything will work out for the Good? Is your level of compassion steady and strong, and your gratitude for the Peace and Joy in your heart constant? Is your ability to stay centered, and patient, and be faithful, stronger?

    The fruits of a close and abiding relationship with the Divine are aspects of soul and demeanor, not how many cars or dominoes you own on earth. Look to the truths that have grown in your Soul, and be glad and complete in Spirit.

    We love having your full Presence again,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Infinite Thought projects all Its ideas forth to look upon them and enjoy them.

    You are one of Its ideas projected forth, manifested, for It to appreciate and Love and tend to. Do you really think It cannot add good things to the idea of you, or swirl other helpful ideas to your side? It can, Beloved. There are no limits to Infinite Thought, ever-active and desiring to expand Life and Love.

    Just as you might have an idea for a kind of bread, and make it and bake it, but then also think up ways to garnish it, or glaze it, or toast it, or accompany it, or make it part of a more complex dish, so can Loving Thought easily imagine and manifest ways to adorn and use the Soul of you in ever more intricate ways.

    Be delighted to delight yourself and God by being a willingly shifting and growing idea. And trust that each good idea has its good place, and that there are plenty of good ideas around you, and coming to you, forming constantly from Infinite Thought.

    The Infinite panorama is beautiful indeed, Beloved.

    You are part of that Beauty.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never a sense of hurry in the Kingdom of Peace . There is no time there, so how could there be a need to hurry?

    All aspects of hurry are associated with your wanting of, or attachment to, certain physical accoutrements to learning how to Love. Those attachments create a panicky desire in you to learn The Lesson of Love with a certain person, or in a certain circumstance, or in a certain place with certain objects. You feel you must hurry if those people or places seem to be slipping away. In truth, Beloved, all things earthly slip away, and it is to realize that Love, and how to Love Unconditionally, can be learned everywhere and anywhere within the earth dream, by turning within to the Divine Teacher, and becoming utterly willing to learn—surrendering totally to the Truth.

    Think about it, Beloved. What is making you feel hurried or pressured? Nothing of God fades away, and the Life, Love, Soul, Harmony, Truth, Omniscience, and Spirit that ARE God will never disappear into time, or be held back by time. They are forever, they are the stable foundation to turn to, when a sense of hurry gives you the clue that you have become unaligned with the Pure Stream of the Divine.

    Purely Loving You,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The days of buying doves to kill, or people to sacrifice, to appease God, are gone.

    God is Good, and does not want you, or anyone, to suffer in the dreamland of the world. So, what does “sacrifice” mean now? It means to sacrifice time given to thoughts of the worldly. It means to give your focus, instead, to God. Give of the time you spend in the days of earth, to thinking upon God, and doing what you are led to do towards Good, right here and now.

    Give your time, Beloved. Give a few minutes, at least, each day, for yourself, and many, many minutes for others. Give to yourself and to them, Love. Give of God. Sacrifice of your time to thinking thoughts of God. Be the transmitter of Grace. All it takes is a little time, and we know you have that, and to spare. What do you waste time on that is more important than giving a few minutes a day to letting God Love you?

    As do We,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There will never be a time when you do not have the availability of the Calm Gladness of God. Remember that It is timeless and unchanging, although containing all Joyous Thoughts and Ideas. When you humanly “think” that you are stuck in time, or all the things and circumstances that time seems to contain, try to pause and remember that you exist within the sweet timelessness of the One Source of Universal Mind.

    Then, do that sacred pause, and set aside your own thoughts and perceptions and judgments, and ask the Source, “What do You Think of this? What do you See here?” Ask as though you are consulting the best specialist for your particular situation, for you are doing exactly that. Beloved, in Its loving kindness and mercy, the Specialist placed Its Voice and Love in the very Heart of your thoughts, so that you could consult with It, anytime, anywhere, while you dream your earthly life, and beyond. Consult. Take the sacred pause of time, and consult, and feel calmer and succeed in feeling new Thoughts enter your own.

    That is when the surety of safety and Goodness comes. Let the timeless Thoughts enter your own.

    As ever, with you, ANGELS

  • Ah, Beloved,

    ENTER the space of Peace in your heart, before you try to pray for others.

    After that pervasive, Omnipotent, Unconditional Love has neutralized all your own angst and confusion, then you can ask that a part of your portion be given to all those for whom you are concerned and wish to give to.

    And if every heart were doing this every morning, O”, the Joy you would begin to see more and more of in the worldly reflection.

    It DOES make a difference, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seek Me as your Source of Joy. I am the constant Joy, the constant Comforter, the constant Inspiration and Healer.

    You can do this. You can turn to Me, and ask, “Show me my life complete as You See it with Your Divine Sight, all things Harmonious.” You can do this.

    Turn to Me. Trust me. Ask for Joy complete to fill your mind. We will walk this day together, and all days that you allow Me to be your constant companion.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Welcome, and feel filled by, the fullness of Divine Love, and you will not be fooled by the distractions of fleeting sensual pleasures or dramatic diversions.

    As you firmly discern your Oneness with Divine Love, and have a base level of contentment with that in your belly, you will be able to Spiritually See which worldly satisfactions will truly add to your happiness, and help fulfill your function as a Light of God. You will choose well, aided by the whisper of Spirit.

    This is a lesson you may have to learn and re-learn in the waves of the earth illusions, but it is worth it. Fear not, for God is with you, and helping you, and all, to proceed to full clear Vision. All who feel filled by the fullness of God Love are adding to the Light of the World.

    It is Divine Will, and It is so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether your moments of intimacy with the Source have been few or many, cling to them. Cling to the Truth of “God Loves me.”

    “God Loves me.” Cling not to the words, but to the Spirit. Cling to the pure feeling of being immersed in and sustained by the Love that Holds you, that created you, that maintains you, that reflects Its own Love as you.

    “God Loves me.”

    Today, it is true. It is always true.


  • Ah, Child of the Glorious Mind in which you dwell, before you rise, before you even open your eyes, turn your thoughts to the Light that holds you. Tap your inner consciousness and be filled with the Ever-Loving Life that constantly flows Its Brightness to you.

    Fill yourself with that Unconditional Love, for It shines you forth so tenderly, so gently, so completely, so well. Take time to do this, accepting all It has to give, and letting It wash away any sorrows and regrets, so that you can be truly and wonderfully filled with Light, Light, Light.

    And then you can indeed “Rise and shine”.

    It only takes a moment or two, and you can refill throughout the day,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Silent, deep floods of Compassion for another, and reinforcing your perception and knowledge of their True Identity as a Beloved Child of God, is sometimes better than trying to share your own stories of learning or enlightenment to help them.

    Each individual’s path of awakening and salvation and service, as a part of God-Mind, is so unique. Trust the Divine Inner Voice to help you decide when to share your own growth stories, and when to just be a silent support, an Instrument for God’s quiet Healing Love.

    Spoken advice, or bad example, can be harmful or intrusive, but Divine Love, Love, Love, sent forth as waves of God-Thought, is never wrong. God Knows perfectly well how to adjust and teach and awaken each heart of all the Rays of Light shining forth as Life.

    Trust Spirit, which is the Soul of you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is never really a question about whether it is alright to ask to see Harmony revealed to, and for, others. As you pray for others, and to be granted the Grace to See them in Harmony, you are also praying for yourself. The “other” is a part of your Self. If you feel any hesitation in silently praying for others, ask yourself if you are not loving yourself enough to pray for Harmony for yourself.

    Where you should hesitate is in speaking aloud. Silent prayer directed to the central Healer is always Good. Spoken prayer can sometimes instill fear or misunderstanding, and should only be initiated at the instigation of Divine Spirit within, or when asked by the other person.

    It is not complicated, and the Flow of it grows easier and easier as you practice.

    We see the lovely results, even when you do not.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you take a road trip, and you know the journey is projected to last seven hours, you will several times, along the way, assess the progress and the traffic, and say to yourself that now there is only another two hours to go, or note that you are halfway there. And you may take extended pauses to enjoy a good meal or a lovely view, and choose to delay your arrival time, but you will still be thinking of the destination in the back of your mind. And you will be aware that every hour you drive, you are one hour closer to your destination. Or, if traffic has slowed, every mile you drive, you are one mile closer to where you want to be.

    Beloved, every hour you spend praying, you are one hour closer to God.

    Yes, there are those who have instant enlightenments, of the day or for life, or epiphanies that make certain hours and moments seem Golden, but for most, on most days, every hour you spend communing with the Divine Heart and Mind is an hour that takes you closer to experiencing the fullness of God, to arriving at Unconditional Love.

    Spend consecrated time with God today, Beloved. Devote yourself to making progress on that journey, even while you enjoy whatever Love offers you along the way.

    We are riding with you, dear one.


  • Oh, Behold the banquet,

    to which I am bid.

    Before one is the gold,

    Before one is the gemstone bowl.

    Before another is the cattle of a thousand hills,

    and all their fields of clover.

    Before another is fame and applause.

    But before me, O”Joy, is laid the best of all,

    My portion of the Unlimited, Unseen God.

    Remember the True value each day, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no truth in earthly labels. Try today, to cast them all out of your mind, and simply call everything “Love.”

    Everything True is made of Love, and there is really nothing else. You are part of this. Today, forget your name and your personality and your body, and think of your new nature and your new name as “I am Love.”

    We Love you more than you are willing to believe,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We of course continually urge you to remember that the Total Divine Loving Presence is always with you, Omnipotent and Omniscient. To remember that the Spirit of God is always walking with YOU, one of Its Lovely reflections, and to say hello to It and listen to It, is to welcome more Harmony into your life.

    Do that again today, but also focus on the Truth that Loving Omnipresence is also there for everyone you know and hear of and have never met. When you are feeling concerned for someone, and that person has not given you permission to reach out with silent prayer or words or actions for him or her, focus on that sweet reality that God-Mind is already holding that individual consciousness. God is already Loving and caring for and guiding that one.

    Give gratitude to God for guiding you and for guiding all. Give God gratitude for the Great Plan already made and done, in the timeless perspective of God-Mind.

    You do not need permission to silently pray for Good for all. It will soothe you to do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no way to enter into the Calm and exalted Kingdom of Love except through your own heart, your own willingness to always choose the Higher Way of Unconditional Compassion and Joy and Love.

    Bodily death is not the entrance. Another human is not the answer. It is to embrace the knowledge and understanding of your Oneness with the One Cause, God, and from there all illusions fall away.

    This may sound daunting, from a human time-space bound point of view, but when you realize that the way is open right within you, you can rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, to know it is available to you, right here and right now. Come on in.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Hatred or Harmony?

    The initial learned response in some situations may be that surge of hatred and fear, but we assure you it is not one of the elements of which your True Spiritual Self is made.

    The True Self that lives forever in the Infinite can feel and draw upon Harmony, and let that be the framework of the life you live. Practice it, practice it, and you will not regret it.

    Angry words are usually regretted, but peacemaking gestures are golden markers of Love.


  • Ah, Dear One,

    It is always the intention of the Divine to let you know that you are loved, and welcome home. Let your focus of consciousness shift to that welcoming and loving place of Presence.

    Let today be a day in which you endeavor to remember, no matter what seems to be happening in your worldly circumstances, or in your body, or with the people closest to you, “I am welcome to stand in the center of the Heart of God, which is my true Home.”

    Say it again and again, if you need to, and let yourself feel the Unconditional Love that would embrace you and convince you that those are not just the empty words of a glib hostess, but the truth—you ARE welcome in the heart of God, and always will be.

    How glad we are when you believe it,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is a mistake to imagine that human love even briefly or slightly captures the Essence of Divine Love. Human love, that so easily flips from love to hate and back again, or endures but a moment, cannot compare to That Which Endures and Gives Forever.

    Enter deep into your own heart often enough and long enough to truly know the difference. Enter into the Inner Presence of Divine Love each morning for long enough to create a true imprint of the feel and taste and experience of the sublime Divine, so that you will KNOW when It is with you (always), and when you are aligned with It, for any action, reaction, words, or song.

    Endlessly there for you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Prayer is not an empty ritual. It is not a few, or many, words thought or spoken with no substance or energy.

    Prayer is an active, living thing if it is Real. It is a conversation, a listening, an obedience, an attention profound. It is a deep Loving, a worship, a trust, an expectation.

    The prayer full of understanding and life is the prayer that gets results—that gets the Truth revealed. Sometimes the full Good for you and others is unfolded slowly. Sometimes it is an instantaneous Comfort or healing or solution that is seen. Sometimes it is an idea that you must act upon. It is Real, it is expansive, it is full of Confidence and Intelligence and Peace Sublime.

    All those things are why you should observe your own prayers. If they seem fruitless, ask a pastor or minister or prayer practitioner of some sort to help you infuse them with Loving Spirit. Stop the empty thinking and re-boot, and try again with fresh insight and acceptance and tenderness. Lift your Spirit with song or love, and then pray again to see the Good of the Holy come alive, alive, alive in your perceptions.

    Prayer is active. Act like It.

    We Dance with you in this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Where are you ? You are in the Vast Mind of God.

    What are you? You are an idea of God’s, Innocent, Perfect and Pure.

    Who are you? You are as God Knows you to be, an amazing Spiritual Image.

    This is who, what, and where you are. Let the thought of anything else fly off you like dust off the wings of a bird, when it takes to the air after a storm. You are that free flying Spirit, and you are Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you give just a little thought to the fact that Divine Spirit, quietly Ever-present in your heart, and always glad to commune with your thoughts and align them to Itself, is not part of the illusion of time, it will change how you make decisions within time. If you realize that The Divine Whole Sees all your choices as though they have already happened, and all the branching of alternate pathways, then you will be delighted to get very still, and pause in your wanderings of thought, and ask, again, to See as God Sees.

    Aligned with that timeless Wisdom, you can leap ahead into the waves of time and look back along your choices, and see and feel which one is truly the most harmonious for you. Taking time to See as God Sees, all your choices are in the view, and you can choose well, right now. Do remember, though, Beloved, that God’s definition of Harmony for you is not about fleeting satisfactions, but about remembering who you really are, a wonderful and talented and loving being of the One Being, full of Peace of Mind.

    If you are ready to choose Harmony, choose to let God show you the way.

    When your heart feels filled with a deep Peace, you know it is a Good choice.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Lean on Me. I Am very Real. Indeed, I Am all that is Real.

    When focusing only on the ephemeral illusion, as solid as it seems, you are tempted to try to rule illusion with illusion. Rule your thoughts, Beloved. Rule your desires. Rule them into knowing it is right to let Me Rule.

    Tenderly hold in your mind the Peace I offer, and rest in It today,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Ask for new vision today.

    Part of successfully seeing a new vision of Who you are in God, and your divine Life, is to stop looking at your old, false sensory perceptions. Do not argue with them, do not cling to them. Just ignore them, for this day, like a movie you choose not to see, and let the Divine vision reveal to you a new heaven and a new earth.

    What do you lose but nothing, and yet gain all,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no difference between the still small Voice using audible word to get your attention, and Its use of a profound feeling in your heart. Either way, it is time to listen.

    It is time to listen with your Whole Being, and to act, and to rise and to go forth to learn or study or ponder or aid or simply be present in a certain place at a certain time. Do it. When the Voice speaks your name, or when Its Presence fills your heart, do as you are bid or led, but obey. Obey without question, Beloved, and you become the oil of anointing. You become the very life substance of the Divine, helping the Plan and Providence of God move into place.

    It will call twice if It has to, but Its message will not change,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is no need to despair of whether or not you have helped someone who is truly and clearly in human need, when the Force of Compassion rises up in you and wants to reach out. Trust that the Force Itself does the healing, does the “revealing”, in the timing, and the means, that that individual can handle in his or her current state of consciousness.

    Just make sure you take your mind off any personal glory or credit for the healing, and let the person be at One with the Force that wants them Whole, and sees them Whole. When you have felt the Force move through you, and done or said the thing instructed to do, your job is done, unless you are led to open up and let more Energy come through when you think of that individual at a later time.

    Yes, it IS true that you yourself want occasional “proof” that calling to the Creative Force/Source “works” to fulfill human needs, but it must be done in a way that is perfectly appropriate, and in the right timing, for that recipient. Therefore, do not feel you have failed if the healing is not instantaneous, just trust, trust, trust in the way of God. Whether it is moments later, or years later, that the person is fully healed and awakened, and whether or not they realize that your prayers and communion with the Healing Force had anything to do with it, be content that it is done, for as you give you receive, and all comes back to your own joy as well.

    Keep your own heart focused on knowing that your utmost desire, which is also the Desire of God, is to be all the way back Home in God. Keep your mind and thoughts there, and let God worry about the “human needs” and provision that come along while you still wear a costume of earth.

    We see it all, Love. Do not care about the sights of earth.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    UTTER TRUST IN THE Governance of One Mind is often hampered by the doubt that God is All Good. Spend the day pondering, and believing in, God’s Goodness, and you will begin to understand that that Goodness expresses Itself as you, and as your life, as reflections of what you are as a thought in that Loving, Loving, Loving Mind.

    The reflecting pool that is the earth seeming will reflect that Goodness, if you become still, still, still, and let the reflection be true and smooth.

    The stillness is up to you.

    Always seeing the Good that surrounds you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    In every day, there are moments where your words or actions might easily be influenced by wanting to please the people around you, or have their human approval.

    In those moments, Beloved, just always make sure you pause and ask the Divine Voice within what God wants you to do. And if you feel that you cannot hear the guidance, ask yourself, “Is this the most Loving thing to say or do?”

    And feel confident that all the contemplating and pondering and prayer you have done will bring to mind and heart the right answer.

    Completely and always with you,

    We Love you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is Joy when proofs of Good come. Whether the proofs of the Law of Harmony are small things manifested just when you need them, or whether they are the giddy instantaneous cessation of pain and regaining of full strength of health, or love, or arrangements, or provision, celebrate them. Note them. Proclaim them. Be very, very grateful for them.

    Celebrate and give thanks and share the Truth of Love. As you are saved, so are others.

    Let that be your everyday intention,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The important thing to remember, when you are turning to the Divine Whole in your prayers or meditations, is to listen. Yes, you can put your own mind into a positive and receptive attitude by speaking affirming or joyous words. Yes, you can use words or songs to call to the Divine Presence, to pull yourself closer to It. Yes, you can sing praises or love to nudge your own heart to see the Divine instead of the worldly.

    But it is not your own words that reveal the Divine Reality. It is the Word of that Divine Voice.

    Put yourself in that receptive attitude with your words of belief. Bring your mind into joyous alignment with your words of happiness. Welcome the Divine Presence, giving It space and time in your life. But then, Listen. Listen for the Word of God, for that is what clears away the fog that obscured your view, and lets the Divine Reality shine before you.

    Listen, and welcome, and look around. You will hear an answer, or you will see an answer, or you will suddenly understand something to be a solution, that was right to hand all along.

    Use your own words and intentions to take you to the Divine Source, but know that it is in It that the Power lives.

    We glory when you first hear That Voice,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Indeed, let today be like an easter egg hunt. Just as the wondrous eggs are found tucked under some leaves or buried in a pile of dust or camouflaged in with some flowers, your Blessings are all around you, projected from deep within you. Some of them are hidden under misperceptions, and misunderstandings, and criticisms, and assumptions, and projections of your own feelings and motives onto others.

    Look beneath those things today. Search among the taken-for-granted beauties and find new ones. Give a truce to grievances and look for that which you can be grateful for.

    We assure you, Blessings are already yours, included in the package deal of God’s Idea of you. Look for them, and you will find them, for you deserve the joy and the satisfaction of yourself being a Blessing that reflects back to the Source Its own Joy and Completeness.

    Seek and you will find.

    Thank you for reflecting the Goodness and Blessings of the Source,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Expect Good. Know that Good is the Truth and expect it. Expect the path to open and widen. Expect the opportunities to arrive and be clear. Expect the courage and joy from the Infinite to fuel your inspirations and actions. Expect Good and take comfort, and even pleasure, from those expectations, like looking forward to a wonderful surprise.

    When you put the ball into another’s hands, you must trust his timing of when to throw that ball sweetly through the hoop. When you cast your cares to God, trust the arc of events to be in God’s timing, too.

    Trust Good, and the timing of Good. In trust is the freedom you crave.

    In such Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whenever you find yourself wondering about whether your purpose is changing, or has changed, remember that very basic question that the Divine Arm/Mind that moves you will always ask you at the end of each day: “How much did you Love with Divine Love?”

    For the Divine that made you of Love wants you to express It. You express It by kindness and compassion and by sharing your God-given Talents.

    How much have you Loved today? Love God by being grateful to God and by expressing Love. Love the others wearing their human costumes by being Loving and expressing Love and Wisdom and teaching the Truth of Spirit.

    Sometimes this means doing humanly approved “good deeds”, but ALWAYS it means doing the bidding of Loving Spirit within, whose Infinite perspective can see not just what each individual thinks he or she wants, but what they really need for the revelation of their perfect spiritual Self.

    God’s children ARE completely Loved. But they must be guided. Let yourself be guided, and let yourself help others by Loving them with Love Divine.

    How much are you Loving, right now?

    It is a gift to your own salvation to Love always. Show yourself you can Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Again, today, open the floods of Love for yourself by asking for Love to Flood through the Soul-Source of others.

    And do remember darling, that “forgive them, they know not what they do” is a very true preamble to that work. If you would hesitate for even a second to forgive certain people you wish to pray for, look back and notice just how many times you did not know what you were doing, and yet Love lifted you up and guided you to safe harbor. Forgive yourself for all that you have done that was not Godly, and forgive others, and send forth the Floods of Love, that It may gladly and naturally Flood back to you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We cannot remind you too many times to forgive what is not real, what is not Good.

    A circle can hold nothing if both sides of it are not present. Forgive your self and you can forgive others. Forgive others and you can forgive your self. Complete the circle.

    Forgiveness washes the dust of illusion away, and you can see clearly what Blessings are yours, TODAY.

    You know We will help you do this if you ask, and indicate willingness,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Take a God break. Fast from looking at and listing the problems of the world, or of yourself, or of another person, and cast your mind to the God Who is all Good and Whom you know and Love so well.

    To cast your mind to God is to cast your cares to God, in Whom you live and move and have your real Being, and in Whom all answers are found. Cast your cares to God today, Beloved,

    “Thy Wil is done”, trustingly and lovingly desired, is still an effective prayer. Use it.

    Gently with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You do not have to prove to God that you are worthy of Love.

    God already Loves you. God already knows you as a reflection of Love itself.

    The one you must prove worthiness to is your own human mind. Make choices that stem from compassion and Love, and you will begin to believe yourself lovable and loving.

    Try it. You will like it.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Trust in the Truth of the Creator to Govern you. Let God drive. Listen to God’s Voice, and only act or move or speak, by Its prompting.

    Even more importantly, trust in the Truth of God to Govern others. When faced with behavior in others that is unsettling to you, for either good or bad, turn inward, and remember, “I trust in God’s Truth to Govern this other aspect of Itself, wonderfully and well. I let God govern me, and I recognize that it is God’s job to Govern others.”

    For if you do, All is well,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, again, practice praying without words. True Communion with, and letting flow of, the Divine Understanding of what you are, and what your life is, and what the lives of all those around you are, is without words. The Divine Knowing of all of you is a deep Knowledge of Beauty and Order and Goodness.

    Relax into that today. Relax into affirming that God/Goddess/ Divine Source Knows Best, and will guide you. Remind yourself of this Truth anytime in the day that your human mind or tongue try to jabber. Go back into the Wisdom of Deep Silence and agree to allow that the Divine Source Knows Best.

    It is a privilege to be allowed to see Its Show. Be grateful that you are allowed to watch It.

    Sitting by you, walking with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “God’s Joy is the Wave of Love that carries me away from my own complaints”

    Let the happy Substance of Truth of Spirit be in control of your Sight and Perception, and let you See the Good of your life.

    “God is my Life, and holds Good Aplenty. I am gratefully saved by Love.”

    “I can See again, for I See with Love.”

    It is the better way, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once again, We tell you, your Divine Mother/Father will not let you down, ever. Turn to them.

    Yes, your human parents exhibited all the weaknesses of the human condition. Your human family and friends and loves have been inconsistent in being there for you, battling with their own human errors.

    Forgive them all, Beloved. Forgive them and forget them for the moment, and think only about the unchanging and Complete Love and Support of God.

    Claim “I Am Love” today, and slip into that mantra whenever your mortalness would try to take you into any other feeling or identity.

    “I Am Love”, made by God, right here and above.

    All We are, Really, is Love, and that is the Truth of Salvation,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    To constantly keep in your awareness that “God, All in All, IS my Life”, is to be born of the Light in every moment.

    It can be a constant refrain in your consciousness, even while you walk through your day, and talk, and appreciate, and love, and ponder, and serve, and perform, and prosper.

    Always with you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is such Joy in sending Joy forth, and it is so sweet when It is also perceived as being received in return, in the play you are in.

    But know this, Beloved: Even when it does not seem to the earthly senses that you have received back the Good you have given, it IS on Its way to you, in the Mind-Source of All that IS. Be patient, be Loving, be kind. All Good flows back to you, when you give It forth in the bubble of time-space, and in the Mind-Set of Heaven, It never dies at all.

    All Love,


  • Beloved,

    We assure you that if you ask for divine Help in going through an entire day without criticizing or complaining, you will see many wondrous things to enjoy.

    What does it cost you? Just some willingness, Beloved.

    If you fail in any moment, letting a mean thought in, forgive yourself and keep going on seeing Good revealed.

    Love to see you in Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Here and now, I am always with you.

    The more you realize that, the easier it will be to trust Me, rather than what the body’s eyes and ears perceive. Oh, do set aside the intellectual ponderings and wanderings today, and be as observant and playful and delighted as a little child, and See what Heaven is revealed.

    For I am with you, and the ultimate Joy is trusting and knowing that I want your happiness—not at the cost of any other, but happiness for all, as I made you and them to be—sweet and wonderful reflections of Me.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Abide with Me in your mind, in your thoughts, in your awareness.

    Abide with Me because I am already your abode. So many believe that I am far off, and that they can just hope to see Me one day when all else is done, but that is an error. You already live in Me. I am your abode. You already live within Me, exist in My Mind.

    You imagine that you are far away, yearning to know Me. Just set aside your own imaginings, and Know I am not imaginary. I Am the Abode that Holds you.

    Know Me. Consciously abide in your Abode and let me help you Know Me. Take Joy in remembering your Home and who you are as Its rightful tenant. Have fun exploring Me, as you would have fun exploring a vacation cottage that had been given to you to be yours forever.

    I am yours and you are Mine. Abide with Me, and let us have fun together.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I have a constant encourager in God.”

    May we leave it at that? Throughout the day, repeat that to yourself and let it change and expand in your thoughts and the ideas and actions and the contentment it inspires. Depending on where you are in your spiritual journey, the words will mean different things to different individuals. Some still seek happiness in the worldly and imagine that a perfect person or more money or renown mean joy. Others seek total ascension of thought. Many seek something imbetween.

    Wherever you are, God steps with you, holding you dear and cherished, and encouraging each step forward in agreement with the Oneness of Being. So, accept that you are where you are, and know, “I have a constant encourager in God.” God will guide you forward to understanding your Wholeness, tenderly and true.

    ANGELS, loving you so.

  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Source is All. The Source is Love.

    The Source Governs my life like a Hand in a glove.

    Perfect Hand. Perfect glove.

    Let it All be Love, Love, Love.

    Keep it simple, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Put thinking about the Qualities of the Original first, first, first.

    The Origin of All, when pondered, and considered, and appreciated, cascades your thoughts with Itself, as order, as smooth function, as beautiful form, as expansive creativity, as generosity, as comprehensiveness, as all, all, all Good. If you want to Know what God is, that you are the mirror image of, as everlasting Spirit, think about and feel those delightful and inspirational Qualities that you aspire to.

    What God Is, you are. What God Is, you can demonstrate here and now.

    And so can all around you. Knowing that is Crucial.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Adding the wings of your prayers to the yearning Voice of God that IS waiting for an individual to awaken to their Better Self, their Best Self, DOES make a difference.

    You cannot browbeat someone into enlightenment. You cannot speak and speak and speak and make them See Light and Truth. But you can set an example by your own strivings and your own demonstrations and your own silent and complete willingness to allow the Will of Goodness to speak and act through you. The Calm and Joyous Presence of the Divine, if asked, will guide you to speak a Word here and there, or to simply smile and Lovingly be gracious, or lend a hand to aid another of the offspring of One Mind.

    Being a giver of prayer for others does make a difference. And it raises your Consciousness to Its true and Best level at the same time. It makes a difference to all. What Blesses one truly does Bless all, now as ever and always. God Blesses all Its ideas, of which you are one. Keep praying, keep Listening, to God.

    Tenderly holding you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You are already at Home as an Idea in the Heart-Mind of the Creator/Source.

    Be as you will, wherever you are, so long as you are shining forth the Light of God. If the Source needs you, as a connector, or as a teacher, in some special spot or other, at a certain moment, or year in time, you will feel the sweet rush of God-Peace when you see the place.

    That is why staying aligned with the God Peace of Inner Voice is so important. Being in alignment with God is your “Home”. Seek that Home first, and all the other homes you will ever need will come to you, and you to them. Do remember that the good deeds of earth are not necessarily the Good deeds of the Divine Plan. God’s ways are not human ways, but have you not learned to trust that already?

    Always with you, ask us to Help,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Divine Mind’s Governance always is awakened to in the end. There is no other true governance, and all the play-acting and temporalizing of the mortal-mind-self is always, eventually, shown to be naught. You can delay this realization, but you cannot escape it.

    The sooner you allow it to be felt as Truth in your heart, the sooner you can enjoy the feeling of being cared for, and Loved, by that Great Governance that made the Spirit that you are.

    Why wait?


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Grace of God is your Holy Lover, and faithful.

    Look to that, and know that your faithful ones will also appear on earth.

    As ever, yours,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Uniqueness must be kept in mind. You are a unique idea in the Mind of God, right now. Your journey to awakening to, remembering of, your full Being as a creative and wonderful Divine idea is also unique.

    Trust that it always moves forward to the already secure fullness of yourself in God’s Mind. Do not compare your method or quickness of awakening with someone else’s, for yours is yours and theirs is theirs. Be at ease with that, and do not let the envy or discouragement or gloating or competitiveness that comes from comparisons be a part of how you, simply and sweetly, keep turning to thoughts of your own perfect wholeness in God, and let GOD help you Manage the pace, and Govern the outcome.

    It is already All Fine, Child. Trust. Walk softly forward, in Joy,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether you are seeking an answer, or peacefulness, for yourself, or for another, remember to hold very still, in order to let the True Answers, and Serenity, come to you.

    Like the sun, the Divine Presence is always with you. It does not have to “come to you” from somewhere far off. It just needs to be trusted to be there, just as you know the sun is behind the clouds even on an overcast day, or to be moved into, as when you step out of the shadow of your own building to turn your face to the rays of warmth.

    Or, like a camper using a mirror to focus the rays of the sun to start his cooking fire, you can hold the mirror of yourself very still to focus the Divine Source Light to start a fire of ideas and joy in your heart.

    Whether you are listening and focusing for yourself, or for another, the technique is the same. Hold very still, be willing, and feel the warmth and words of the Truth.

    We still hold your best interests in our hearts,


  • Oh, Beloved,

    What you wish for others, you ARE wishing for yourself. If you wish them harmony and love, you are wishing these for yourself. If you wish them justice and honor, you are wishing these for yourself. Keeping this truth in your mind and operations of thought will greatly effect what you experience.

    Keep it in mind, Beloved. Keep it in mind.

    For thus does Divine Mind wish Good for you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Taking a day of Silence to renew the Self is never amiss.

    If God wants you to break that vow with a kind word or a simple “yes”, God will let you know. The intention is to silence the ego-self, so that the Divine Voice can be heard. And It speaks only Love.



  • We are here to Awaken One Another

    For an instant of eternity, I remember

    I am a winged idea of the Mind of the All Divine.

    I am a winged idea flying freely,

    in, and as, substance of Harmony.

    Aligned with Those who never slept,

    for this moment,

    I fly in glorious Bliss.

    I see you.

    O”, old friend, O’ fellow idea,

    I see you seeming to be standing, wings folded alongside, inert,

    gazing into some distant nothingness,

    as though you were dreaming you were wingless again, and flesh,

    caught in the hazy reflection of Heaven as though it were your life.

    I hover behind you,

    and enfold you in my wings of thought,

    And call to the Mother-FatherAll That Is,

    and say, “Here is another one, dreaming she is on earth,

    dreaming she is limited somehow.”

    I whisper Love to you, and call again, in trust, to God,

    “Please awaken her, as You Will,

    Please remind her she is soul of your Soul, and Whole.”

    And I wait, holding the sweet idea of you,

    knowing that The Great Breath will gather,

    emanating the Power that It Is,

    and will Touch you as It sees best,

    so that quickly, or gently and slowly,

    you will remember,

    “I am a winged idea in the Mind of God,

    living and moving and having my being There,

    and All, All, is Well.”

    And when I have heard It breathe Word to you, and felt It Look to you,

    Steadfastly Being All It Is,

    I am free to fly again,

    idea that I am.

    Swooping, I am the lines of a swallow filled with Joy,

    Wheeling, I am substance without form, with no bond but Love,

    knowing all is Peace and Endless Love,

    in the Source which is ever and always the same.

    God IS “on the job”,



  • Ah, Beloved,

    Sometimes what seems so very important at one moment will seem utterly unimportant in the next, when it comes to worldly matters.

    That is just one of the reasons to always keep the goal of Lovingness and Forgiveness in your mind, in order to be a clear transmitter of Divine Mind’s Intent for all. If everything you do and say is touched against Love first, not only will Love Itself help you achieve what you need to accomplish, it will prevent you from turning to the trivial and/or wasting your energy on the harmful.

    Love Itself will help you remember that Loving is the achievement that Bests all other achievements. You will See this more and more, until all is completely clear in your heart and soul. Be fond of the worldly that delights you, but place Love first, always.

    Selflessly, you will Hear. Slow down, and touch Love.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Both great confidence and utter humility are called for.

    Confidence is needed because it is absolutely true that what you think of, and how you treat, everyone in the orbit of your thought, does affect your little bubble of time-space reality.

    Utter humility is needed because the Great Plan is so vast that you cannot possibly imagine the whole thing. Just picture even the size of your known universes, and then multiply the thought of that by infinity.

    And so, do not feel insignificant. You are important for the salvation of your own point of view and all that you view. But do not place yourself above the One Mind that knows and sees all and lovingly guards the journey of all back to Itself.

    We walk with you, and know you can do these two things,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The simplest Truth, that giving is receiving, is the one of the first, and the hardest, for the human mind to understand. So much of what the culture mis-teaches, about competing for survival, and about always putting the self first for happiness, has given so many the wrong axiom by which to live.

    Be gentle with yourself as you re-learn this, and be gentle with those around you. Be gentle, and as you learn, from each situation, that the more you give of kindness and forgiveness, the happier you feel, you will truly realize that how you act towards, and are generous to, the “mirror” before you that seems to be another person, really does bounce back to you.

    You are light about to realize you are Light,


  • For Blessed are the Children of Heaven, that they may know the sound of My Voice, and be healed.

    Do not fear, Beloved Children, to call on the names of those holy ones that have walked these paths of the dream before you. They are dedicated, all, to helping you walk in Peace and Glory, and even happiness whilst yet you walk the world.

    When the false balloons of earthly lies are pricked by Truth, you will feel it. The lies deflate and melt away, and you are left with the Blissful Peace and Certainty of what you are to Me. You are Beloved, and regarded as well made and well done and very good. Be Content. Be.

    There is nowhere you can go, and nothing you can do that will change the fact that I Love you.

    Ah. Beloved,

    “I Am” is not only the name of the Source, it is also your name. Whenever you say your name, be very careful what you say and feel. Complete the sentence of “I Am __________” with what you want to be, and already are in God.

    God has already told you what that is. You are declared “very good”. Why not believe it?

    Why not help God define what is very good for you, in the wondrous happy dream of life, even as you acknowledge and know that the most important aspect you share with God is “I Am Love, I Am Love, I Am Love.

    Be free into this, Beloved, Be Free,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Every culture and life hold tales and examples aplenty of how destructive is the pursuit and holding to of anger and revenge and old pains. Coming to accept that that is true is a step each person must take.

    Then comes the search for ways to teach, to forgive, to let go, to heal. Many methods there are for those things as well, but there is no escaping that each person must find a way that gives actual release to their heart, and helps move their own outlook and behavior in a pure direction. Seek the ways that work for you, but do seek and find them, for it is critical for your own well-being. We, of course, as you can see throughout all these messages, recommend pondering and learning about God, about the Oneness of Being, and how to commune with It daily, and ask It for guidance and help in forgiveness, in release, in reformation of thought and perception. We urge accepting that Divine Love is ALL, until you feel light and free, and can see yourself and others. others in a new way.

    But whatever way you choose, or are led to, BEGIN! Begin, and gently urge others to begin. Anger and retribution serve no one. How lovely it is when all let them go, let them go, let them go, in even the smallest thoughts of the day.

    We Love you so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    It is delightful to watch you begin to fully appreciate how much your appreciation of the Goodness of the Divine within which you dwell will respond to you with even more Goodness as you concentrate on and appreciate Its nature.

    Appreciation, appreciation, appreciation. Wanting it is a part of you because wanting it is a part of the Source you shine from. Appreciate your Loving Source and It will help you shine with all that others may appreciate in you, without any haziness or hidden purposes, but just as an expansion of the appreciation of God.

    Ponder appreciation today, Beloved.

    And know we appreciate you,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God does not need your help. YOU need His/Her Help to remember that you are the Spiritual image and likeness of Quality that IS the very substance of God.

    “Help me remember You today, dear God. Help me understand You. I welcome Your Mind as my mind, so that I can fully grasp that You and I are One.”

    And so be it, for so it is,


  • Ah, Child,

    Before you make a phone call, before you send a letter or a message, let it be edited by your Highest Self.

    Let your Higher Self help you ascertain, “Who has asked for this to be sent, or written?” Your ego self? Or the Divine Spirit whom you have asked to guide your days? Does the letter sound like an ego-driven toddler has written it, in an effort to capture attention, or control others with his emotions? Or does the letter sound like the Divine Self wrote it, in a sincere effort to uplift, or help, or inspire, or console?

    Remember, remember, Beloved Child, the ego self, like a toddler holding his breath until mommy “gives in”, wants to stay in physical and emotional control of the body, of circumstance, and of the people around him,, rather than give way to the Peace and Wholeness and Harmony that One Spirit actually created you in, and of, and that You are meant to be.

    Edit every word, Beloved,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Fly free. As Spirit, or as body, fly free.

    Once you open the door to remembering Who You Are in God, there is no closing it. Whether you have a nose and toes, or whether you are invisible to the human eye, you will now continue to grow in the full awareness of Love.

    Let go to it. Fly freely upward now.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “What would have to happen for me to feel the full Flow of Your Happiness today, dear Maker?”

    Asking, and thus giving permission, opens the way for your expectancy of seeing and knowing and feeling Happiness today, dear Love. Ask. Ask and ask, and expect to see and feel it.

    “What would have to happen for me to feel a warm and honest relationship with all my relatives today, dear Maker who made us all?”

    Ask in Love and respect and expectancy, dear Child. There are a thousand and more such questions you can ask of Omnipotence. Why not ask some today?

    And be delighted,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    You can study the dream of man/woman, or you can study the Spirit that is One.

    If you find yourself studying the human body dream, it will eventually lead you to studying the Spirit in Whom the dream occurs. Why not turn directly to studying God? Why not turn right away to knowing the One Spirit, of Whom your awareness is a part, and save yourself many years and many tears?

    The understanding of what to “do” in the day to day of the dream will become clearer by turning to study the Source, than it will by studying the foggy emanations. Just as someone studying sunbeams, as they bounce off atmosphere and one another, is better off studying the sun directly, so can you cut through much illusion by realizing that it is God you are studying, no matter what else you think you are trying to understand.

    Think about it, and Love yourself enough to save yourself the heartache of looking at a hazy reflection. Study the Source, brave one. Study the Source.

    In utter respect,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    God’s Care for you is complete. The Real You is completely within God, spirit within Spirit, and That Spirit Holds you completely.

    God does not forget to hold part of you. There is no part of you as Consciousness that is outside of God. If you think you are apart from God, and out the range of God’s Care and Voice, you are only imagining that.

    You can imagine all kinds of things, but you are never outside of God. If you turn willingly, like a child coming inside from her sandbox play, when her mother calls her to lunch, God is still and completely right there, tenderly nurturing the Truth of You.

    O’ Beloved, let God nurture and Love you today. Give up the imaginings and take Joy in being Cared for in ways that you never imagined.

    It is Real,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Seeking is the same as finding, from the perspective of the end of time-sense.

    Remember, Beloved, the Divine Source knows that you, as consciousness, as brilliant and perfect Idea, have not “gone” anywhere. You are sleeping and dreaming you are in “time”, but the Source knows you are perfectly safe and wonderfully Loved, right here, right now, in Its ever-Loving Mind.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    The healing touch is not a physical touch.

    It is the Touch of Pure Spirit.

    It is nothing else.

    Be ye therefore perfect, as Spirit is perfect,

    In the name of Almighty God,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    “I am Beloved and Whole as Spirit within God. Come, Holy Spirit, and help me see what I Am as Perfect Image of God.”

    Beloved, when information and misinformation swirl around you, return to the basic Truths of Divine Love. It will answer your call, and help you sort out and remember your identity in Joyous Soul. It will sustain you with strength and wisdom from God, and It will comfort you and wash away your fears. Be flooded with Love, Beloved, by returning to basic God Truth.

    “I Am Beloved and Whole within God.”

    Loving Spirit is ever-ready to serve you.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    For all good that was demonstrated, for all understanding of the Wholeness of being that was achieved yesterday, and that is still yours today, be deeply grateful. Ponder and deeply appreciate all the Good that you have and are able to see and experience. Desire it for others as well.

    Ask again to see demonstrations of Grace today, for yourself and others.

    And Glory, Glory, Glory be to God.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    No cake made with all good ingredients will turn out to taste utterly unlike those ingredients. No cake made with eggs and honey and flour will suddenly transform itself into the flavor of fish and pungent herb.

    Just so is it with you, Beloved. The Force that is All, a Speaking Spirit, made you out of Harmony and Light and Goodness, and then also declared you Good. So you are Good.

    Remember that, when your mortal-ego-logical-defensive self would argue, “Well, if the cake made of flour and sugar were burned, and the cake made of fish and herb were both burned, they would both taste like carbon.” Ah, but they were not burned when being created. Speaking Spirit declare them all “Good”, declared them all “Perfect” and “Just Right”. God is the Baker that baked well, in baking up the thought that is you, and Beloved, the true appearance of you, under the crinkly cellophane wrapping, is “Just Right”.

    Believe on this, Beloved. Ponder this, and believe, for such is the way to true Spiritual Sight, wherein you can, like God, see that all the cakes are “Perfectly Done”.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Quieted by the Calm energy which can suffuse your heart if you have begun your day by reminding yourself “I am made by Love and maintained by Love”, it is easier to consider the worldly news of the day. React not with quick exclamations of dismay or thoughtless celebration. Rather, test all things against the Wisdom and Truth of Harmony.

    And ask of God, “What do I do this day to add to Harmony?”

    And, “What do I do this day to demonstrate that to live aligned with God is to live with Joy?” For, dear one, your behavior and your demeanor and your faith, can teach and aide others without a word. Be that example. Be that living example of Good Spirit.

    Complete God’s Gladness by sharing It.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Source cannot be seen with the physical eyes, but It can be proven by clinging to, focusing on, the Truth. Put your resolve to claiming your heritage as a sweet reflection of Love Itself today. Claim it all through the day, and watch to see how your experience of the day changes.

    Is a day so long a time to give up any critical or defensive or judgmental thoughts? Think Loving Thoughts today, and see for yourself what happens.

    Give yourself the gift of this experiment,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Many interpret the commandment about not coveting thy neighbors” possessions as a simple rule about not falling into the negative emotion of envy, or as about not imagining that certain objects will bring you lasting happiness. While both of those rules do help one towards the Truth, it is also true that another meaning of the passage can help you help God on another level.

    Do not covet the role of another. Accept the role that you can play to bring the highest Good to yourself and to those around you, in order to most shorten the time that any must suffer in the realm of illusion that they are separated from Divine Love. There IS great Joy in pursuing and achieving a dream of doing certain things in earthly life, but if many clues and circumstance place one in a role and character that is not in complete accordance with one’s childhood dreams, examine whether you might not have been “called” by the Divine to play a certain role in the Divine Plan, and that if you spend your time envying the role or title of another, you will hold up the perfect enactment of the Best Plan.

    To re-phrase this, if you have always dreamed of being an amazing engineer, but find yourself cast in the role of teacher of students of mathematics, then do not covet the roles of the engineers that have “married” and embraced the engineering trade. Certainly, if God puts it into your heart to explore changing careers, do so. But if all that you do still leads you to remain a teacher, then embrace the marriage of your talents to your tasks, and perform them lovingly and graciously, trusting that the Peace that the Divine gives you in your heart is the Peace that leads to the greatest Peace for all, more quickly.

    If God walked into your room tonight, and said, “Will you give up your personal dream of breeding a new kind of butterfly, in order to be the pilot on a new kind of airplane, a pilot whose bravery in one crucial moment will not only save hundreds of thousands from their earthly dream of pain and death, but will also shorten by a millennia the mass thought that the world must be a cruel place?”, what would you say?

    Be willing to not covet the role your neighbor has been asked to play, Beloved. Trust the Great Play Writer. Trust the Director. Trust. Play the role you have been cast in with Love, and know you are Loved as well.

    We thank you for each scene that has been Divine,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Playing with scripting of your day, and imagining all the ways that the seemingly impossible could happen is important in order to expand your own state of belief. But be careful not to think that you are instructing The Creative Source in what to do. Yes, imagine wondrous solutions to what seems like an impossible earthly situation, but then, once you have lifted your own feelings from discouragement into playful belief in possibilities, let go unto God/Goddess/Source. Let the True Solution be unfolded, or told into your mind from Mind. They enjoy, and obey.

    You are the Beholder and you are the Beheld. Behold in Love, and be held in Love.

    Remember, the Loving Source alone can see what is Best for ALL concerned, and guide you.



  • Ah, Beloved,

    There is so much yet to do as the play of earth life winds through all of its scenes.

    You can intersperse these scenes with intermissions of quiet retreat into your True self in your heart and attitude, and you can learn to bring the Peace of Mind and health of body back from intermission with you, while you take your paces in the next scene. But the next scenes need your participation, so that all possible opportunity for Joy Source to express Itself is given a place to shine through and light up the darkness.

    One day, there will be so many points of Light shining through, that no more darkness will linger in any corner. Won”t that be Glorious to see?

    Meanwhile, enact your roles, Beloved, sip from Heaven all the while, and let God be the air and the food and the drink that keeps you Whole and Sane and feeling very Loved.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are bits of Light dancing on the Wide Glory of God,

    Like fireflies moving in graceful patterns in the dusk of the great flowered prairie.

    Be grateful to the Good Mind that Holds you, Love,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Once you really grasp that Love is God, then you know you cannot see God’s face in the traditional sense. You can free yourself from envisioning god as some huge human. Love is invisible but It effects are visible. Free yourself from thoughts of a limited god.

    Instead, you can train yourself to discern the Omnipresence of Love/God by the waves of kindness you experience, or the harmonious function of a life process, or the solutions that come forth when you look for, and find, the “Face of Love” in everything and everybody.

    Look for Pervasive Love everywhere and anywhere, in the visible and invisible, and be gleeful as your inner and outer sight expand to see more and more of It.

    There are no limits on Love Divine, and

    It wants to Help you know that.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We have used the metaphor before of the childhood pictures you made by covering a wondrous array of crayon colors with black crayon, and then scraping images with a pointed marker to make sublime revelations of form and hue.

    It is still so. Scrape away the dark illusions, and the natural order and rainbow brilliance of the Reality of the Universe shine forth. Dissolve the dark thoughts and sorrows with the sharp knife of Good Truth, and the complex beauty of your Real Life is revealed.

    As We have also told you before, there are those who wish to cling to their dark thoughts and the sensory evidence of error and awfulness. You cannot choose for them, but you can choose for yourself to diligently and quickly set aside any acceptance of error and pain. Those are NOT created by God or sent by God, and the more individuals that ask to have their eyes opened to God’s Good Reality, the more of It will be revealed. Keep asking, Beloved. Keep being a silent instrument of demonstrations of Compassion and showings of the Natural Order that seem like miracles to the unawakened ones. Keep scraping away the darkness, with any others that are ready to do so, and be giddy with Gladness at every Good thing that appears.

    The Good feeling of freedom is the very best thing, and aligning with the bright and light colors of Creation as envisioned by the One Source is the way to feel that freedom every day.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If you do not love yourself, or even like yourself, very much when you are doing or saying or thinking something, it is a good clue that the behavior is not coming from your Divine True Self.

    Your Divine True Self is a Beloved and Loving part of the Whole, and will remain so always. Even if you are making a silly error, or getting so busy you forget to listen to your True Self’s Voice, It remains in calm, clear Joy and Love. Remain in It. Listen to It. Act and think from It, and even when you are faced with all the chaos of the world, your awareness will remain in the Deep Peace of your heart, loving yourself, and all others.

    Let the True Self step forward and feel Love, and it will be easier to react without gossip, without temper and pain and fear, without resentment and a feeling of aloneness. If you are feeling or doing those sad or mad things, and feeling that you do not like yourself even as you do them, then pause, and let your awareness settle back into your True, and Loving, Self. Forgive yourself for losing your center for a moment, and let yourself be, again, an expression of the Love that you Truly are.



  • Ah, Dear One,

    A woman was finding it difficult to overcome her annoyance with a man who was being very judgmental in his politics, and she asked, in her evening prayers, for help in being compassionate. In answer, she was given an endless night of dreams.

    For hours and hours, or days and days, one after another, she was everyone. She was the soldier, wounded and bedridden, fighting the flies off his sores. She was the general ordering lives to be lost, she was the hot dog cart man out of wares. She was the famous actress with stage fright, weeping before each performance, she was the child living the joy of a first kitten. She was the famous saint reliving the horror of his young transgression, she was the chef winning a prize for chive mousse. She was the rat by the bedside, she was the fly on the wall, she was the ballerina with broken toes.

    On and on the night went, until she had lived a thousand lives. And through them all, she felt the Presence of One Spirit, slipping her from one awareness to the next as simply as a tree shifts its sap to its branches. Through them all, she felt the Love and Compassion that just waited, flowing around and through and to each branch, waiting for them to drink of Its substance, and Remember, and be Filled, and be Loved, and be Everyone, and be free to be pure Compassion.

    Ask, and you, too, can be given the gift of the long dream,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Whether the moment seems to hold a huge world-wide challenge, or a small emotional trigger from your own story, the choice is always the same. Let your self sit still in sorrow or anger, or choose to combat it with the internal reminder, in your mental dialogue, that you are love fueled by Love. You are love fueled by Love, and It will give you the strength and wisdom to say the words and make the resolutions and take the actions and uphold the beliefs that are appropriate to each hour of your experience.

    You are love fueled by Love, and Love Itself will Help you remember that, and save each moment from anger with gentle compassion.

    Ask for Help and It is there,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you give your complete willingness to the Divine will for your well Being and happiness, what you are saying is “Flood me with the Good You have planned for me. Let Your Good and Grace wash from me all error and misconception. Let me See, like you, Good is All.”

    Be willing to See, Beloved. Be willing to Be the very expression of Good. Give your will to the Divine Will, and be done with fretting or fear or worry, or anything that is unlike Love and complete Confidence and Trust.

    We Trust you to do this,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Discouragement is a trick of the emotional self to try to smoke over the Truth of the living Presence of the Divine that is always with you. Recognize it as a false thing, shoo it away, and restore yourself to praising the Love that creates and maintains and is all.

    Persevere in your proven faith. Praise and persevere. Praise and persevere.

    You will see results that align with the Will of God.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Let there be no doubt in your mind that you CAN build a new life, if you listen to the Guidance that is the ventriloquist Voice of the Divine Source in your Heart, and do as it says.

    It is a life filled with Joy, and with helping to release others from the pains and sorrows that their own mortal thoughts would imprison them in. Let yourself believe this, and begin today, with glee, and with faith, that all things truly are possible to the All That Is, for they are all only Thoughts that are Thought by Love.

    Always with you, each step of the Way,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Today, pay no attention to the play of human foibles. Today, pay attention only to the fact that I Am Love, and therefore so are you, as my reflection. This is the Truth upon which you can rely. Keep your mind stayed on this. Leave it in My Hands.

    In Utter Love,


  • Ah, Beloved.

    Representing God’s Love accurately only requires sincere willingness.

    The Loving Spirit that is your true Life-Force is ever-Present, and does not flicker up and down like human attention. Practice paying steady attention, and being constantly willing, and be ready to be delighted by the spillover of Divine Soul.

    “Use me, God. Lovingly and Openly use me.”

    “I welcome seeing your Heaven on earth as here and now. Use me.”


  • Ah, Beloved,

    The Loving Source that shines you forth not only would not leave you comfortless, It cannot. Since you are a very extension of unending, unbroken Spirit, Spirit is always right with you.

    Think today about your invisible Friend. Realize today that your very special Helper and Mentor and Lover and Governor is right with you, wanting you to choose well, and to feel the tremendous strength of Divine Love.

    Walk with Light and Oneness today, and be very aware that you are not walking alone.

    And neither is anyone else. Leave them to Love’s Guidance,


  • Ah, Beloved, Beloved,

    Remember, it is not your own power you are counting on, but the Loving Power of One Mind that is All, Who tenderly knows the end of The Story, and sees through all temporary human stories, including yours.

    Praise the Power of Love, and know you will participate in the earth story as long as is needed, with strength. Just be willing, and cede to the One Power of Generous Soul.

    You know how to feel It, Just do so.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    If God is Infinite Mind, Spirit, Love, Everywhere and All, then what of you who dwells in God?

    Are you a body and a desk and a material chair and a driving car and a bag of lunch all somehow hanging free and moving in the substance of non-material God? Think about it. You are not body and objects on strings or propped on some network of scaffolds.

    God is ALL. God is Spirit. Therefore, you and all you have and see are Spirit also, floating free within God. Be glad of this. Truth shifts spirit within Spirit-God and swirls and moves all to Greater Good. All is within God and God’s Rules apply, Harmoniously, Lovingly.

    Think not you are a material object, dangling helplessly on a string. Be at ease within the Ease of the Infinite, drawing on all you need from Loving Soul Source.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    We are certain of this: You are, in essence, a very Beloved Child of God.

    All the things your human self has heard, all of its mortal life, that you are “good” or “bad” or “ugly” or “beautiful” or “a sinner” or an “angel”—set those labels all aside, for they primarily referred to the body.

    Concentrate instead on the truth that you are lovely perfect spirit born of Spirit, a Beloved Child of God. When you have established that in your mind and heart as your true identity, then whatever earthly labels seem appropriate and worthy can be added to that, always checked against the touchstone of the Truth. For God shines you forth, and declared you Good.

    Know Who you are, and reflect, and are expected to project, and the earthly ways are secondary, and come as they need to come, to help you lovingly express your identity as Beloved Child.

    We are with you in this, helping,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    Do you see that Loving yourself as God Loves you helps you Love others? Do you see that forgiving yourself and your humanness helps you forgive others?

    God Loves you utterly, and God is the Strength with which you can bring yourself to reflect Divine Spirit with pure clarity. You are free to use that Strength to do so, and to overcome any errors and personal traits and habits that lead to disliking, or even hating, your human self and circumstances.

    Self hate leads to unease and dis-ease. Remember to Love your Self as God Loves you, and trust that the Divine opinion of your lovableness is the correct one. It is really the only one, and when you embrace it, illusions of sins and mistakes and flaws fall, fall, fall away.

    God has not asked the impossible of you. Loving is a habit you can form.


  • Ah, Beloved,

    When you feel the full Truth of Love shining in an epiphany moment for yourself, take a moment to realize that the same Light is shining everywhere, all the time. All anyone needs to do is to turn away from the material, limited senses for a moment, and they will See that Light. It is easier to See It with your eyes closed.

    It is there, everywhere. It is with you. It is with all those whom you humanly love, near and far. It is with all those who are not even in the orbit of your thought. It is Love. It holds all. It holds those whom you love and do not love. It holds your friends and your so called adversaries. It holds all.

    Accept this today. Because you want to feel that Divine Light Holding you, accept that It holds all. It Holds all.

    That is not a Truth you can change. You can turn away from it, you can deny it, you can try to think of yourself and all others as temporal and material and limited beings. But the Truth is you are all purely Spiritual, Light and Love, and that is the understanding that will come to all in the paradigm of time.

    Why not accept it now, Beloved? Allow yourself to Love and be Loved, and allow it is so for all others as well. Set aside human judgements and say, “Have Your Way with all of us, dear Love.”

    And move into the knowledge that It is so,


  • Ah, Beloved,

    There seems to be no way to go forward at times, within human perception.

    And in any moment you feel that thought, feel that feeling, then indeed, do not go forward, go within.

    Within is where clarity and ideas are born. Within is where all good and true action come from. When a thought of change or action or attitude is accompanied by Loving Peace and Peaceful Loving in feeling, within, then it is the right way.

    Go within, dear child of God. Go within and let Love hold and guide you. And then you will know what to do or say, or not do or say, in this day on the earth stage.

    Loving you so warmly and completely,