Ah, Beloved,
Take time today to re-Assert that you know your Self to be a True Child of Spirit.
Be not like the actor who has so lost himself in his role of drunkard or bum that he forgets he has a wonderful home and full resources and a loving family, all waiting for him each night after the play is over. Let your self think of your Self, and let the loveliness of those thoughts carry you through any moments when you need to remember your True, rich heritage of Love, of Pro-Vision, of Creative Urge.
You are already there, Beloved, and sometimes even good actors set aside the drama for a night, and give themselves back to themselves for the renewal of their strength and joy and enjoyment of Being Loved.
The Infinite Source is you unending stream of Love. Drench yourself in It.
Ever and always admiring,
Ah, Beloved,
When God, as Loving Spirit-Voice, asks you to act or speak, do so. Do so even if to your human senses it feels untimely or the words seem odd. If you receive a direct instruction like this, it is important.
Being willing to be such an instrument of Love and Life assistance is part of why it is Good to practice hearing the sweet Voice of God in your heart every day. For as you practice, and grow accustomed to, and knowledgeable and familiar with, that Calm Tender Presence, you will be able to fully trust when It instructs you to call or visit someone, or to reach out a hand and keep them from stepping off a curb.
Listen, dear Love. Listen to Love, and obey.
Love is Grateful,
Ah, Beloved,
Obedience to what you hear the Divine Voice say in your heart is the corollary to learning to hear it.
Think about it, Beloved. “Metaphysical” means “above the physical”, or, “greater than the physically seen and understood”. Despite what logic may tell you, or historical comparison may say, or some textbook would try to teach you, if you hear in your heart to do or say something that is of God-like Quality, then do it. Only the Greater View can really know what is best for all, including you. If you question Its gentle directions with human intellectual arguments, where is your trust in the Truth of the Divine?
Ask several times if you must. The Divine Voice is consistent and patient. It will give you the same answer, or the new answer for the new moment of opportunity that will lead to the same result. Time does not bind it. If you do not walk through a certain doorway and learning stage at one moment, It will present you with another. It wants only to see you re-aligned with the Divine, and to remember fully that you are a Beloved extension of, Child of, that Divine.
If you hear a thing to do, and you know it goes not against any of the Divine Laws you know, act, Beloved. Act then, with love and with trust, and with joy at being part of a wonderful Love.
Ah, Beloved,
It is God’s JOY to walk and talk with you.
The sooner you completely understand that, the sooner you will spend more time doing it.
The sooner you spend more time doing it, the sooner you will know the full Joy that listening to God, and walking with God, offers you. And once you know that experience, there is no going back to a shallow and shifty-mist view of Life.
So Lovingly wanting to see your full Joy,
Ah, Beloved,
Practice, right now, being grateful for Gratitude Itself. Feel that wash of greater feeling that comes flowing through the Soul of you when you allow gratitude to fill your heart and thoughts. It is a Force, and Grace has given it to you.
Be glad of Grace that gives so much to you freely, despite your human follies and errors and inactions. Be grateful for Grace
And be so, so, so very grateful that Love Itself Loves you, and constructs you and sustains you, and always has and always will, no matter what dreams or nightmares seem to mar the surface of the illusion. Quietly feel it right now. Love Loves you. Love perfectly is your forever Life of Spirit.
Feel the power of being grateful for that,
Your gratitude is a force that helps the world,
Ah, Beloved,
Sing praise. Think Praise. Notice how much has been sorted out and has fallen into place. Say thank you and thank you and thank you unto all the human hands and hearts that helped make it so, but above all be full unto Gladness with praise for the Source that oversees all and Who Knows the end from the beginning and so Lovingly tends to all efforts made with Love.
Sing praise today, child. Say praise. Look to all the people and things and Grace you love, and speak love, love, love of each and every one.
Believe Us when we say that recognizing and applauding the Coordinating Love that has orchestrated the solution of this niggling human problem will help give you heart and faith that every earthly issue you face has the same wonderful Overseer on the job, helping, helping, helping.
We are Glad with you,
Ah, Beloved,
I am never gone from you, for you are never gone from me. Test it.
Test it, because scientific experiment is held in such high regard in most of your cultures today. I know I can be tested, because I know I am always available, because your consciousness is a part of Mine. Test it and prove it to yourself.
Test it by getting very still and quiet and asking Me to help you feel my Love and Comfort and Intent for Joy. Give it a fair test by focusing thus twice a day for several days. It might take you several days to clean your thoughts enough to stay still and quiet for a few minutes, but consider that to be like a physical scientist cleaning and polishing his equipment before the experiment.
Clean your thoughts, stay still and quiet and invite the awareness of My Presence. It is already present, it just needs your invitation and focus to be detected.
Test it. I am here, and I Love you.
Ah, Beloved,
If you give just a little thought to the fact that Divine Spirit, quietly Ever-present in your heart, and always glad to commune with your thoughts and align them to Itself, is not part of the illusion of time, it will change how you make decisions within time. If you realize that The Divine Whole Sees all your choices as though they have already happened, and all the branching of alternate pathways, then you will be delighted to get very still, and pause in your wanderings of thought, and ask, again, to See as God Sees.
Aligned with that timeless Wisdom, you can leap ahead into the waves of time and look back along your choices, and see and feel which one is truly the most harmonious for you. Taking time to See as God Sees, all your choices are in the view, and you can choose well, right now. Do remember, though, Beloved, that God’s definition of Harmony for you is not about fleeting satisfactions, but about remembering who you really are, a wonderful and talented and loving being of the One Being, full of Peace of Mind.
If you are ready to choose Harmony, choose to let God show you the way.
When your heart feels filled with a deep Peace, you know it is a Good choice.
Ah, Beloved,
I freely offer you My Unending and Unconditional Love and Peace with which to fill your heart, if you so choose, and whenever you choose. If you take time to turn to Me for It, I give It.
And all I ask in return, dear Love, is that you be kind to others. Be kind, be gracious, be forgiving. And the more you do that, the more easily will flow to your own heart that Peace and Joy that overcome all the seeming troubles of the world.
Be kind, Beloved, be kind. And include yourself in that kindness.
Ah, Beloved Child,
God WILL send those that need to be in your life, in trust of your full awakening, exactly when you need. Be aware of that, and try, today, to trust in that and expect the Goodness of it to happen.
WE are always with you,
Let us hold you, and be together,
Ah, Beloved,
Reviewing in your mind, calmly, and with the certainty that you have already been forgiven, just how often you have been forgiven, will help you forgive others more easily.
Remember, as you do so, that this is not an exercise in feeling guilty about your errors, it is about trusting that God is right when He/She declared you Good. God absolutely knows that by dreaming that you were separate from the Whole, and off somewhere else wearing a body and doing painful things and pleasurable things and making mistakes, that you did nothing of lasting substance, for only God creates what lasts forever and is all Good. The essence of you, the idea of you IS all Good, and is a sweet idea that never left the Energy Force /Love that is God.
Only in the dream of the body were the mistakes and mis-creations made, by your own mind(s). That is why God sent a forgiving Force, a Saving Spirit, into the dream; to help you feel forgiven, so you could clearly remember again who you really are.
But, while you are still in the dream and must forgive yourself and others, remembering the Grace with which you have been forgiven, and how often you have been forgiven, WILL help you forgive and love others, until you can clearly Love them as you Love yourself, and as you gratefully Love God.
We hope this helps today,
Ah, Beloved,
Whom better to practice on, to Love unconditionally, than those you love/hate most in the earthly? Oh, how easy to Love from afar the distant scoundrel, asking God to enter his heart and awaken his Goodness. Oh, how hard to ask the same of God, to enter the heart of the one who grinds insults at you each evening, or who calls with simpering requests each week to a blood relative.
God Love is mature Love, Beloved. It looks past the illusions of the mortal, and into the Heart of each one you meet. God Sight will help your sight, if you continually ask It to. Practice it each day, as much as you can, and you will find the way easier and easier with constant God-Sight as your goal, and contract, with God.
We See you with God-Sight all the time, do we not? You can do this.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no need to worry. There is only the need to realize that the Connection you are seeking already exists. You already Live within, and are like, that which you want and need to feel close to.
It is not far away that Love exists. It surrounds you and is you, and offers Its Absoluteness to your consciousness right now. It is only a fantasy that you are far away and alone. Just let go of that imagining of being separate.
Now, you are Loved, and made of Love.
Ask It, “If You are right here, let me feel you Holding me.”
Give It a chance to prove Itself, and that It wants you to remember who you are within It.
Ah, Beloved,
If you are not yet able to think of time, and space, and matter as imagined things of the so-called mortal mind, then think of the “Big Bang”, and the expansion and contraction of the known Universe, as just a single beat of God’s Heart.
Realization will come, and much that is unseen will be understood,
Ah, Beloved,
Of course your desire for complete and instant healing, and awakening, for those whom you love humanly is strong. But, just as with those whom you silently pray for, in agape love, even when they have not asked you, or given their permission, as you passed them on the street, or in social situations, you must trust that the Divine Sight sees all, and knows all.
From the upsurge of the Healing Force within you, or just from human compassion, you may feel impelled to open yourself and your attention/intention to letting the Healing Presence use you, as a funnel to pour over that individual bit of Soul, but you must remember that the One Love knows how much the other is ready to handle. Open yourself as vehicle and instrument completely, but honor God’s wisdom in choosing how much force to give to Love’s Flow. Causing fear and shock with too quick a new vision cannot be the way.
Be ever gentle, with yourself and others, unless truly divinely impelled to move or speak very quickly to help Good be done.
Trust the Unseen Goodness, and be grateful It knows each one’s needs,
Ah, Beloved,
Forgive yourself, always, for having seen the dark instead of the Light. God will give you the strength to see whatever you need to see, and do whatever you need to do. Ask for this strength continually. Then, if you do not have the strength or heart to do something, you will know it was not ordained by God’s Will.
The Truth of God’s Good man and Good woman casts out the errors you may have been seeing. Ask for strength, and ask to see God’s Good.
God’s Will reigns, if you look for It,
Ah, Beloved,
Perhaps you believe that becoming personally better is a matter of human will.
It is not. It is a matter of trusting and loving the One Mind enough that you give over your will to It. That letting go does take a great Impulse of Sheer Love, but once that first step is taken, the One Mind helps with the rest. Just give that willingness each day, and keep taking each step along the way.
We are your walking sticks, and guides,
Ah, Beloved,
There is no Truth but God’s Truth. It is a Oneness. It is a Unity.
The sooner you realize this with your heart, the sooner you will be able to give up any belief in the false realities that the limbic, earthly self seems to present and to argue for. When you REALLY understand that God is All in All, you will not fall into any sort of fear regarding the illusions of the world, any more than an adult would believe in the sheet-ghosts of Halloween.
Think about this, Beloved. Think about it a lot, so that you can rid yourself of placing any faith at all in what is just a parade of costumes. Place your faith in Love Divine and in the Allness of eternity. You are a citizen of eternity of Consciousness. Claim that right. Claim that identity, and you are indeed a new being, even while yet wearing the costume of the masquerade.
In Truth, ANGELS
Ah, Beloved,
“One Who is called to be by your side.” That is the original meaning of the word that is also translated as Comforter, Helper, Advocate, Guide, Inner Voice, etc. etc, etc.
Ponder this. For to be by your side, and with you in all decisions and in all circumstances and thoughts, The One that comes must be called. YOU must do the calling. YOU must do the realizing that your seeming human will must be ceded to the Greater Will, in order for Its power of Loveliness to reign. YOU must invite that Heart of hearts.
Your dream of life, and all the overlapping dreams of those you know, are all affected by this in every moment. The One who comes always comes when called forth, but YOU must do the calling. Those more practiced than you (avatars, saints, gurus, religious, mystics, etc.) at hearing Its Voice and feeling Its Presence, can assist you, and, indeed, your permission to such a one to call for you, or join you in your calling, is a kind of giving of the gift of your will, but ultimately, it is for you and the One to come together, in full alignment, by YOUR calling. Ultimately, it is You and Oneness, realizing you are the same. Call upon Oneness, and know who you are, Beloved.
We stand with you always also,
Ah, Beloved,
Love the Love in others, even if you see only a tiny seed of It. Loving It will help It be revealed more fully.
It is the task of Divine Spirit to tutor and correct all. It is your task to let that Divine Spirit help you shine and grow in Grace. Grow in revealing Grace, dear child, and let Spirit do Its job on others. Focus on being the positive example, and you are helping Spirit more than you can humanly know.
Let Spirit help you shine with Love, and trust Love to work on all.
Ah, Beloved,
The ego-self, that is the human self that thinks it is in charge of true reality, will try to convince you that working first and foremost on your own good relationship with Divine Consciousness is a selfish, and therefore bad, thing to do. In Truth, Beloved, the more you work on your own communion with the Force of Unconditional Love, the cleaner and clearer of a transparency you can be, to let the Light of that Love shine to and for others. Let your High Self, your Living Spiritual reflection self, be in charge.
Work on your own clean clear purity of Divine Thought transmission, and let that clarity be the window through which others can see the Light, and allow the Light to shine upon them. It is a Good Thing. It is a God thing.
Always shining our Love on you,
Ah, Beloved,
As you realize and believe that it is supremely natural and right for ideas and joys to come to you, and you settle into the calm receptive mode of thought that hears them and feels them and sees them, they will come smoothly.
Ideas come and are fulfilled and enacted. Expectations of Joy are held dear and then they are gifted to you. The very understanding of the Great Love Loving you so much that It wants your steady happiness gives you that happiness.
You are truly blessed already, and when the moments come when this is known and welcomed and embraced, then it is easy to ask for what needs to be given. At that point, you also know deep in your soul Self that it is the unseen aspects of Divine Love and Goodness and Truth that are what you are always really asking for. Ask and you will receive.
Ask, and you will remember that you and Creation are One.
Ah, Beloved,
There is no jumbled situation that your Inner Eye of God-Viewpoint does not see more ways through, and out of, than your human imagination or mind can possibly conceive of.
Always, therefore, even when you think you have thought of all options before a choice, take time to be still, and look with that Inner Eye and be still and listen to that Inner Voice, and see if there are not even more elegant or mysterious ways forward, aided by the Calm Joy of the Source.
Ah, Beloved,
The Divine has put Its truth in many, many places. It is nestled in old fables and tucked into children’s stories. It is in scripture and in poetry. It is in scenes from movies and in newsclips of heroic actions. It is in the very movement of the clouds and sun, and the turning of the seasons.
Wherever you see the Truth, Beloved, take it and tuck it away in your memory. If you are reading a story to your children and a line touched the harpstrings of your heart, copy it down to ponder later. If you keep hearing in your mind a line from the scripture of your childhood, scribe it onto a slip of paper. If you are reading a book and a sentence seems to light up in gold before you, or a paragraph in a newsletter so grabs your attention that you must read it again and again, copy it down.
Armor yourself with these things, for they are the anointing of Divine Love upon you. They are the entry stamp to walking in the Divine Arbor with God. When you are armored with a Word in your pocket or the picture from a film in your mind, and your beset by doubts or memories of old failings, then pull forth that word again and let it replace the negative thing. When you feel that you have lost the sense of abiding with the Divine, look at the scene of triumph, again, in your mind, or read and reread that paragraph that reminds you that you are a Beloved child of the Whole.
These Truths are seeded everywhere, Beloved. It is only up to you to use them, to pick them up and plant them in your mind and heart, so that they will thrive and grow, and be indeed that armor that fits you perfectly Take them, plant them, tend them again and again, until they fill you, and cover you, and protect you completely. Then, it is hard indeed for the weeds of life to take any root in your days, or for the winds of the hours to ruffle the calm peace of your countenance, or to take your eyes away from the Spiritual World.
Choose your armor, and do not forget to USE it,
Ah, Beloved,
When you are concerned for someone, whether far or near, whether the concern is mild or dire to your human emotions, remember that the Comforting Spirit of Love is everywhere, available to all. And, it is the same Great Spirit everywhere, so when you remind yourself that the Comforter is already WITH that other person, and you ask that whatever Grace is given you be also sped to the heart and side of the other person, It is all One Spirit, and It hears you.
You CAN give Grace to others, because It was and is freely given to you, and what has been gifted to you, you can gift to all the people and places you desire to see aided and comforted.
So give freely of your own supply of Grace today. Send, send, send It with your thoughts, and with your Love, to all whom you would hearten and see healed. Because you have come to understand that Grace and Goodness are Infinite, your own heart knows it can be refilled with the fullness of God, and that there is no lack of Grace that you can send, send, send, again and again and again.
Endless are the reservoirs of Love We send you,
Ah, Beloved,
The more scenes you see of earthly existence, in your own life and the lives of others, and in your alternate earth dreams of night, the more honestly you can desire, and live for, the pure, sweet truth of Heaven, of God. The unchanging Love of God is the prize and the example to keep always in your mind. Let your mind become His/Her Mind, as you completely realize, that even within the dream, you are bidden to be a good example, a simple shining, of the Love of God.
Old mistakes and current ones ARE forgiven, if you can forgive them in yourself by forgiving others. Cease to judge, and be free. Cease to judge, and learn to Love. Love always.
Ah, Beloved,
Remember always that you are not trying to “fix” the smoky image. Your goal, in spiritual growth, is to improve your spiritual sight so that you are not distracted by the smoke of illusion at all, and that you see right through it to the true image, to the true reflection of the Divine.
Know the truth to be Goodness, and turn your sight and your awareness to that. Let your discernment be so focused on seeking the delightful Goodness of the Divine substance that you do not let yourself be distracted be anything that appears to be anything else, any more than a master naturalist is distracted by a swirl of dust that looks for a moment like a cheetah. He knows the real cheetah when he sees one, or senses its movements or sound.
Turn to the Divine and ask that your sight be Divine Sight—that your soul eyes be opened, so that you may see revealed the idea of you and your life that is the Divine Mind’s vision of you and yours.
As always,
Ah, Beloved,
If you listen carefully, and obey calmly, and joyfully, the sweet instructions of the Divine Impulse of Life within, you will look back on each day and each month, and see that God has laid each idea and step and person in it, as competently and assuredly as a master bricklayer creating a lovely and sturdy winding wall.
Walk atop that wall, and you will be truly walking the best pathway that is possible for your life.
Walking with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Whenever there is doubt about your own ability to overcome a complete wave of discouragement when facing pain or lack, OR whenever there is a sweeping temptation to overindulge in the sweet sensations of life, remember that the Power of God within you is also there as a support and an advocate, not just as a tender lover and father/mother and provider.
Take that crucial moment to pause, and ASK for some of the Divine perspective to help you choose well, to give you strength to assess clearly and calmly, and the wonderful will to carry out and carry forward with your resolutions and answers.
ALL of your strength comes from the Divine Source. Why not call on It when you need It most?
Ah, Beloved,
Divine Love never stops flowing.
Like the river near your home that does not stop flowing even though you are asleep and do not see it, like the sun that keeps shining even when your blinds are pulled, God never stops sending forth Its perfect Love and Life.
Ponder today the unending Flow that is in you, around you, above you, below you.
It simply IS, Love, and will always be. Why not let your thoughts be bathed in It?
ANGELS, knowing It will feed you and supply you with what you need.
Ah, Beloved,
There is more certainty in your destiny than you imagine, because you and your destiny are formed from and within Love. And Divine Love is the most certain thing there is. Indeed, It is all there really is.
“I am Love. All are Love.”
Can you experiment with remembering that for a whole day?
We assure you it will help.
Ah, Beloved,
If We could show you brightly colored graphs and charts showing how effective it is when you willingly and earnestly join with Divine Spirit in prayers for others, you would be astonished and delighted. The far flung and overlapping Wonders of Harmony and Goodness enacted when you lend some of your focus and awareness each day to “Thank You for Blessing them all, and continually Caring for each individual in Soul, Dear God” are greater than you can imagine.
Prayers for those you do not personally know can be especially effective because they are not tainted by any knowledge of old human errors that person may have made. Let not unforgiveness shadow your Loving prayers. Forgive all, know that God Loves all, and be fully immersed in the Love that Floods forth each day, offering to Bless, Bless, Bless all if they will but willingly receive.
And you will feel It, for what Blesses all also convincingly Blesses one. Keep it up.
Ah, Beloved,
There is truly a time and a season for every phase of the earthly play.
Dear Child, entitled and commanded and cherished mightily by God, today say:
“I hold out my cup of receiving to the Infinite Grace of your Love, dear God, that you may fill It to overflowing with whatever understanding and ideas and thoughts and manifestations I need for my happiness in You, knowing I am Loved, and made of Your Love”
Amen, Beloved, amen,
Ah, Beloved,
Wherever we go, we are ready to serve. If you but knew how joyously your own privately assigned Angels hover near you, just waiting to be given permission to help you, you would not be so shy about asking. Set aside all doubts about whether you are worthy, or whether some problem is too small or too big. Just believe you are Loved, ask for Help, and be willing to receive It.
Ideas will come, people will come, new circumstances will be revealed. Be willing to act on the good ideas and impulses you are given. Be willing to expect Good, Good, Good in your life, even if you cannot see the evidence yet with your limited physical senses. Believe that the Source Parent wants your happiness and will help you see it and know it, if you give the Source the great gift of your willingness to See.
As ever, with you,
Ah, Beloved,
Here is the thing to remember always:
“I am a bit of Light, projected from the marvelous Divine Mind, into the hologram of earth. The idea of the perfect me, and the wonderful role I play in the Joyous Script that Divine Mind has created, is always safe and true in that Mind. I allow myself to play out that perfect script and that perfect character for the perfect play of Joy, for So It Is.”
Nothing really blocks that Light, Beloved. Nothing.
Ah, Beloved,
As many human stories and media portrayals testify, each human within a circumstance may have very different perceptions and/or memories of what occurred. Several siblings or friends may feel bewildered as they speak up about their different interpretations of a gathering or a performance all witnessed. But if you go past the details of sights and sounds and smells, what all can remember together is that they felt their connection, their human love, even if it were bittersweet or uneven, or euphoric or marred, at the time. The connectedness of love and knowledge of one another was there, and shared.
Divine Love takes this sharedness to the ultimate level, Beloved. No matter what you are dreaming as the events of each day, or the people near to you are seeing and feeling, Divine Love is Holding you all, and Loving you all, and desiring you all to Spiritually perceive that you are Completely Loving and Lovable, beneath all the differences of the illusions and memories.
You are all Loving and Lovable. This is the consistent Truth of the flying moments of the human experience. You are all Divinely Loved. Are you ready to accept that? Are you ready to stop comparing illusions and wisps of memory, and feel Completely connected within the Source of All Love?
The moment you do, you will feel better.
Ah, Beloved,
We underscore this truth for you: God/All that Is, communicating to you as Inner Voice, ALWAYS answers. The answer may be an idea of action or word, or just an image, or just a reassurance of soft calm, indicating that you should wait for the harmonious solution to appear in Divine timing, but there IS always an answer, if you take enough silent time to let it come.
It is the hurrying of the human mind that tricks you into not hearing the Divine instruction or solution from the Voice that is “Lo, always with you.”
Therefore, stop the hurrying and stop the words and the busy, busy thoughts, and let the silence be the doorstop that holds open the door to the Loving caretaking that wants so much to serve your happiness, and the happiness of all.
We serve you. Let us.
And we don”t whine about days off,
Ah, Beloved,
Please your Self. Be utterly honest with your Divine Self today. Listen carefully to what You/Inner Divine Voice are led to do or be or think about today, and DO IT.
Let not this be subjugated to that worldly list of tasks that sits on the desk or notepad. Let not the Divine guidance come second to what you think you “should” do today, or what the world seems to be calling for. Put the Divine viewpoint first, and trust that any of the other things that seemed to need today’s immediate attention will get taken care of if they really do. Trust the Inner Leadings, and move in the Gracious Bubble of Calm in a world that so often seems to be all storms.
The lust you can trust is yearning to have time with God,
Ah, Beloved,
Be not afraid to test your beliefs.
Enjoy a day of demonstrating. ASK to have the Divine Spirit, that guides all, show you the High Light within of everyone.
But, you must be willing to set aside your own preconceptions, and judgments, and criticisms and LOOK for that demonstration of the Qualities of God in those around you, and in yourself.
It truly is a matter of willingness of Sight,
Ah, Beloved,
When you “stand porter at the door of thought”, each moment of each day, be aware of when your thoughts have time-related words in them. The belief in linear time, the belief in the illusion that time could limit the Omnipotence of the Source, is a belief to let go of.
Just now, when you were praying to be able to see the perfect Divine potential of everyone around you, and of yourself, you were thinking of “future” demonstrations of a possibility. The use of the word “potential” had you thinking of possibility, not about what is ALREADY true in God’s Mind. But we say to you, as has been said by so many, RIGHT NOW you are all the perfect reflections of the multiple Aspects of the Divine. Right now you are your Best High Selves. Right Now is the only instant of time that exists, perpetually, in God. In God, you are all already your perfect Spiritual Selves, not the false sense of mere physical selves.
Acknowledge that, Beloved. Acknowledge that Good can manifest in your thought, and therefore before your eyes, right now, not as only a future thing. Right now, see all the sons and daughters of God right around you, and as you, with the Truth of your Spiritual Sight. Right now, O’ Beloved, FEEL God’s Joy as the flowing, manifesting, reflecting Aspect of yourself.
We see your Best right now,
Ah, Dear One,
One of the characteristics of One Spirit, God/Goddess All That Is, is utter confidence. How could it not be? All That Is can do what It wants in Creating and Being.
Remember this when you, or one you are praying for, needs courage, for what is courage but a form of confidence? And now, especially, remember that courage is not just about taking a physical action, or demonstrating physical prowess. There is also emotional courage and spiritual courage.
To have the courage to examine and sort the emotions is a great achievement. To have the spiritual courage to grow, and to be one who speaks up about those Truths one has found, is a blessed courage. More than fortitude, more than the willingness to dash into enemy lines, these emotional and spiritual courages are needed now.
Ask for them from the Source. Ask to be infused with the very substance of courage that is a natural part of the Spirit from which you were made. It is all around the essence of You, It’s whisper is within you. It is joyously confident and It’s holy courage is yours for the asking. Use it to sort and admit what you are and are not, have the courage to be honest with yourself, and have the courage to turn to Divine Spirit.
Ah, Beloved,
You do not have to force the Will of the Divine. It already exists. It already wants to manifest as the graciousness and best of you.
Think of “manifesting” as the revealing of that which is already true. Like an art conservator who removes the grime of centuries to show the original brilliant colors and forms of a painting, let the desire to know yourself as God knows you wash off the grime of time.
Be not afraid. Do not try to force God’s Will. Just gently and calmly and trustingly set aside your own human plans, and let the quiet glory of the life God created for you be revealed.
It is there, and we are with you,
Ah, Beloved,
The constant fully-felt Embrace of Divine Love is available to you, if you but pay attention to feeling It.
If you take your focus away from the frittery and jittery evidence of earthly senses, and put your consciousness in line with the Truth that is Love, you can walk in Joy all along the way.
“God is with me, I am in God, God is all that I am.”
There is nothing else, Beloved,
Hold fast to, and be held by, the unchanging Truth,
Reread these words until you feel wrapped in Love,
In Grace,
Ah, Beloved,
Today, think of your “self”, your body and personality and human heart, as mirrors delegated to reflect the pure Light of the Source. Shine It everywhere you can, as a child would shine a new pocket toy here and there, or a newly betrothed woman would shine a diamond on her hand, just to enjoy the sparkle of its meaning and beauty.
Reflect the shine, reflect the shine, Beloved, knowing that the light that creates the sparkle comes not from you, but that Its reflection can be enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed.
As ever, enjoying you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is great freedom in surrendering to Oneness.
There is the freedom of no longer fretting about intellectually figuring everything out. There is the delicious trust of knowing that your unity with the Greater Whole will whisper to you the ideas and the actions that are the Greater Good.
There is the emancipation that comes of knowing that by releasing your small human will and human powers, you gain the power of the Oneness of Being. That joining gives you the company and the strength and the comfort and the wisdom that supply what you need in the various circumstances and scenes of life. Be not afraid to ask, and receive and act. Be not shy about having the confidence that you will find what you desire, or better, for you are desiring in partnership with the Will that Governs the Best for all.
We want to see your sweet enjoyment of the Truth,
All is Spirit, dear,
Ah, Beloveds,
We know that many of you perceive us with you most of the time now, but we wish for you to notice that when you feel a particularly high surge of the Loving Presence, pay close attention. Stop whatever else you are doing, and pay close attention for a message or idea in your heart/mind, or to those around you that might be needing assistance, or to one whom you might need to notice because he or she is important for your own good destiny.
We love you endlessly. We always endeavor to help your day go smoothly and happily and productively. Pay attention to our love, and let us help.
Ah, Beloved,
As you sit down to meditate or to pray, let your invitation be “Welcome only Holy Spirit. “ Welcome only Holy Spirit in my heart and in my thoughts,” or, “Welcome only the Highest Light now to guide me.”
Intend that your thoughts be only the same thoughts that are the Divine Thought, and allow it, with practice, to be so, Beloved. In that way, you will see your own amazing Beauty and Light, just as you will see It in all others.
Choose the Divine Perspective, and be amazed at the view,
Ah, Beloved,
That which seems unresolved and inharmonious in your experience of earth IS already Good in God’s vision.
Seek and ask again today to See with the vision of God, in order to keenly perceive the delightful and the Lovely and the progress of the process that awakens all to the Creation that is fully Spiritual, and not the decaying material illusion. You know, as We have said before, that you have achieved glimpses of this even within the loves and satisfactions of the temporal, and have had those epiphany moments of being lifted to higher Sight and Understanding by Divine Love. Remember those moments now, and vow your intent, in agreement with God, to have more of them, until you realize you are continually living in the Moment of Heaven.
You can do this now,
Ah, Beloved,
Can a beam of light have the measles?
Can a plastic flower be harmed by spider mites?
You are a beam of Light, Beloved, emanating from the Source Light Divine. You are under no jurisdiction but that, and only subject to the Focus of God.
Ponder that, and play today,
Ah, Beloved,
Very simply, today, “Good flows to me in wonderful ways.”
EXPECT Good to flow to you, but welcome It in expected AND unexpected ways.
To limit your thinking and your bounty to what you imagine and expect is to limit the very nature of the Infinite Flow that surrounds you.
Just expect Good, and let It flow as It Will.
And be glad of all Good you have and see,
Ah, Beloved,
You are cheerios floating in the Sweet Milk of The Divine.
Soak It up, and you do not need to do anything else, but float where It sends you.
Always, you are sweet to see,
Sometimes just a few minutes of praying, or meditative realization, is enough. Bless you. Remember that you dwell in Love, that the true substance of you is Harmony of Spirit. “I am the substance of the Joy of God.”
Ah, Beloved,
Thanking Divine Love for the Blessing of Its Grace works.
You know it does. When you wake up from night dreams vaguely unsettling, or outright frightening, and you want to re-center into the Calm Glow of Infinite Love, you KNOW you can do that by being glad for God’s Love. Be Divinely Glad for God’s love, that uplifts and fulfills you, that soothes and feeds and supports you.
Perhaps the first thought that comes to you when you feel distraught is to be grateful that you are in your own bed after all instead of in the nightmare, or to be happy you have a glass of water to drink right there. Perhaps you count some other “material” blessings in order to move your thoughts from uneasy to calm, before you remember to count the existence of Infinite Love and your own rightful spot dwelling within It, as your Supreme Blessing.
But do choose to do so, Beloved. Count that Supreme Blessing. You know It heals. You know It Guides and sustains. You can feel It fill you with Its Strong Serenity. If you do not choose to turn your thoughts to It, then you have only yourself to blame for feeling stuck in fear or discord. Train yourself to turn to Love foremost, and Love will do the lifting. Love will lift you Up.
“Thank-you, God, for Blessing me with your Love, and help me let that Blessing flow to all. Thank you for forever keeping me in Your Love, whole and of Your Purpose.”
We say with you, “Let it be so”.
Ah, Beloved,
Trust in the Truth. All things, all alternatives, ARE known to That Which Sees All, and if you do your moral part, to live AS a part of a Whole, where you treat all others as part of the same Oneness of which you are a part, the Loving Governance that rules all will guide you in a way that pleases you.
Be not afraid of past blunders, Beloved. They are forgiven. But in each moment, live anew, letting each day be ruled by the laws you have come to understand, of thy brother and sister as thyself, and the Oneness of Being above all.
It is the only way to easy and relaxed happiness,
Ah, Beloved,
There are so many ways to spread the Grace that pours into you and through you as you walk the earth dream. Do not forget, Beloved, that among the best of them is Pure Silence, holding in your attention, and intention, the fact that One Divine Mind is all Power and governs all.
Walking and standing in, and emanating, that Sweet Silence, you can be a testament to all of the Calm Joy that comes from aligning your heart and sight with the Divine Source.
Ah, Beloved,
The new attitudes that arise in your heart after times of deep meditation or prayer can be deeply enjoyed. Let yourself be delightfully surprised by your new appreciation of the everyday beauties and smooth workings of life.
Are you not amazed at how many people gladly cooperate to stay on their side of the road, or use public parks in a serene way? Are you not stunned into stillness by the autumn rustle of the wind in the high leaves? Are you not moved to tears by the gentle embrace of the Love that reassures you in your heart, “You will never be alone. We are all together, and always will be. All is in One Delightful and delighted One Mind.”
That One Mind uplifts you, Beloved, and It will change you in some ways that are dramatic, but also in many ways that are so subtle, or so incremental, that you will not realize them at first. Let yourself be surprised. Let yourself be amazed. Move slowly enough through your day that you can notice and appreciate how different all the world begins to seem to you, when the Divine takes the reign of your heart.
In the great joining,
Ah, Beloved,
I Am that which you have laid a costume upon with your thoughts of being just a body that is quick to live and quick to die.
But the Life that I Am streams on. Like floating leaves on a river, the costumes come and go, but still I Am. And because the very particles of what I Am are also you, like droplets of the water of the river, you also stream on.
Turn your attention to the everlasting flow of Life that you are, Beloved, and be not concerned for the tiny bits floating on the surface. When you feel the force of the river of Life flowing, you will realize that the bits on the surface will follow Its timely Flow.
Let today, and every day that you can remember to focus thus, be a day of focusing on the Life Flow. The River of Life does not stop streaming. If you forget for a moment or for a day, and begin worrying about one little bit of leaf and the pattern it is dancing on the surface, then still the great surge of Life Water flows serenely onward, and you can remember it at any time you choose.
Let your thoughts sink deep into Its refreshing Flow, and know that I Am God, and that you are as I Am, and there is nothing else.
Ah, Beloved,
Do you know how many times we try to speak to the heart-ear of someone, and they tell Us they do not have time to listen? Over and over, we offer. Over and over, God offers. It does not take much time to listen to God each day. Much more time is spent in idle worrying or gossip or physical distraction.
It is your choice of when to give some devoted time each day to Listening to, and being guided by, Love. God/Source is very patient, because there is no time in God, so there is no hurry in God. God will wait and wait and try and try, and will not stop offering until every Child-Idea of God remembers that it is at Home in God, and is always welcomed and Loved in God.
You CAN multi task. You can welcome God’s Love to Hold you, even while you brush your teeth or wash your hands, or lay back to go to sleep.
The timing is your choice, Beloved. We just hope you save yourself unneeded suffering and pain, by turning to hear your High Inner Guidance sooner rather than later.
We offer comfort and solutions and Love, always,
Ah, Beloved,
When you are living in a way that lets the Light shine forth, and have forgiven all old errors in yourself and others, and you send forth a question unto the Universal Principle of Love, of which there is Plenty, then trust that the answer is on its way.
Even when the worldly evidence cannot yet be seen, trust, in Joy, that the solutions are real and will become apparent. This is the way that the truth of Harmony works, and you know It well.
And It knows you, Beloved. You have never been out of Its Mind, and you are not out of Its Mind now, and you will never be.
O, most tenderly,
It is not faith, it is the way Truth works, pure and simple,
Ah, Beloved,
No fancy words now. No memorized instructions or phrases.
Just the clear intentions of Love, and of wanting to See and Understand your family member as God Sees him. God Sees him as all Good, constantly lit by the Light of Life, and clever and creative and strong.
So See the bright Light of him. See the intelligent strength of him. Understand him to be fully plugged in to the mighty Force of Love, and expect that Force to maintain him and sustain him in all the ways that are good.
Expect Good. Expect God. And trust in the Harmonious Love that rules all Infinite Reality. Your intentions to See It and expect It bring It into what you See.
Wordlessly pray Good Intentions and Expectations today,
And be deeply grateful,
Ah, Beloved,
Of a certainty, when the Unseen begins to have more reality for you than the sights and touches and sounds of the earth experience, you are ready for the next steps. Be very aware, though, of the fears of being Pure Spirit that hold so many enwrapped only in the dream. Do not tell those that are not ready to hear it, that they are only Spirit—for unless they see, or have experienced, the sweet touches of the Calm Within, they will be too frightened to experience the Truths of the Unseen Source and Reality.
There, too, as in everything, you must turn to your trust in the Prime Consciousness and Its guidance and wisdom. It knows just how much each individualization of Soul, each person, is ready to know or hear or experience. Listen, trust, and obey, as always, what to do or say to those around you, that they may have the most gentle pathways to their full and wonderful awakenings.
Presume upon Us! We will help,
Ah, Beloved,
If you are faithfully praying “I will to Will Thy Will for my happiness and purpose”, you can trust that God has on its way to you all that you need for that.
Trust in Divine desire for your Good, for in you is God well Pleased.
Ah, Beloved,
We have told you again and again that if you give God/Goddess/The One Force Source the pleasure of listening to It for a day, It will give you ideas that will bring you Joy and Satisfaction. Can you say it does not work without giving it a try?
Give the Loving Source a chance, Beloved. It would Love to help your human experience. Give It today. Be calm, and still and quiet, and Listen.
Ah, Beloved,
Consider re-phrasing the way you pray, so that you can open your spiritual ear to the ideas that come forth from All-Governing and All-Loving Mind, God.
Knowing and trusting that God does truly Love you, and wants you to happily fulfill the mandate to expand Love and Good, get quiet and think of what you are really asking for. Then, phrase your request-thoughts of prayer in such a way that you yourself are clear. Ask, for instance, “Dear God, how can I feel more loyalty?” “Dear God, how can I create greater income or supply for my needs?” “Dear God, how can I find more time for harmonious and relaxed interactions with others?”
Form your prayer-questions, ask them in humble trust, and listen, listen, listen with open heart for ideas to come to you, and for inner urges to go to a certain place or call a certain person, or investigate appropriate information. The ways in which God answers prayer and seeming need are many, but if you are clear in your own mind and heart about what you are really asking for, your spiritual senses will hear the answers, feel the right impulses, and deepen your connection with the Loving Oneness of God.
“How can I hear your ideas more clearly, dear God?” That is a wonderful prayer question to start with.
And the still, small Voice, and scriptures, are full of answers, and clues for how to begin.
Ah, Beloveds,
Believe Me. I am your Source, Good and True. Let all your thoughts today be the thoughts I think of you—that you are also Good and True.
Quietly, quietly, self-lovingly, and loving of others, Good and True. Think these thoughts today and always, for they are the ones I think of you.
Ah, Beloved,
You can spend five minutes arguing with someone, or you can spend those minutes being glad for the day. Which one do you want?
You can spend a minute feeling angry about something, or you can spend that minute with the deep Peace of God in your heart. Which one do you want?
If your earthly presence ended tonight, which one would you be happy to have chosen?
It is always the same choice—earthly focus or Infinite Peace while in the world.
Ah, Beloved,
Turn to God in joy and in sorrow. Leave to It, leave to the Law of Harmony, today and tomorrow.
When a thing you have just said or done makes you cringe, or an old thing from the past makes you shudder to even think about, when you are embarrassed to face another person, or too angry to even try to think about him or her, you MUST pray. You must pray for Blessings for you both. It is the only way to “escape” from cringing, Beloved. Avoiding thinking about it will only allow any error or resentment to build and cause more problems. Silently ask for Blessings for anyone you have wronged or who has wronged you, Child, and ask God for the Serenity of Love.
IF you are led to actually say or do something, then do so carefully and lovingly, whether it is to speak or ask forgiveness, or to make amends in some way. Otherwise, ask silently of God for Blessings for all, and leave the redistribution of Harmony to God.
God will always guide you, when you are asking for Blessings for all.
As we freely give you our certainty of Blessings always,
Ah, Beloved,
That which is deepest in your Heart is that which the Divine Healer/Comforter will listen to, and address. Wordless prayer reaches the Great Heart in which you dwell, and It delights in reaching out to touch your dream, and heal, and heal, and heal, until you awaken.
Let not there be any fear, now. Trust in the Divine Goodness that reigns above all things, and that re-equalizes all things and thoughts unto Itself. Love, do good, and let justice remain in the Hands of That Which Knows How to Heal With Love. Remember, Child, what you judge or accuse any other of, you see also as a weakness in your dream self. Let the Great One, who Holds you all, Heal you all together, and let you be glad of every effort that is made by your own heart to let that Heart come through.
Love, cherish, and obey the Divine merging of the Spirit that holds your spirit, and let It hold Right Sway over all Its children. That is not your job. Your job is to adore the Emanator of all, and to respect the all the True ideas (people!) It has Thought of. It is not bodies you are respecting, or even noticing, it is the Fire of Life, broken into billions of facets, and reflecting the Glory of the Light. See THEM all around you.
The color of you, and each one, is brilliant,
Ah, Beloved, Beloved,
Even the closest personal human relationships are secondary to the primary Truth that each and every individual is a Child of God, created as an expression of Loving Spirit.
Not all realize that yet, but if you do, then you must keep it in the forefront of your Consciousness, when it comes to nurturing your own growth as God’s Child, and allowing God to Govern the growth of each and every one of Divine Life’s children.
Trust in that, Beloved. Trust in the Guiding Will of the Good God, and not the surface human definitions and emotions.
WE give you strength and compassion as needed,
Ah, Beloved,
View your job today as remaining in Joy.
There IS an ever-present undercurrent of Infinite Joy that flows, underneath and around and within, all that you think of as your world. Tune into that today. Be still enough and quiet enough to tune into It all day long. If It impels you to speak or act, do so, but keep regarding your job for today as staying in constant contact, as though you had been asked to hold onto an anchor rope so that a ship would not drift out to sea.
The ship you are preventing from drifting is your very life, and the Infinite Joy that you hold onto is the only true anchor there is.
We hold the rope with you,
Ah, Beloved,
When the epiphany moments come, or accrue into being the fullness of knowing, and the deep understanding is felt that only Love is real, then the criticisms and judgements of the dream are easily set aside. Then, you can look past those errors without reacting, and from a centered place of calm Joy, look for and See the Love, Love, Love that is the purpose and glue of all things.
If you are not there yet, it is fine. If you enjoy the beauties and pleasures of the surface, and the temporal, let them have their time. But know, Beloved, that Love suffuses you, and you will continue to hear from God, “You are Lovable, and you are Loving, and you are Mine.”
Remember this, when you are tempted to spend time reacting instead of Loving and creating Love. It will become clear to you that active and passive Loving, Divine Loving, are the solution for seeing the unlovely disappear.
Dwell in the Divine, right there. We are with you,
Ah, Dear Ones,
Because The Source is fueled by Love and Joy, that IS available to you always. The Creative Joy of the Source is quiet and deep and steady, and you can draw upon that anytime you want, if you just learn to be conscious of It, to be still and allow It to sustain you.
That Joy can become exuberant at time as you explore your Soul gifts, or seem quiescent for a time as you go through new phases, but It can be felt as a steady Flow within you and to you, if you simply practice being aware of It.
All Spiritual systems emphasize this in some form. Do you think those many centuries of experience are incorrect? Set aside your brief fixes and ephemeral solutions, and turn to the Understanding of Joyous Love that will carry you now, and always, in Life.
Ah, Beloved,
The fearful human ego, that so dearly wants to believe that it and its “movie” of fleshly existence are the only life itself, exhibits impatience when the Voice of Divine Love bids it set aside the human agenda. The human ego wants to assert that fixing breakfast at a certain moment, or cutting the nose hairs, or trimming the dead leaves of the houseplant are more important than setting aside all concerns of the world, and LISTENING to God, when God whispers Love within.
Should Moses have waved a hand at the burning bush and said, “Not right now, God, I need to adjust my sandals and eat my sandwich, and answer my emails”?
If you truly want to feel and hear and obey and know God NOW, then you must give God’s Love and Voice priority access always. Be willing to put down your lunch, delay your human meeting, turn off your devices, and simply let yourself be Loved and Guided and Taught, when you feel the burning Light of Divine Love rising within you.
God, being timeless, will wait for you to turn wholeheartedly to the Truth of Soul. But do you really want to wait to experience more of the sublime readiness of Spirit? God is ready and available and eager for you NOW.
Ah, Beloveds,
To understand the depth of God’s Love for you, you must think beyond the limits of time.
The body you temporarily use goes through ups and downs of feeling loved, but the Spiritual Self that you truly are is already completely created by Love Itself and made out of Love Itself. Feel the depth of that. Feel the Truth of that.
One commandment of the awakened Mind says “Love your neighbor as you Love yourself.” Do you not realize that such a directive is coming from the very Essence of God, Who “Loves you as It Loves Its Sacred Self”?
You are so very, very Beloved, and made of Pure Love. Holding that thought even just now and then firmly in mind during your days will completely change the life you choose to experience.
It takes very little time to choose aright each day.
Ah, Beloved,
Wanting to give up earthly pains, or have them healed, is easy. Being willing to give up what seem like earthly pleasures, if God asks it, is harder.
Trusting God utterly for your well being also means trusting that only the One Divine Mind truly knows what is the highest and best Good for all. God wants you happy, to talk to Him/Her and to appreciate Him/Her. God wants to appreciate and talk to you, as a part of the Joyously Complete Whole. Learn to trust that the Divine Parent knows what is Good for you better than your own limited mortal sight can see.
Be willing to be honest with yourself. If God suggests that you examine whether a thing that you think that you want, to have, or be, or do, is REALLY good for you, be willing to face it truly, and contemplate the truth of it.
As ever, Loving you utterly,
Ah, Beloved,
The incredible completeness of the One Mind is a thing to truly delight in pondering. Completeness. If It is complete, so are you , as a timeless idea within that Mind. You do not have to wait to Love It and be Loved by It. You do not have to savor some small error in your thinking as being a thing apart—all the ideas are true, all the errors are corrected already, within the completeness of the Loving Mind.
Imagine this—that something you treasure seemed to have separated into pieces—a favorite necklace of gems, or an intricate tool, or a carved puzzle—but the coming apart happened all within a sturdy box. You would not worry that a piece or a gem were lost. You would feel certain that every part was safely within that box, only waiting to be linked back together.
So it is with every idea of the perfect and good you, and your perfect and lovely Life. All the parts of it, all the ideas of it, are already all there in the Mind of God. Timelessly, they can be pulled into association in perfect arrangement, by just knowing the truth that they are all right there, always. Imagine them all popping right into place in your perception, like little magnets that form a shape as soon as they get near one another.
And it is a good shape and image. It is very good. For God already saw it so. It is ALREADY together and complete in God’s Mind.
You were made in Generosity, and are part of It,
Ah, Beloved,
Close your bodily eyes and consider your Infinite Source.
It is All. It is everywhere and everything, and all belongs to It. Truly FEEL this and KNOW this, Beloved. Then, when a spring in front of you seems to be dry or barren, you just need to consider your Infinite Source and look a little to the right or the left for a new spring, or look a little differently to see that what seemed to be barren is now new and fresh.
But keep your thoughts on the Infinite, not on what the eyes seem to see at any one moment. The Infinite is always flowing, always flowing. It is unlimited. You who have been taught to believe in limits, remember to believe in unlimitedness. Just let it guide you to where It is flowing for You.
We will help. Take our touch,
Ah, Beloved,
As before, we remind you of something. Soften your heart by remembering, and being grateful for, all the times you have been forgiven, and taught, and grown in honor and goodness. How many times would you have ended up with someone angry at you, or been fined or jailed, or ostracized, if other people had seen what you did, or errors you made? It is summed up in the old saying, “There but for the Grace of God go I.”
You need to remember this, not to shame yourself, but to be grateful, and gentle, and willing to forgive others their moments of weakness or transgression. You need to remember this so that you can sincerely say in your heart and mind “Do I want to see this person punished, or sad, or do I want to see that person healed and enlightened?”
This is especially important with people who are close to you, whether at work or play or family, because if they are healed of the false ways of thinking and dis-ease that have landed on their Pure Souls, then they become better companions, spouses, and friends to you. Just think what a glorious earth experience it would be if all could display just their normal God-given honor and goodness and honesty, instead of fearful and alone behaviors!
Think about this, and choose how to feel. Vengeful, or forgiving?
Ah, Beloved,
Today, do please focus on the Good, the Beautiful and the True.
All of these are equivalent to Love, and to the Divine.
It is the Divine that heals the Divine in yourself and in others. Let it Flow through you and be relieved. Be comforted. Feel satisfied and Loved.
Be privileged to see others feel Loved.
Ah, Beloved,
Gently, gently, now, be still again today, and seek to allow the heart to feel the sweet Love of God/All That Is.
Daily, do this, Beloved, and let there be the constant comparison of the state of Graceful Peace that is thus obtained with all the best the “world” has to offer. Thus, you will convince yourself that turning to world panaceas are unable compare to the vision/ wholeness, and realization of Self that turning to Inner Alignment provides.
Prove it to yourself, Beloved. God-Awareness does not force, It only offers and welcomes, endlessly, until every soul awakens.
Ah, Beloved,
Humility. Selflessness.
These are not just words. They are tools for letting go of the material claims of power that the body tries to make on you. Use them to remember that your Heart and the divine Voice that guides it and helps it think rightly ARE the only Power.
Take dominion over your heart and mind. Evict all thoughts that are not harmonious, and help move the Good ones in.
Charge them no rent. Welcome them and love them, and allow them to be your friends.
Ah, Beloved,
A garden hose with sand on it can still be used to give fresh clean water to the flock in the fold, or the vegetables that grow.
Be not afraid, Beloved, of not being worthy enough. Even on the days when you feel less than holy, or you are sad over some failing to see the Best in someone, or in yourself, the Source of the Fresh water of Cleansing Spirit can still use you.
It WILL still use you, for once you have given It permission to do so, that permission cannot be taken back.
Trust that all cleansing comes to you, too. Just be willing to accept It.
You have no idea how much We Love you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is another way to think about the statement that “God is Love”.
Think about this interpretation that re-words it to say “Goodness is the love of Love.” For the truth that each human must seek is not human truth, but Spiritual Truth, and to re-translate that back into human terms, it means that to create a sense of goodness and well-being in your life, you must be more in love with the feeling of Love, unconditional, agape Love, than with the feelings of envy, or hatred, or jealousy, or fear, or anger, or sorrow of any kind.
To be so in love with the enveloping presence of the feeling of Love that any time any other feeling tries to take even a moment of your thought or consciousness, you immediately drop back into re-centering yourself in Love. You immediately acknowledge and choose to feel Unconditional Love, and let It radiate from you and through you, and around you, where truly It already exists.
No more hiding behind the mists of sorrow or error,
Welcome the well-being of Love,
Welcome the awareness of the ever-presence of Love,
Ah, Beloved,
Mother/Father God knows your worthiness and innocence, as it shines forth from Divine Love. Know yourself truly worthy of God’s confidence in you, and claim your wholeness of Spirit.
Human memories will try to convince you of sins and errors and faults, and the sorrow and guilt f them. Know that those are not part of God’s current Loving Sight of you, and claim your Purity and God’s Perfect Support.
Ah, Beloved,
When your day seems filled with duties that are daunting, and you let your mind start thinking that if only you had another hour of sleep, or a certain food or beverage, or a chance to look up some information, then you would be full of energy and inspiration, pause those thoughts.
Pause, and take time to remember that God is your Life, God is your Source of strength and wisdom and delight. Take some minutes to recognize, or re-recognize this Truth, and to welcome the freely offered Divine Assistance for all that you need, to face and live your day, with Harmony and Grace.
It is always on offer. Always Flowing. Accept It.
Ah, Beloved,
Take a day to do everything that you must do, or want to do, or are led to do, very slowly. In the slowness, the mind and heart can take time to listen. In the slowness, you can check your own motives, and discern what you are doing by habit, and what is in answer to the Divine Inner Voice. Stay in the attitude of holiness today, and be careful to let each slow step be to Its rhythm.
As ever, Love,
Sometimes just a few minutes of praying, or meditative realization, is enough. Bless you. Remember that you dwell in Love, that the true substance of you is Harmony of Spirit. “I am the substance of the Joy of God.”
Ah, Beloved,
All things truly True are known to the One Mind that holds them. When you are weary of seeing or wondering about human truths, or listening to what you know are lies or exaggerations or misinformation or error, turn to the Truth that corrects all things, and declare and claim, “One Mind Governs all, and One Mind wants our happiness to be revealed.
Simply do it, Love. Simply do it.
Ah, Beloved,
You are absolutely never alone. You exist within the Mind of God, serene and perfect as an idea of Omniscient Spirit.
Just as a quantum particle is shining in the same way that its entangled partner is shining, always and forever, you are shining as the idea that is the embedded idea of you that God thought up, and declared very Good.
Do let yourself shine today, Beloved. And We know for a fact that you will inspire others to shine around you, bringing such Light forth that the shadows are as nothing. Today you will meet kindred spirits. Look for them, and smile together, in joyous agreement at what you have found yourselves ready to See and understand.
To Understand the Omnipotent Infinitude of All is to know you were never alone. That was only a shadow of a dream.
Grateful for each awakening heart,
“I Am Loved”
“In every day, in every Way, Love Itself is Loving Me”
That is the simple treasure that you must turn to as your true treasure, and let the rest follow from there. Look to the Cause, Beloved, rather than tracking the effects constantly. The Cause of all is Goodness, and it creates Goodness and Love to reflect Itself and enjoy.
Won”t you let It enjoy you by looking at It and enjoying Its Goodness and Love?
Ah, Beloved,
The emerging Truth that shines away the errors of your costume, or melts away the habits that do not help you be happy and strong, can sometimes feel like distress. It does not need to. ASK the Divine for help in focusing on the Good that is emerging and on taking away any symptoms of distress.
LET Joy replace sorrow.
LET plenty uplift you from thoughts of lack.
LET the walking forth feel exhilarating, and shake you from all standstills.
There are so many Unseen Loving Helpers, they cannot be counted,
ASK for Help,
Ah, Beloved,
Consider carefully the concept of perfection.
If your wise Soul-self is a delightful reflection, a perfect image, of the Divine Great Soul, what does that mean, exactly? So many times, when an experience or event or thing seems “perfect”, it is hard to describe the qualities that go into making it perfect. It is just the overall presence and effect of the offering, and its reception, that make the perfection seem real and are so enjoyed.
When you need to remember that a certain Quality that is part of perfection is available to you, because it is a part of what you are made of, such as completeness, or joyous strength, then call for that Quality to come forth in your thoughts and life on earth. But when you are not even sure what you need, or what the situation needs, to smoothly move forward in Harmony, then hold in your thoughts the summation Truth, “Perfect Divine, perfect idea”.
You and your existence, spirit within Spirit, are perfect in ways that cannot be broken down into tiny fractions. You just are. The Good truth of you is that perfect idea. Trust the greater Perfection, the Greater Oversight, and give, give, give homage, and receive, receive, receive.
There is the Grace of God—to give you what you do not even realize you need, and it is Perfect.
Perfectly and always with you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is a moment that comes in every human existence when you will truly understand that Love Itself Loves you. And as the Joy of that fills your heart, that Joy is the fuel for believing in the possibility of actually believing in the utter rightfulness of your own sense of Peace and security and fulfillment in every area of your soul.
Your soul is part of the very Soul of all, and if any impression you have of what you are is not a part of the All-Good Soul, then it is not really a part of you. You can be, and act, all Good, for you are made of Goodness Itself, as the Spiritual Being you are.
You have the fuel of Joy to do this, because Love Itself Loves you, and nothing can stop that Omnipotent Love.
Realize this, and be free to achieve Good Will,
Ah, Child,
You can play with finding different paradigms through which to understand Spirit, but if you study one of them long enough, or all of them enough, you will find the same Truth at the core of them all. The true choice that needs to be made in the heart of your awareness is not about which method of enlightenment or which religion to use, but to choose Spiritual Understanding or material and intellectual understanding. They do not mix.
They do not mix, and so long as you cling to one, you cannot totally realize the other, any more than oil can know water.
The Water of Spirit is right beside you. Take the plunge.
Ah, Beloved,
Be pleased when you remember that counting your Blessings is a surefire way to help you escape from the trap of mortal self-pity.
Count your blessings. Send blessing thoughts to others. Two old tricks. But tried and true.
When you know that you are Blessed, then you can truly be a Blessing to others, rather than just making gestures that your heart does not feel. Glad giving, to yourself or others, is true giving, and comes back to you as more Gladness, and Wellness, and Life.
In great Love and appreciation of you and for you,
Ah, Beloved,
There is great Joy in realizing how completely your thoughts create your reality, Child. And when you allow the great Overseer and Comforter to guide you with Its Omniscient Thoughts, then the reality you create, even within the earth dream, can be very lovely indeed. The Truth of God is always present, dear Love. All you have to do is take off the dusty or gloomy or fearful “glasses” of the body perceptions, and be willing to see playfully, and experiment playfully, with letting your joyous thoughts come true.
A pure thing always stands pure, though you may distort your vision of it by donning dark glasses or looking at it upside down or smearing mud on it or trying to discern its shape after a dust storm or a blizzard.
Ask continually to see the beautiful Truth, and playfully try to enact that every day.
We always See the real you, even when you are having a tantrum,
Ah, Beloved,
Much of what we put into these words is expressed in spiritual or self-development terms, but of course the same truths are to be found in the everyday languages of the worldly disciplines. Today, there is a heart that needs to hear what every good political diplomat knows: Today’s enemy may be tomorrow’s ally or friend, so take care to remember that in all your dealings.
It is easy to imagine that an old friend who betrayed you, or an old neighbor that would not compromise, or a customer who never paid, could not be part of your God-sent solution now. Stand back, and let go of old assumptions, for, Beloved, that is often exactly how God works, in order to make you realize that you are all, indeed, in this together.
You are indeed all alive in One Source, filled with and surrounded by One Source, and fed your continued Spiritual existence by One Source.
Ignore old grudges and assumptions, Beloved, and let every day be a new day. Yesterday’s fool may be tomorrow’s king, in the world, or in your life. Forgive, suffer all fools gladly, and celebrate when you are allowed to see the golden hearts of their Spirits.
Ah, Beloved,
To glow with the Joy of understanding you are Loved, is ministry enough for many. Let that happen.
There will be those who want words, or proofs performed, but the exuberant, glad calmness and sureness you shine forth, is enough for the ready ones. To be a silent vehicle, through which Love can offer Its warmth, is enough purpose for any, and every, part of Soul.
Ah, Beloved,
Forgiveness from the individual heart is easier if you count all the reasons to be grateful to the person, for the good they have done at other times for you or for others. Think about it.
And remember, Beloved, that you can always ask Divine Spirit to give you the insight and the courage and the strength and the will to forgive another, and yourself, so that you can let go and move on. Move on to Love.
For all to Love is what Love wants,
Ah, Beloved,
Infinite Grace is given freely. Infinite Grace is like the soothing rain or the warming sun, falling on the just and the unjust alike, without being requested.
Study the lives of those who mastered the art of accurately reflecting Grace, and mastered the other attributes of the Infinite Oneness, and you will see that they gave Grace to all about them. To give Grace means to forgive without being asked to forgive, to bless without being made to bless.
If you only forgive others if, and after, you have made them beg and beg for forgiveness, you are not dispensing Grace. To hold onto your hurt and pain and grievances until you have a chance to confront and accuse those whom you think have hurt you is to wrap yourself in pain. To wait and wait for your chance to have ones from decades ago, or ones that are dead, or ones that offended you yesterday, stand before you so that you can force them to ask forgiveness, is to jail yourself in pain until your “chance” comes to forgive. Why jail yourself? Why not forgive before you are asked to forgive? Why not let go of that pain NOW?
Many times, Beloved, the others that hurt you did not even know they were hurting you. Many times, they were, or are, so focused on their own pain that they have forgotten that they also hurt you. Let it go, Beloved. Give Grace freely. To wait, and only dispense forgiveness after you have seen someone confess and grovel, is to secretly be indulging in attack and revenge. That is the old way, Beloved, and it never brought the world any salvation.
Forgive without being asked. Give Grace without expecting return, or examining to see if the other is “worthy” of Grace. Accurately reflect the perfect Grace of the Divine by shining it sweetly to all, knowing that those who need cleansing will find their way to it when they tire of their own flung dust blowing back in their face. Give Grace. Give forgiveness unasked, and save your own face from the sting of sharp dust. Let go of the hurts you nurse and the grudges you hold, and hold your face and whole self up to the freely given sun, just enjoying the warmth.
Hold yourself up to the freely given Divine Love, and let yourself know yourself as accurate reflection. You will know that you are accurately reflecting the Divine when you feel Peace, and Joy, welling up within your consciousness.
If all that you feel is the satisfaction of “seeing justice done”, then you are feeling the satisfaction of the judge and executioner, and the pain of the avenger who hurts himself as he takes vengeance. Then you are not truly reflecting Infinite Love. Then you are not freeing yourself from pain, but clinging to it.
Give Grace freely, Beloved. Give forgiveness without being asked, and without mentioning your own hurt and holding it forth for proof and for examination. Forgive them before they even realize what they have done, and be as the Infinite, free to be Loving in every moment. As We Love you…ANGELS