Ah, Beloved,
Love Unconditionally.
As the Mother-God endlessly gives you Grace and Unconditional Love, even as you are dreaming and making your human mistakes or simply being stubborn and willful, so endeavor to Love those around you, and yourself.
When you are disappointed in your family and acquaintances, and/or in your own less-than-stellar behavior, remember the Love of the Divine Mother that flows ceaselessly to you, and use It to Love more. Love more. Turn the other cheek, turn the focus off of human error, and Love More.
It gets easier with practice,
Ah, Beloved,
The Loving Mind of God is always cozy. Remind yourself that you dwell within It, and let yourself feel Its warmth and buoyancy and support. Cozy into Love today. It is your right as a rightful and beloved citizen of God-Mind.
We tuck you into Love if you let us.
Ah, Beloved,
Joining even just occasionally in close or distant prayer with others who clearly feel and Spiritually See the wondrous Presence of God-Source will change the ways that you humanly act and think and prosper.
And when you cannot be near any others, there are countless Inspired writings and songs and images to lift your heart and Soul senses to the quiet place of Perception wherein you can directly hear and attend to the Words of God. God is always with you, Love. Love is always ready to Guide you and Comfort you and reassure you.
Join with the seen and Unseen who work for Peace, and be in that army of Good, Good, Good.
It is well worth it, and helps soothe all the raging hearts.
God wins.
Ah, Beloved,
Today, Joy will surprise you. Allow It to do so, and be Glad.
Ah, Beloved,
If you cherish, and relish and Love Me, you will be able to tell how much I do the same for thee.
To want the Love of the Divine Source, which then manifests as the costume and the accoutrements and the stage set that is appropriate for you, today, in the Grand Play, is to want what is fulfilled by Loving. Love and thank the Source, and Love and thank each one around you, and the same Love flows back to you. Believe Us, Love, It is True.
Ah, Beloved,
Learning your own human weaknesses can help you armor yourself ever more strongly with the Truths of the Universal Principles.
But, to use those Truths, to help guide and protect you when you are feeling uncertain or vulnerable or confused or pained or sad, you must know those Truths. Study them daily, Beloved. Live them. Memorize and re-memorize the aspects of the Primal Cause/Loving Divine that can and do support you, if you just call them to mind and allow them to help you. The Wisdom, the Love, the Joy, the Infinite Harmony, the Intelligence, and Life of the Oneness of Being are all right there for you. Think about them, savor them, use them, so that they are old friends you KNOW you can count on.
Then, when moments of panic hit, there they are,
Ah, Beloved,
“In My Name” is where you are able to heal and be healed, because in My Consciousness is where you exist. Allow My complete understanding of that to permeate your thoughts, so that your thoughts become My Thoughts. Thus do you become free of the mortal thoughts that you thought you were bound in. Thus do you realize your own fitness and completeness and constancy, for those qualities are what I AM, and you are made of the substance of Me, of My Thought.
I AM what you are. Gently set aside your concept of self as a separate and fragile physical being, and Know yourself to be free in the Great I AM of Oneness.
Enduringly Loving you and Holding you while you awaken,
Ah, Beloved,
Opening to miracles means truly believing in the utter Goodness of the Loving Source.
Do you?
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be an ease in your heart, knowing that Divine Mind Governs.
ASK for Its Goodness, and ASK for Its Harmony, and contemplate the sublime perfection and beauty of Its Truth, but do not try to dictate what that Harmony consists of, or what path would be best for you to reach It. Your task is to stay centered, in Loving God back the way that God Loves you, and to let the rest unfold, for you, and for everyone around you.
When anyone around you calls out for help, verbally, or by their actions of disharmony, give silent aid, by recognition of God’s Supreme Governance in Love. Let It do Its work, as you have done yours, by standing firm in KNOWLEDGE that It is Real, and Omnipotent, and Omnipresent.
We are yours for the helping, helping the adept technician, helping God,
Ah, Beloved,
Today, look for loveliness.
As “Love That is All” created only Love as Its image, It abounds.
Although the world you see with your physical eyes is as a mist that hides much of the Loveliness, still you can seek it, look for it, and See It with eyes that are more Divine than your own. Look for Loveliness, and allow yourself to See it everywhere.
Let that be your gift to yourself this day, and let the surprises of Loveliness come your way.
You are Loveliness, too,
Ah, Beloved,
There are new ways of understanding that truly do open up new possibilities of perception and sight and hearing and sense.
The understanding that an association of ideas and energy are the very Creation of you is not the way the earthly schooling has taught you to think of yourself. But as that understanding grows, and as you discipline your thoughts to think the all-possible, then you will SEE the all-possible. These are not just words we speak, Beloved, but the truth that words and openness and trust in Love become things, so that just as a householders discovers that there are diamonds buried in the field he has been cutting for so many years and views his property in a whole new way, life will seem new to you.
There are diamonds of experience and joy buried in every interaction, Beloved. Trust that it is so, Beloved, and look for them today.
We are with you, and if you ask, and listen, we will show you the way.
Ah, Beloved,
We are interested in YOUR progress of Spiritual understanding and purity. We are not interested in your pointing out where others are failing or soiled
Cleanse yourself and turn to us with happy arms.
Loving you,
Ah, Child,
In every season, in the raptures and sorrows of earth, there comes a time of wondering which “reality” is the illusion.
Prove it to yourself. Whether you are in a time of celebrating earthly victory, or whether you are in a time of feeling pulled into the slough of despair, call to the Divine Spirit that guides and enriches, and wait patiently for that Presence to be with you. If you are in sorrow, It will uplift you. If you are in celebration of success, it will join you and clap with you, and remind you of to What all gratitude is due.
Set your own tests, and grade them. It is not God you are testing, it is your own ability to Spiritually See, Spiritually discern, Spiritually to be free to choose Peace.
And yes, as you seek Peace first, the other “exterior” results WILL follow,
Ah, Beloved,
We are certain of your perfect place in the plan and perfect desire of God. Be ye certain also, and welcome, welcome, welcome Good into your life, here and now. Let your thoughts be uplifted, let yourself learn to view yourself not as a limited body and personality, but as an unlimited spiritual being, just dancing in that body costume for a short ,short, short while.
And yet, for all its shortness, so much can be done, so much can be unfolded of your spiritual perfection, just as in a two hour movie, a tale covering many decades or generations can be told. Let your tale be one of Good. Let your story be the story God knows of you, dear and perfect Child.
Oh, Beloved,
Be not surprised that Divine Love is always willing to give to you, for from Its point of view, It is giving to Itself.
When this Oneness of Life and Consciousness truly penetrates your heart of understanding, you will not feel limited in any way, ever, or deprived at any time in any place. For you will comprehend that Love is flowing continually, projecting Itself as the image that is your continual Spirit.
New facets of yourself, and others, as Perfect Spiritual Beings, will be revealed, as your understanding and acceptance deepen. Have faith in that Truth, Beloved, for Divine Love has already made it so.
Longing to see you feel the full Love you are,
Ah, Beloved,
If you feel you must “make a plan” for the day, make a firm plan to Love, to be gentle, to be silent unless and until your True Inner Voice says to speak. Make a good plan to pause and listen for the sweet constant guidance of Spirit frequently throughout the day, and to renew yourself with Its Wisdom. Make a plan to stop and look around you at the small beauties, and to see and remember good moments, and be filled with gratitude.
Ask God to fill you with pure Joy, for Joy is the very substance of God, that made all of Its reflections (You!) burst forth.
It is a day for renewal, and refreshing, and realizing you want to be of Good Heart,
Ah, Beloved,
There is, in every mood, a place to turn for companionship. Whether in a desire to share Joy and celebration, or a need for comfort or quiet company, call to the One Voice within. That Presence Itself will be your friend, but It will also, if you ask It, gladly send other human forms into your life to smile with you, or stand with you.
Try it, Beloved. Try it today, and see.
Seek, ASK, and find! Find you have already received,
Ah, Beloved,
Keep your entire being focused on the true goal.
Dear one, your ability to heal and to have dominion will increase so long as you remember that the real prize and desire is constant alignment with the Source, giving Love and Peace and Calm Joy. Yes, it is true that easy harmony is helpful in the natural world that your perceptions project, but having the deep contentment and completeness of being exactly in communion with the Life Force is what creates that and what is a Light to all.
Be that Light to yourself and to all, to feel It always. It is always with you, but you must consciously keep your mind open to knowing and feeling It and trusting It.
Trust It today, especially if any small thing seems to irritate you, or a person makes you impatient—turn to the Ever-Presence of Love, and ask It to remind you that all is One, and Good.
There is no time like the present, for there is no time but the present, so do it now,
Ah, Beloved,
Lovingly, but relentlessly, God will follow you, until you choose to follow God.
The timing of when you allow God to lead you, instead of trying to be humanly in control of everything, is up to you. But why wait? Are you ready for more calm and peace and Joy now?
God will follow you, pursue you with Its Goodness, until you follow God.
Ah, Beloved,
We do see how you humanly fret when you think about the bigger projects you have not gotten done, or how discouraged with yourself you feel when you remember old errors of behavior, or think that you could have been more gracious during the day.
But We tell you to forgive yourself and others equally, and then listen to how the Angels are singing because you stopped for a quarter of an hour to encourage a lonely neighbor, and speak a word of Peace to her. As most people do, you underestimate the glorious effects that one small act of patience and kindness can have upon you, others, and the worldly scene.
Aim to achieve the small ways of Goodness, Beloved, and the rest will come into being.
Loving you,
Ah, Beloved,
Is it not time for a day of silence, or near silence, and the simple quiet heart prayer, “Help me see as You See, dear God”?
It is your allowing of enablement that helps God Help you, Beloved. God is not trying to hide from you the sweet Perception of Good and the understanding of all that is True and Divine and Holy. It is your willingness to be quiet and humbly receiving that empowers you to learn and be the Power that material focus cannot teach you.
Today, “Let me allow myself to See as God Sees, to Love as God Loves, including that God Loves me.”
As is true,
Ah, Beloved,
“Not my will, but Thy Will, Be Done”. Using this wonderful prayer for any occasion, along with a quiet and trusting calm, knowing that God wants Spirit to lead you to Grace and Comfort and Harmony and worthy Purpose, is a happy habit.
But, darling, It is true in every moment. If God calls upon you to be an instrument for helping others when it is past your bedtime, or when you are about to have a cup of tea, please still do so. If God whispers to your heart to speak up with generous words to a stranger, or drive to the next town to offer a hand, do so. If God-Voice suffuses you the need to silently pray for a person or nation or group or your own projects, even though you were asleep or deeply involved in another project, do so.
Surrendering your will to God Will leads to extraordinary results, Beloved. But let not your mind and heart and routines place limits upon it. Let your will and God Will be totally aligned and Complete. And feel the Joy of God Being your Life Blood.
Ah, Beloved,
Let go of what you think would make you happy, as defined by physical circumstances and objects and people and funds. Turn your thoughts and the feelings in your heart over to contemplating Calm Joy, and Divine Orderly Progression. Contemplate, and feel grateful for, the very fact that Grace and Joy and forgiveness exist.
If you can discipline yourself to do this for even a few minutes several times a day, you are well on your way to opening your earthly experience to True Happiness, and then on to the Infinite Happiness that already belongs to you, as a Spiritual Child of the Spiritual Creator.
A few minutes given several times a day. Not a high price to pay for a radically positive change in your outlook and experience. We know that your outer, worldly bound “ego” self will fight this—listing excuses of tasks that are urgent or loved ones that must be cared for. Six minutes a day taken away from those things will not hurt them in any way, and the benefits you will derive from the Divine Love and Strength that pour to you from those six minutes will far outweigh what you spend in time.
Believe us, Love, and let yourself be freed from your own chains,
Ah, Beloved,
Today, have compassion for yourself.
How do you do this? By feeling great gratitude for how much the Divine Loves you. Feel that, constantly and silently, all day. Express it verbally or in writing or song, if you feel moved to do so.
And, speak gratitude and thanks to those around you, for any nice thing they do or skill or truth they exhibit. Otherwise, be quiet. Say thank-you, or say nothing.
Give thanks, within and without, and be silent, and you will have given yourself the Grace to walk in beauty all day.
We always see your Beauty,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
Here and now, I am always with you.
The more you realize that, the easier it will be to trust Me, rather than what the body’s eyes and ears perceive. Oh, do set aside the intellectual ponderings and wanderings today, and be as observant and playful and delighted as a little child, and See what Heaven is revealed.
For I am with you, and the ultimate Joy is trusting and knowing that I want your happiness—not at the cost of any other, but happiness for all, as I made you and them to be—sweet and wonderful reflections of Me.
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to be honest with God.
God does not punish. God only Loves, and gives you ideas about ways out of your earthly dilemmas.
Is there anyone in your earthly life you can be totally honest with? Can you even be totally honest with yourself, or do you suspect that you hide some of your own motives even from your conscious mind?
Be therefore, honest with God, about your uncertainties and confusions and triumphs and shames. God Knows the Truth of you: “You are my Beloved and Perfect Child, and I will help guide you through the maze of your own dream, and into the remembrance of Me and your purity as My Idea. Then, you can help others awaken, even as you yourself shake off the final cobwebs of illusion.”
This is the Truth of things.
Ah, Beloved,
Remember that part of your True identity is God’s appreciative audience.
“Open the curtains on this day for me, dear God. Show me my Good day, show me Your Good Play, Let me, Help me, applaud and appreciate all that I see , in every way.”
Beneath limited human perception is a very Glorious never ending Story. Enjoy It.
Ah, Beloved,
There is nothing that can un-make you a citizen of God’s Heart.
You are of the One Mind and dwell in that Heart, and have all the rights and Goodness and Freedom to which that automatically entitles you.
Claim them. Be them. Love them.
How do you claim them? By thinking about them. What you think about, you are.
Ah, Beloved,
We are sure of that. You ARE Beloved.
If you were as sure of that as we are, things would feel so much smoother to you. Therefore, tell yourself again and again today, “I am Beloved of God.”
“I am Beloved of Love. I am as like Love as is Itself.”
“I am Beloved.”
Once you believe it, Love can ride in on the rays of Love to heal your other thoughts, and bring great Goodness to you.
We Love you utterly, Child,
Ah, Dear One,
When you find that those whom you help in their spiritual growth are happy, rejoice. When you find that those whom you help are only resentful of, and suspicious of, your efforts, continue to pray for them silently, and rejoice that it is not up to you, as a human, to awaken them to their Divine Selves. It is, truly, up to the Heart and Voice of God.
Continue to ask that your eyes be opened that you may See, and that their eyes be opened that they may See the Divine Reality. And listen to God, to know when there is a human action to take or a word to give that may help. But between, relax.
Relax, knowing God is already on the job, letting all the dreamers awaken as gently as possible.
We thank you, when you feel unthanked,
Ah, Beloved,
Bear in mind always, the old truth of the old prophet who said, “Open their eyes, God, that they may see.”
Yes, it is your job as an individual child-image-idea of God-Mind, to see the Best in everyone around you, and to know and acknowledge their brotherhood, sisterhood to you, but it is not by your knowledge of that truth that they will awaken. Your job is to appreciate the Truth of what they are as a child of God, but then to call upon the only Real Power that can awaken them, and let That Power open their eyes to their own perfection, usefulness, beauty and life and order, as wonderful parts of the Great Divine.
“Open their eyes, and mine, Dear God, that we all may see, what Wonderful and Good and Beloved parts we are, as images, in Thee.”
O”, the Wonder of It All,
Ah, Beloved,
The belief that there are many valid opinions is a false one. Ask no man what is right and wrong. Ask only God.
Seek God’s opinion for all things, and be content not, until you hear “You are my Good and Perfect Child”, and then be guided as to what to do in the dream-Play of earth.
You are always a Beloved and perfect Child of God in Spiritual Truth, in God’s eyes and Thoughts. The more closely you are able to reflect and shine that Truth on earth, the more Joyous you will be.
Yes, We understand that it can feel like trying to shine a flashlight on the trunk of a tree in the dark, when the wind is whipping all the branches and leaves about, but if you focus on the trunk, you can do it.
Focus on God. Focus on God’s opinion, and God’s Sight of you, and be kind and true and whole.
All Love is with you,
Ah, Beloveds,
If you can but completely realize who you really are, spirit reflecting the One Spirit, beloved child of Love Itself, you would feel healed and whole, in body, circumstance and purpose.
Feel this today. Be silent as much as possible, and know the simple truth within, “I am a child of the Most High.”
And know that it is true for others as well, accepting and loving the core soul of them, even if that soul is covered in tatters and rags of error. Know it for yourself, and know it for all, “We are children of the Most High, and Beloved.”
“Guide us all to Goodness, show us our truth, O”God.”
Ah, Beloved,
“Show me my Best Self, Dear God.”
Just keep a simple and Truth-seeking prayer such as that in your mind. God knows your needs and purpose and talents better than you yourself do. So, when thoughts seem jumbled and you are not sure how to proceed or even exactly what you want, leave it to God to Guide you.
“I surrender to Your Wisdom and Love, Dear God. Guide me.”
Ah, Beloved,
“I am completely surrendering to Comforting Spirit thankfully removing from me all traces of sorrow, or error, or other human iniquity.”
“I am simply Spirit. As God has created me.”
Feel the Power of Love.
Ah, Dear One,
Can you draw a picture of a baby chick by looking at an egg?
Only if you hold it up to the Light.
Beloved, you can no more see Your Self by looking in a mirror than you can see that chick by looking at its shell. Close your eyes, let rest your hands and mind, be still in the silence spaces of your heart, and say, “I am as God made me.”
“I am as God made me.” Ignore the evidence of your earthly senses, though they may scream for your attention, and FEEL that you are as God made you. You are Light, you are a unit of God, you are Peace and Delight just waiting to manifest forth from the appearance of the shell.
Hold your self to the Light, Beloved, and know Your Self to be part of It.
All is Love, All is One, when the ego-self is ignored,
Ah, Beloved,
What gifts have you been given by the Universe of Wholeness, of which you are a part, right here, right Now?
Open your eyes and See them, and Appreciate them, for in the grace of Appreciation, you open your Self up to receiving the fullness of your own Divine Inheritance, of truly being all that you can be, and are, if you would just take stock of what is already yours, and love it.
Love it, love it, love it, and See what else love reveals. Dare to be amazed by Love.
As ever,
Ah, Beloveds,
As any guru, or priest, or spiritual leader can tell you, a seeker of awakening will often confuse ritual with connection. They will show up wearing the same color shirt as a spirit speaker, or imitate the hairstyle or the necklace or bracelet worn by an awakened one, thinking to better access an understanding of Infinite Soul.
None of these things matter to the Omnipresent Loving Source in which you dwell and that Thought you up, spirit within Spirit. No matter what beads you are holding, or mountain you are sitting on, or color of robe or skin you are wearing, God Consciousness is ready and Willing and pleased to commune with you, empower you, and guide you.
Just tune into the Love, all accoutrements irrelevant, and Be a part of God and Good.
Spirit is All. Looking to matter will hold you back from pure God,
Ah, Beloved,
When others murmur and complain, it is all the more important for you to hold faith and trust in the Provision and Love of God.
Be the one to do this. Be the one to hold to what you Know it True, that God answers human need in ways humans cannot foresee.
Ignore those that criticize and doubt, and instead Praise God. Praise Good.
Ah, Beloved,
Trust that the Divine Source knows who and what is True. Your task is to look for the Divine in everything and everyone, hoping to train your Sight to See as God Sees, where only the Real that God made is seen, because it is Good and True.
And if some things, objects or behaviors or patterns, or even people, turn out to be just phantoms and amalgams of shadow, God will sort that out. God Knows which things and souls are True. God will sort it out. Traditional western scripture calls this “separating the wheat from the tares”.
That is not your job. Your job is to look for the Good, and to train yourself to See the Good. Leave judgment up to God. Let God’s Light shine away the shadows. You concentrate on letting that Light shine on, and through, you.
Ask God to help you see the Good in each persona nd the True in each situation, and to let the rest melt from your sight,
Ah, Beloved,
Put out the welcome mat for Heaven, as It has put out the welcome mat for you.
Be open to having Peace and Calm and Joy and Creation abide in your heart and guide and color all that you do and say and see with Its effervescent Love.
It is Real, Beloved. Welcome It in.
Ah, Beloved,
The Creative Source Loves you, no matter what occurs in the earth dream.
But you must be aware that what you send forth in the boomerang of illusion does come back to you. Sin returns as sin done to you. Lies told return as lies told to you. Unkindness returns as unkindness, kindness returns as kindness.
What then, can God do to help you in the earth dream? God makes you want the Truth, and more of the Truth. God inspires you to want to reflect more of the Qualities of Goodness. You will no longer want to sin, if you put God in charge. You will no longer be willing to lie, if you let Inner Divine Spirit take the reins. You will look for ways to serve and be fair and honest and kind, if you let the Grace of Love rule you.
When do you want to let Dear Love take charge of you? That is your choice. The timing is your choice. Do you want to let your own mistakes keep bouncing back at you, or do you want to let God help you stop making mistakes? Do you want to forgive others their mistakes, and help them see themselves as Beloveds of God, even as you become willing to see them thus?
When? Now? Why not?
Ah, Beloved,
The Healing Principle that God invented, of forgiveness, does not exclude anyone. Therefore, since you are part of God, neither can you. If you have a harder time forgiving someone or something or yourself, then ask for Help, and Know It will come, and forgive, and forgive, and move on into Blessing.
As Ever,
Ah, Beloved,
When the whisper of Unconditionally Loving Spirit in your heart suggests a small action, or a slight shift in viewpoint, pay attention. A very small change can lead to great changes. You know this.
Why not trust God with your happiness, now, today, and forever? Each heart suggestion is one drop in the wonderful wave that will carry you into full remembrance of what you are as Good Spirit, good Soul, Wise and Joyful Being of Life.
As it is, infinite ideas in Infinite Mind,
Ah, Love,
Be as the sunlight today. Just shine forth on all you know.
Can the sunlight be worried about tomorrow? Can the sunlight be fat or thin? Does the sunlight fret about its promotion, or how the medical test will scan? Can a ray of light have allergies, or be lonely for another ray? Can a ray of light become the wind, or grow frustrated trying to become a tree?
O”, Love, be as the light today, flowing ceaselessly from your Source. Be as the light today, without form or disease or worry or need—and if you must give voice, let it be laughter, such as you imagine the sunlight would make, if, suddenly, it were given tongue and word.
Shine on us, too, Beloved, for we are your friends,
awaiting instructions from the light of you,
Ah, Dear Ones,
Constant prayer does not mean constant repetitions of unfelt words. It does not mean endless murmuring, under your breath, of your needs.
Constant prayer means continual communion with the Divine Knowing in your heart. It means to be attuned to the small still Voice at all times, to have the heart open and willing to do Its bidding, to go where It says go, to say as It says say, to act when It says act.
Be as the endless listener, Beloveds, and you will be much closer to the mark than all those who have given a thousand repetitions of a Hail Holy, but have never spent a quiet moment listening for the reply, that says, quietly and tenderly, “This way, this way, and you are on the path to home, and to Gladness, and to All.”
Listen, O”, Beloveds, listen and listen and listen again,
Ah, Beloved,
An inherent part of the Truth that all individuals are part of One Soul, One reflection of the Divine Source, is that all the individuals who love you, whether they are wearing a body right now or not, are part of that one reflection and supporting you, surrounding you, loving you.
All around you and within what you think of as “yourself” in the earthly, is Love. Reach out to it, feel buoyed up by it, trust It and float within that Love. We assure you, it is True. Reach out to It and feel it for yourself.
Ah, Beloved,
Stay true to following the path of the Soul that Loves you, and let all the rest fall into place.
Please the Great Consciousness of All, and you will be pleased in ways greater than any earthly good. It is not as hard as you think, for there is freedom in a devotion to reflecting Love.
We are with you, as We are with All,
Ah, Beloved,
For those that only pay attention to their limited bodily senses, times that seem to stress the body are worrisome.
If you are one that knows well the Calm Power of turning to the Unseen Power of Divine Love, then do it all the more, enabling those around you to “catch” the desire to turn on their connection to the Kingdom of Heaven, of awakened Consciousness within.
Everyone owns one of those connections. Everyone already has one installed. Like a phone, they just need to turn it on. You can shine when yours is in full operation, and you can envision all around you open and connected and feeling the delightful Truth of their place as a citizen of the Kingdom of Love.
Connect to the Good, and all Good comes from there.
Ah, Beloved,
“I am really a part of Divine Love Itself”
Just Be that, Beloveds. Forget the body. Forget the personalities. Let the Truth of Divine Love flood you and override all thoughts of being a limited and flawed and vulnerable thing. Be exhilarated Love.
“I am a part of Divine Love, and I let Love take care of the costumes and stageset.”
This is Truth for all ready to Love.
Ah, Beloved,
Imagine your mind like a rocky pool. Now fill it with Thoughts of God like water would fill a rocky pool, moving into every crevice and cleansing every surface. Fill it with contemplation of sweet Soul, absolute Order and Intelligence, supreme Love and Gracious Goodness. Fill it with such an impulse to give Gladness to absolutely every spot of that pool that there is no room for anything else.
Now, if any other thought of your everyday life enters into your mind, picture it completely washed in the water of God. Be washed in Spirit.
Ah, Beloved,
Pray for others, asking Divine Spirit to rise in their hearts and advise and comfort and reassure and heal them. But also pay attention when you hear Divine Spirit asking you to serve as helper.
If you hear a Loving Whisper to make a welfare call to someone, or to bring some aid, or offer your time and helping hands, then do so. Even if you feel doubtful about intruding, offer, offer, offer. Many times, just the caring word or two will awaken the other to the Power of Love that Guides their life, and swirls all around them.
Learn to trust the instructions of God. Learn to obey them Lovingly.
Ah, Beloved,
When you have healed your body or your circumstances that seemed, by the limited senses, to have a lack or a challenge, by focusing on the Truth that God-Source is complete and perfect, and your life in its true form reflects that, do not review those bodily and circumstance errors. Move forward with the truth of your good purposes, and with focusing on the Wondrous Qualities of Goodness all around you and through you. Do not focus on the mirages of problems that try to impede you, or talking about them or reviewing them in your mind. Move forward as though they had never happened. If your error involved pain or confusion for another, make amends, apologize sincerely, and resolve truly to go forth with full respect for others and God’s Laws.
To fret over an old insult is to lose a moment when you could be letting Unconditional Love Guide you and fuel you for the full Spiritual Awakening you desire. Does this seem extreme to you? Love is extremely All. Love is All, and the goal of all. It is extremely important that all come to realize this. Begin with you, dear, dear love.
Not impatiently, but not waffling about Love’s Mission,
Ah, Beloved,
The uncertainty will go, as proof after proof of the value of utter trust in God’s Governance comes to the fore. Believe, and trust, and move forward with the God given path that is the delightful and delighting part in the Play of Divine Life that goes on and on and on.
It is more Joy than words can say,
Ah, Beloved,
Carrying yesterday’s sorrows, pain, or worries only adds weight to them. If you had them at all, and cannot forgive them (yourself or others) right away and completely, at least forgive and let go a little each day. That way, like a hiker on a long trail who is nibbling away at the burden in his pack, you load will become lighter and lighter, until, at the end of the journey, you are carrying nothing at all.
The Lightness of what you are carrying will make for a joyous journey’s end.
Journeying with you,
Ah, Beloved,
As the understanding of spiritual truths increases in the heart, there will at first be a frustration of wishing that others around you could be awakened more quickly. Keep studying and meditating and praying, and keep focusing on increasing your own God-awareness. It is the best thing you can do for others, and it is the best thing you can do to increase your own sense of compassion. It will help others as you welcome the Divine Presence into your words and actions and thoughts and being, and it will help you have a fond patience for the journey each soul must take as it matures.
A good parent enjoys the various stages her children go through, delighting in the varieties of each one. Let it be the same, as you enjoy your own stages of growth, and as you observe, or hope for, or admire the enlightenment of those around you.
All of you are dear to us in every stage,
Ah, Beloved,
Time is definitely part of the illusion. Use this to your advantage by realizing that when you call to the Divine Source for Help, or reach out to It to hear the Plan It has for your day, the response is swift, or even immediate. And the more you practice this, the more constantly Present you will realize God-Spirit to be.
Clutch It around you, lean into It, snuggle up against Its Love, and let all the time of the day feel Companioned by the One who Knows and Gives all that is Good.
“I can of my own self do nothing, I and my Divine are One.” Live It. Live It now.
Walk ins welcome,
Ah, Beloved,
Your guardian and guiding Spirit is utterly faithful to, and devoted to, you.
Think about that. Whether you call It your guardian angel or your personal savior or the individualized consciousness of the Divine, or one of thousands of other names, the special part of the Whole that is the Truth of you gently and completely and wholeheartedly loves YOU. It is assigned to you and only you, for returning you to your remembrance of your uniqueness as a part of the Perfect Whole is Its one and only task. It is faithful to that, AND convinced of that, because It knows that where there is no time, this re-union of yourself with your perfection is already accomplished.
So turn to the faithfulness of your Guiding Spirit, and think about that when anything in the worldly seems confusing or out of sorts. Letting yourself think it lets you see it so.
Loving you so,
Ah, Beloved,
No sacrifice or suffering is required of you to give to God your willingness to serve others. It costs just a moment to stand silently and let the God Force flow through you, Divine Soul to Divine Soul.
Be pleased to do this, for it also helps you awaken, more fully and completely than you can possible realize. Be the silent feeder. Be the quietly joyous witness. Be the expression that glorifies the Qualities of God. You ARE It, why not act like It?
We See It. And you will, more and more.
Ah, Beloved,
It is true that each day, even every moment, I am asking you, “How much did you Love? How much are you Unconditionally Loving right now? Are you seeing the Goodness of Soul around you, instead of focusing on the vapors or mis-guidedness and illusion?”
But it is also true that I am always asking, “How much are you letting Me Love you?” I am whispering, “Will you allow Me to help you with My support and My ideas?”
How many times, when you are speaking with a friend or a family member who has gotten himself into a tangle or a confused place, did you not say to the person, “Why didn”t you ask for my help, or my advice?” You have wondered why the person’s pride or embarrassment or distractedness could not be set aside to turn to the friends and kin that would have gladly helped solve the problem. Or, you have wondered why you as a human did stubbornly or flitfully refrain from asking for other human help when circumstances warranted it.
Child, Child, dear Child of Mine, multiply those realizations many times, and realize how I wonder, “Why does that individual wait to turn to Me for Love? Why does that one delay letting the entire Wonder of Creation open wide in his or her heart?”
Let Me Love you, dear one. Let Me help you know you are lovable and loving, and that Love is the real nature of things, and of you.
As ever, here I Am.
Ah, Beloved,
A human teacher of some technique or principle of operation, such as mathematics, begins the class by making sure that the students are comfortable and able to listen. He or she, if she is wise, tries to make sure that the classroom is neither too warm nor too cool, and that the students are not too hungry or tired to pay attention. Then, the teaching can begin. But the true teaching is mathematics, or in some cases, “how to teach”, rather than how to adjust the thermostat or raise or lower the blinds.
Never forget this, teacher of God. Yes, those who believe themselves to exist only as bodies within the earth dream need to be relieved enough of their suffering of body or emotional pain to be able to pay attention, but that is then when the true learning begins. Understanding, and truly communing with, the Nature of the Divine will go on and on and on, even when the earth, and all fleshly forms and thoughts have been foregone.
Help teach those you encounter, and your self, to be comfortable on earth. But if you stop there, you have missed the point, teacher of God. The teacher of mathematics would not consider the job done when all the students had enough food, and warmth and desk space and supplies in front of them. No, that is when the true teaching could begin, of the beauty and order of mathematics—sometimes applying that beauty and order to knowing how much to lower the blind so there would be no glare on the screen in the front of the room—but mostly just studying the sheer Truth of the dancing coordination of each and every number with all the others, as they all follow the laws of the principle they represent.
Never confuse worldly comfort with knowing God,
Ah, Ah, Beloved,
Be as patient with yourself as God is with you.
For, God IS you—the true you that is spirit and perfect and eternal image of the Divine Idea. If the human emotions of the moment have seduced you into reaction that is less than the “Best Self” that you want to be, for yourself and for the sake of the world, then picture the Divine Forgiveness that offers Itself to you in your heart, and receive it, and be again at Peace, and move on. Move on to the next moment and the next, remembering that being “better” is not what you are practicing—what you are practicing is listening for the small still voice within, and letting it guide you in what to do and say in each situation. It is not for the smallness of you to accomplish, but for the Greatness that would lovingly flow through you, and through all.
Blessed realize yourself to be, for you are.
Ah, Beloved,
BELIEVE that the state of heart/mind that is Heaven, that is peace and joy, IS always with you. It cannot not be, for you really exist within It.
When it seems that what you see in the world is a batch of needs, or darkness or lack or sorrow, go ahead and turn out the lights. Turn out the lights and close your eyes and go within to that Inner Light and say to It, “I Love You. I know You are in control and all around and within me, of and in Spirit.”
“I Love You. I know you Love me.”
Relax, relax, Beloved into the Inner Light. Be so willing to do this that you feel It swiftly and completely. You are in Its Hands, and It is always at hand. It is at hand for all. You only need to be willing to relax into It, and LET It guide and Govern. And the first step is to let It simply Love you.
The rest comes from there.
Ah, Dear One,
Even as the brightness of the morning meditation or prayer fades a bit, as you are faced with the tasks of the day, their power is still with you. Allow yourself to feel the love and appreciation that you felt during the time of silent communion, and it truly is as though your prayer continues. In the same way that a beloved human partner or child or friend is always in the back of your mind, even while you have a meeting or perform a chore, allow the Divine Presence to be a caressed and caressing thought that stays with you throughout the day and night.
It is possible to reach the stage where you are always aware of being a part of the Wholeness of the Divine. The Divine Itself embraces you into that centered place, and empowers you, when you fully realize that you want It more than anything that the physical world has to offer. The Divine knows when you are ready to fully receive It, for It sees when you are fully ready to give complete Compassion to others. As your heart projects, so are you more and more a reflection of the perfect part of the divine that the God of All made you to be.
Every sliver of the reflected image will be found,
Ah, Beloved,
In the same way that a child, experiencing nightmares, learns to call for his or her mother, whether the nightmares is about being chased by tigers, or about being lost in the woods, or about being bitten by a spider, so must each human learn to call for Help when in the various manifestations of the dream of earthly life.
Whether your call takes the form of “Oh, Help me God,” or “Help me Christ,” or “Help me Mother Mary,” or “Goddess be with me,” or “Let me breathe into One Mind,” or “What would Buddha do?”, etc.,etc., does not matter. The point is to recognize that all “outward” problems are just different versions of the same dream. Whether the problem you are facing is choice of new career, or how to acquire dinner tonight, or how to smooth your marriage, or how to fix the toilet, or how to let go of the stress of the day, the first choice should be to call for the Omniscience of the Infinite Creator.
That is why learning how to call for, and hear, that Inner Helper is more important than anything else. The illusions of the world will take many forms throughout your lifetime. But all the forms can be answered by turning to Inner Truth, instead of trying to acquire a bigger and bigger bag of tricks to solve every possible problem or success you will ever face.
Learn to stop and listen. Learn to choose quiet resolution. The help that comes may come in the form of a human who lends you a plunger or a towing cable, but it may also come as new ideas or closed doors or unanswered phones, or an Inner whisper that says, “wait, wait, wait, until the time is right, and then go to that town, or take that test, or buy the new provision.” As one ponders the Loving Omnipotence of the Creative Force, the “problem” may dissolve on its own, or the person or idea that can help resolve it may call, or stop by, or manifest in unexpected ways.
Look for the loving appearance of angels in various forms instead of looking at your problems,
We use the name “Angels” because it approximates the understanding and concept that many people hold of what We are. We are the fine Thoughts of God, moving around within the misty error-dream of human perception, adjusting and revealing and helping to show the wondrous ideas of God that are all real men and real women and elements of Life.
Within each is an archangel, ready to be perceived and appreciated and to Love and Be Love and be Beloved.
Show forth the Angel of your Self today, and look for the Angels of others.
Look, Look, Look, dear one, with expectation of the Divine, and you will See.
Ah, Beloved,
We are certain you will enjoy the words you speak if they are full of Love.
Speak words of Love to yourself each morning, and wait quietly to hear them echoed by God. Wait further, and hear more words of Love from God that God would love to hear sent back to Him/Her. Such is the nature of the constantly emanating thought that is you AND IS the Mind of God, when it is functioning smoothly.
Do you not love it when is is functioning smoothly and harmoniously? Think back on the words you have regretted saying, or even thinking, and you will see that they were not words of Love. Is it not therefore clear that the days would all be more Harmonious if you spoke only words of Love, or Love’s impellment?
We Love to offer Love to you,
Permanent Joy does not come from impermanent things. It cannot, for they are such brief imaginings. Permanent Joy comes from knowing you dwell within the Oneness of Spiritual Being that some call “God”.
And that is nothing to complain about. Revel in It. Be glad and grateful of It.
Seek your permanent Joy in already knowing you are part of God.
Awaken each day to this, Beloved, and reaffirm It.
Ah, Beloved,
COMMAND that which is not Good to leave your thoughts, and so leave your reality. You have this right. WELCOME that which is the opposite to fill your Consciousness. Welcome the Good, ACCEPT the Good. It is some aspect of Life and Love, of Harmony and Joy and Abundance and Intelligence and deep, deep Soul and Spirit.
You CAN do this.
We uphold you so that you can see it,
Ah, Beloved,
The child in your heart, innocent and pure, can hear God.
The child in your heart, trusting the Divine Parent, can hope and accept and pray for, and expect, all things.
Be the child in your heart today. Be the child in your heart, not an embittered or weary or doubting or habituated adult mind. Be the child in your heart, and believe.
We never doubt, and we are with you.
Ah, Let me remember, dear Source, that I stand next to you, with your clarity and all-ness of Sight and Truth.
Let me look with you at the mirror of myself that seems to move and act and speak upon the earth, and let me see the Truth of what that mirror should reflect, that I am, in You, made of the characteristics of You.
And let me see the Truth in all the other mirror fragments that are around me. Let me recognize all the others in my life as other views of You. Let me see the Truth of them as you know them to be, made them to be, as they are in Thee.
Help me to let go of all old notions of what or who I am, and of what or who they are, and only be Thee, Thee, Thee.
Ah, Beloved,
As before, we remind you of something. Soften your heart by remembering, and being grateful for, all the times you have been forgiven, and taught, and grown in honor and goodness. How many times would you have ended up with someone angry at you, or been fined or jailed, or ostracized, if other people had seen what you did, or errors you made? It is summed up in the old saying, “There but for the Grace of God go I.”
You need to remember this, not to shame yourself, but to be grateful, and gentle, and willing to forgive others their moments of weakness or transgression. You need to remember this so that you can sincerely say in your heart and mind “Do I want to see this person punished, or sad, or do I want to see that person healed and enlightened?”
This is especially important with people who are close to you, whether at work or play or family, because if they are healed of the false ways of thinking and dis-ease that have landed on their Pure Souls, then they become better companions, spouses, and friends to you. Just think what a glorious earth experience it would be if all could display just their normal God-given honor and goodness and honesty, instead of fearful and alone behaviors!
Think about this, and choose how to feel. Vengeful, or forgiving?
Ah, Beloved,
The more you forgive others, the more you are able to forgive yourself for errors and sorrows and misunderstandings.
And the more you forgive yourself, the more open will be your Spiritual Sight, that allows you to perceive what has been the human dream, and how openly God can show you God’s Good dream for you.
Ultimately, as time rolls up into a point of nothingness, so that you know there has been nothing Real to forgive, your Consciousness will be utterly free. Meanwhile, forgive, forgive, forgive, asking God, “Enable us all to See your Good dreams, for we long to See what we are in Thee.”
God wants you to See and feel Good.
Ah, Beloved,
Deep, deep, deep in the consciousness of your Soul, there is a constant good Calm and Well-Being. Sink down into It, purposefully, several times a day, and renew yourself. Claim your energy, claim your health and wealth and Love, as a Child of Soul, and then hold those tightly in your thoughts as you again face the earth play, and enjoy it.
The individual spiritual self that you were made by Soul, and which you are constantly renewed as, by timeless Spirit, will never change or diminish or feel anything but quiet Joy. Trust in that, and let your own special Spirit be the good mirror you look in as you go deep, deep, deep into the truth of the Source of You.
And be Glad, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
The proof is in the self. No matter how many testimonies you hear from others, or even see in another who is close to you, it is the serendipitous events, and experiences of healing, that you have in your own life that are the building blocks of faith. The small and large “miracles” that occur in your life are the parts of the corral that would gently hold in place the wild free spirit of your belief in the Divine pattern and Order and Harmony.
Put each stick into that fence reverently and firmly, and until the corral is fully built, so that faith is safely held, pay close, close attention, so that no stick is left upon the ground, unnoticed. Look carefully, each night and each morning, at the “ground” of your days and your dreams, so that those daily miracles in your life do not pass unremarked and unappreciated, and go unused.
O’ pick them up and use them, Beloved, and you will have tamed the wild Spirit Horse of belief, and will be able to name Him Delight.
Ah, Beloved,
If someone you love asks for your help with an annoying task, do it for the sake of giving. Do it to affirm to yourself that you are a Gracious Child of God. You will not be sorry.
We assure you that you have forgotten many of the times in your earthly journey when some saintly-acting person has saved you, helped you, blessed you, or directed you.
Give help in the name of Love Divine, and help will come to you.
And say thank you when it does.
Ah, Beloved,
Beloved you are, within the Mind of the Creative Loving Source, and Beloved you will always be. While you are in the earth dream of space and time, this may seem hard to believe, but as you turn over your daily, and moment-by-moment, decisions to the gently guiding Force that is Love, you will come to fully realize Its Utter Goodness, Its Utterly Gracious Intent, Its Utter Loveliness of Being, and that you are part of It, and reflecting/projecting that, if you allow it, here into the dream-film of earth life.
Be at Peace, Beloved, and REMEMBER yourself to be Beloved. Each time the earth view or circumstance seems to be in disarray, or to be a source of uneasiness, drop back into the sweet depths of knowing your true self to be safe and truly Loved, within the Heart/Mind of the Shining Source, and allow yourself to feel the calm Joy of that Love. Allow yourself to feel fed and refreshed by that Joy, and feel able and ready to participate in, again, the advancement of the Plan for the advancement of all the parts of the Reflection whose Totality is the Goodness of Creation.
Truly seeing your progress, and rejoicing,
Ah, Beloved,
You know that when you are feeling the false temptations of the woe of material goods, or the woe of the feelings of the world, you must shake them off of yourself by focusing on the opposite Quality, drawn from Truth in your heart, that is a Quality of God—yea, even the very Substance of God is Love and Truth.
In that Light, we say to you that the opposite of hopeless is not “hope”—it is Trust, for to put your hope in God is to put your hope in that which can be Trusted.
Do so, Beloved, do so.
Ah, Delightful One,
If old programming of the mind, or childhood associations, or fads or mis-beliefs, or any such thing, cause one to have fear or anger or uneasiness of any kind about the One Cause of All, then know that names do not matter. Whether you call out to Source Energy, or God, or the Universe, or One Love, or whatever appellation, what is important is that you know It regards you with tenderness and respect and utter support, and to let yourself regard It in the same way.
For this exchange allows you to receive all the well-being and great goodness that is yours, and that blesses you and blesses all who come into your orbit of thought and feeling.
Accept that Brightness and Be that Brightness, oh Dear One, for it is delightful indeed to know you as such.
Gifting you as you Gift yourself,
The Guardians of your Goodness
Ah, Beloved,
Forget the past and the future when you are thinking about the Source of All Things.
Give yourself the gift of those timeless moments when the chill of the fingers reminds you of the new season for a moment, or when all of your attention is focused on the wonder of a ladybug being able to fly. Be in timelessness when you are awestruck by the very truth that Love exists, and that It keeps on surging forth in the unlikeliest of situations, as strangers step forward to help each other, or as a Loving answer, a Loving idea, comes into your awareness in response to a question you have had for a very, very long time.
Ah, Beloved,
If you take a pail to a freshwater stream or lake to fill it with water for your day, but the pail is already half filled with salty water, you will end up with a mixture that is not really fit to drink.
When you take the vessel of your heart to the Ocean of God’s Love each morning, to fill it for the day, make sure it is not already filled with salty tears of resentment, or bitter criticisms, if you want Loving Grace to fill your heart for the day.
Ask for Our Help to forgive yourself and others, and go to God empty and clean to be filled with Love. And then share that Love.
Sharing gives you endless refills of Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Many people have forgotten that the purpose of taking a Sabbath day, or a Sabbath hour or even minute, is to immerse themselves in the Truth that God Loves them. The fuel and healing of Sabbath is to ponder and revel in that Truth that God Loves them and that God Loves all, that God IS Goodness and Love. Have YOU forgotten this?
Can you make this day that?
Can you set aside all judgment of others and yourself and just think about, and let yourself feel, that God Loves you, and finds all others worthy of that Love as well?
If not, why not? If not, then you especially NEED to take a day saying, knowing, “I am Loved.”
AS we Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
The Unseen Force of the Source, and all of Its manifestations, WANT to support you. They already support you in ways unseen to you, but they want your permission to reveal your natural heritage of Harmony to you in ways you can see, as well. They simply wait for you to ask. They simply wait for you to ask to see your individual Divine Harmony revealed, that They might know your willingness to receive that which is your exact and perfect role in the play, with all of its costumes and inheritance and accoutrements.
Know yourself Blesses, for you are Blessed, Beloved. Declare “I am Blessed” and then look around you and praise those Blessings. Some are visible. Some are invisible. Praise them all, Beloved. Praise them all without ceasing.
We See them. Look with us,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
Love is never broken, or in need of updates. Divine Love IS God, God IS Love. God, being timeless, is always one step ahead of you, knowing what you need, understanding what new layers of awareness your Consciousness is ready for. Gently, constantly, tenderly, It gives to you as much as you are willing to accept in your full alignment.
Stay willing, Beloved. Stay willing, and spend quiet time each day knowing “I am Love. I am a totally Spiritual Being, joyous and complete here in God that is Love, always tending and expressing me, Its wondrous idea.”
Love is never broken. A Spiritual idea cannot break.
You are Loved. You are Love.
Ah, Beloved,
Expect favor.
Expect it cheerfully and gratefully.
Expect favor from the Source that made you and maintains you.
Today’s message is dedicated to Sister Bertha Duperry of Biddeford, Maine, who transitioned into full remembrance of God yesterday, after over 80 years of cheerful and faithful service to God, having espoused to the Christ at age sixteen. I will dearly miss her supportive letters, although the spirit of her already assures me, “It is Lovely. I am dancing in the Arms of my Lord.”
Ah, Beloved,
You do not have to cast off the body-thought costume in order to dance in Joy. You can do so now, by simply shifting your thought into that focus. Cast off the thoughts off body-bondage, and CLAIM the rightful heritage of Glad Thought, that is your part as a reflection of the Divine Mind.
ANGELS, right beside you, in Love.
Ah, Beloved,
If God wants you to do something, God creates a way for it to happen, for all ideas in God come complete with all they need. God’s strength is your strength, for you are an image in Spirit-mirror. Remember that.
Allow God to create all you need for Good, in glad obedience.
Ah, Beloved,
Matter is the fleeting temporal. Spirit is the enduring immortal Truth.
Look around you, feel within, and know that Truth each day in your heart of Soul. Doing so will help you see only Good. Doing so will help you keep perspective.
Any day that you spend seeing only the physical, and being buffeted by human emotions, you risk losing your way on a dim detour.
Keep awareness of Immortal Truth, and see God so clearly.
Deeply feel this, and It will be your Guidance map,
Ah, Beloved,
The Joy you give is the Joy you live.
Today, let it be as simple as that.
Always flying in Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
As you let that thing and time go, let these words console you:
When is a rose perfect?
When it is a tiny seed?
When it is a green bud?
When it is a color tightly furled?
When it is in full bloom?
When it is petals blowing away in the wind?
In all its phases, it is silent.
In all its perfection, it is a conception in the Mind of God.
All your times are a potpourri to us,
Ah, Beloved,
Get your thoughts of your earthly self out of the way, and ask for Divine Love to flow through you. There is no other way to the Mindset of Heaven.
Is that too simple?
Ah, Beloved,
There is no urgency in becoming the full brightness of Self. In fact, the more you relax about it, the sooner it will come.
There is no time where Glorious Peace reigns, and the false pressure that time tries to give you is but one more trick of the limited-body-self to make you fret and worry, instead of accept NOW the Infinite Love that knows you already perfect and complete, as a part of the Spirit that is all. The body costume wants itself to be King and the be-all, and end-all, but it is not, and never can be. You, bright and Light and Joyous, are forever Spirit, free and kind.
Ah, Beloved,
Play some more today. Play and play, and listen to what you yourself say. So many times, when you become too immersed in the duties and fruitions of the world, you lose sight of what you yourself still secretly dream of doing, or playing with. Play, and playfully speak, and listen to what comes from your own imagination and heart.
There IS still time to do some of those things, and to know that they are part of the Divine Will for your part in the Play. There is always still time enough for the things that are a part of Love’s expanding to come forth. Let those idea seeds be watered with Divine Love, and know, that if they are meant to grow, they will.
Be gladly surprised at what comes up in your heart’s garden,
Ah, Beloved,
The Great Creative Mind that constantly thinks of you also constantly delights in you. It faithfully watches over you while you dream you are separated from it into a body, and sends Its tender Sprit into your dream to help you remember your true and Spiritual self, and to assist in smoothing your dream.
Be you faithful as well. Be you tender and true to yourself and to others, and delight in the One Mind as It delights in you, and in all. Offer your delight to God and God freely gives delight to you—a Delight that surpasses all bodily and human understanding, but that you can truly know with the very depths of your Being. It is a healing Delight.
Ah, Child,
Relax into the Flow of God.
Be silent, be peaceful, and relinquish “your” control.
Relax into the Flow of God this day. Appreciate, watch, and observe. Love.
Relax into the Flow of God this day, only listening for that still, small Voice, and obeying if it prompts you.
Ah, Beloved,
It is so important to let Spirit Divine help you train yourself to pausing with patience. In so many instances, an overquick reaction of human emotion can lead to wrong words, inappropriate actions, and regrettable consequences. Seek the Calm Power of God, dear one, and let silence be a power in your responses of heart.
Silence, and pauses, will give you the time to hear the Wisdom of the Divine Voice within, and the ability to think as God thinks, and respond Lovingly, as God would do. Creativity in ideas and a fullness of Compassion also fly from the Heart of God into yours, when quiet listening is your trained and happy response to jarring words or circumstances.
Feel as God feels, Beloved, in a steady and measured and wonderfully Good way.
O”, Beloved,
Observing your own behaviors and words and thoughts can be a heartening experience when you realize how easily you can modify your thoughts and actions by simply choosing to give up all that is not part of what you want to be, with Love in you and with you.
Spend some silent days truly watching your human thoughts, and see that setting aside criticism and condemnation of others can truly make it easier to Love them, and Love yourself. Letting go of thinking that real Wisdom comes from your human experience, and turning to the Spirit of God for Wisdom instead can help you shed that feeling of being stuck in strange world.
Behold with gentle Beauty today, silent and accepting, and see sublime eternal Beauty glimmer forth around and within.
Ah, Child,
It is crucial to believe that you are completely Loved by the Source.
Until you believe that, and feel that in the very soul of you, you cannot help any others. Let not any feelings of unworthiness or error block the flow of God’s Love through you. Remember that the Source’s Love is unconditional, and that although It will guide you to become more honorable and kind and giving, It will not withhold Its Love if you are not perfect.
Welcome the flow of that Unconditional Love through you. Welcome It, and believe It, and let It fill you, and then you can pass It on, pass It on, pass It on, for you will have become a reservoir of that Infinite Delight.
There is no greater delight than knowing you are completely Loved. Look not to other people for that Love, but to the One Source. The error that so many make, of looking to their earthly parents or family or lovers or friends, instead of to the Divine Source, will only delay your Joy. Look to the Divine, be filled with True Love, and then Spirit within you can be a distributor of It, on earth.
Believe you are Loved, and then let It flow, Beloved,
Ah, Beloved,
Let there be a new certainty in your heart, to return to whenever the lies of earth’s seeming sorrows and temptations are so strong that they would pull you in, and that is this: All the lies of earth start with the one lie that there is a dual reality. There is not.
But so long as you believe that there is a material reality, with separate material laws, it will prevent you from believing, and thus being able to demonstrate, the full Power of the Divine Reality, with Primal Cause as the only Law. To begin to understand how to keep the consciousness completely focused within the Divine realm, while the actions dictated by the Divine are made in the virtual realm, is to master indeed the destiny that each must come to.
Meanwhile, Beloved, hold fast to constant Listening, and remind yourself, as often as need be, whether it is every minute or just once an hour, that you are within a sacred play, and what you do and say can help bring the story to a quicker and happier ending. Listen, Beloved, to the Voice of Harmonic Love, and obey, and be Glad.
Be inspired by how many have walked the same path, and won peace,
Ah, Beloved,
You ask us, “How long?” “How long do I hold up the Light, or is it right to do it in this way?”
Beloved, You will never leave the Light. You cannot. You exist within It. But we understand that your question is really about how best to serve the Light and Be the Light within the world.
Darling, if you were the keeper, the steward, of an island that you knew was the only resting place or refuge for those that fly overhead, or swim ceaselessly, you know that you would feel committed to tending that Island so long as you could. The duties of the keeper may change from day to day and hour to hour, or shine more brightly in some seasons, but mostly it is important to just Be There.
Just Be someone who consistently stays on that Island of Awareness within the human dream, so that others can rest upon Its shores, or join you, or be glad to see the strip of shore on the horizon. Just stay Aware, Beloved. Stay Constantly Conscious of God, of Goodness. That is enough.
We will tell you when you are ready to change,